*params = _mesa_compressed_format_to_glenum(ctx, texFormat);
else {
- /* return the user's requested internal format */
- *params = img->InternalFormat;
- }
+ /* If the true internal format is not compressed but the user
+ * requested a generic compressed format, we have to return the
+ * generic base format that matches.
+ *
+ * From page 119 (page 129 of the PDF) of the OpenGL 1.3 spec:
+ *
+ * "If no specific compressed format is available,
+ * internalformat is instead replaced by the corresponding base
+ * internal format."
+ *
+ * Otherwise just return the user's requested internal format
+ */
+ const GLenum f =
+ _mesa_gl_compressed_format_base_format(img->InternalFormat);
+ *params = (f != 0) ? f : img->InternalFormat;
+ }
*params = img->Border;