url = https://git.postgresql.org/git/fosdem2021-static.git
[submodule "content/stands/postgresql"]
- path = content/stands/postgresql
- url = https://git.postgresql.org/git/fosdem2021-content.git
+path = content/stands/postgresql
+url = https://git.postgresql.org/git/fosdem2021-content.git
[submodule "static/stands/box86"]
path = static/stands/box86
url = https://github.com/rajdakin/box86-fosdem2021-static.git
[submodule "static/stands/ntop"]
path = static/stands/ntop
url = https://github.com/ntop/fosdem21-static.git
+[submodule "content/stands/sesame_discovery"]
+ path = content/stands/sesame_discovery
+ url = https://github.com/SesameEngineering/fosdem21-content.git
+[submodule "static/stands/sesame_discovery"]
+ path = static/stands/sesame_discovery
+ url = https://github.com/SesameEngineering/fosdem21-static.git
+[submodule "content/stands/mit_app_inventor"]
+ path = content/stands/mit_app_inventor
+ url = https://github.com/mit-cml/fosdem-stand.git
+[submodule "static/stands/mit_app_inventor"]
+ path = static/stands/mit_app_inventor
+ url = https://github.com/mit-cml/fosdem-static.git
+[submodule "content/stands/the_gnome_foundation"]
+ path = content/stands/the_gnome_foundation
+ url = https://github.com/gnome/stands-website.git
+[submodule "static/stands/the_gnome_foundation"]
+ path = static/stands/the_gnome_foundation
+ url = https://github.com/gnome/stands-website.git
+[submodule "content/stands/xwiki___cryptpad"]
+ path = content/stands/xwiki___cryptpad
+ url = https://github.com/xwikisas/fosdem-stand-content.git
+[submodule "static/stands/xwiki___cryptpad"]
+ path = static/stands/xwiki___cryptpad
+ url = https://github.com/xwikisas/fosdem-stand-static.git
+[submodule "content/stands/openwifi"]
+ path = content/stands/openwifi
+ url = https://github.com/JiaoXianjun/openwifi-fosdem21-content.git
+[submodule "static/stands/openwifi"]
+ path = static/stands/openwifi
+ url = https://github.com/JiaoXianjun/openwifi-fosdem21-static.git
+[submodule "content/stands/ow2_open_source_community"]
+ path = content/stands/ow2_open_source_community
+ url = https://gitlab.ow2.org/ow2/fosdem/ow2-fosdem-stand-content.git
+[submodule "static/stands/ow2_open_source_community"]
+ path = static/stands/ow2_open_source_community
+ url = https://gitlab.ow2.org/ow2/fosdem/ow2-fosdem-stand-static.git
+[submodule "content/stands/openembedded"]
+ path = content/stands/openembedded
+ url = https://gitlab.com/openembedded/community/fosdem-stand-content.git
+[submodule "static/stands/openembedded"]
+ path = static/stands/openembedded
+ url = https://gitlab.com/openembedded/community/fosdem-stand-static.git
+[submodule "content/stands/mautic"]
+ path = content/stands/mautic
+ url = https://github.com/mautic/fosdem-2021-stand-content.git
+[submodule "static/stands/mautic"]
+ path = static/stands/mautic
+ url = https://github.com/mautic/fosdem-2021-stand-static.git
--- /dev/null
+Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License
+By exercising the Licensed Rights (defined below), You accept and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License ("Public License"). To the extent this Public License may be interpreted as a contract, You are granted the Licensed Rights in consideration of Your acceptance of these terms and conditions, and the Licensor grants You such rights in consideration of benefits the Licensor receives from making the Licensed Material available under these terms and conditions.
+Section 1 – Definitions.
+ Adapted Material means material subject to Copyright and Similar Rights that is derived from or based upon the Licensed Material and in which the Licensed Material is translated, altered, arranged, transformed, or otherwise modified in a manner requiring permission under the Copyright and Similar Rights held by the Licensor. For purposes of this Public License, where the Licensed Material is a musical work, performance, or sound recording, Adapted Material is always produced where the Licensed Material is synched in timed relation with a moving image.
+ Adapter's License means the license You apply to Your Copyright and Similar Rights in Your contributions to Adapted Material in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Public License.
+ Copyright and Similar Rights means copyright and/or similar rights closely related to copyright including, without limitation, performance, broadcast, sound recording, and Sui Generis Database Rights, without regard to how the rights are labeled or categorized. For purposes of this Public License, the rights specified in Section 2(b)(1)-(2) are not Copyright and Similar Rights.
+ Effective Technological Measures means those measures that, in the absence of proper authority, may not be circumvented under laws fulfilling obligations under Article 11 of the WIPO Copyright Treaty adopted on December 20, 1996, and/or similar international agreements.
+ Exceptions and Limitations means fair use, fair dealing, and/or any other exception or limitation to Copyright and Similar Rights that applies to Your use of the Licensed Material.
+ Licensed Material means the artistic or literary work, database, or other material to which the Licensor applied this Public License.
+ Licensed Rights means the rights granted to You subject to the terms and conditions of this Public License, which are limited to all Copyright and Similar Rights that apply to Your use of the Licensed Material and that the Licensor has authority to license.
+ Licensor means the individual(s) or entity(ies) granting rights under this Public License.
+ Share means to provide material to the public by any means or process that requires permission under the Licensed Rights, such as reproduction, public display, public performance, distribution, dissemination, communication, or importation, and to make material available to the public including in ways that members of the public may access the material from a place and at a time individually chosen by them.
+ Sui Generis Database Rights means rights other than copyright resulting from Directive 96/9/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 1996 on the legal protection of databases, as amended and/or succeeded, as well as other essentially equivalent rights anywhere in the world.
+ You means the individual or entity exercising the Licensed Rights under this Public License. Your has a corresponding meaning.
+Section 2 – Scope.
+ License grant.
+ Subject to the terms and conditions of this Public License, the Licensor hereby grants You a worldwide, royalty-free, non-sublicensable, non-exclusive, irrevocable license to exercise the Licensed Rights in the Licensed Material to:
+ reproduce and Share the Licensed Material, in whole or in part; and
+ produce, reproduce, and Share Adapted Material.
+ Exceptions and Limitations. For the avoidance of doubt, where Exceptions and Limitations apply to Your use, this Public License does not apply, and You do not need to comply with its terms and conditions.
+ Term. The term of this Public License is specified in Section 6(a).
+ Media and formats; technical modifications allowed. The Licensor authorizes You to exercise the Licensed Rights in all media and formats whether now known or hereafter created, and to make technical modifications necessary to do so. The Licensor waives and/or agrees not to assert any right or authority to forbid You from making technical modifications necessary to exercise the Licensed Rights, including technical modifications necessary to circumvent Effective Technological Measures. For purposes of this Public License, simply making modifications authorized by this Section 2(a)(4) never produces Adapted Material.
+ Downstream recipients.
+ Offer from the Licensor – Licensed Material. Every recipient of the Licensed Material automatically receives an offer from the Licensor to exercise the Licensed Rights under the terms and conditions of this Public License.
+ No downstream restrictions. You may not offer or impose any additional or different terms or conditions on, or apply any Effective Technological Measures to, the Licensed Material if doing so restricts exercise of the Licensed Rights by any recipient of the Licensed Material.
+ No endorsement. Nothing in this Public License constitutes or may be construed as permission to assert or imply that You are, or that Your use of the Licensed Material is, connected with, or sponsored, endorsed, or granted official status by, the Licensor or others designated to receive attribution as provided in Section 3(a)(1)(A)(i).
+ Other rights.
+ Moral rights, such as the right of integrity, are not licensed under this Public License, nor are publicity, privacy, and/or other similar personality rights; however, to the extent possible, the Licensor waives and/or agrees not to assert any such rights held by the Licensor to the limited extent necessary to allow You to exercise the Licensed Rights, but not otherwise.
+ Patent and trademark rights are not licensed under this Public License.
+ To the extent possible, the Licensor waives any right to collect royalties from You for the exercise of the Licensed Rights, whether directly or through a collecting society under any voluntary or waivable statutory or compulsory licensing scheme. In all other cases the Licensor expressly reserves any right to collect such royalties.
+Section 3 – License Conditions.
+Your exercise of the Licensed Rights is expressly made subject to the following conditions.
+ Attribution.
+ If You Share the Licensed Material (including in modified form), You must:
+ retain the following if it is supplied by the Licensor with the Licensed Material:
+ identification of the creator(s) of the Licensed Material and any others designated to receive attribution, in any reasonable manner requested by the Licensor (including by pseudonym if designated);
+ a copyright notice;
+ a notice that refers to this Public License;
+ a notice that refers to the disclaimer of warranties;
+ a URI or hyperlink to the Licensed Material to the extent reasonably practicable;
+ indicate if You modified the Licensed Material and retain an indication of any previous modifications; and
+ indicate the Licensed Material is licensed under this Public License, and include the text of, or the URI or hyperlink to, this Public License.
+ You may satisfy the conditions in Section 3(a)(1) in any reasonable manner based on the medium, means, and context in which You Share the Licensed Material. For example, it may be reasonable to satisfy the conditions by providing a URI or hyperlink to a resource that includes the required information.
+ If requested by the Licensor, You must remove any of the information required by Section 3(a)(1)(A) to the extent reasonably practicable.
+ If You Share Adapted Material You produce, the Adapter's License You apply must not prevent recipients of the Adapted Material from complying with this Public License.
+Section 4 – Sui Generis Database Rights.
+Where the Licensed Rights include Sui Generis Database Rights that apply to Your use of the Licensed Material:
+ for the avoidance of doubt, Section 2(a)(1) grants You the right to extract, reuse, reproduce, and Share all or a substantial portion of the contents of the database;
+ if You include all or a substantial portion of the database contents in a database in which You have Sui Generis Database Rights, then the database in which You have Sui Generis Database Rights (but not its individual contents) is Adapted Material; and
+ You must comply with the conditions in Section 3(a) if You Share all or a substantial portion of the contents of the database.
+For the avoidance of doubt, this Section 4 supplements and does not replace Your obligations under this Public License where the Licensed Rights include other Copyright and Similar Rights.
+Section 5 – Disclaimer of Warranties and Limitation of Liability.
+ Unless otherwise separately undertaken by the Licensor, to the extent possible, the Licensor offers the Licensed Material as-is and as-available, and makes no representations or warranties of any kind concerning the Licensed Material, whether express, implied, statutory, or other. This includes, without limitation, warranties of title, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, absence of latent or other defects, accuracy, or the presence or absence of errors, whether or not known or discoverable. Where disclaimers of warranties are not allowed in full or in part, this disclaimer may not apply to You.
+ To the extent possible, in no event will the Licensor be liable to You on any legal theory (including, without limitation, negligence) or otherwise for any direct, special, indirect, incidental, consequential, punitive, exemplary, or other losses, costs, expenses, or damages arising out of this Public License or use of the Licensed Material, even if the Licensor has been advised of the possibility of such losses, costs, expenses, or damages. Where a limitation of liability is not allowed in full or in part, this limitation may not apply to You.
+ The disclaimer of warranties and limitation of liability provided above shall be interpreted in a manner that, to the extent possible, most closely approximates an absolute disclaimer and waiver of all liability.
+Section 6 – Term and Termination.
+ This Public License applies for the term of the Copyright and Similar Rights licensed here. However, if You fail to comply with this Public License, then Your rights under this Public License terminate automatically.
+ Where Your right to use the Licensed Material has terminated under Section 6(a), it reinstates:
+ automatically as of the date the violation is cured, provided it is cured within 30 days of Your discovery of the violation; or
+ upon express reinstatement by the Licensor.
+ For the avoidance of doubt, this Section 6(b) does not affect any right the Licensor may have to seek remedies for Your violations of this Public License.
+ For the avoidance of doubt, the Licensor may also offer the Licensed Material under separate terms or conditions or stop distributing the Licensed Material at any time; however, doing so will not terminate this Public License.
+ Sections 1, 5, 6, 7, and 8 survive termination of this Public License.
+Section 7 – Other Terms and Conditions.
+ The Licensor shall not be bound by any additional or different terms or conditions communicated by You unless expressly agreed.
+ Any arrangements, understandings, or agreements regarding the Licensed Material not stated herein are separate from and independent of the terms and conditions of this Public License.
+Section 8 – Interpretation.
+ For the avoidance of doubt, this Public License does not, and shall not be interpreted to, reduce, limit, restrict, or impose conditions on any use of the Licensed Material that could lawfully be made without permission under this Public License.
+ To the extent possible, if any provision of this Public License is deemed unenforceable, it shall be automatically reformed to the minimum extent necessary to make it enforceable. If the provision cannot be reformed, it shall be severed from this Public License without affecting the enforceability of the remaining terms and conditions.
+ No term or condition of this Public License will be waived and no failure to comply consented to unless expressly agreed to by the Licensor.
+ Nothing in this Public License constitutes or may be interpreted as a limitation upon, or waiver of, any privileges and immunities that apply to the Licensor or You, including from the legal processes of any jurisdiction or authority.
We automatically generate a link to your video repository and the chatroom.
Your stand will live under _stands.fosdem.org/stands/<your project>_.
+## Workflow
+We need two repositories from you, one containing your content (pages) and one containing your static files. All files should go directly in the root of that repository (you should not create a hugo site, it is not necessary).
+To add your content to the [main website](https://stands.fosdem.org), two options are possible:
+ * Send us an e-mail with both repositories. We will add them as git submodules; content under _content/stands/your\_stand\_name_ (the name of your stand, or at least the directory, is the same name as the .md file already in _content/stands_ (minus the extension)) and static files under _static/stands/your\_stand\_name_.
+ * Fork and clone this repository, add them yourself (respect the paths please) and create a pull request.
+A cronjob will pull the code and rebuild the website every hour.
+If you wish to test your changes locally, you'll have to clone this repository, add the submodules as described above (synchronise them by executing _git submodule init_ and _git submodule update_) and test them with _hugo serve_. Any changes must be made in your local repositories.
+If you wish to change anything in the _content/stands/<your stand>.md_ file (which you can and should), please open a pull request.
## Directory structure
## Important files
-### _index.md
+### _content/stands/<your stand>.md_
* `content/stands/<your stand>.md` - generated by our custom highly advanced (;-)) script based on what you provided in your submission.
languageCode = "en-us"
title = "FOSDEM 2021 Stands"
theme = "fosdem"
+ignoreFiles = [
+ "content/stands/the_gnome_foundation/archetypes/.*",
+ "content/stands/the_gnome_foundation/themes/.*",
+ "content/stands/the_gnome_foundation/content/.*"
-theme = "themes"
\ No newline at end of file
+theme = "themes"
-description: "Box86 allows to run 32bits x86 applications on ARM devices.\r\n\r\n\
- Playing linux games, like WorldOfGoo, FTL or Unreal Tournament 2004 on a RaspberryPI\
- \ 4 or other SBC, becomes possible with Box86. Using Wine is also supported, opening\
- \ a lot more possibilities and enhancing the compatibility of ARM board.\r\nYou\
- \ are not limited on games with box86, and you can use it to run Zoom linux client,\
- \ or setup a Teamspeak or Game Server.\r\n\r\nBox86 combine a fast Dynarec that\
- \ converts on the fly x86 code to ARM code, with native library wrapping to avoid\
- \ emulating frequently used functions and to be able to use box86 super easily:\
- \ no need for a full x86 chroot system, most used libraries are the native versions."
+description: |
+ Box86 allows to run 32bits x86 applications on ARM devices.
+ Playing linux games, like WorldOfGoo, FTL or Unreal Tournament 2004 on a RaspberryPI 4 or other SBC, becomes possible with Box86. Using Wine is also supported, opening a lot more possibilities and enhancing the compatibility of ARM board.
+ You are not limited on games with box86, and you can use it to run Zoom linux client, or setup a Teamspeak or Game Server.
+ Box86 combine a fast Dynarec that converts on the fly x86 code to ARM code, with native library wrapping to avoid emulating frequently used functions and to be able to use box86 super easily: no need for a full x86 chroot system, most used libraries are the native versions.
layout: stand
show_on_overview: true
logo: stands/box86_-_linux_userspace_x86_emulator/logo.png
-new_this_year: "Box86 is targeted towards 32bits. While compatibility and speed can\
- \ be improved, the support of 16bits code (for Wine) is probably the last missing\
- \ feature for box86.\r\nAfter that, Box64 will be targeted toward 64bits apps. It\
- \ will be a different application, and will allow similar principles with native\
- \ use of ARM64 native libs directly on x86_64 linux apps."
-showcase: Discover new possibilties for your RaspberryPI 4 and all other ARM SBC with
+new_this_year: |
+ <p>Box86 is targeted towards 32bits. While compatibility and speed can be improved, the support of 16bits code (for Wine) is probably the last missing feature for box86.</p>
+ <p>After that, Box64 will be targeted toward 64bits apps. It will be a different application, and will allow similar principles with native use of ARM64 native libs directly on x86_64 linux apps.</p>
+showcase: <p>Discover new possibilties for your RaspberryPI 4 and all other ARM SBC with
Box86. Playing FTL or Into the Breach, Unreal Tournament 99 or 2004, or racing a
- few laps on Flatout (to name just a few) becomes possible on a small SBC.
+ few laps on Flatout (to name just a few) becomes possible on a small SBC.</p>
- Gaming
title: Box86
layout: stand
show_on_overview: true
logo: stands/checkmk/logo.png
-new_this_year: In early 2021 we will be releasing the 2.0 version of the software,
+new_this_year: |
+ <p>In early 2021 we will be releasing the 2.0 version of the software,
which will be our biggest release yet. Version 2.0 includes an overhaul of the GUI,
dramatic performance improvements, integration with Prometheus, and ntop for a more
holistic approach in monitoring, among others. Since the last FOSDEM, we also released
- our Documentation and Localization contribution programs.
-showcase: "Our stand will be interesting for hobbyists building their homelab or IT\
- \ professionals who are managing their organization's infrastructure. In our stand\
- \ we'll share some insights of what we learned in the field, explain some of our\
- \ problem-solving approach in the job and show some demos. We'll also share how\
- \ we are trying to bridge the gap between IT Ops and DevOps teams\u2014 two teams\
- \ that historically have been working in silos\u2014 to improve collaboration."
+ our Documentation and Localization contribution programs.</p>
+showcase: |
+ <p>Our stand will be interesting for hobbyists building their homelab or IT professionals who are managing their organization's infrastructure. In our stand we'll share some insights of what we learned in the field, explain some of our problem-solving approach in the job and show some demos. We'll also share how we are trying to bridge the gap between IT Ops and DevOps teams — two teams that historically have been working in silos — to improve collaboration.</p>
- System administration
title: Checkmk
layout: stand
show_on_overview: true
logo: stands/civicrm/logo.png
-new_this_year: We are eager to show you the brand new SearchKit and Form Builder,
- now shipping in the latest version of CiviCRM and available for you to test.
-showcase: "Do you manage contacts, manage memberships, send newsletters, receive online\
- \ donations, and/or manage events in your organization/company?\r\nOf course you\
- \ want to do this with a robust and mature open source tool: CiviCRM.\r\nIt is used\
- \ by not-for-profit organizations, membership organizations, NGOs, universities...\
- \ worldwide.\r\nDiscover how CiviCRM can be used in your organization!\r\n\r\n[Are\
- \ you a PHP/MySQL/Javascript/AngularJS developer with knowledge of Drupal/Wordpress/Backdrop/Joomla?\
- \ Are you looking for a new challenge in a free and open source project? Come talk\
- \ to us!]"
+new_this_year: |
+ <p>We are eager to show you the brand new SearchKit and Form Builder,
+ now shipping in the latest version of CiviCRM and available for you to test.</p>
+showcase: |
+ <p>Do you manage contacts, manage memberships, send newsletters, receive online donations, and/or manage events in your organization/company?</p>
+ <p>Of course you want to do this with a robust and mature open source tool: CiviCRM.</p>
+ <p>It is used by not-for-profit organizations, membership organizations, NGOs, universities... worldwide.</p>
+ <p>Discover how CiviCRM can be used in your organization!</p>
+ <p>[Are you a PHP/MySQL/Javascript/AngularJS developer with knowledge of Drupal/Wordpress/Backdrop/Joomla? Are you looking for a new challenge in a free and open source project? Come talk to us!]</p>
- Office suites and productivity
title: CiviCRM
--- /dev/null
+description: |
+ The CoderDojo movement believes that an understanding of programming languages is increasingly important in the modern world, that it’s both better and easier to learn these skills early, and that nobody should be denied the opportunity to do so.
+ To that end, CoderDojo has built a global network of free, volunteer-led, community-based programming clubs for young people. Anyone aged seven to eighteen can visit a Dojo where they can learn to code, build a website, create an app or a game, and explore technology in an informal, creative, and social environment. They will be coaches by enthusiastic volunteer, most of whom come from the IT World
+ CoderDojo is also an environment where coaches and kids can get together with other technology enthusiasts and experiment with everything digital. It is a meeting place for digital minds and a playground for young and old.
+layout: stand
+logo: stands/coderdojo_belgium/logo.png
+new_this_year: |
+ <p>We are continuously growing, adding more and more dojos. Since last year we had to adapt and give online dojos.
+ ach year we provide free workshops and conference for our coaches so that they can develop new skills that they can afterwards share with the kids.</p>
+showcase: |
+ <p>CoderDojo is also an environment where coaches and kids can get together with other technology enthusiasts and experiment with everything digital. It is a meeting place for digital minds and a playground for young and old. Have you always wanted to race with robots, send messages with a led screen or build your own version of Mario Bros? CoderDojo is your perfect excuse!</p>
+- Education
+title: CoderDojo Belgium
+website: https://www.coderdojobelgium.be/en
+show_on_overview: true
\ No newline at end of file
-description: The Universal Operating System
+description: The Universal Operating System.
layout: stand
logo: stands/debian/logo.png
-new_this_year: "In 2020 we have been working on getting Debian 11/Bullseye ready for\
- \ release, and we organized and met\r\nonline at DebConf20 and various MiniDebConf\
- \ conferences. Debian contributors are now more geographically diverse: lots of\
- \ activity in e.g. India and Brazil.\r\n\r\nIn 2021 we'll meet at the big DebConf21\
- \ conference and we'll ship Debian 11/bullseye."
+new_this_year: |
+ <p>In 2020 we have been working on getting Debian 11/Bullseye ready for release, and we organized and met\r\nonline at DebConf20 and various MiniDebConf conferences. Debian contributors are now more geographically diverse: lots of activity in e.g. India and Brazil.</p>
+ <p>In 2021 we'll meet at the big DebConf21 conference and we'll ship Debian 11/bullseye.</p>
showcase: meet Debian people, get any questions and remarks you might have about Debian
answered by Debian people, have fun
-description: "Foreman is an open source project that helps system administrators manage\
- \ servers throughout their lifecycle, from provisioning and configuration to orchestration\
- \ and monitoring. Using Puppet, Chef, Salt, Ansible and Foreman\u2019s smart proxy\
- \ architecture, you can easily automate repetitive tasks, quickly deploy applications,\
- \ and proactively manage change, both on-premise with VMs and bare-metal or in the\
- \ cloud.\r\nForeman provides comprehensive, interaction facilities including a web\
- \ frontend, CLI and RESTful API which enables you to build higher level business\
- \ logic on top of a solid foundation. Foreman is a mature project, deployed in many\
- \ organizations, managing from 10s to 10,000s of servers."
+description: |
+ Foreman is an open source project that helps system administrators manage servers throughout their lifecycle, from provisioning and configuration to orchestration and monitoring. Using Puppet, Chef, Salt, Ansible and Foreman's smart proxy architecture, you can easily automate repetitive tasks, quickly deploy applications, and proactively manage change, both on-premise with VMs and bare-metal or in the cloud.
+ Foreman provides comprehensive, interaction facilities including a web frontend, CLI and RESTful API which enables you to build higher level business logic on top of a solid foundation. Foreman is a mature project, deployed in many organizations, managing from 10s to 10,000s of servers.
layout: stand
logo: stands/foreman/logo.png
-new_this_year: Since last year, we released Foreman 2.0, the first major version since
+new_this_year: |
+ <p>Since last year, we released Foreman 2.0, the first major version since
2012. This release saw a consolidation of the architecture on PostgreSQL, a redesign
of the background tasking system, and clean up of a lot of deprecated functionality.
Since then we have been continuing with releases every 3 months bringing new functionality
and stability - some notable examples include a new simple host registration process,
Keycloak SSO integration, external IPAM support, improved Ansible integration, work
- on replacing Pulp 2 with Pulp 3 and much more. In the next year we expect to release
+ on replacing Pulp 2 with Pulp 3 and much more.</p>
+ <p>In the next year we expect to release
Foreman 3.0, which will include extraction of Puppet ENC functionality to a plugin,
- significant UI improvements and architectural simplification.
-showcase: "Foreman talks can usually be seen in the Infra Management dev room but\
- \ at our stand we'll be demoing the latest and greatest of Foreman. We'll be showcasing\
- \ interaction with config management tools like Ansible and Puppet, integration\
- \ with Pulp, oVirt and Kubevirt and answer questions on what's coming up in next\
- \ versions and what to expect when jumping from 2.0 to 3.0.\r\nIf you'd like to\
- \ talk to some of our devs, see the latest version demoed or understand our upcoming\
- \ roadmap or even just hear an introduction to what we do, the stand is the place\
- \ for you."
+ significant UI improvements and architectural simplification.</p>
+showcase: |
+ <p>Foreman talks can usually be seen in the Infra Management dev room but at our stand we'll be demoing the latest and greatest of Foreman. We'll be showcasing interaction with config management tools like Ansible and Puppet, integration with Pulp, oVirt and Kubevirt and answer questions on what's coming up in next versions and what to expect when jumping from 2.0 to 3.0.</p>
+ <p>If you'd like to talk to some of our devs, see the latest version demoed or understand our upcoming roadmap or even just hear an introduction to what we do, the stand is the place for you.</p>
show_on_overview: true
- System administration
to their own ideas and needs.
layout: stand
logo: stands/fossasia/logo.png
-new_this_year: "We have updates across our projects: \r\n- Eventyay: we recently released\
- \ the video integration (with Jitsi and BigBlueButton) so we have a full open source\
- \ event management system for community organizers.\r\n- Pock Science Lab: a few\
- \ months ago, we published the modified version of our hardware. \r\n- Visdom: our\
- \ recently on boarded visualization tool \r\n- Voice Republic: audio streaming tool\
- \ for events, lectures, reading or discussion live"
-showcase: "Come to our stand to checkout: \r\n- Open source hardware device for science\
- \ experiments \r\n- Fully event open source management system with video integration\
- \ for virtual events that event organizers can use \r\n- Connect with open source\
- \ developers and advocates from Asia"
+new_this_year: |
+ <p>We have updates across our projects:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Eventyay: we recently released the video integration (with Jitsi and BigBlueButton) so we have a full open source event management system for community organizers.</li>
+ <li>Pock Science Lab: a few months ago, we published the modified version of our hardware.</li>
+ <li>Visdom: our recently on boarded visualization tool.</li>
+ <li>Voice Republic: audio streaming tool for events, lectures, reading or discussion live.</li>
+ </ul>
+showcase: |
+ <p>Come to our stand to checkout:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Open source hardware device for science experiments.</li>
+ <li>Fully event open source management system with video integration for virtual events that event organizers can use.</li>
+ <li>Connect with open source developers and advocates from Asia.</li>
+ </ul>
- Hardware
-description: "As every year, the Free Software Foundation Europe would like to participate\
- \ to the annual booth at FOSDEM.\r\nFree Software Foundation Europe is a charity\
- \ that empowers users to control technology.\r\n\r\nSoftware is deeply involved\
- \ in all aspects of our lives; and it is important that this technology empowers\
- \ rather than restricts us. Free Software gives everybody the rights to use, understand,\
- \ adapt and share software. These rights help support other fundamental freedoms\
- \ like freedom of speech, press and privacy.\r\n\r\nFree Software Foundation Europe:\r\
- \n* helps individuals and organizations to understand how Free Software contributes\
- \ to freedom, transparency, and self-determination.\r\n* enhances users' rights\
- \ by abolishing barriers to Free Software adoption.\r\n* encourages people to use\
- \ and develop Free Software.\r\n* provides resources to enable everyone to further\
- \ promote Free Software in Europe."
+description: |
+ As every year, the Free Software Foundation Europe would like to participate to the annual booth at FOSDEM.
+ Free Software Foundation Europe is a charity that empowers users to control technology.
+ Software is deeply involved in all aspects of our lives; and it is important that this technology empowers rather than restricts us. Free Software gives everybody the rights to use, understand, adapt and share software. These rights help support other fundamental freedoms like freedom of speech, press and privacy.
+ Free Software Foundation Europe:
+ <ul>
+ <li>helps individuals and organizations to understand how Free Software contributes to freedom, transparency, and self-determination.</li>
+ <li>enhances users' rights by abolishing barriers to Free Software adoption.</li>
+ <li>encourages people to use and develop Free Software.</li>
+ <li>provides resources to enable everyone to further promote Free Software in Europe.</li>
+ </ul>
layout: stand
logo: stands/free_software_foundation_europe/logo.png
-new_this_year: In the past year, we have made remarkable progress in a number of our
+new_this_year: |
+ <p>In the past year, we have made remarkable progress in a number of our
activities, most notable in our promotion of the principle "Public Money? Public
Code!", in making software license information machine readable through the REUSE
project, or in helping to shape the future of the internet through the EU initiative
- NGI0. Read more at https://fsfe.org/news/2020/news-20201110-01.html
-showcase: Meet FSFE's team, get informed about our activities, and ask whatever you
- always wanted to know!
+ NGI0. Read more at <a href="https://fsfe.org/news/2020/news-20201110-01.html">https://fsfe.org/news/2020/news-20201110-01.html</a></p>
+showcase: |
+ <p>Meet FSFE's team, get informed about our activities, and ask whatever you
+ always wanted to know!</p>
- Community advocacy
title: Free Software Foundation Europe
-description: 'FreeBSD is an open source operating system descended from the Unix developed
+description: |
+ FreeBSD is an open source operating system descended from the Unix developed
at the University of California, Berkeley that became an open source project in
1993 with several hundred active committers from across the globe. Today, FreeBSD
provides a copy-free modern operating system that is up-to-date and scalable, offers
collection includes popular software like: Apache web server, GNOME, KDE, X.org,
Python, Firefox and over 33,000 software suites. The FreeBSD community is comprised
of a global community of end users, developers and companies large and small working
- together to further the OS.'
+ together to further the OS.
layout: stand
logo: stands/freebsd_project/logo.png
-new_this_year: 'Since our last visit to FOSDEM, the FreeBSD Project has made strides
+new_this_year: |
+ <p>Since our last visit to FOSDEM, the FreeBSD Project has made strides
in a number of areas. The Project made the transition to git making it easier for
folks to contribute. Great improvements were made in the graphics stack, as well
as, to browser and video conferencing capabilities to allow for support on most
with many network stack improvements. Finally, there is a lot of new online content
to help folks get started and ask questions about FreeBSD including: FreeBSD Office
Hours, FreeBSD Fridays, and several developers have hosted twitch live streaming
- sessions.'
-showcase: "Visit the FreeBSD Stand to chat with FreeBSD Developers and other community\
- \ members. The stand is a great place to learn more about the latest developments\
- \ within the Project, find out how to get started with FreeBSD and get your most\
- \ challenging questions answered. If you or your organization are looking to connect\
- \ with other FreeBSD fans, folks in the stand can help. There\u2019s a reason why\
- \ companies like Netflix use FreeBSD. Take a minute to find out more about the stability\
- \ and security of FreeBSD."
+ sessions.</p>
+showcase: |
+ <p>Visit the FreeBSD Stand to chat with FreeBSD Developers and other community members. The stand is a great place to learn more about the latest developments within the Project, find out how to get started with FreeBSD and get your most challenging questions answered. If you or your organization are looking to connect with other FreeBSD fans, folks in the stand can help. There\u2019s a reason why companies like Netflix use FreeBSD. Take a minute to find out more about the stability and security of FreeBSD.</p>
- Community advocacy
title: FreeBSD Project
-description: GitLab is a complete open-source DevOps platform, delivered as a single
+description: |
+ GitLab is a complete open-source DevOps platform, delivered as a single
application, fundamentally changing the way Development, Security, and Ops teams
collaborate and build software. From idea to production, GitLab helps teams improve
cycle time from weeks to minutes, reduce development process costs and decrease
time to market while increasing developer productivity.
layout: stand
logo: stands/gitlab/logo.png
-new_this_year: "Since our last FOSDEM, we have had 12 major releases.\r\nSome of the\
- \ new features are: \r\n- Introducing new Integration Management\r\n- Opening up\
- \ 18 internal projects like the Dependency Proxy\r\n- Introducing accessibility\
- \ testing in GitLab\r\n- Building Meltano, an open-source platform for ELT pipelines\r\
- \n\r\nAnd more!\r\nMore details can be found here: https://about.gitlab.com/releases/categories/releases/\r\
- \nThe planning issue for FOSDEM: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/marketing/community-relations/contributor-program/general/-/issues/54"
-showcase: "People visiting our stand will have the opportunity to meet GitLab members\
- \ and fellow Community members, discuss new features, address questions, issues,\
- \ or hang out.\r\nNo prior experience using GitLab is needed, and people who are\
- \ looking towards new contribution opportunities are more than welcome."
+new_this_year: |
+ <p>Since our last FOSDEM, we have had 12 major releases.</p>
+ <p>Some of the new features are:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Introducing new Integration Management</li>
+ <li>Opening up 18 internal projects like the Dependency Proxy</li>
+ <li>Introducing accessibility testing in GitLab</li>
+ <li>Building Meltano, an open-source platform for ELT pipelines</li>
+ <li>And more!</li>
+ </ul>
+ <p>More details can be found here: https://about.gitlab.com/releases/categories/releases/ The planning issue for FOSDEM: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/marketing/community-relations/contributor-program/general/-/issues/54"
+ </p>
+showcase: |
+ <p>People visiting our stand will have the opportunity to meet GitLab members and fellow Community members, discuss new features, address questions, issues, or hang out.</p>
+ <p>No prior experience using GitLab is needed, and people who are looking towards new contribution opportunities are more than welcome.</p>
- Developer environment
title: GitLab
+++ /dev/null
-description: Learn about the latest developments in the GNOME desktop environment! At the GNOME booth, you can check out live demos of GNOME 3.38 and GTK 4, get help using GNOME, and learn more about paid GNOME internship opportunities. During our themed chat hours, you'll be able to engage and talk directly with GNOME developers, designers, Board of Directors members, Foundation staff, and other community members. Ask us your questions or just pop in to say "Hi" and chat! Take a look at our chat schedule - available at our booth - to see what our topics are and when you can join them.
-layout: stand
-logo: stands/gnome-logo.png
-new_this_year: "Since FOSDEM 2020 we've accomplished a lot! The GTK team completed their 10-year\
-\ development of GTK 4 and launched it with a virtual release party. GNOME 3.38, our latest\
-\ release, went live in September and brought a new welcome tour along with many other\
-\ improvements and updates. We participated in Outreachy, Google Summer of Code, and Season of\
-\ Docs. We started GNOME Circle, a new way to support and champion the great software available\
-\ forthe GNOME platform. We launched our inaugural Community Engagement Challenge, asking teams\
-\ from all over the world to submit their ideas on how to reach a new generation of open source\
-\ coders! The Challenge has since completed two phases, each with a round of winners and prizes,\
-\ and is currently in the third and final phase. Like many others, we've also faced many challenges\
-\ throughout 2020. We canceled all of our travel plans and found new ways of working together online.\
-\ We reimagined our three main conferences, GUADEC, GNOME.Asia, and Linux App Summit (partnered with KDE),\
-\ into fully remote events and implemented new systems to handle this - like meet.gnome.org, our own \
-\ instance of BigBlueButton - which also allowed us to hold our first ever GNOME Onboard Africa Virtual \
-\ as well as an onboarding event in Paraguay. Some of the things we're looking forward to in 2021 include \
-\ our GNOME 40 realease, GUADEC, GNOME.Asia, and Linux App Summit, as well as many more hackfests and social\
-\ events, and selecting our final Community Engagement Challenge winner."
-showcase: "People visiting our stand will have the opportunity to meet GNOME members\
-\ and fellow Community members, discuss new features, address questions, issues,\
-\ or hang out.\r\nNo prior experience using GNOME is needed, and people who are\
-\ looking towards new contribution opportunities are more than welcome."
-- Developer environment
-title: GNOME
-website: https://www.gnome.org
-description: "GSoC is a mentorship program introducing students 18 years and older\
- \ to open source software development. Students have the opportunity to work on\
- \ a coding project under the guidance of mentors from the open source community,\
- \ learning how to be better developers and community members along the way. This\
- \ is often the first time many students have contributed to an open source project.\
- \ With over 16,000 students participating in the program with 715 open source organizations\
- \ and 13,000 mentors since 2005 this truly is a global program.\r\n\r\nThere are\
- \ a couple of major changes for the 2021 GSoC program that we hope will allow even\
- \ more folks to participate. We look forward to talking with folks about these changes\
- \ at FOSDEM 2021."
+description: |
+ GSoC is a mentorship program introducing students 18 years and older to open source software development. Students have the opportunity to work on a coding project under the guidance of mentors from the open source community, learning how to be better developers and community members along the way. This is often the first time many students have contributed to an open source project. With over 16,000 students participating in the program with 715 open source organizations and 13,000 mentors since 2005 this truly is a global program.
+ There are a couple of major changes for the 2021 GSoC program that we hope will allow even more folks to participate. We look forward to talking with folks about these changes at FOSDEM 2021.
layout: stand
logo: stands/google_summer_of_code/logo.png
-new_this_year: "For GSoC 2021 we are making our two biggest changes in the 17 year\
- \ history of the program and are adjusting the GSoC program to the evolving needs\
- \ of our student developers across the globe in 2021.\r\n\r\n1) We are decreasing\
- \ the time needed for students to participate in GSoC 2021. We look forward to seeing\
- \ how lowering the time commitments to ~175 hours over 10 weeks will open the program\
- \ up to many folks who were unable to spend 360+ hours over 3 months on the program\
- \ previously. \r\n\r\n2) We are also broadening the eligibility requirements to\
- \ include all students in post-secondary academic programs including those in coding\
- \ schools and certificate programs. We also are allowing recent student graduates\
- \ of post-secondary academic programs (those who graduated between December 1, 2020\
- \ and May 17, 2021) to apply. \r\n\r\nWe look forward to talking with interested\
- \ students and those open source projects interested in being mentoring organizations\
- \ for Google Summer of Code about these changes and answering your questions."
-showcase: "Google Summer of Code (GSoC) has brought over 16,000 excited, new student\
- \ developers into 715 open source communities since 2005. The program has continued\
- \ to remain interesting for students because of the spectacular, dedicated mentors\
- \ from these open source communities that have devoted their time, energy and expertise\
- \ to help the students become contributors in their communities. \r\n\r\nWith Google\
- \ Summer of Code, students have the opportunity to work on a real open source project\
- \ under the guidance of mentors while still studying in a post-secondary academic\
- \ program. Students earn a stipend for their contributions allowing them more flexibility\
- \ to be able focus on their coding and community contributions.\r\n\r\nEach year\
- \ over 200 open source projects act as mentoring organizations for the 1200+ students.\
- \ In 2021 we hope to welcome 30-40 new projects into the GSoC program so please\
- \ come to our stand and ask us those burning questions!"
+new_this_year: |
+ <p>For GSoC 2021 we are making our two biggest changes in the 17 year history of the program and are adjusting the GSoC program to the evolving needs of our student developers across the globe in 2021.</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li>We are decreasing the time needed for students to participate in GSoC 2021. We look forward to seeing how lowering the time commitments to ~175 hours over 10 weeks will open the program up to many folks who were unable to spend 360+ hours over 3 months on the program previously.</li>
+ <li>We are also broadening the eligibility requirements to include all students in post-secondary academic programs including those in coding schools and certificate programs. We also are allowing recent student graduates of post-secondary academic programs (those who graduated between December 1, 2020\ and May 17, 2021) to apply.</li>
+ </ol>
+ <p>We look forward to talking with interested students and those open source projects interested in being mentoring organizations for Google Summer of Code about these changes and answering your questions.</p>
+showcase: |
+ <p>Google Summer of Code (GSoC) has brought over 16,000 excited, new student developers into 715 open source communities since 2005. The program has continued to remain interesting for students because of the spectacular, dedicated mentors from these open source communities that have devoted their time, energy and expertise to help the students become contributors in their communities.</p>
+ <p>With Google Summer of Code, students have the opportunity to work on a real open source project under the guidance of mentors while still studying in a post-secondary academic program. Students earn a stipend for their contributions allowing them more flexibility to be able focus on their coding and community contributions.</p>
+ <p>Each year over 200 open source projects act as mentoring organizations for the 1200+ students. In 2021 we hope to welcome 30-40 new projects into the GSoC program so please come to our stand and ask us those burning questions!</p>
- Education
title: Google Summer of Code
yet very powerful.
layout: stand
logo: stands/haiku/logo.png
-new_this_year: "Since last FOSDEM we had a Beta2 release last June which fixes 900\
- \ bugs from Beta1 and adds 2800 commits to it:\r\nIt brings HiDPI support.\r\nDuring\
- \ GSoC2020 the Input Preferences were reworked a lot to handle multiple devices.\r\
- \nThe Installation now supports excluding optional packages that are included on\
- \ the installation medium.\r\nAnd there is even an upgrade path available from Haiku\
- \ R1 Beta 1 to Beta 2 so you don't have to reinstall.\r\nHardware support is also\
- \ improved, with NVMe drives, and improvements on XHCI.\r\nDocumentation was also\
- \ improved, like on the layout support.\r\nThe WebKit version used by WebPositive\
- \ was updated.\r\n\r\nVarious applications were also ported or updated like LibreOffice,\
- \ Telegram, Okular, Krita, AQEMU\u2026 and some more games.\r\nAnd new applications\
- \ are also written, like Medo, a video editor.\r\n\r\nWe also ran a system sounds\
- \ contest, and started a wallpaper contest.\r\n\r\nWhile we focus on x86, ports\
- \ to other architectures is still ongoing, and might give some interesting updates\
- \ in the coming year."
-showcase: "We will be demonstrating all the neat features that makes Haiku special\
- \ for us: indexed metadata in the filesystem, x-ray navigation, sliding tabs and\
- \ window grouping\u2026\r\nWe also want to hear from people testing Haiku, how it\
- \ worked for them, or not. We will guide you to create bug reports.\r\nWe will walk\
- \ curious people into installing Haiku in a VM or on real hardware.\r\nAnd we love\
- \ stories of fond memories of BeOS and how Haiku brings those back.\r\n\r\nPeople\
- \ interested into coding can also meet our developers, see where they can learn\
- \ to program their own application, or write a recipe for HaikuPorter to port an\
- \ existing one.\r\nAnd you'll see the faces of some coders you maybe already know\
- \ from the IRC channels.\r\n\r\nOh, and while we won't be able to get your DVDs\
- \ hand-to-hand, we still have some to ship :-)"
+new_this_year: |
+ <p>Since last FOSDEM we had a Beta2 release last June which fixes 900 bugs from Beta1 and adds 2800 commits to it:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li>It brings HiDPI support.</li>
+ <li>During GSoC2020 the Input Preferences were reworked a lot to handle multiple devices.</li>
+ <li>The Installation now supports excluding optional packages that are included on the installation medium.</li>
+ <li>And there is even an upgrade path available from Haiku R1 Beta 1 to Beta 2 so you don't have to reinstall.</li>
+ <li>Hardware support is also improved, with NVMe drives, and improvements on XHCI.</li>
+ <li>Documentation was also improved, like on the layout support.</li>
+ <li>The WebKit version used by WebPositive was updated.</li>
+ <li>Various applications were also ported or updated like LibreOffice, Telegram, Okular, Krita, AQEMU and some more games.</li>
+ <li>And new applications are also written, like Medo, a video editor.</li>
+ <li>We also ran a system sounds contest, and started a wallpaper contest.</li>
+ <li>While we focus on x86, ports to other architectures is still ongoing, and might give some interesting updates in the coming year.</li>
+ </ol>
+showcase: |
+ <p>We will be demonstrating all the neat features that makes Haiku special for us: indexed metadata in the filesystem, x-ray navigation, sliding tabs and window grouping.</p>
+ <p>We also want to hear from people testing Haiku, how it worked for them, or not. We will guide you to create bug reports.</p>
+ <p>We will walk
+ curious people into installing Haiku in a VM or on real hardware.</p>
+ <p>And we love
+ stories of fond memories of BeOS and how Haiku brings those back.</p>
+ <p>People
+ interested into coding can also meet our developers, see where they can learn
+ to program their own application, or write a recipe for HaikuPorter to port an
+ existing one.</p>
+ <p>And you'll see the faces of some coders you maybe already know
+ from the IRC channels.</p
+ <p>Oh, and while we won't be able to get your DVDs
+ hand-to-hand, we still have some to ship :-)</p>
- Operating systems
title: Haiku
-description: "Amateur radio (ham radio) is a technical / scientific hobby for anything\
- \ about radio, radio-communication, radio-propagation and radio-technology. It allows\
- \ individuals to experiment with radio-technology: use it, learn about it, design\
- \ it and even build it yourself. Amateur radio infrastructure is also used for emergency\
- \ communications as a service to the general public.\r\n\r\nAs our world is more\
- \ and more based on telecommunication and wireless technology (mobile internet,\
- \ WiFi, Bluetooth, satellite-navigation, radio- and TV broadcasts, Internet-of-Things,\
- \ NFC-tags, ..), good knowledge of radio-telecommunication technology is an advantage\
- \ for everybody interested in technology, and amateur radio is one of the best tools\
- \ for this purpose.\r\n\r\nFinally, as one of the oldest technical hobbies, amateur\
- \ radio has always advocated sharing knowledge and information, long before the\
- \ terms 'open source' existed."
+description: |
+ Amateur radio (ham radio) is a technical / scientific hobby for anything
+ about radio, radio-communication, radio-propagation and radio-technology. It allows
+ individuals to experiment with radio-technology: use it, learn about it, design
+ it and even build it yourself. Amateur radio infrastructure is also used for emergency
+ communications as a service to the general public.
+ As our world is more
+ and more based on telecommunication and wireless technology (mobile internet,
+ WiFi, Bluetooth, satellite-navigation, radio- and TV broadcasts, Internet-of-Things,
+ NFC-tags, ..), good knowledge of radio-telecommunication technology is an advantage
+ for everybody interested in technology, and amateur radio is one of the best tools
+ for this purpose.
+ Finally, as one of the oldest technical hobbies, amateur\
+ radio has always advocated sharing knowledge and information, long before the\
+ terms 'open source' existed."
layout: stand
logo: stands/info_booth_on_amateur_radio__ham_radio_/logo.png
-new_this_year: "Amateur radio is not a 'project'. It is a very wide field of technologies\
- \ in continues evolution, so it is not easy to provide a list of 'new things to\
- \ expect this year'.\r\n\r\nDue to the different format of the infobooth this year,\
- \ our plans for 2021 are to focus on demonstrating the \"operating\" element of\
- \ amateur radio, i.e. actually using radio to make contacts with other amateur radio\
- \ stations.\r\nIn addition to a number of online presentations and interactive chats\
- \ with visitors, we will show live radio amateur station contacts using different\
- \ modes and different transmission-systems: morse-code, voice, digital communication,\
- \ satellite, ...\r\nIn fact, this shows that amateur radio and \"the internet\"\
- \ do not exclude each-other."
-showcase: "Radio has something magical. You send electricity into a wire that connected\
- \ to ... nothing and, if the wire has the correct length, that electricity just\
- \ disappears. Pouf! Gone! ...\r\nBut if you place another wire close-by, even though\
- \ the wires do not touch, a part of the electricity appears on that second wire.\
- \ Is that magical?\r\nBut do you know the best part? You can use this effect to\
- \ communicate with other people!\r\n\r\nAmateur radio (also known as ham radio)\
- \ is a technical and scientific hobby for everything about radio, radio-communication,\
- \ radio-propagation and radio-technology. It allows you to experience radio from\
- \ the inside-out: as an operator (use it), designing and building your own radio-equipment\
- \ or set up radio-communication infrastructure. As one of the oldest technical hobbies\
- \ around, all this is done in a culture of sharing information and knowledge.\r\n\
- \r\nWireless communication is now part of our everyday life: mobile internet, wifi,\
- \ bluetooth, satellite-navigation, radio- and TV broadcasts, Internet-of-things,\
- \ NFC tags, .. the list goes on and on. Understanding radio-communication is a skill\
- \ that is useful whatever field of science or technology you are involved in, and\
- \ amateur radio is probably the best tool to do exactly that."
+new_this_year: |
+ <p>Amateur radio is not a 'project'. It is a very wide field of technologies
+ in continues evolution, so it is not easy to provide a list of 'new things to
+ expect this year'.</p>
+ <p>Due to the different format of the infobooth this year,
+ our plans for 2021 are to focus on demonstrating the "operating" element of
+ amateur radio, i.e. actually using radio to make contacts with other amateur radio
+ stations.</p>
+ <p>In addition to a number of online presentations and interactive chats
+ with visitors, we will show live radio amateur station contacts using different
+ modes and different transmission-systems: morse-code, voice, digital communication,
+ satellite, ...</p>
+ <p>In fact, this shows that amateur radio and "the internet"
+ do not exclude each-other.</p>
+showcase: |
+ <p>Radio has something magical. You send electricity into a wire that connected
+ to ... nothing and, if the wire has the correct length, that electricity just
+ disappears. Pouf! Gone! ...</p>
+ <p>But if you place another wire close-by, even though
+ the wires do not touch, a part of the electricity appears on that second wire.
+ Is that magical?</p>
+ <p>But do you know the best part? You can use this effect to
+ communicate with other people!</p>
+ <p>Amateur radio (also known as ham radio)
+ is a technical and scientific hobby for everything about radio, radio-communication,
+ radio-propagation and radio-technology. It allows you to experience radio from
+ the inside-out: as an operator (use it), designing and building your own radio-equipment
+ or set up radio-communication infrastructure. As one of the oldest technical hobbies
+ around, all this is done in a culture of sharing information and knowledge.</p>
+ <p>Wireless communication is now part of our everyday life: mobile internet, wifi,
+ bluetooth, satellite-navigation, radio- and TV broadcasts, Internet-of-things,
+ NFC tags, .. the list goes on and on. Understanding radio-communication is a skill
+ that is useful whatever field of science or technology you are involved in, and
+ amateur radio is probably the best tool to do exactly that.</p>
- HAM Radio
title: info booth on amateur radio (ham radio)
-description: "Jenkins is the leading open-source automation server supported by a\
- \ large and growing community of developers, testers, designers, and other people\
- \ interested in continuous integration, continuous delivery, and modern software\
- \ delivery practices. Our motto is \u201CBuild great things at any scale\u201D.\
- \ Built on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), it provides more than 1,500 plugins that\
- \ extend Jenkins to automate with practically any technology software delivery teams\
- \ use. In 2020, Jenkins surpassed 250,000 known installations making it the most\
- \ widely deployed automation server."
+description: |
+ Jenkins is the leading open-source automation server supported by a
+ large and growing community of developers, testers, designers, and other people
+ interested in continuous integration, continuous delivery, and modern software
+ delivery practices. Our motto is "Build great things at any scale".
+ Built on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), it provides more than 1,500 plugins that
+ extend Jenkins to automate with practically any technology software delivery teams
+ use. In 2020, Jenkins surpassed 250,000 known installations making it the most
+ widely deployed automation server.
layout: stand
logo: stands/jenkins/logo.png
-new_this_year: "Over the past year, the vibrant Jenkins community brought many improvements\
- \ to the project, including security, stability, and project governance. Here are\
- \ some of the highlights:\r\n\r\n* A refresh of Jenkins user interface\r\n* Running\
- \ Jenkins fully configured as code\r\n* Running Jenkins on Kubernetes which is an\
- \ improvement to the \"Jenkins Kubernetes operator\" and the Kubernetes plugin.\r\
- \n* Jenkinsfile Runner - portableJenkins pipeline execution engine.\r\n* New public\
- \ roadmap\r\n* Graduation in the Continuous Delivery Foundation\r\n\r\nSignificant\
- \ improvements have been made around services, to provide to the Jenkins community\
- \ the right information to manage their plugins.\r\n* The service 'plugins.jenkins.io'\
- \ provides useful information about plugins.\r\n* The Jenkins update center now\
- \ provides additional information like \"is the plugin affected by a security issue?\
- \ or up for adoption?\""
-showcase: Jenkins offers a simple way to set up a continuous integration or continuous
+new_this_year: |
+ <p>Over the past year, the vibrant Jenkins community brought many improvements
+ to the project, including security, stability, and project governance. Here are
+ some of the highlights: </p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>A refresh of Jenkins user interface </li>
+ <li>Running Jenkins fully configured as code </li>
+ <li>Running Jenkins on Kubernetes which is an improvement to the "Jenkins Kubernetes operator" and the Kubernetes plugin.</li>
+ <li>Jenkinsfile Runner - portableJenkins pipeline execution engine. </li>
+ <li>New public roadmap </li>
+ <li>Graduation in the Continuous Delivery Foundation </li>
+ </ul>
+ <p>Significant
+ improvements have been made around services, to provide to the Jenkins community
+ the right information to manage their plugins. </p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>The service 'plugins.jenkins.io' provides useful information about plugins. </li>
+ <li>The Jenkins update center now provides additional information like "is the plugin affected by a security issue? or up for adoption?" </li>
+ </ul>
+showcase: |
+ <p>Jenkins offers a simple way to set up a continuous integration or continuous
delivery (CI/CD) environment for almost any combination of languages and source
code repositories using pipelines, as well as automating other routine development
- tasks.
+ tasks.</p>
- Developer environment
title: Jenkins
control your digital life.
layout: stand
logo: stands/kde_community/logo.png
-new_this_year: "- KDE's Plasma desktop has had many features added; improved usability,\
- \ stability and performance; and made a massive headway in support on Wayland\r\n\
- - Plasma Mobile has made a headway in stability and functionality and is now well-supported\
- \ on dedicated hardware, such as the PinePhone and Librem 5. New apps specifically\
- \ adapted to mobile hardware provide users with essential functionality they expect\
- \ from a modern mobile OS.\r\n- Kdenlive, Krita, LabPlot, Kdevelop, GCompris and\
- \ many more classic KDE applications have improved stability and added features\
- \ to the point they are competing successfully with traditionally dominant proprietary\
- \ software in their respective niches\r\n- We have added new apps, both for the\
- \ desktop and mobile, to KDE's catalogue\r\n- We have improved most of KDE frameworks,\
- \ providing developers with tools that help them develop easily more visually appealing\
- \ multiplatform and convergent software"
-showcase: Interact with KDE Community member, see the latest advancements in our software,
+new_this_year: |
+ <p>KDE's Plasma desktop has had many features added; improved usability,
+ stability and performance; and made a massive headway in support on Wayland </p>
+ <p>Plasma Mobile has made a headway in stability and functionality and is now well-supported
+ on dedicated hardware, such as the PinePhone and Librem 5. New apps specifically
+ adapted to mobile hardware provide users with essential functionality they expect
+ from a modern mobile OS. </p>
+ <p>Kdenlive, Krita, LabPlot, Kdevelop, GCompris and
+ many more classic KDE applications have improved stability and added features
+ to the point they are competing successfully with traditionally dominant proprietary
+ software in their respective niches </p>
+ <p>We have added new apps, both for the
+ desktop and mobile, to KDE's catalogue </p>
+ <p>We have improved most of KDE frameworks,
+ providing developers with tools that help them develop easily more visually appealing
+ multiplatform and convergent software.</p>
+showcase: |
+ <p>Interact with KDE Community member, see the latest advancements in our software,
including the cool new features in Plasma, real world uses of our software for artists,
educators, and general end users, see in action cool devices, like Plasma Mobile
- running on the PinePhone and so on.
+ running on the PinePhone and so on.</p>
- Desktop environments
title: KDE Community
-description: "Kiwi TCMS is the leading open source test management system:\r\n\r\n\
- - For manual & automated testing\r\n- Internal + external bug trackers\r\n- Plugable\
- \ architecture\r\n- Versatile API layer\r\n- 10+ years of history\r\n- Made by testers\r\
- \n- GPLv2 licensed\r\n\r\nOur mission is to transform the testing process by making\
- \ it more organized, transparent & accountable for everyone on your team; to improve\
- \ engineering productivity and participation in testing."
+description: |
+ Kiwi TCMS is the leading open source test management system for both
+ manual & automated testing. It has been made by testers and licensed
+ under GPLv2.
+ Our mission is to transform the testing process by making
+ it more organized, transparent & accountable for everyone on your team.
+ Kiwi TCMS is used during software testing and quality assurance to collect
+ information about what, when and how has been tested. This information is
+ later used when making a go/no-go decision before a release, monitoring and
+ planning the workload of the QA team or answering questions like
+ "How did we test this?" and "Why didn't we catch this bug before?"!
layout: stand
logo: stands/kiwi_tcms/logo.png
-new_this_year: "Since last FOSDEM Kiwi TCMS managed to: \r\n\r\n- Receive $10k open\
- \ source seed award from Mozilla foundation\r\n- Start an open source bounty program\
- \ and partner with several organizations across the world\r\n- Become the first\
- \ open source TCMS system on GitHub Marketplace\r\n- Completely redesign our legacy\
- \ user interface\r\n- Add more integration with external bug tracking systems\r\n\
- - Cancel confirmed conference participation on 4 continents :-(\r\n- Surpass 8000\
- \ registrations for our public demo installation\r\n- Surpass 250k downloads via\
- \ Docker Hub\r\n\r\nCome talk to us about testing, automation, software release\
- \ management and anything in between. \r\n\r\nHappy testing!"
-showcase: "Kiwi TCMS is the leading open source test management system. It is used\
- \ during software testing and quality assurance to collect information about what\
- \ and when has been tested, which versions of the product have been tested and in\
- \ what environment. This information is helpful when making a go/no-go decision\
- \ before a release, monitoring and planning the workload of the QA team and for\
- \ various reports.\r\n\r\nWhen doing manual testing each engineer on the team can\
- \ easily find the tasks assigned to them and all instructions necessary to execute\
- \ the tests and report the results.\r\n\r\nIn automation testing scenarios TCMS\
- \ systems are useful to collect test execution information and later analyze it.\
- \ This is especially important when you don\u2019t execute all of the tests all\
- \ of the time!"
+new_this_year: |
+ <p>Since FOSDEM 2020 Kiwi TCMS managed to:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ Receive
+ <a href="https://kiwitcms.org/blog/kiwi-tcms-team/2020/03/27/kiwi-tcms-is-open-source-seed-award-winner/">
+ $10k open source seed award
+ </a> from Mozilla foundation
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ Start an <a href="https://github.com/kiwitcms/Kiwi/milestone/4">open source bounty program</a>
+ and <a href="https://kiwitcms.org/blog/tags/community/">partner with several organizations</a>
+ across the world
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ Become the first open source TCMS system on
+ <a href="https://github.com/marketplace/kiwi-tcms/">GitHub Marketplace</a>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ Completely redesign our legacy user interface
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ Add more integration with external bug tracking systems
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ Cancel confirmed conference participation on 3 continents :-(
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ Surpass 8000 registrations for our
+ <a href="https://public.tenant.kiwitcms.org/">public tenant installation</a>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ Surpass <a href="https://hub.docker.com/v2/repositories/kiwitcms/kiwi/">280k downloads</a>
+ via Docker Hub
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+showcase: |
+ <p>
+ Come to our stand to meet the team behind Kiwi TCMS and talk about
+ testing, automation, software release management and anything in between!
+ </p>
+ <h5>Our programme at FOSDEM:</h5>
+ <ul class="list-unstyled">
+ <li>
+ <h6>Saturday</h6>
+ <ul class="list-unstyled">
+ <li><b>entire day</b>: We're jointly running the
+ <a href="https://fosdem.org/2021/schedule/track/testing_and_automation/">Testing and Automation</a>
+ devroom with Linaro and SUSE. Responses may be delayed but we will reply!
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li class="mt-2">
+ <h6>Sunday</h6>
+ <ul class="list-unstyled">
+ <li><b>10:00 - 18:00</b>: Available to answer your questions (chat & video)</li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ <h5>This is how you can help us grow:</h5>
+ <ul class="list-unstyled">
+ <li>
+ <a href="https://github.com/kiwitcms/Kiwi/stargazers">Give ⭐ on GitHub</a>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a href="https://opencollective.com/kiwitcms/donate">Donate via Open Collective</a> as low as 1 EUR
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a href="https://kiwitcms.us17.list-manage.com/subscribe/post?u=9b57a21155a3b7c655ae8f922&id=c970a37581">
+ Join our newsletter
+ </a>
+ and follow all project news
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a href="https://kiwitcms.readthedocs.io/en/latest/contribution.html">Become a contributor</a>
+ and an awesome open source hacker
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a href="https://kiwitcms.org/#pricing">Become a customer</a> and we'll share our profits with the community
+ </li>
+ </ul>
-- Programming languages
+- Developer environment
title: Kiwi TCMS
website: https://kiwitcms.org
show_on_overview: true
\ No newline at end of file
-description: "Kopano is an open source communication stack providing e-mail, online\
- \ videoconferencing, file sharing, messaging, and much more.\r\n\r\nGroupware Core\
- \ provides Kopano\u2019s traditional groupware functionalities: Email, Calendaring,\
- \ Contacts, Tasks and Notes. Groupware Core is 100% MAPI compatible and provides\
- \ must-have features such as ACLs, meeting requests, and advanced calendaring.\r\
- \n\r\nMeet is our new videoconferencing solution, directly accessible from any browser,\
- \ using adaptive UX to match any environment you work in.\r\n\r\n Secure peer\
- \ to peer communication\r\n No app installation(s) required (not even for screen\
- \ sharing)\r\n Switch devices during a call without dropping out\r\n\r\nWebApp\
- \ is our lightning fast web-client for sending email, calendaring, (video) chat,\
- \ file sharing and more. You can access your projects and files online from any\
- \ major browser, no plug-ins required.\r\n\r\n Real-time communication, collaboration\
- \ & document editing in one interface\r\n Set up instant video conferences\r\n\
- \ Share files or send a quick direct message\r\n\r\nKopano Documents connects\
- \ to existing network storage, \u2018smart storage\u2019 \u2013 like nextCloud,\
- \ ownCloud and Seafile \u2013 and cloud-based storage solutions. This means you\
- \ can store your files the way you like best and easily share them with people within\
- \ or outside your organization."
+description: |
+ Kopano is an open source communication stack providing e-mail, online
+ videoconferencing, file sharing, messaging, and much more.
+ Groupware Core
+ provides Kopano's traditional groupware functionalities: Email, Calendaring,
+ Contacts, Tasks and Notes. Groupware Core is 100% MAPI compatible and provides
+ must-have features such as ACLs, meeting requests, and advanced calendaring.
+ Meet is our new videoconferencing solution, directly accessible from any browser,
+ using adaptive UX to match any environment you work in.</p>
+ Secure peer
+ to peer communication
+ No app installation(s) required (not even for screen
+ sharing)
+ Switch devices during a call without dropping out
+ WebApp
+ is our lightning fast web-client for sending email, calendaring, (video) chat,
+ file sharing and more. You can access your projects and files online from any
+ major browser, no plug-ins required.
+ Real-time communication, collaboration
+ & document editing in one interface
+ Set up instant video conferences
+ Share files or send a quick direct message
+ Kopano Documents connects
+ to existing network storage, smart storage like nextCloud,
+ ownCloud and Seafile and cloud-based storage solutions. This means you
+ can store your files the way you like best and easily share them with people within
+ or outside your organization.
layout: stand
logo: stands/kopano/logo.png
-new_this_year: "We have extended the features of our Kopano Meet\r\n- Improved interface\r\
- \n- Easy to use invitations\r\n- Videoconferencing; when peer to peer is not enough\
- \ a central server now takes over (without compromising on privacy or security)\r\
- \n- Upcoming: Chat in meet\r\nKopano Groupware Core 9\r\n- A new major release for\
- \ our backend with many improvements\r\nKopano One was launched\r\n- The complete\
- \ Kopano Groupware stack in a single repository"
-showcase: "Do you have your own domain, and do you also want a complete communication\
- \ stack providing e-mail, online videoconferencing, file sharing, and more?\r\n\
- Kopano provides a 100% open-source software communication stack that allows you\
- \ to maintain in control of your data, while also providing easy-to-use clients:\r\
- \n- Kopano Webapp for your browser\r\n- Kopano Deskapp for your desktop\r\n- Z-Push\
- \ for native integration on your phone\r\n- Kopano Meet for video meetings\r\n\r\
- \nSo, if you're running an e-mail server for your family, or if you want a high-grade\
- \ video meeting application for your organization, and for everything in-between,\r\
- \n\r\nCome visit the Kopano stand for more information!"
+new_this_year: |
+ <p>We have extended the features of our Kopano Meet</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Improved interface</li>
+ <li>Easy to use invitations</li>
+ <li>Videoconferencing; when peer to peer is not enough a central server now takes over (without compromising on privacy or security)</li>
+ <li>Upcoming: Chat in meet Kopano Groupware Core 9</li>
+ <li>A new major release for our backend with many improvements Kopano One was launched</li>
+ <li>The complete Kopano Groupware stack in a single repository
+ </ul>
+showcase: |
+ <p>Do you have your own domain, and do you also want a complete communication
+ stack providing e-mail, online videoconferencing, file sharing, and more?</p>
+ <p>
+ Kopano provides a 100% open-source software communication stack that allows you
+ to maintain in control of your data, while also providing easy-to-use clients:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Kopano Webapp for your browser</li>
+ <li>Kopano Deskapp for your desktop</li>
+ <li>Z-Push for native integration on your phone</li>
+ <li>Kopano Meet for video meetings</li>
+ </ul>
+ <p>So, if you're running an e-mail server for your family, or if you want a high-grade
+ video meeting application for your organization, and for everything in-between,</p>
+ <p>Come visit the Kopano stand for more information!</p>
- Office suites and productivity
title: Kopano
-description: "LibreOffice is a powerful FOSS office suite used by millions of people\
- \ around the world, which includes several applications: Writer (word processing),\
- \ Calc (spreadsheets), Impress (presentations), Draw (vector graphics and flowcharts),\
- \ Base (databases), and Math (formula editing). Its clean UI and feature-rich tools\
- \ help you unleash your creativity and enhance your productivity.\r\nLibreOffice\
- \ is compatible with a wide range of proprietary document formats, such as Microsoft\
- \ Word (.doc, .docx), Excel (.xls, .xlsx), PowerPoint (.ppt, .pptx) and Publisher.\
- \ But LibreOffice goes much further with its native support for a modern and open\
- \ standard, the Open Document Format (ODF). With LibreOffice, you have maximum control\
- \ over your data and content \u2013 and you can export your work in many different\
- \ formats including PDF."
+description: |
+ LibreOffice is a powerful FOSS office suite used by millions of people
+ around the world, which includes several applications: Writer (word processing),
+ Calc (spreadsheets), Impress (presentations), Draw (vector graphics and flowcharts),
+ Base (databases), and Math (formula editing). Its clean UI and feature-rich tools
+ help you unleash your creativity and enhance your productivity.
+ LibreOffice is compatible with a wide range of proprietary document formats, such as Microsoft
+ Word (.doc, .docx), Excel (.xls, .xlsx), PowerPoint (.ppt, .pptx) and Publisher.
+ But LibreOffice goes much further with its native support for a modern and open
+ standard, the Open Document Format (ODF). With LibreOffice, you have maximum control
+ over your data and content u2013 and you can export your work in many different
+ formats including PDF.
layout: stand
logo: stands/libreoffice/logo.png
-new_this_year: 'Two major product releases: LibreOffice 7.0 and LibreOffice 7.1, each
+new_this_year: |
+ <p>Two major product releases: LibreOffice 7.0 and LibreOffice 7.1, each
one with many new features, supported by a new marketing strategy. Several new projects
focused on attracting new contributors, including an Ambassador Program targeted
- at Universities.'
-showcase: We will announce LibreOffice 7.1 just before FOSDEM, with a new communication
+ at Universities.</p>
+showcase: |
+ <p>We will announce LibreOffice 7.1 just before FOSDEM, with a new communication
strategy focused on improving our reach and educating enterprises to increase their
contributions to FOSS projects. So, we will have plenty of news to share with FOSS
advocates using LibreOffice for their personal productivity, with organizations
migrating to LibreOffice to regain control of their documents, and with public administrations
- focusing on digital sovereignty.
+ focusing on digital sovereignty.</p>
- Office suites and productivity
title: LibreOffice
and open collaboration in the MariaDB ecosystem.
layout: stand
logo: stands/mariadb_foundation/logo.png
-new_this_year: "MariaDB Server 10.5 was released as GA in June 2020.\r\nHighlights\
- \ include:\r\n- the ColumnStore storage engine, a columnar storage engine designed\
- \ for big data scaling\r\n- numerous performance improvements to the default InnoDB\
- \ storage engine\r\n- a new S3 storage engine for archiving tables on Amazon S3,\
- \ or any third-party implementing S3 API\r\n- an overhaul of the privilege system,\
- \ allowing more fine grained control\r\n- a huge update of the Performance Schema,\
- \ providing far more instrumentation and tables\r\n- full GTID support for Galera\
- \ Cluster\r\n- numerous syntax enhancements to extend functionality and improve\
- \ adherence to standards\r\n\r\nThe MariaDB Foundation hosted the MariaDB Server\
- \ Fest, and the MariaDB Server MiniFest, two highly successful online events for\
- \ developers of applications that use MariaDB Server."
-showcase: "The MariaDB Foundation supports continuity and open collaboration in the\
- \ MariaDB ecosystem. The Foundation guarantees that there is a global contact point\
- \ for collaboration and that the community can always rely upon MariaDB Server.\r\
- \n\r\nThe Foundation\u2019s staff support MariaDB Server by:\r\n* Encouraging adoption,\
- \ contribution and distribution of MariaDB Server and related open source software.\r\
- \n* Helping new contributors understand the source code and lowering the barrier\
- \ for new participants.\r\n* Participating in the design of new features, ensuring\
- \ the code quality and maintainability of the codebase while the number of contributors\
- \ is growing.\r\n* Making sure documentation keeps up with the development of new\
- \ features.\r\n* Porting and packaging MariaDB to different platforms and operating\
- \ systems to keep it as widely available as possible.\r\n* Speaking at events and\
- \ driving adoption."
+new_this_year: |
+ <p>MariaDB Server 10.5 was released as GA in June 2020.</p>
+ <p>Highlights
+ include:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>the ColumnStore storage engine, a columnar storage engine designed
+ for big data scaling</li>
+ <li>numerous performance improvements to the default InnoDB
+ storage engine</li>
+ <li>a new S3 storage engine for archiving tables on Amazon S3,
+ or any third-party implementing S3 API</li>
+ <li>an overhaul of the privilege system,
+ allowing more fine grained control</li>
+ <li>a huge update of the Performance Schema,
+ providing far more instrumentation and tables</li>
+ <li>full GTID support for Galera
+ Cluster</li>
+ <li>numerous syntax enhancements to extend functionality and improve
+ adherence to standards</li>
+ </ul>
+ <p>The MariaDB Foundation hosted the MariaDB Server
+ Fest, and the MariaDB Server MiniFest, two highly successful online events for
+ developers of applications that use MariaDB Server.</p>
+showcase: |
+ <p>The MariaDB Foundation supports continuity and open collaboration in the
+ MariaDB ecosystem. The Foundation guarantees that there is a global contact point
+ for collaboration and that the community can always rely upon MariaDB Server. </p>
+ <p>The Foundation's staff support MariaDB Server by:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Encouraging adoption,
+ contribution and distribution of MariaDB Server and related open source software.</li>
+ <li>Helping new contributors understand the source code and lowering the barrier
+ for new participants.</li>
+ <li>Participating in the design of new features, ensuring
+ the code quality and maintainability of the codebase while the number of contributors
+ is growing.</li>
+ <li>Making sure documentation keeps up with the development of new
+ features.</li>
+ <li>Porting and packaging MariaDB to different platforms and operating
+ systems to keep it as widely available as possible.</li>
+ <li>Speaking at events and
+ driving adoption.</li>
+ </ul>
- Database engines
title: MariaDB Foundation
-description: "Matrix (https://matrix.org) is an open protocol for secure, decentralised\
- \ communication - defining an end-to-end-encrypted real-time communication layer\
- \ for the open Web suitable for instant messaging, VoIP, microblogging, forums and\
- \ more. We publish Matrix as an open standard (https://matrix.org/docs/spec) under\
- \ the open governance of the non-profit Matrix.org Foundation (https://matrix.org/foundation),\
- \ and release Apache-licensed reference implementations of the protocol for server,\
- \ client SDKs, bots, bridges & more. Some users may recognise Matrix via client\
- \ apps such as Element (https://element.io, formerly Riot).\r\n\r\nMatrix works\
- \ by replicating conversation history across servers which participate in a given\
- \ conversation, ensuring that ownership of the conversation is fully decentralised:\
- \ no single server owns or controls the conversation, just as git repositories are\
- \ cloned equally between all participants. As a result, you can think of Matrix\
- \ more like a global decentralised object database with realtime pubsub semantics,\
- \ rather than a traditional message-passing protocol. The protocol defines HTTPS+JSON\
- \ APIs as a baseline, but more efficient transports and encodings are supported\
- \ and encouraged.\r\n\r\nThe public Matrix network on the internet has over 26M\
- \ addressable users spread over ~60K servers, ranging in size from personal RPis\
- \ through to massive deployments for organisations including Mozilla, the Wikimedia\
- \ Foundation, German schools in Schleswig-Holstein & Hamburg, and the entirety of\
- \ the French Government."
+description: |
+ Matrix (https://matrix.org) is an open protocol for secure, decentralised
+ communication - defining an end-to-end-encrypted real-time communication layer
+ for the open Web suitable for instant messaging, VoIP, microblogging, forums and
+ more. We publish Matrix as an open standard (https://matrix.org/docs/spec) under
+ the open governance of the non-profit Matrix.org Foundation (https://matrix.org/foundation),
+ and release Apache-licensed reference implementations of the protocol for server,
+ client SDKs, bots, bridges & more. Some users may recognise Matrix via client
+ apps such as Element (https://element.io, formerly Riot).
+ Matrix works
+ by replicating conversation history across servers which participate in a given
+ conversation, ensuring that ownership of the conversation is fully decentralised:
+ no single server owns or controls the conversation, just as git repositories are
+ cloned equally between all participants. As a result, you can think of Matrix
+ more like a global decentralised object database with realtime pubsub semantics,
+ rather than a traditional message-passing protocol. The protocol defines HTTPS+JSON
+ APIs as a baseline, but more efficient transports and encodings are supported
+ and encouraged.
+ The public Matrix network on the internet has over 26M
+ addressable users spread over ~60K servers, ranging in size from personal RPis
+ through to massive deployments for organisations including Mozilla, the Wikimedia
+ Foundation, German schools in Schleswig-Holstein & Hamburg, and the entirety of
+ the French Government.
layout: stand
logo: stands/matrix/logo.png
-new_this_year: "2020 was a busy year for Matrix.\r\n * Mozilla turned off IRC and\
- \ migrated to Matrix in March: https://matrix.org/blog/2020/03/03/moznet-irc-is-dead-long-live-mozilla-matrix\r\
- \n * After loads of testing, we finally turned on end-to-end encryption by default\
- \ for all private rooms in May: https://matrix.org/blog/2020/05/06/cross-signing-and-end-to-end-encryption-by-default-is-here\r\
- \n * We finally fixed our performance problems on the overloaded matrix.org server\
- \ by horizontally sharding Synapse: https://matrix.org/blog/2020/11/03/how-we-fixed-synapses-scalability\r\
- \n * We started to see more academic research emerging on Matrix, particularly analysing\
- \ the properties of state resolution (how we keep Matrix rooms securely replicated\
- \ in a byzantine fault tolerant manner): https://matrix.org/blog/2020/06/16/matrix-decomposition-an-independent-academic-analysis-of-matrix-state-resolution\r\
- \n * Dendrite (our next-gen Golang Matrix server) entered beta in October, steadily\
- \ improving ever since: https://matrix.org/blog/2020/10/08/dendrite-is-entering-beta\r\
- \n * Gitter joined Matrix in October, with native Matrix support launching in December:\
- \ https://matrix.org/blog/2020/12/07/gitter-now-speaks-matrix\r\n * We started working\
- \ on Decentralised Reputation as a mechanism for empowering users to filter out\
- \ abuse or other unwanted content in Matrix (thus *finally* catching up with our\
- \ FOSDEM 2017 talk on the subject: https://archive.fosdem.org/2017/schedule/event/matrix_future/):\
- \ https://matrix.org/blog/2020/10/19/combating-abuse-in-matrix-without-backdoors\r\
- \n * We launched Cerulean, a wildly experimental proof-of-concept to experiment\
- \ with threads demonstrate the viability of twitter-style microblogging on Matrix\
- \ (including an initial implementation of decentralised reputation!): https://matrix.org/blog/2020/12/18/introducing-cerulean\r\
- \n * We got the first messages flowing over Decentralised MLS (Messaging Layer Security),\
- \ giving logarithmic rather than linear complexity E2EE.\r\n\r\nIn 2021, we plan\
- \ to add:\r\n * Spaces - shareable hierarchies of rooms, effectively making Matrix\
- \ a decentralised hierarchical filesystem for realtime data!\r\n * Threads - full\
- \ support for free-form threaded conversations\r\n * Full Social Login (log in via\
- \ Github, Gitlab, or as wide a choice of SSO providers as you like)\r\n * Massively\
- \ improved VoIP\r\n * Voice messages, Location sharing, Custom emoji, Canonical\
- \ DMs...\r\n * ...and reworking E2EE, again, to improve reliability and performance."
-showcase: Matrix is an open protocol for secure decentralised communication, aiming
+new_this_year: |
+ <p>2020 was a busy year for Matrix.</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Mozilla turned off IRC and
+ migrated to Matrix in March: https://matrix.org/blog/2020/03/03/moznet-irc-is-dead-long-live-mozilla-matrix</li>
+ <li>After loads of testing, we finally turned on end-to-end encryption by default
+ for all private rooms in May: https://matrix.org/blog/2020/05/06/cross-signing-and-end-to-end-encryption-by-default-is-here</li>
+ <li>We finally fixed our performance problems on the overloaded matrix.org server
+ by horizontally sharding Synapse: https://matrix.org/blog/2020/11/03/how-we-fixed-synapses-scalability</li>
+ <li>We started to see more academic research emerging on Matrix, particularly analysing
+ the properties of state resolution (how we keep Matrix rooms securely replicated
+ in a byzantine fault tolerant manner): https://matrix.org/blog/2020/06/16/matrix-decomposition-an-independent-academic-analysis-of-matrix-state-resolution</li>
+ <li>Dendrite (our next-gen Golang Matrix server) entered beta in October, steadily
+ improving ever since: https://matrix.org/blog/2020/10/08/dendrite-is-entering-beta</li>
+ <li>Gitter joined Matrix in October, with native Matrix support launching in December:
+ https://matrix.org/blog/2020/12/07/gitter-now-speaks-matrix</li>
+ <li>We started working
+ on Decentralised Reputation as a mechanism for empowering users to filter out
+ abuse or other unwanted content in Matrix (thus *finally* catching up with our
+ FOSDEM 2017 talk on the subject: https://archive.fosdem.org/2017/schedule/event/matrix_future/):
+ https://matrix.org/blog/2020/10/19/combating-abuse-in-matrix-without-backdoors</li>
+ <li>We launched Cerulean, a wildly experimental proof-of-concept to experiment
+ with threads demonstrate the viability of twitter-style microblogging on Matrix
+ (including an initial implementation of decentralised reputation!): https://matrix.org/blog/2020/12/18/introducing-cerulean</li>
+ <li>We got the first messages flowing over Decentralised MLS (Messaging Layer Security),
+ giving logarithmic rather than linear complexity E2EE.</li>
+ </ul>
+ <p>In 2021, we plan
+ to add:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Spaces - shareable hierarchies of rooms, effectively making Matrix
+ a decentralised hierarchical filesystem for realtime data!</li>
+ <li>Threads - full
+ support for free-form threaded conversations</li>
+ <li>Full Social Login (log in via
+ Github, Gitlab, or as wide a choice of SSO providers as you like)</li>
+ <li>Massively
+ improved VoIP</li>
+ <li>Voice messages, Location sharing, Custom emoji, Canonical
+ DMs...</li>
+ <li>...and reworking E2EE, again, to improve reliability and performance.</li>
+ </ul>
+showcase: |
+ <p>Matrix is an open protocol for secure decentralised communication, aiming
to bust open the closed proprietary communication silos (Slack, Teams, Discord,
WhatsApp etc) which have dominated in recent years. On our stand you'll be able
to sync via chat & video conference directly with the core Matrix team, get demos
of all the latest stuff we've been working on, and generally learn how to liberate
- your communication and join the open Matrix communication network.
+ your communication and join the open Matrix communication network.</p>
- Office suites and productivity
title: Matrix
--- /dev/null
+Subproject commit 5c691a3916c6d829597571f8861e40ee3ca78570
-description: "Mautic began with a single focus. Equality. The Mautic Community believes\
- \ in giving every person the power to understand, manage, and grow their business\
- \ or organization. Mautic is focused on helping this belief become a reality by\
- \ getting powerful, Open Source marketing automation software into the hands of\
- \ everyone.\r\n\r\nWhen David Hurley (@dbhurley) began Mautic he had a big goal.\
- \ A plan to move horizons, and change the world. He foresaw Mautic as software made\
- \ by the people and for the people and as such the community became a top priority\
- \ and integral part. Those people interested in becoming involved in a community\
- \ with a vision to change the world should consider getting involved in Mautic.\
- \ People are the priority. Equality is the goal.\r\n\r\nWhat is Marketing Automation\r\
- \nThe concept of marketing automation is not a new idea and the general idea of\
- \ automated marketing is one which most are familiar with, though the terminology\
- \ may be different. Here\u2019s a very brief overview:\r\n\r\nMarketing Automation\
- \ is a platform for saving time, eliminating errors, and improving efficiency for\
- \ a wide range of marketing tasks across multiple channels.\r\n\r\nIf you\u2019\
- re interested in learning more there are some excellent resources available which\
- \ give more background information to get you started.\r\n\r\nWhat is Mautic video:\r\
- \nhttps://youtu.be/yKgaIoElsWU"
+description: |
+ Mautic began with a single focus. Equality. The Mautic Community believes
+ in giving every person the power to understand, manage, and grow their business
+ or organization. Mautic is focused on helping this belief become a reality by
+ getting powerful, Open Source marketing automation software into the hands of
+ everyone.
+ When David Hurley (@dbhurley) began Mautic he had a big goal.
+ A plan to move horizons, and change the world. He foresaw Mautic as software made
+ by the people and for the people and as such the community became a top priority
+ and integral part. Those people interested in becoming involved in a community
+ with a vision to change the world should consider getting involved in Mautic.
+ People are the priority. Equality is the goal.
+ What is Marketing Automation The concept of marketing automation is not a new idea and the general idea of
+ automated marketing is one which most are familiar with, though the terminology
+ may be different. Hereu2019s a very brief overview:</p>
+ Marketing Automation
+ is a platform for saving time, eliminating errors, and improving efficiency for
+ a wide range of marketing tasks across multiple channels.</p>
+ If you're interested in learning more there are some excellent resources available which
+ give more background information to get you started.
+ What is Mautic video: https://youtu.be/yKgaIoElsWU
layout: stand
logo: stands/mautic/logo.png
-new_this_year: "- Established a governance process with five teams (Community, Education,\
- \ Legal & Finance, Marketing and Product) managing aspects of the community\r\n\r\
- \n- Monthly release cadence with quarterly feature releases\r\n\r\n- Mautic 3.0\
- \ released in 2020 - first major release in over 2 years!\r\n\r\n- Held our first\
- \ MautiCon with over 270 attendees, 6 tracks, 55 speakers and 64 sessions in 7 languages\r\
- \n\r\n- Planning Mautic Next Generation - a ground-up rewrite on Symfony 5/API Platform/React\
- \ - to be released as an MVP by the end of 2021\r\n\r\n- Several Strategic Initiatives\
- \ including new email and landing page builders, native Composer support, improved\
- \ install and upgrade process, improved resource management, and a Mautic Marketplace"
-showcase: "Need to provide a Marketing Automation solution and prefer Open Source\
- \ solutions?\r\n\r\nMautic is a fully-featured Marketing Automation platform based\
- \ on the Symfony framework which allows you to deliver a truly personalised digital\
- \ experience across multiple channels from one, centrally managed orchestration\
- \ tool.\r\n\r\nSupported by a vibrant and growing worldwide community and with several\
- \ companies offering hosted solutions based on the Open Source codebase, it's a\
- \ great time to explore Open Source alternatives for your MarTech stack."
+new_this_year: |
+ <ul>
+ <li>Established a governance process with five teams (Community, Education,
+ Legal & Finance, Marketing and Product) managing aspects of the community</li>
+ <li>Monthly release cadence with quarterly feature releases</li>
+ <li>Mautic 3.0
+ released in 2020 - first major release in over 2 years!</li>
+ <li>Held our first
+ MautiCon with over 270 attendees, 6 tracks, 55 speakers and 64 sessions in 7 languages</li>
+ <li>Planning Mautic Next Generation - a ground-up rewrite on Symfony 5/API Platform/React
+ —to be released as an MVP by the end of 2021</li>
+ <li>Several Strategic Initiatives
+ including new email and landing page builders, native Composer support, improved
+ install and upgrade process, improved resource management, and a Mautic Marketplace</li>
+ </ul>
+showcase: |
+ <p>Need to provide a Marketing Automation solution and prefer Open Source
+ solutions?</p>
+ <p>Mautic is a fully-featured Marketing Automation platform based
+ on the Symfony framework which allows you to deliver a truly personalised digital
+ experience across multiple channels from one, centrally managed orchestration
+ tool.</p>
+ <p>Supported by a vibrant and growing worldwide community and with several
+ companies offering hosted solutions based on the Open Source codebase, it's a
+ great time to explore Open Source alternatives for your MarTech stack.</p>
- World wide web
title: Mautic
--- /dev/null
+Subproject commit cf86b36bcb249aa7f1e2a139feaaec6e4e4489b1
-description: MIT App Inventor is an open source (Apache Software License 2.0) platform
+description: |
+ MIT App Inventor is an open source (Apache Software License 2.0) platform
for anyone to build their own mobile apps. The MIT App Inventor project seeks to
democratize software development by empowering all people, especially young people,
to move from technology consumption to technology creation. Currently it targets
without sending data to any third parties.
layout: stand
logo: stands/mit_app_inventor/logo.png
-new_this_year: In the last year we have implemented support for dictionaries in the
+new_this_year: |
+ <p>In the last year we have implemented support for dictionaries in the
App Inventor language. We have introduced support for newer Android APIs. These
facilities make it easier to interoperate with JSON and XML data. We are also developing
a feature called Visible Component Extensions, which will allow any developer to
(http://appinventor.mit.edu/explore/ai-with-mit-app-inventor). These materials are
freely available for anyone to use under the CC 4.0 BY-SA license. In 2020 we introduced
improved support for using App Inventor for mobile development on Chromebooks. New
- this year is also a translation into Lithuanian.
-showcase: Come to the App Inventor stand at FOSDEM to learn about how you can quickly
+ this year is also a translation into Lithuanian.</p>
+showcase: |
+ <p>Come to the App Inventor stand at FOSDEM to learn about how you can quickly
build your own mobile apps, how you can contribute to the project, and how you can
create and publish your own extensions for other developers. You can also talk with
members of the current development team about how to contribute to App Inventor
through Google Summer of Code. Join our worldwide community of developers to enable
- anyone to build a mobile app!
+ anyone to build a mobile app!</p>
- Education
title: MIT App Inventor
website: https://appinventor.mit.edu
-show_on_overview: true
+show_on_overview: false
+draft: true
\ No newline at end of file
-description: "Where is your data? Where are the pictures from your last vacation on\
- \ the beach, where is your contact list, where are the last chats you had with your\
- \ loved ones? Who has access to that data, who can see it, who can download it,\
- \ who can modify or delete it? Do you trust the services you use to take care of\
- \ your data?\r\n\r\nYour data represents who you are and can easily be abused. We\
- \ want this to change.\r\n\r\nWe at Nextcloud believe that you have a right to decide\
- \ what happens with your data. We believe that you should be able to have as much\
- \ control as possible on what belongs to no one else but you.\r\n\r\nHow does that\
- \ work? First, Nextcloud is an Open Source private cloud software, which means that\
- \ anyone can read the code, and make sure it keeps your data safe. And second, at\
- \ Nextcloud, we don't force you to pick our own infrastructure or servers like the\
- \ big famous public clouds do. You can run Nextcloud yourself, at home or in a data\
- \ center on rented space. You can buy ready-to-go devices with Nextcloud or pick\
- \ a provider who rents out space to you!\r\n\r\nWe built a software that does everything\
- \ you expect from a cloud - from syncing and sharing files to editing documents,\
- \ storing passwords, calendars and bookmarks and reading mail. But YOU decide where\
- \ the data is and who has access!\r\n\r\nYou're in control. https://nextcloud.com/yourdata/"
+description: "
+<p>Let us introduce ourselves. We are Nextcloud, a global community of thousands of contributors developing Nextcloud Hub - a open source, on premises content collaboration platform.</p>
+<p>What is a content collaboration platform? Why on premises and open source? Let's answer that with a question!</p>
+<div class=\"row\">
+ <div class=\"col-md-8\">
+ <p>Where is your data? Where are the pictures from your last vacation on the beach, where is your contact list, where are the last chats you had with your loved ones? Who has access to that data, who can see it, who can download it, who can modify or delete it? Do you trust the services you use to take care of your data?
+ <p>Your data represents who you are and can easily be abused. We want this to change.</p>
+ <p>We at Nextcloud believe that you have a right to decide what happens with your data. We believe that you should be able to have as much control as possible on what belongs to no one else but you.</p>
+ </div>
+ <div class=\"col-md-4\">
+ <img style=\"width: 100%; height: auto; float: right;\" src=\"stands/nextcloud/who_owns_your_data.gif\">
+ </div>
+<h3>Protecting your rights</h3>
+<div class=\"row\">
+ <div class=\"col-md-8\">
+ <p>How does that work? First, Nextcloud is an Open Source private cloud software, which means that anyone can read the code, and make sure it keeps your data safe. And second, at Nextcloud, we don't force you to pick our own infrastructure or servers like the big famous public clouds do. You can run Nextcloud yourself, at home or in a data center on rented space. You can buy ready-to-go devices with Nextcloud or pick a provider who rents out space to you!</p>
+ <p>We built a software that does everything you expect from a cloud - from syncing and sharing files to editing documents, storing passwords, calendars and bookmarks and reading mail. But YOU decide where the data is and who has access!</p>
+ </div>
+ <div class=\"col-md-4\">
+ <img style=\"width: 100%; height: auto;\" src=\"stands/nextcloud/dashboard.png\">
+ </div>
+<h3>What it looks like</h3>
+<p>We created some videos to give you an idea of what Nextcloud Hub looks like!</p>
+<div class=\"row\">
+ <div class=\"col-md-6\">
+ <stream src=\"eb1384b4fa48d8f47abdec5051bc922d\" controls poster=\"https://nextcloud.com/wp-content/themes/next/assets/img/features/hub-video.png\"></stream>
+ <script data-cfasync=\"false\" defer type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"https://embed.videodelivery.net/embed/r4xu.fla9.latest.js?video=eb1384b4fa48d8f47abdec5051bc922d\"></script>
+ </div>
+ <div class=\"col-md-6\">
+ <stream src=\"4b66104c586170a4dc5b6ebbed80b193\" controls preload poster=\"https://nextcloud.com/wp-content/themes/next//assets/img/features/homeoffice-video.png\">
+ </stream> <script data-cfasync=\"false\" defer type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"https://embed.videodelivery.net/embed/r4xu.fla9.latest.js?video=4b66104c586170a4dc5b6ebbed80b193\"></script>
+ </div>
+<div style=\"margin-top:20px;\" class=\"row\">
+ <div class=\"col-md-4\">
+ <stream src=\"fa1b52828b602f72cf1bcfab61f74fb4\" controls poster=\"https://nextcloud.com/wp-content/themes/next/assets/img/features/files-video.png\"></stream>
+ <script data-cfasync=\"false\" defer type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"https://embed.videodelivery.net/embed/r4xu.fla9.latest.js?video=fa1b52828b602f72cf1bcfab61f74fb4\"></script>
+ </div>
+ <div class=\"col-md-4\">
+ <stream src=\"58bf7b0f3ae662ee1d6b368099c8c94f\" controls poster=\"https://nextcloud.com/wp-content/themes/next/assets/img/features/talk-video.png\"></stream>
+ <script data-cfasync=\"false\" defer type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"https://embed.videodelivery.net/embed/r4xu.fla9.latest.js?video=58bf7b0f3ae662ee1d6b368099c8c94f\"></script>
+ </div>
+ <div class=\"col-md-4\">
+ <stream src=\"3e135d59fff771d1909c4b8d588d5800\" controls poster=\"https://nextcloud.com/wp-content/themes/next/assets/img/features/groupware-video.png\"></stream>
+ <script data-cfasync=\"false\" defer type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"https://embed.videodelivery.net/embed/r4xu.fla9.latest.js?video=3e135d59fff771d1909c4b8d588d5800\"></script>
+ </div>
layout: stand
-logo: stands/nextcloud_hub__self-hosted__fully_open-source_file_sync__collaboration___communication_platform/logo.png
-new_this_year: https://nextcloud.com/blog/nextcloud-hub-20-debuts-dashboard-unifies-search-and-notifications-integrates-with-other-technologies/
-showcase: "We're a real, cool, open source project. We care about the 'Free' part\
- \ in FOSDEM as you know! So this shows:\r\n\r\nWe are a real community-based Free\
- \ Software project. 100% open source, a Red Hat like model with support for companies\
- \ and all code free for everyone.\r\n\r\nCommunity means people-not-paid-by-us.\
- \ While we have nearly 3 dozen paid engineers, more than half the code done in our\
- \ project is from volunteers.\r\n\r\nAnd our booth reflects this too. last year,\
- \ we had 15 people - 5 employees (who want to come anyway, being long time FOSS\
- \ people), the rest volunteers. Half of those we sponsored with travel costs, as\
- \ we want as many people to attend FOSDEM as possible!\r\n\r\nAnd we try to do that\
- \ in a way that helps diversity in open source, mentoring through projects like\
- \ Rails Girls Summer of Code and directly where we can. More than half the people\
- \ we sponsored were women - and that's not because we gave them priority over men,\
- \ but just because they made the best proposal and contributed most. Encouragement\
- \ and mentoring works and we're very proud of that! Frank even donated the 20.000\
- \ euro he recently won in a prize to our Nextcloud Include diversity project - see\
- \ nextcloud.com/include\r\n\r\nWe work with loads of other open source and privacy\
- \ projects. For example, the FSFE are good friends of us (they carry Nextcloud stickers\
- \ and recommend us as part of their lovely \"there is no cloud, only other people's\
- \ computers\" campaign) and of course we support, promote and get promoted by a\
- \ wide variety of privacy projects like Cryptoparty (https://www.cryptoparty.in/learn/tools),\
- \ and https://securedrop.org (Lo\xEFc Dachary gave a nice talk at the Nextcloud\
- \ conference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kE3l7mD44Is)\r\n\r\nAs a company -\
- \ we're picky about investors as we want the FOSS people to stay in control. We\
- \ only took investment money from a co-founder of Red Hat, not from venture capital\
- \ or real estate money etc."
+logo: stands/nextcloud/logo.png
+new_this_year: "<p>To find out what's new in Nextcloud over 2020, it's probably best to check out our talk on that subject. But we'll also happily share some basics here.</p>
+<h4>Nextcloud hub 20</h4>
+<p>The three biggest features we introduced with Nextcloud 20 are:</p>
+<ul style=\"padding-inline-start: 20px;\">
+<li style=\"list-style: none; list-style-image: none; margin-top: 8px;\">🏁 Our new dashboard provides a great starting point for the day with over a dozen widgets ranging from Twitter and Github to Moodle and Zammad already available</li>
+<li style=\"list-style: none; list-style-image: none; margin-top: 8px;\">🔍 Search was unified, bringing search results of Nextcloud apps as well as external services like Gitlab, Jira and Discourse in one place</li>
+<li style=\"list-style: none; list-style-image: none; margin-top: 8px;\">🗨 Talk introduced bridging to other platforms including MS Teams, Slack, IRC, Matrix and a dozen others</li>
+<p style=\"margin-top: 20px;\" >👾 Some other improvements we want to highlight include:</p>
+<ul style=\"padding-inline-start: 20px; margin-top: 15px;\">
+<li style=\"list-style: none; list-style-image: none; margin-top: 8px;\">📢 Notifications and Activities were brought together, making sure you won’t miss anything important</li>
+<li style=\"list-style: none; list-style-image: none; margin-top: 8px;\">🟢 We added a ‘status’ setting so you can communicate to other users what you are up to</li>
+<li style=\"list-style: none; list-style-image: none; margin-top: 8px;\">🗨 Talk also brings dashboard and search integration, emoji picker, upload view, camera and microphone settings, mute and more</li>
+<li style=\"list-style: none; list-style-image: none; margin-top: 8px;\">📅 Calendar integrates in dashboard and search, introduced a list view and design improvements</li>
+<li style=\"list-style: none; list-style-image: none; margin-top: 8px;\">📫 Mail introduces threaded view, mailbox management and more</li>
+<li style=\"list-style: none; list-style-image: none; margin-top: 8px;\">🗂 Deck integrates with dashboard and search, introduces Calendar integration, modal view for card editing and series of smaller improvements</li>
+<li style=\"list-style: none; list-style-image: none; margin-top: 8px;\">↕ Flow adds push notification and webhooks so other web apps can easily integrate with Nextcloud</li>
+<li style=\"list-style: none; list-style-image: none; margin-top: 8px;\">🗒 Text introduced direct linking to files in Nextcloud</li>
+<li style=\"list-style: none; list-style-image: none; margin-top: 8px;\">🗄 Files lets you add a description to public link shares</li>
+<p style=\"margin-top: 20px;\" ><a href=\"https://nextcloud.com/blog/nextcloud-hub-20-debuts-dashboard-unifies-search-and-notifications-integrates-with-other-technologies/\">Read the full announcement on our blog.</a></p>
+<h4>Nextcloud Hub 19</h4>
+<p>Nextcloud Hub v19, code name “home office”, represents a big step forward for remote collaboration in teams. This release brought document collaboration to video chats, introduced password-less login and improves performance.</p>
+<p>A quick overview of what is new:</p>
+<ul style=\"padding-inline-start: 20px;\">
+<li style=\"list-style: none; list-style-image: none; margin-top: 8px;\">🔒 password-less authentication and many other security measures</li>
+<li style=\"list-style: none; list-style-image: none; margin-top: 8px;\">📝 Talk 9 with built-in office document editing courtesy of Collabora, a grid view & more</li>
+<li style=\"list-style: none; list-style-image: none; margin-top: 8px;\">🚀 MUCH improved performance, 📆 Deck integration in Calendar, 🙇 guest account groups and more!</li>
+<p style=\"margin-top: 20px;\" >We also released our high performance back-end for Talk under an open source license and introduced improvements in Deck, Mail, Calendar and other apps.</p>
+<p style=\"margin-top: 20px;\" >Read the <a class=\"hyperlink\" href=\"https://nextcloud.com/blog/nextcloud-hub-brings-productivity-to-home-office/\">release announcement</a> for more details.</p>
+<h4>Nextcloud Hub 18 announcement</h4>
+<p>Nextcloud Hub is the first completely integrated on-premises content collaboration platform on the market, ready for a new generation of users who expect seamless online collaboration capabilities out of the box.</p>
+<p>With this release, we made a change to what we ship. Nextcloud 17 is now Nextcloud Hub 18. Nextcloud Hub comes with a number of new apps which get installed by default on installation (but not shipped as part of the tarball/zip).</p>
+<p>A quick overview of what is new:</p>
+<ul style=\"padding-inline-start: 20px;\">
+<li style=\"list-style: none; list-style-image: none; margin-top: 8px;\">📁 Files - features an improved sidebar, accepting internal shares & folder owner transfership
+<ul style=\"padding-inline-start: 20px;\">
+<li style=\"list-style: none; list-style-image: none; margin-top: 8px;\">🗃 Workspaces brings context to your folders, facilitating collaboration in one place.</li>
+<li style=\"list-style: none; list-style-image: none; margin-top: 8px;\">🔏 File locking prevents conflicts editing shared files with others</li>
+<li style=\"list-style: none; list-style-image: none; margin-top: 8px;\">🤖 Flow - Brings extensive, easy to use workflow capabilities to Nextcloud. Automatically turn documents in PDFs, send messages to chat rooms and more!</li>
+<li style=\"list-style: none; list-style-image: none; margin-top: 8px;\">📝 ONLYOFFICE - Built in ONLYOFFICE makes collaborative editing of Microsoft Office documents accessible to everyone</li>
+<li style=\"list-style: none; list-style-image: none; margin-top: 8px;\">📸 Photos - A brand new image gallery makes finding, browsing and sharing your images easier than ever before.</li>
+<li style=\"list-style: none; list-style-image: none; margin-top: 8px;\">📅 Calendar 2.0 - Calendar 2.0 books Talk meetings, brings busy view for meetings and resource booking and more</li>
+<li style=\"list-style: none; list-style-image: none; margin-top: 8px;\">📩 Mail - Mail 1.0 recognizes itineraries, handles rich text mails and more</li>
+<li style=\"list-style: none; list-style-image: none; margin-top: 8px;\">🗣 Talk - rewritten user interface brings message delivery notifications, circles support, message replies and flow integration</li>
+<p style=\"margin-top: 20px;\" >Read the <a class=\"hyperlink\" href=\"https://nextcloud.com/blog/the-new-standard-in-on-premises-team-collaboration-nextcloud-hub/\">release announcement</a> for more details.</p>
+<h4>More releases</h4>
+<p>There are many more things the Nextcloud community releases - independent but very cool apps like <a href\"https://twitter.com/Nextclouders/status/1349648706237325314\">Notes for Android</a> or the brand new <a href\"https://twitter.com/the_picrew/status/1349710415064944645\">Podcasts app</a>. And of course our mobile and desktop apps! Here some highlights from 2020.
+<li><a href=\"https://nextcloud.com/blog/minor-release-of-desktop-client-a-recap-of-2020-features-and-gifts-for-nextcloud-users/\">Desktop client 2020 recap</a></li>
+<li><a href=\"https://nextcloud.com/blog/unsung-heroes-of-the-nextcloud-community-biswajit-das-developing-a-nextcloud-bookmarks-android-client/\">Nextcloud Bookmarks (author interview)</a></li>
+<li><a href=\"https://nextcloud.com/blog/nextcloud-ios-client-turns-3-0-10-new-transfer-view-grid-view-recent-view-on-your-mobile-copy-pasting-between-different-users-and-more/\">Final iOS release of the year</a></li>
+<li><a href=\"https://nextcloud.com/blog/nextcloud-3-13-1-for-android-is-out-plus-tips-about-auto-upload-for-existing-images-and-more/\">Final Android release of 2020</a></li>
+<li><a href=\"https://nextcloud.com/blog/production-ready-end-to-end-encryption-and-new-user-interface-arrive-with-nextcloud-desktop-client-3-0/\">Did you know end-to-end encryption is now here?</a></li>
+<li><a href=\"https://nextcloud.com/blog/nextcloud-forms-is-here-to-take-on-gafam/\">We released Nextcloud Forms to replace Google Forms.</a></li>
+<li><a href=\"https://nextcloud.com/blog/nextcloud-mail-introduces-machine-learning-for-priority-inbox/\">Nextcloud Mail introduced a machine learning powered priority inbox</a></li>
+<li><a href=\"https://nextcloud.com/blog/nextcloud-deck-1-0-available-today-plus-deck-for-android/\">Nextcloud Deck made it to 1.0!</a></li>"
+showcase: "We have a virtual stand and we'll try and answer questions you have in the chat room. There's a talk about Nextcloud in 2020 and of course you can check the videos above.</p>
+<p>Of course, there's a lot more to learn about Nextcloud, and we've collected some links for you to our website:</p>
+<li><a href=\"https://nextcloud.com/hub\">Nextcloud Hub overview</a></li>
+<li><a href=\"https://nextcloud.com/files\">Nextcloud Files overview</a></li>
+<li><a href=\"https://nextcloud.com/files\">Nextcloud Talk overview</a></li>
+<li><a href=\"https://nextcloud.com/files\">Nextcloud Groupware overview</a></li>
+<li><a href=\"https://nextcloud.com/clients\">Mobile and desktop clients</a></li>
+<li><a href=\"https://nextcloud.com/sharing\">Secure file sharing abilities</a></li>
+<li><a href=\"https://nextcloud.com/file-drop\">Customer file upload (file drop)</a></li>
+<li><a href=\"https://nextcloud.com/dashboard\">Dashboard</a></li>
+<li><a href=\"https://nextcloud.com/unified-search\">Search</a></li>
+<li><a href=\"https://nextcloud.com/storage\">Storage options (FTP, NFS, Windows Network Drive, SharePoint and more)</a></li>
+<li><a href=\"https://nextcloud.com/usermanagement\">User management and authentication (LDAP, SAML, 2FA)</a></li>
+<li><a href=\"https://nextcloud.com/monitoring\">Monitoring and auditing</a></li>
+<li><a href=\"https://nextcloud.com/workflow\">Workflow handling</a></li>
+<li><a href=\"https://nextcloud.com/globalscale\">Scalability</a></li>
+<li><a href=\"https://nextcloud.com/outlook\">Outlook and Thunderbird integration</a></li>
+<li><a href=\"https://nextcloud.com/collaboraonline\">Online document editing with Collabora Online</a></li>
+<li><a href=\"https://nextcloud.com/onlyoffice\">Online document editing with ONLYOFFICE</a></li>
+<h4>Security and Compliance</h4>
+<li><a href=\"https://nextcloud.com/secure\">Security overview</a></li>
+<li><a href=\"https://nextcloud.com/encryption\">Encryption overview</a></li>
+<li><a href=\"https://nextcloud.com/endtoend\">End-to-end encryption</a></li>
+<li><a href=\"https://nextcloud.com/virtual-data-room\">Virtual Data Rooms</a></li>
+<li><a href=\"https://nextcloud.com/security\">Security reports</a></li>
+<li><a href=\"https://nextcloud.com/gdpr\">Compliance (GDPR, HIPAA)</a></li>
+<p>Also, did you know we <a href=\"https://nextcloud.com/podcast\">have a podcast?</a></p>
- World wide web
title: 'Nextcloud Hub'
website: https://nextcloud.com
show_on_overview: true
\ No newline at end of file
+# Welcome to the Nextcloud stand!
+this is awesome
-description: ntop started as an opensource project in 1998 whose goal was to create
+description: |
+ ntop started as an opensource project in 1998 whose goal was to create
a simple yet effective web-based traffic monitoring platform. Many things have changed
since then, including the nature of the traffic being analyzed, operating systems
being run, and the way users interact with technologies. During this time, ntop
using commodity hardware and freely available operating systems.
layout: stand
logo: stands/ntop/logo.png
-new_this_year: "Since our last FOSDEM, ntopng has evolved along key dimensions:\r\n\
- \r\n- Input data. ntopng features the ability to receive and combine data from multiple,\
- \ heterogeneous sources. These sources include, but are not limited to, raw traffic\
- \ data, NetFlow and sFlow, firewalls and intrusion detection and prevention systems\
- \ such as Suricata.\r\n- Output data. Insights and intelligence data can be delivered\
- \ to multiple downstream recipients, including big-data stores (Elasticsearch),\
- \ messaging systems (Discord, Slack), email, and more.\r\n- External consumers.\
- \ A simple REST API exposes data to external consumers. This has paved the way for\
- \ the integration with Check MK, another popular opensource monitoring tool.\r\n\
- - Extensibility. Developers and community contributors can extend ntopng functionalities\
- \ by means of simple Lua scripts, that gets executed by ntopng.\r\n- Encrypted traffic\
- \ analysis. Encrypted TLS traffic is performed to provide insights into the nature\
- \ and security of monitored encrypted communications.\r\n- Behavior analyses. Heuristics\
- \ aim at detecting changes in normal and periodic traffic to detect new and possibly\
- \ suspicious host behaviors.\r\n\r\nFor this year, we expect ntopng to keep growing\
- \ and becoming more open to other opensource projects. Strong focus will be kept\
- \ on the security aspects of network monitoring, including behavioral and encrypted\
- \ traffic analyses. Finally, small agents are being built under the hood to be used\
- \ in combination with ntopng and to leverage its intelligence to block suspicious\
- \ traffic and prevent malicious activities to disrupt the whole network."
-showcase: "ntop features many opensource projects freely available on GitHub. This\
- \ stand wants to showcase one of the most popular opensource software developed\
- \ by ntop, namely, ntopng. ntopng is a web-based traffic monitoring software that\
- \ combines and correlates raw traffic data with other information to effectively\
- \ provide network intelligence an actionable insights.\r\nntopng can be used in\
- \ heterogeneous environments, ranging from homes and small offices, to large distributed\
- \ enterprise and research networks. Just to give an example, a real-world use case\
- \ of ntopng to monitor a large research network was presented at FOSDEM 2020.\r\n\
- ntopng integrates the opensource Deep Packet Inspection library nDPI to inspect\
- \ the whole protocol stack, up to the layer-7. This allows ntopng to provide intelligence\
- \ and insights both on traditional network metrics as well as on security-specific\
- \ metrics such as indicators of compromise.\r\nIf you visit our stand, you will\
- \ have to opportunity to see quick demonstrations of ntopng in action and learn\
- \ how to deploy it."
+new_this_year: |
+ <p>Since our last FOSDEM, ntopng has evolved along key dimensions:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Input data. ntopng features the ability to receive and combine data from multiple,
+ heterogeneous sources. These sources include, but are not limited to, raw traffic
+ data, NetFlow and sFlow, firewalls and intrusion detection and prevention systems
+ such as Suricata.</li>
+ <li>Output data. Insights and intelligence data can be delivered
+ to multiple downstream recipients, including big-data stores (Elasticsearch),
+ messaging systems (Discord, Slack), email, and more.</li>
+ <li>External consumers.
+ A simple REST API exposes data to external consumers. This has paved the way for
+ the integration with Check MK, another popular opensource monitoring tool.</li>
+ <li>Extensibility. Developers and community contributors can extend ntopng functionalities
+ by means of simple Lua scripts, that gets executed by ntopng.</li>
+ <li>Encrypted traffic
+ analysis. Encrypted TLS traffic is performed to provide insights into the nature
+ and security of monitored encrypted communications.</li>
+ <li>Behavior analyses. Heuristics
+ aim at detecting changes in normal and periodic traffic to detect new and possibly
+ suspicious host behaviors.</li>
+ </ul>
+ <p>For this year, we expect ntopng to keep growing
+ and becoming more open to other opensource projects. Strong focus will be kept
+ on the security aspects of network monitoring, including behavioral and encrypted
+ traffic analyses. Finally, small agents are being built under the hood to be used
+ in combination with ntopng and to leverage its intelligence to block suspicious
+ traffic and prevent malicious activities to disrupt the whole network.</p>
+showcase: |
+ <p>ntop features many opensource projects freely available on GitHub. This
+ stand wants to showcase one of the most popular opensource software developed
+ by ntop, namely, ntopng. ntopng is a web-based traffic monitoring software that
+ combines and correlates raw traffic data with other information to effectively
+ provide network intelligence an actionable insights.</p>
+ <p>ntopng can be used in
+ heterogeneous environments, ranging from homes and small offices, to large distributed
+ enterprise and research networks. Just to give an example, a real-world use case
+ of ntopng to monitor a large research network was presented at FOSDEM 2020.</p>
+ <p>
+ ntopng integrates the opensource Deep Packet Inspection library nDPI to inspect
+ the whole protocol stack, up to the layer-7. This allows ntopng to provide intelligence
+ and insights both on traditional network metrics as well as on security-specific
+ metrics such as indicators of compromise.</p>
+ <p>If you visit our stand, you will
+ have to opportunity to see quick demonstrations of ntopng in action and learn
+ how to deploy it.</p>
- World wide web
title: ntop
-description: "ONLYOFFICE is an open-source project with the focus on advanced and\
- \ secure document processing. It offers a powerful office suite that comprises online\
- \ editors for text documents, spreadsheets and presentations compatible with OOXML,\
- \ ODF and other popular file formats. \r\nWith over 7 million users worldwide, ONLYOFFICE\
- \ is a proven innovator in the online office business. Built on a cutting-edge technology,\
- \ it provides users with a vast range of editing tools and collaborative features\
- \ ensuring greater team workflow and seamless work with complex formatting and objects.\
- \ \r\nONLYOFFICE Docs can be integrated with other open-source services and platforms,\
- \ as well as developers can extend the functionality of their own solutions.\r\n\
- Besides, ONLYOFFICE provides a collaboration platform with multiple productivity\
- \ tools such as document and project management, mail, CRM, calendars, chat, etc.\
- \ released under the Apache 2.0 license."
+description: |
+ ONLYOFFICE is an open-source project with the focus on advanced and
+ secure document processing. It offers a powerful office suite that comprises online
+ editors for text documents, spreadsheets and presentations compatible with OOXML,
+ ODF and other popular file formats.
+ With over 7 million users worldwide, ONLYOFFICE
+ is a proven innovator in the online office business. Built on a cutting-edge technology,
+ it provides users with a vast range of editing tools and collaborative features
+ ensuring greater team workflow and seamless work with complex formatting and objects.
+ ONLYOFFICE Docs can be integrated with other open-source services and platforms,
+ as well as developers can extend the functionality of their own solutions.</p>
+ Besides, ONLYOFFICE provides a collaboration platform with multiple productivity
+ tools such as document and project management, mail, CRM, calendars, chat, etc.
+ released under the Apache 2.0 license.
layout: stand
logo: stands/onlyoffice/logo.png
-new_this_year: "In 2020, we made lots of useful enhancements in all ONLYOFFICE solutions.\
- \ \r\nFor more efficient collaboration, we implemented a new access permission -\
- \ Custom filter that allows hiding the data you don\u2019t want to show before sharing\
- \ your spreadsheet. Besides, Sheet View allows creating a filter that only changes\
- \ your view of the data, without affecting your collaborators.\r\nWith document\
- \ comparison, you are now able to quickly compare two docs and see differences between\
- \ them with revision marks, accept/reject/merge the changes.\r\nIn ONLYOFFICE Docs,\
- \ you will find new productivity features such as Pivot tables, conditional formatting\
- \ for viewing, mirror and gutter margins, slicers for formatted tables, endnotes\
- \ and cross-references, new plugins Zotero, Mendeley, Autocomplete, Telegram, HTML,\
- \ Word Count, Typograph, and much more.\r\nTo make ONLYOFFICE more secure, we added\
- \ storage encryption at rest and introduced Private Rooms, protected workplaces\
- \ where every symbol you type is encrypted using the unbreakable AES-256 algorithm,\
- \ even if you are co-editing documents with your teammates in real-time. For now,\
- \ it\u2019s the first version of ONLYOFFICE Private Rooms and we\u2019re planning\
- \ to further develop and improve it.\r\nWe presented ONLYOFFICE Groups released\
- \ under Apache 2.0 what allows modifying and distributing it without limitations.\
- \ It can be easily deployed in a few steps and integrated into any product ecosystem.\
- \ This makes ONLYOFFICE Groups an ideal solution for hosting providers who would\
- \ like to bring their customers the most complete in-browser collaboration platform.\r\
- \nAlong with multiple enhancements for the existing integrations, especially with\
- \ Nextcloud and ownCloud, the last year brought new connectors that allow integrating\
- \ ONLYOFFICE Docs with other platforms, namely for HumHub, Plone, and Nuxeo. \r\n\
- We\u2019re now working on multi-functional forms. And we don't talk about these\
- \ simple forms for making polls. Instead, we are creating a tool for working with\
- \ complex online documents that will allow quickly building any document template."
-showcase: "2020 has been a challenging year for many of us. The pandemic spread sped\
- \ up the transition to remote work. And we at ONLYOFFICE understand how important\
- \ it is to combine our \u201Copen-source efforts\u201D to help distributed teams\
- \ all over the world stay connected and productive. Our goal is to make secure and\
- \ reliable open-source software available for everybody. \r\nCome join us and learn\
- \ about: \r\nONLYOFFICE Docs - powerful online editors for text documents, spreadsheets,\
- \ and presentations that can be used within any sync&share and DMS service or integrated\
- \ into your own solution (AGPL v.3).\r\nONLYOFFICE Groups - online collaboration\
- \ platform which comprises tools for managing documents, projects, customers, and\
- \ emails along with the admin panel for platform configuration (Apache 2.0).\r\n\
- ONLYOFFICE Workspace - a complete self-hosted solution for team management and collaboration\
- \ which includes ONLYOFFICE Docs, Groups, Mail Server and Talk."
+new_this_year: |
+ <p>In 2020, we made lots of useful enhancements in all ONLYOFFICE solutions.
+ </p>
+ <p>For more efficient collaboration, we implemented a new access permission -
+ Custom filter that allows hiding the data you don't want to show before sharing
+ your spreadsheet. Besides, Sheet View allows creating a filter that only changes
+ your view of the data, without affecting your collaborators.</p>
+ <p>With document
+ comparison, you are now able to quickly compare two docs and see differences between
+ them with revision marks, accept/reject/merge the changes.</p>
+ <p>In ONLYOFFICE Docs,
+ you will find new productivity features such as Pivot tables, conditional formatting
+ for viewing, mirror and gutter margins, slicers for formatted tables, endnotes
+ and cross-references, new plugins Zotero, Mendeley, Autocomplete, Telegram, HTML,
+ Word Count, Typograph, and much more.</p>
+ <p>To make ONLYOFFICE more secure, we added
+ storage encryption at rest and introduced Private Rooms, protected workplaces
+ where every symbol you type is encrypted using the unbreakable AES-256 algorithm,
+ even if you are co-editing documents with your teammates in real-time. For now,
+ it's the first version of ONLYOFFICE Private Rooms and we're planning
+ to further develop and improve it.</p>
+ <p>We presented ONLYOFFICE Groups released
+ under Apache 2.0 what allows modifying and distributing it without limitations.
+ It can be easily deployed in a few steps and integrated into any product ecosystem.
+ This makes ONLYOFFICE Groups an ideal solution for hosting providers who would
+ like to bring their customers the most complete in-browser collaboration platform.r
+ nAlong with multiple enhancements for the existing integrations, especially with
+ Nextcloud and ownCloud, the last year brought new connectors that allow integrating
+ ONLYOFFICE Docs with other platforms, namely for HumHub, Plone, and Nuxeo. </p>
+ <p>
+ We're now working on multi-functional forms. And we don't talk about these
+ simple forms for making polls. Instead, we are creating a tool for working with
+ complex online documents that will allow quickly building any document template.</p>
+showcase: |
+ <p>2020 has been a challenging year for many of us. The pandemic spread sped
+ up the transition to remote work. And we at ONLYOFFICE understand how important
+ it is to combine our u201Copen-source effortsu201D to help distributed teams
+ all over the world stay connected and productive. Our goal is to make secure and
+ reliable open-source software available for everybody. </p>
+ <p>Come join us and learn
+ about: </p>
+ <p>ONLYOFFICE Docs - powerful online editors for text documents, spreadsheets,
+ and presentations that can be used within any sync&share and DMS service or integrated
+ into your own solution (AGPL v.3).</p>
+ <p>ONLYOFFICE Groups - online collaboration
+ platform which comprises tools for managing documents, projects, customers, and
+ emails along with the admin panel for platform configuration (Apache 2.0).</p>
+ <p>
+ ONLYOFFICE Workspace - a complete self-hosted solution for team management and collaboration
+ which includes ONLYOFFICE Docs, Groups, Mail Server and Talk.</p>
- Office suites and productivity
+++ /dev/null
-description: "Our mission:\r\nThe Open Source Initiative (OSI) is a non-profit corporation\
- \ with global scope formed to educate about and advocate for the benefits of open\
- \ source and to build bridges among different constituencies in the open source\
- \ community.\r\n\r\nOpen source enables a development method for software that harnesses\
- \ the power of distributed peer review and transparency of process. The promise\
- \ of open source is higher quality, better reliability, greater flexibility, lower\
- \ cost, and an end to predatory vendor lock-in.\r\n\r\nOne of our most important\
- \ activities is as a standards body, maintaining the Open Source Definition for\
- \ the good of the community. The Open Source Initiative Approved License trademark\
- \ and program creates a nexus of trust around which developers, users, corporations\
- \ and governments can organize open source cooperation."
-layout: stand
-logo: stands/open_source_initiative/logo.png
-new_this_year: "Our goals for the upcoming year: \r\n\r\n* Create more opportunities\
- \ for people to make their voices heard and get involved with the process, by convening\
- \ Working Groups and Advisory Boards to work in concert with our Committees.\r\n\
- * Develop a communications plan and capabilities in order to be responsive to community\
- \ developments, as well as lead and facilitate emerging conversations.\r\n* Invest\
- \ in an updated Code of Conduct and moderation tools.\r\n* Continue investing in\
- \ documentation in service of transparency.\r\n* Continue targeted recruitment in\
- \ service of representation.\r\n* Bring more organizations in to our Affiliate Program.\r\
- \n* Hire an Executive Director to lead the OSI. \r\n* Hire additional staff to support\
- \ the ED."
-showcase: "The Open Source Initiative (OSI) is a non-profit corporation with global\
- \ scope formed to educate about and advocate for the benefits of open source and\
- \ to build bridges among different constituencies in the open source community.\
- \ We always want to hear from the community!\r\n\r\nWe're particularly looking forward\
- \ to talking with people about what they think open source needs in the next year.\
- \ We're also excited to talk with folks about our plans to grow our organization,\
- \ especially ensuring that the conversations around open source community building\
- \ are truly global in scope. \r\n\r\nThis year is a big growth year for us. We are\
- \ looking at new ways to connect, new ways to support open source and new strategies\
- \ for including more people in the global open source community. We'd love to hear\
- \ what you've been thinking about and what conversations you'd like to see the Open\
- \ Source Initiative working to convene."
-- Community advocacy
-title: Open Source Initiative
-website: https://opensource.org/
-show_on_overview: true
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+Subproject commit 7317f3bdc2677a0e3c9d4403de44b0292b98f574
-description: "OpenEmbedded provides a build environment for cross-compilation, packaging\
- \ and creation of images for Linux-based embedded systems.\r\n\r\nOpenEmbedded supports\
- \ building a wide variety of software and includes support for various popular programming\
- \ languages such as C, C++, Perl, Python, Java, C# (Mono), Rust, Go and more.\r\n\
- \r\nPopular projects that use OpenEmbedded at their core include the Yocto Project,\
- \ Gumstix, WebOS, Beagleboard/Pandaboard, etc. We also support building images for\
- \ common single board computers such as the Raspberry Pi."
+description: |
+ OpenEmbedded provides a build environment for cross-compilation, packaging
+ and creation of images for Linux-based embedded systems.
+ OpenEmbedded supports
+ building a wide variety of software and includes support for various popular programming
+ languages such as C, C++, Perl, Python, Java, C# (Mono), Rust, Go and more.
+ Popular projects that use OpenEmbedded at their core include the Yocto Project,
+ Gumstix, WebOS, Beagleboard/Pandaboard, etc. We also support building images for
+ common single board computers such as the Raspberry Pi.
layout: stand
logo: stands/openembedded/logo.png
-new_this_year: "Since FOSDEM 2020, the OpenEmbedded project has made two major releases\
- \ on our usual 6-month schedule, \"dunfell\" in April and \"gatesgarth\" in November,\
- \ along with several minor maintenance releases to fix bugs and security issues\
- \ in upstream projects. Working with Yocto Project, the \"dunfell\" release is our\
- \ first Long Term Support (LTS) release which will be maintained for at least 2\
- \ years from the initial release date. The \"dunfell\" release included major improvements\
- \ to reproducible builds, the hash equivalence server and other key project features.\
- \ This was also our first release to be entirely free of obsolete Python 2 dependencies\
- \ within the core metadata (although Python 2 support continues to be available\
- \ via the meta-python2 layer). Our most recent release includes support for GCC\
- \ 10, Linux 5.8, glibc 2.32 as well as around 245 other recipe upgrades and represents\
- \ the work of over 170 contributors to the project. Support for new programming\
- \ languages such as Rust and new target architectures such as RISCV continues to\
- \ improve.\r\n\r\nThe project is currently working towards the next release codenamed\
- \ \"hardknott\" which is scheduled for April 2021. Further improvements are expected\
- \ to the build reproducibility, autobuilder, hash equivalency service and security\
- \ processes. We're also working on bringing full support for Rust into the core\
- \ metadata. A new locked sstate feature is being planned which if successfully integrated\
- \ will allow improvements to the extensible SDK and enable better use of sstate\
- \ mirrors to accelerate builds. The regular process of upgrading recipes continues\
- \ as ever, with support for the new Linux 5.10 LTS release expected to land in our\
- \ master branch before FOSDEM 2021."
-showcase: "The OpenEmbedded project allows you to build a fully customised Embedded\
- \ Linux distribution for a wide variety of target hardware and applications. Each\
- \ package is cross-compiled from source with many configuration options exposed\
- \ allowing you to perform any level of fine tuning you desire. As well as producing\
- \ ready-to-use images which can be copied to SD card, flash memory or other appropriate\
- \ storage and booted on the target device, with OpenEmbedded you can maintain custom\
- \ package feeds and other artifacts enabling direct or over-the-air (OTA) update\
- \ of the software on your device after installation. OpenEmbedded also supports\
- \ building Docker-compatible container images with license compliance tooling and\
- \ reproducibility which can't be found when creating images via a Dockerfile.\r\n\
- \r\nOur virtual stand this year will showcase some of the third-party hardware which\
- \ is supported by OpenEmbedded as well as some of the applications you can build\
- \ and deploy. We'll show you how to get started with the project and where to find\
- \ our community online. Various developers and users within our community will be\
- \ hosting the stand at different times so feel free to drop by and say hello!"
+new_this_year: |
+ <p>Since FOSDEM 2020, the OpenEmbedded project has made two major releases
+ on our usual 6-month schedule, "dunfell" in April and "gatesgarth" in November,
+ along with several minor maintenance releases to fix bugs and security issues
+ in upstream projects. Working with Yocto Project, the "dunfell" release is our
+ first Long Term Support (LTS) release which will be maintained for at least 2
+ years from the initial release date. The "dunfell" release included major improvements
+ to reproducible builds, the hash equivalence server and other key project features.
+ This was also our first release to be entirely free of obsolete Python 2 dependencies
+ within the core metadata (although Python 2 support continues to be available
+ via the meta-python2 layer). Our most recent release includes support for GCC
+ 10, Linux 5.8, glibc 2.32 as well as around 245 other recipe upgrades and represents
+ the work of over 170 contributors to the project. Support for new programming
+ languages such as Rust and new target architectures such as RISCV continues to
+ improve.</p>
+ <p>The project is currently working towards the next release codenamed
+ "hardknott" which is scheduled for April 2021. Further improvements are expected
+ to the build reproducibility, autobuilder, hash equivalency service and security
+ processes. We're also working on bringing full support for Rust into the core
+ metadata. A new locked sstate feature is being planned which if successfully integrated
+ will allow improvements to the extensible SDK and enable better use of sstate
+ mirrors to accelerate builds. The regular process of upgrading recipes continues
+ as ever, with support for the new Linux 5.10 LTS release expected to land in our
+ master branch before FOSDEM 2021.</p>
+showcase: |
+ <p>The OpenEmbedded project allows you to build a fully customised Embedded
+ Linux distribution for a wide variety of target hardware and applications. Each
+ package is cross-compiled from source with many configuration options exposed
+ allowing you to perform any level of fine tuning you desire. As well as producing
+ ready-to-use images which can be copied to SD card, flash memory or other appropriate
+ storage and booted on the target device, with OpenEmbedded you can maintain custom
+ package feeds and other artifacts enabling direct or over-the-air (OTA) update
+ of the software on your device after installation. OpenEmbedded also supports
+ building Docker-compatible container images with license compliance tooling and
+ reproducibility which can't be found when creating images via a Dockerfile.</p>
+ <p>Our virtual stand this year will showcase some of the third-party hardware which
+ is supported by OpenEmbedded as well as some of the applications you can build
+ and deploy. We'll show you how to get started with the project and where to find
+ our community online. Various developers and users within our community will be
+ hosting the stand at different times so feel free to drop by and say hello!</p>
- IoT
title: OpenEmbedded
-description: 'The OpenHarmony project aims at a new way of conceiving consumer devices
+description: |
+ The OpenHarmony project aims at a new way of conceiving consumer devices
and their use, starting from a great assumption: transcending the physical and conceptual
perimeters historically linked to what an operating system can do. In fact, relegating
OpenHarmony to a mere OS is an understatement, and the storytelling behind it clearly
defines the horizon of IoT, Artificial Intelligence and connectivity that makes
- it an essential technological trait-d''union.'
+ it an essential technological trait-d'union.
layout: stand
logo: stands/openharmony_project/logo.png
-new_this_year: We ended 2020 speaking at ElipseCon2020 and at SFScon20, 2021 is going
+new_this_year: |
+ <p>We ended 2020 speaking at ElipseCon2020 and at SFScon20, 2021 is going
to be the first year at FOSDEM for us and what a better way than to present a revolutionary
- project like OpenHarmony to one of the biggest tech audiences in Europe.
-showcase: This is a new era and we want to let people to be involved in this new project
+ project like OpenHarmony to one of the biggest tech audiences in Europe.</p>
+showcase: |
+ <p>This is a new era and we want to let people to be involved in this new project
and build the OpenHarmony journey together. That's why joining our stand will let
people deep dive in our mission, project breath, see the innovative code of OpenHarmony,
talk directly with our experts via the chatroom facility Freenode IRC and get to
world class and truly global open source projects. That's why Open Harmony overseas
is managed by an EMEA team, working in the Open Source Technology Center, a strategic
and technological hub based in Europe with the aim of increasing our contributions
- to open source projects and initiatives among the European stage.
+ to open source projects and initiatives among the European stage.</p>
- Operating systems
title: OpenHarmony Project
-description: "OpenMandriva is a 100% community controlled Linux distribution.\r\n\
- With (as of December 2020) Plasma 5.20.4, KDE Frameworks 5.77, Qt 5.12.2 and LibreOffice\
- \ 7.1, it is one of the most current distributions available.\r\nOpenMandriva was\
- \ the first Linux distribution to switch to a clang based toolchain. In the current\
- \ version, even the kernel is built with clang 11.\r\nWhile the primary focus of\
- \ OpenMandriva is on the desktop, its repositories also contain a state of the art\
- \ server stack."
-layout: stand
-logo: stands/openmandriva/logo.png
-new_this_year: "OpenMandriva has come a long way in porting to new hardware: In addition\
- \ to the traditional x86_64 distribution and the extra version optimized specifically\
- \ for AMD Ryzen processors, OpenMandriva now runs on Pinebook Pro, Cubox Pulse,\
- \ various ARM devboards, and UEFI capable Aarch64 servers. A phone stack running\
- \ on PinePhone is in the works (and ready for initial use). A RISC-V port is also\
- \ in the works (presently running in qemu) and should be ready for daily use shortly\
- \ after we can get our hands on Hifive Unmatched boards.\r\nWith the 4.2 release\
- \ done, our main focus has moved to 5.0 - which will bring many improvements to\
- \ the core system, such as making crosscompiling and targeting multiple architectures\
- \ easier than ever."
-showcase: "OpenMandriva is aiming at being easy to get into for newbies, while being\
- \ one of the most innovative distributions for developers. We were the first to\
- \ switch to the clang toolchain, and are working on new interesting developer features\
- \ for our 5.0 release.\r\nOpenMandriva can work on x86_64 systems as well as aarch64\
- \ (not sharing some other distributions' limitation to UEFI compliant aarch64 server\
- \ platforms), and can run as a desktop, workstation, server, or - since the advent\
- \ of OpenMandriva on PinePhone - smartphone.\r\nYou may want to pay us a visit if\
- \ you're interested in getting into Linux or you're looking for a project that can\
- \ use your help as a volunteer.\r\n\r\nOpenMandriva is not based on any other distribution.\
- \ Contributors who are so inclined can do more than just submit a new theme or add\
- \ an extra package."
-- Operating systems
title: OpenMandriva
-website: http://openmandriva.org/
+ - Operating systems
+website: https://openmandriva.org/
+layout: stand
show_on_overview: true
\ No newline at end of file
+logo: stands/openmandriva/logo.png
+description: |
+ OpenMandriva is a 100% community controlled Linux distribution.
+ With (as of December 2020) Plasma 5.20.4, KDE Frameworks 5.77, Qt 5.12.2 and LibreOffice
+ 7.1, it is one of the most current distributions available.
+ OpenMandriva was
+ the first Linux distribution to switch to a clang based toolchain. In the current
+ version, even the kernel is built with clang 11.
+ While the primary focus of
+ OpenMandriva is on the desktop, its repositories also contain a state of the art
+ server stack.
+showcase: |
+ <p>OpenMandriva is aiming at being easy to get into for newbies, while being
+ one of the most innovative distributions for developers. We were the first to
+ switch to the clang toolchain, and are working on new interesting developer features
+ for our 5.0 release.</p>
+ <p>OpenMandriva can work on x86_64 systems as well as aarch64
+ (not sharing some other distributions' limitation to UEFI compliant aarch64 server
+ platforms), and can run as a desktop, workstation, server, or - since the advent
+ of OpenMandriva on PinePhone - smartphone.</p>
+ <p>You may want to pay us a visit if
+ you're interested in getting into Linux or you're looking for a project that can
+ use your help as a volunteer.</p>
+ <p>OpenMandriva is not based on any other distribution.
+ Contributors who are so inclined can do more than just submit a new theme or add
+ an extra package.</p>
+new_this_year: |
+ <p>OpenMandriva has come a long way in porting to new hardware: In addition
+ to the traditional x86_64 distribution and the extra version optimized specifically
+ for AMD Ryzen processors, OpenMandriva now runs on Pinebook Pro, Cubox Pulse,
+ various ARM devboards, and UEFI capable Aarch64 servers. A phone stack running
+ on PinePhone is in the works (and ready for initial use). A RISC-V port is also
+ in the works (presently running in qemu) and should be ready for daily use shortly
+ after we can get our hands on Hifive Unmatched boards.</p>
+ <p>With the 4.2 release
+ done, our main focus has moved to 5.0 - which will bring many improvements to
+ the core system, such as making crosscompiling and targeting multiple architectures
+ easier than ever.
+ <br></br>
+ <p>Support us to keep up the pace!</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://www.hellotux.com/openmandriva">Buy some cool apparel</a></li>
+ <li><a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://www.openmandriva.org/en/Donate">Send some donation</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ <p>Please follow below links for more information:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/openmandriva/files/release/4.2/RC/">OpenMandriva Lx 4.2 RC</a></li>
+ <li><a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://gallery.openmandriva.org/index.php?/category/37">4.2 Release Gallery</a></li>
+ <li><a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://abf.openmandriva.org">Automatic Build Farm</a></li>
+ <li><a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://github.com/OpenMandrivaAssociation">Our github repositories</a></li>
+ <li><a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://openmandriva.org">OpenMandriva main site and forums</a></li>
+ </ul>
-description: "OpenTAP is an open-source project focused on test automation. \r\nOpenTAP\
- \ is the core sequencer of a commercial Test Automation product (KS8400A) from Keysight\
- \ Technologies. KS8400 is widely used in the industry for automating anything related\
- \ to Test and Measurement instruments. The project started as a closed source commercial\
- \ project and evolved into an open-source project thanks to FOSDEM and the insight\
- \ the conference provided to the OpenTAP team.\r\nToday, OpenTAP (and the associated\
- \ plugins which can be open source or closed source, free or available as products)\
- \ is used in many different Test and Measurement solutions to provide easy automation.\
- \ OpenTAP use spans from R&D test automation (e.g., a baseband IC, an RF IC) to\
- \ large manufacturing line of electronic devices (from simple components to fully\
- \ build systems). \r\n\r\nOur Mission\r\nA test automation solution built on simplicity,\
- \ scalability, and speed that improves the world.\r\n\r\nOur Vision\r\nTo make automation\
- \ easier and accessible for all. We love to experiment and innovate, and we invite\
- \ you to do the same with OpenTAP.\r\nWorking together, we will inspire and teach\
- \ one another better ways to automate."
+description: |
+ OpenTAP is an open-source project focused on test automation. OpenTAP
+ is the core sequencer of a commercial Test Automation product (KS8400A) from Keysight
+ Technologies. KS8400 is widely used in the industry for automating anything related
+ to Test and Measurement instruments. The project started as a closed source commercial
+ project and evolved into an open-source project thanks to FOSDEM and the insight
+ the conference provided to the OpenTAP team.rnToday, OpenTAP (and the associated
+ plugins which can be open source or closed source, free or available as products)
+ is used in many different Test and Measurement solutions to provide easy automation.
+ OpenTAP use spans from R&D test automation (e.g., a baseband IC, an RF IC) to
+ large manufacturing line of electronic devices (from simple components to fully
+ build systems).
+ Our Mission A test automation solution built on simplicity,
+ scalability, and speed that improves the world.
+ Our Vision To make automation
+ easier and accessible for all. We love to experiment and innovate, and we invite
+ you to do the same with OpenTAP.rnWorking together, we will inspire and teach
+ one another better ways to automate.
layout: stand
logo: stands/opentap/logo.png
-new_this_year: "- OpenTAP had multiple releases since last year\r\n- we have more\
- \ plugins developed by the community members:;\r\n * OpenStack HEAT\r\n \
- \ * TUI (Textual Users Interface)\r\n * ...\r\n- the community has grown\
- \ as well, reasonably\r\n- we grew the cloud-native automation portion. We now have\
- \ a cloud-native version with test step edition and campaign manager, not yet released\
- \ but presentable\r\n- we are now looking into SoC (System On Chip) test automation\r\
- \n- launched a forum\r\n- many new features in the project"
-showcase: "- To learn about OpenTAP\r\n- To get concrete example of where OpenTAP\
- \ is used\r\n- To discuss where OpenTAP could be used for the visitor's application\
- \ and needs\r\n- Any general OpenTAP question or discussion\r\n\r\nwe intend to\
- \ offer virtual freebies:\r\n- Visitors can apply to win a free complimentary seat\
- \ at the ETS 2021 conference (Virtual event in May: https://ets2021.eu/ )"
+new_this_year: |
+ <ul>
+ <li>OpenTAP had multiple releases since last year- we have more
+ plugins developed by the community members:
+ <ul>
+ <li>OpenStack HEAT</li>
+ <li>TUI (Textual Users Interface)</li>
+ <li>...</li>
+ </ul></li>
+ <li>the community has grown
+ as well, reasonably</li>
+ <li>we grew the cloud-native automation portion. We now have
+ a cloud-native version with test step edition and campaign manager, not yet released
+ but presentablern- we are now looking into SoC (System On Chip) test automation</li>
+ <li>launched a forumrn- many new features in the project</li>
+ </ul>
+showcase: |
+ <ul>
+ <li>To learn about OpenTAP</li>
+ <li>To get concrete example of where OpenTAP
+ is used</li>
+ <li>To discuss where OpenTAP could be used for the visitor's application
+ and needs</li>
+ <li>Any general OpenTAP question or discussion</li>
+ <li>we intend to
+ offer virtual freebies:
+ <ul>
+ <li>Visitors can apply to win a free complimentary seat
+ at the ETS 2021 conference (Virtual event in May: https://ets2021.eu/ )
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
- Community advocacy
title: OpenTAP
--- /dev/null
+Subproject commit 33fa80f9a890108ab31f948f0184efbf95339c22
--- /dev/null
+Subproject commit 2d987330f9dd013ab34f31d13f39081d54055429
-Subproject commit 37cf702e65bd1e38fc6e383eff2205a19f666292
+Subproject commit e28dfc5279eb5f0ed9d06a68dc56faebbc758907
--- /dev/null
+Subproject commit 9c061cec03582bf813ed5d87b943d9ca18ead633
--- /dev/null
+Subproject commit 74b2a2a905434c6e7c7f817189def141d87bc984
+title: XCP-ng
+ - Operating systems
+website: https://xcp-ng.org/
+layout: stand
+show_on_overview: true
+logo: stands/xcp-ng/logo.png
description: XCP-ng is an Open Source virtualization platform based on Xen and hosted
in the Linux Foundation since 2020. In other words, XCP-ng is a specialized Linux
distro, with everything you need to run your virtual machines on it, without complicated
installation and configuration.
-layout: stand
-logo: stands/xcp-ng/logo.png
-new_this_year: "In 2020: \r\n\r\n- We won the innovation contest in France granting\
- \ us a subvention of 1.2M\u20AC to improve the security part of the platform\r\n\
- - We released some important features as the RAM backup, the support for Epyc CPU\
- \ range, the introduction of ext4 filesystem as default storage file, the CPU scheduling\
- \ support and many other important features\r\n- We released the first Long Term\
- \ Support edition of our project"
showcase: XCP-ng is an Open Source alternative to all virtualization platform available
on the market. Based on Xen, our solution is designed to offer performances for
small infrastructures as well as datacenter. Our focus is a not only to create a
powerful and secure solution, but also to make it accessible and user friendly.
-- Operating systems
-title: XCP-ng
-website: https://xcp-ng.org/
-show_on_overview: true
\ No newline at end of file
+new_this_year: |
+ In 2020:
+ <ul>
+ <li>We won the innovation contest in France granting us a subvention of 1.2M€ to improve the security part of the platform</li>
+ <li>We released some important features as the RAM backup, the support for Epyc CPU range, the introduction of ext4 filesystem as default storage file, the CPU scheduling support and many other important features</li>
+ <li>We released the first Long Term Support edition of our project (8.2 LTS)</li>
+ </ul>
--- /dev/null
+Subproject commit 9dd922996b77d07d7e8f3d519cc48e179e139caa
description: |
Free and Open Source software is made by communities. These stands have one thing in common: creating communities and
bringing them together.
-logo: img/lib/material-icons/community-advocacy.svg
\ No newline at end of file
title: Database engines
description: |
- None
+ Behind every application is a database, and a lot of them are built on free and open source software. Discover old
+ favourites and new players.
logo: img/lib/material-icons/database-engines.svg
title: Desktop environments
description: |
- None
+ Without a desktop environment, Linux would just be a kernel. Discover how your system is going to look in the next few years.
logo: img/lib/material-icons/desktop-environments.svg
title: Developer environment
description: |
- None
+ Developers! Developers! Developers! What tools do they use? An editor, a version management tool and continuous integration is what
+ you will find here.
logo: img/lib/material-icons/developer-environment.svg
title: Education
description: |
- None
+ Whether it is children or adults, all these stands are devoted to helping anyone to learn something new; whether it is technical or not.
logo: img/lib/material-icons/education.svg
title: Gaming
description: |
- None
+ We all need some time to blow off steam. Free and open source gaming is booming, and you can see that here.
logo: img/lib/material-icons/gaming.svg
title: HAM Radio
description: |
- None
+ HAM (amateur) radio and free and open source software go way back. Both are driven by volunteers and radio enthusiasts have always
+ been present at FOSDEM.
logo: img/lib/material-icons/ham-radio.svg
title: Hardware
description: |
- None
+ It is new and it is coming. Free and open source hardware is ready to take over the world. See what is going to happen with your PC, server
+ or laptop here.
logo: img/lib/material-icons/hardware.svg
title: IoT
description: |
- None
+ The Internet of Things is everywhere, but what is the role of free and open source software in this story? Find it out in these stands.
logo: img/lib/material-icons/iot.svg
title: Multimedia and graphics
description: |
- None
+ Graphics software, multimedia editing, video hardware; in short anything that is related to free and open source software, multimedia and
+ graphics.
logo: img/lib/material-icons/multimedia-and-graphics.svg
title: Office suites and productivity
description: |
- None
+ We might not always like it, but office suites are of the most important software currently existing. Free and open source software has a
+ very strong presence here, and these stands show that.
logo: img/lib/material-icons/office-suites-and-productivity.svg
title: Operating Systems
description: |
- None
+ The one thing most of us associate with free and open source software: operating systems. Always a strong presence at FOSDEM, they are back
+ for more. Find out what is new here!
logo: img/lib/material-icons/operating-systems.svg
title: Programming languages
description: |
- None
+ Without programming languages, free and open source software would not exist. What is new in the programming world? How is free and open
+ source software working in that field? Find it out here.
logo: img/lib/material-icons/programming-languages.svg
title: System administration
description: |
- None
+ System administration is built on free and open source software. Discover everything that is new in managing large amounts of
+ servers in these stands.
logo: img/lib/material-icons/system-administration.svg
title: World wide web
description: |
- Free and Open Source software is made by communities. These stands have one thing in common: creating communities and
- bringing them together.
-logo: img/lib/material-icons/community-advocacy.svg
+ The world wide web is our portal to the world. Without free and open source software, the web as we know would not exist. Find out what the future holds!
+logo: img/lib/material-icons/www.svg
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+Subproject commit f9625070dac1bd7812e883d7241f5d6916ccf6b7
--- /dev/null
+Subproject commit 48bc37f32b0a13809eeff1c3051ded0acb2b9c76
--- /dev/null
+Subproject commit 6411711a5db58f360b66bac4a2955ccb6660747d
--- /dev/null
+Subproject commit 4ca7efd860f668b5731a45f61e4e7bde1171f284
--- /dev/null
+Subproject commit 3b906e49b2a0445665c014cbd90783950fe44f2a
--- /dev/null
+Subproject commit 201793e43f04ef74e61f21f619b7799ef3ef9818
--- /dev/null
+Subproject commit 74b2a2a905434c6e7c7f817189def141d87bc984
--- /dev/null
+Subproject commit e28dfc5279eb5f0ed9d06a68dc56faebbc758907
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-4 mt-4 mb-4 mx-auto text-center fosdem-subtitle-frame px-2 py-2">
- <span class="fosdem-subtitle">FOSDEM 2021 STANDS / Online / 6 & 7 February 2021</span>
+ <span class="fosdem-subtitle">FOSDEM 2021 Stands</span>
+<div class="container mt-4">
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="col-sm-12 fosdem-jumbotron">
+ <h2>Welcome to the FOSDEM 2021 Stands website!</h2>
+ <p class="fosdem-leader">
+ FOSDEM 2021 is our first fully online edition, and FOSDEM would not be FOSDEM without stands; so welcome to our fully online stands display website!
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Online stands may seem a bit different from physical stands, but not a lot has changed. We have a little over 50 stands, organised per <a href="/themes/">theme</a>.
+ Normally, we would also split them per building, but this year we decided not to do so ;-)
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Each stand has its own page (or group of pages), with all the information and topics they wish to show you. We've also created a special chat room for each stand, where you can discuss with the team behind the project (a bit like the hallways - though less crowded). Some stands also recorded video's, demoing their product or showing their <i>new hot thing</i>.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ You can browse the stands per theme <a href="/themes/">here</a> (or below) or visit all the stands <a href="/stands/">here</a>. You can also return to the main conference floor at <a href="https://fosdem.org/2021">fosdem.org</a>.
+ </p>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="row mt-4 fosdem-themes">
+ {{ range .Site.Taxonomies.themes }}
+ <div class="col-sm-3">
+ <div class="card mb-3 border-0" style="width: 18rem;">
+ <!--<img src="{{ .Page.Params.Logo | relURL }}" class="card-img" alt="{{ .Page.Title }} logo" />-->
+ <div class="card-body">
+ <h5 class="card-title h6"><a href="{{ .Page.Permalink }}">{{ .Page.Title }}</a></h5>
+ <p class="card-text text-justify">{{ .Page.Params.Description }}</p>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ {{ end }}
+ </div>
{{ end }}
\ No newline at end of file
<div class="container">
<div class="row mb-4 px-4 py-4" id="header">
<div class="col-2">
- <img src="{{ "fosdem21.png" | relURL }}" alt="FOSDEM 21 logo"/>
+ <a href="/"><img src="{{ "fosdem21.png" | relURL }}" alt="FOSDEM 21 logo"/></a>
<div class="col text-center">
<ul class="list-inline">
- <li class="list-inline-item"><a href="https://stands.fosdem.org/">Home</a></li>
- <li class="list-inline-item"><a href="https://stands.fosdem.org/themes/">Themes</a></li>
- <li class="list-inline-item"><a href="https://stands.fosdem.org/stands/">Stands</a></li>
+ <li class="list-inline-item"><a href="/">Home</a></li>
+ <li class="list-inline-item"><a href="/themes/">Themes</a></li>
+ <li class="list-inline-item"><a href="/stands/">Stands</a></li>
<li class="list-inline-item"><a href="https://fosdem.org/2021/">FOSDEM</a></li>
{{ define "main" }}
<div class="container">
-{{ range .Pages }}
-{{ if .Params.show_on_overview }}
-<div class="row">
- <div class="col">
- <div class="card mb-3 border-0">
- <div class="row no-gutters">
- <div class="col-md-2">
- <img src="{{ .Params.logo | relURL }}" class="card-img border-0" alt="{{ .Params.title }} logo" />
- </div>
- <div class="col-md-10">
- <div class="card-body">
- <h5 class="card-title"><a href="{{ .Permalink }}">{{ .Params.title }}</a></h5>
- <p class="card-text">{{ .Params.description }}</p>
- {{ range (.GetTerms "themes") }}
- <p class="card-text"><small class="text-muted"><a href="{{ .Permalink }}">{{ .LinkTitle }}</a></small></p>
- {{ end }}
- </div>
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="col fosdem-jumbotron"><h4>Welcome to our stands page!</h4></div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="row mt-3 fosdem-description">
+ <div class="col">
+ <p>
+ All stands at FOSDEM 2021. If you want to see them per theme, you can go to <a href="/themes/">the themes page</a>.
+ </p>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="row mt-4 fosdem-stands">
+ {{ range .Pages }}
+ {{ if .Params.show_on_overview }}
+ <div class="col-sm-3">
+ <div class="card mb-3 border-0">
+ {{ if (fileExists (path.Join "/static/" .Params.logo)) -}}
+ <a href="{{ .Permalink }}"><img src="{{ .Params.logo | relURL }}" class="card-img border-0" alt="{{ .Params.title }} logo" /></a>
+ {{ else }}
+ <a href="{{ .Permalink }}"><img src="/img/empty_stand_logo.jpg" class="card-img border-0" alt="{{ .Params.title }} logo" /></a>
+ {{- end }}
+ <div class="card-body">
+ <h5 class="card-title"><a href="{{ .Permalink }}">{{ .Params.title }}</a></h5>
+ {{ if .Params.overview }}
+ <p class="card-text">{{ .Params.overview | truncate 200 "..." | plainify }}</p>
+ {{ else }}
+ <p class="card-text">{{ .Params.description | truncate 200 "..." | plainify }}</p>
+ {{ end }}
+ {{ range (.GetTerms "themes") }}
+ <p class="card-text"><small class="text-muted"><a href="{{ .Permalink }}">{{ .LinkTitle }}</a></small></p>
+ {{ end }}
+ {{ end }}
+ {{ end }}
-{{ end }}
-{{ end }}
{{ end }}
\ No newline at end of file
<div class="row">
<div class="col">
<nav aria-label="breadcrumb">
- <ol class="breadcrumb">
+ <ol class="breadcrumb fosdem-breadcrumb">
{{ range (.Parent.GetTerms "themes") }}
<li class="breadcrumb-item"><a href="{{ .Permalink }}">{{ .LinkTitle }}</a></li>
{{ end }}
<div class="row">
<div class="col">
<nav aria-label="breadcrumb">
- <ol class="breadcrumb">
+ <ol class="breadcrumb fosdem-breadcrumb">
{{ range (.GetTerms "themes") }}
<li class="breadcrumb-item"><a href="{{ .Permalink }}">{{ .LinkTitle }}</a></li>
{{ end }}
<div class="row mt-2">
<div class="col">
- {{ .Params.Description | safeHTML }}
+ <p>{{ .Params.Description | safeHTML }}</p>
<div class="row mt-4">
{{ define "main" }}
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
- <div class="col-md-12 text-center">
+ <div class="col-md-12 text-center fosdem-jumbotron">
<h4>Welcome to the {{ .Title }} corner!</h4>
- <div class="row mb-4 mt-3">
+ <div class="row mb-4 mt-3 fosdem-description">
<div class="col">
<p>{{ .Params.Description }}</p>
- <div class="row">
- {{ range .Pages }}
- {{ if .Params.show_on_overview }}
- <div class="col">
- <div class="card mb-3 border-0" style="width: 18rem;">
- <img src="{{ .Params.Logo | relURL }}" class="card-img border-0" alt="{{ .Params.Title }} logo" />
+ <div class="row mt-4 fosdem-stands">
+ {{ range .Pages }}
+ {{ if .Params.show_on_overview }}
+ <div class="col-sm-3">
+ <div class="card mb-3 border-0">
+ {{ if (fileExists (path.Join "/static/" .Params.logo)) -}}
+ <a href="{{ .Permalink }}"><img src="{{ .Params.logo | relURL }}" class="card-img border-0" alt="{{ .Params.title }} logo" /></a>
+ {{ else }}
+ <a href="{{ .Permalink }}"><img src="/img/empty_stand_logo.jpg" class="card-img border-0" alt="{{ .Params.title }} logo" /></a>
+ {{- end }}
<div class="card-body">
- <h5 class="card-title h6"><a href="{{ .Permalink }}">{{ .Params.Title }}</a></h5>
- <p class="card-text text-justify">{{ .Params.Description }}</p>
+ <h5 class="card-title"><a href="{{ .Permalink }}">{{ .Params.title }}</a></h5>
+ {{ if .Params.overview }}
+ <p class="card-text">{{ .Params.overview | truncate 200 "..." | plainify }}</p>
+ {{ else }}
+ <p class="card-text">{{ .Params.description | truncate 200 "..." | plainify }}</p>
+ {{ end }}
- {{ end }}
+ {{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ define "main" }}
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
- <div class="col"><h4>Welcome to our themes page!</h4></div>
+ <div class="col fosdem-jumbotron"><h4>Welcome to our themes page!</h4></div>
- <div class="row mt-3">
+ <div class="row mt-3 fosdem-description">
<div class="col">
<p>There are over 50 stands at FOSDEM, and it is not always easy to find what you are looking for. To ease your search, we have organised all stands per theme, so related projects are closer together.</p>
<p>Not only can you find your favourite stand easier and faster, but it also allows related projects to talk to each other and maybe collaborate on common issues. We encourage fraternizing!</p>
- <div class="row mt-3">
- {{ range .Data.Terms.ByCount }}
- <div class="col">
+ <div class="row mt-3 fosdem-themes">
+ {{ range .Site.Taxonomies.themes }}
+ <div class="col-sm-3">
<div class="card mb-3 border-0" style="width: 18rem;">
- <img src="{{ .Page.Params.Logo | relURL }}" class="card-img border-0" alt="{{ .Page.Title }} logo" style="max-width: 12rem"/>
+ <!--<img src="{{ .Page.Params.Logo | relURL }}" class="card-img" alt="{{ .Page.Title }} logo" />-->
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title h6"><a href="{{ .Page.Permalink }}">{{ .Page.Title }}</a></h5>
<p class="card-text text-justify">{{ .Page.Params.Description }}</p>
url(/css/lib/material-icons/4.0.0/MaterialIcons-Regular.woff2) format('woff2')
+@font-face {
+ font-family:'Signika';
+ font-style:normal;
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background: #efefef;
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font-size: 24px;
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color: #fff;
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+ font-size: 13px;
+ line-height: 15px;
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+ font-size: 16px;
+ line-height: 18px;
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+ line-height: 28px;
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