being a bit light on L1 Cache, in favour of large ALUs and proximity
to Memory, and require a modest amount of "helper" assistance with
their Virtual Memory Management.
-* ZOLC has the transition points where PEs may take over from the CPU
- actually embedded into the binary, and there is accompanying
- hardware-level assistance at the ISA level. GPUs, which have to
- work with a wide range of commidity CPUs, cannot in any way expect
+* The proposed architecture has the markup points emdedded into the
+ binary programs
+ where PEs may take over from the CPU, and there is accompanying
+ (planned) hardware-level assistance at the ISA level. GPUs, which have to
+ work with a wide range of commodity CPUs, cannot in any way expect
ARM or Intel to add support for GPU Task Scheduling directly into
the ARM or x86 ISAs!
+On this last point it is crucial to note that SVP64 began its inspration
+from a Hybrid CPU-GPU-VPU paradigm (like ICubeCorp's IC3128) and
+consequently has versatility that the separate specialisation of both
+GPU and CPU architectures lack.
**Roadmap summary of Advanced SVP64**
The future direction for SVP64, then, is: