value_object *self = (value_object *) self_obj;
- value_assign (self->value, val);
+ value *new_value = value_assign (self->value, val);
+ /* value_as_address returns a new value with the same location
+ as the old one. Ensure that this gdb.Value is updated to
+ reflect the new value. */
+ new_value->incref ();
+ self->value->decref ();
+ self->value = new_value;
catch (const gdb_exception &except)
set num [dict get $reg_scope variablesReference]
# The request succeeding is sufficient.
-dap_check_request_and_response "fetch first register" \
- "variables" \
- [format {o variablesReference [i %d] count [i 1]} $num]
+set val [dap_check_request_and_response "fetch first register" \
+ "variables" \
+ [format {o variablesReference [i %d] count [i 1]} $num]]
+# Try setting the value to something else.
+set val [dict get [lindex $val 0] body variables]
+set name [dict get [lindex $val 0] name]
+set val [dict get [lindex $val 0] value]
+# Just make sure it is different from the original value.
+set val [expr {$val ^ 7}]
+# setVariable isn't implemented yet, so use the register name. Note
+# that we sneak the "$" into the name, written in a slightly funny way
+# to work around apparent TON limitations.
+set response [dap_check_request_and_response "set first register" \
+ setExpression \
+ [format {o expression [s \$%s] value [s %d] frameId [i %d]} \
+ $name $val $frame_id]]
+set response [lindex $response 0]
+gdb_assert {[dict get $response body value] == $val} \
+ "setting register yields updated value"