+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item {\bf Business}: the provision of a service and being
+ commensurately financially rewarded for doing so
+ \item {\bf Spongeing}: the provision of a service and being
+ taken advantage of for doing so {\it (cf: Professor Yunus)}
+ \item {\bf An ethical act}: an act that increases truth,
+ love, awareness or creativity for one or more people
+ (including yourself), {\it without} reducing those
+ same four qualities {\it for anyone}
+ \item {\bf The Four Freedoms}: the rights and guarantees
+ associated with and embedded within GNU Licenses {\it (cf: FSF)}
+ \end{itemize}
+ {\it Is it possible to ethically do business and respect the
+ Four Freedoms? That's where it gets interesting, as there are
+ even cases where the Four Freedoms are unethical. Note: google's
+ former motto "don't be evil" is clearly (unintentionally) unethical}
+\frame{\frametitle{Interfaces, Block Diagram, of the Libre-RISCV SoC}
+ \begin{center}
+ \includegraphics[height=2.5in]{../shakti_libre_riscv.jpg}\\
+ {\bf Complexity is in the power management }
+ \end{center}