CSR Registers
-| Name | Legal Values | Meaning |
-| VL | 0 <= VL <= XLEN | Vector Length. The number of sub-vectors operated |
-| | | on by vector instructions. |
-| Vstart | 0 <= VL < XLEN | The sub-vector index to start execution at. |
-| | | Successful completion of all elements in a vector |
-| | | instruction sets Vstart to 0. Set to the index of |
-| | | the failing sub-vector when a vector instruction |
-| | | traps. Used to resume execution of vector |
-| | | instructions after a trap. Is *NOT* "slow" |
+CSRs are the same as in the main Specification_, if associated functionality is implemented. They have the exact same meaning as in the main specification.
+* VL
+* MVL
setvl rd, rs1, imm
+setvl rd, rs1
This is done the same as Standard SV.
-There is alsO a MVL CSR. CSRRW and CSRRWI operate in the same way as in SV. See Specification_.
+There is also a MVL CSR. CSRRW and CSRRWI operate in the same way as in SV. See Specification_.
Additional Instructions
# Open questions <a name="questions"></a>
+Confirmation needed as to whether subvector extraction can be covered by twin predication (it probably can, it is one of the many purposes it is for).
What is SUBVL and how does it work