This commit only affects translation of RTLIL processes (for which
there is limited support).
Due to the event-driven nature of Verilog, processes like
reg x;
always @*
x <= 1;
may never execute. This can be fixed in SystemVerilog code by using
`always_comb` instead of `always @*`, but in Verilog-2001 the options
are limited. This commit implements the following workaround:
reg init = 0;
reg x;
always @* begin
if (init) begin end
x <= 1;
Fixes #2271.
f << stringf("%s" "always%s begin\n", indent.c_str(), systemverilog ? "_comb" : " @*");
+ if (!systemverilog)
+ f << indent + " " << "if (" << id("\\initial") << ") begin end\n";
dump_case_body(f, indent, &proc->root_case, true);
std::string backup_indent = indent;
f << stringf(");\n");
+ if (!systemverilog && !module->processes.empty())
+ f << indent + " " << "reg " << id("\\initial") << " = 0;\n";
for (auto w : module->wires())
dump_wire(f, indent + " ", w);