do_read <= not (stall_in or use_previous);
do_write <= '0';
- if wishbone_in.ack = '1' and r.store_way = i then
+ if wishbone_in.ack = '1' and replace_way = i then
do_write <= '1';
end if;
cache_out(i) <= dout;
lru => plru_out
- process(req_index, req_is_hit, req_hit_way, req_is_hit, plru_out)
+ process(all)
-- PLRU interface
- if req_is_hit = '1' and req_index = i then
- plru_acc_en <= req_is_hit;
+ if get_index(r.hit_nia) = i then
+ plru_acc_en <= r.hit_valid;
plru_acc_en <= '0';
end if;
- plru_acc <= std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(req_hit_way, WAY_BITS));
+ plru_acc <= std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(r.hit_way, WAY_BITS));
plru_victim(i) <= plru_out;
end process;
end generate;
end if;
req_hit_way <= hit_way;
- -- The way to replace on a miss
- replace_way <= to_integer(unsigned(plru_victim(req_index)));
+ -- The way to replace on a miss
+ if r.state = CLR_TAG then
+ replace_way <= to_integer(unsigned(plru_victim(r.store_index)));
+ else
+ replace_way <= r.store_way;
+ end if;
-- Output instruction from current cache row
-- Keep track of our index and way for subsequent stores
r.store_index <= req_index;
- r.store_way <= replace_way;
r.store_row <= get_row(req_laddr);
r.store_tag <= req_tag;
r.store_valid <= '1';
when CLR_TAG | WAIT_ACK =>
if r.state = CLR_TAG then
+ -- Get victim way from plru
+ r.store_way <= replace_way;
-- Force misses on that way while reloading that line
- cache_valids(req_index)(r.store_way) <= '0';
+ cache_valids(req_index)(replace_way) <= '0';
-- Store new tag in selected way
for i in 0 to NUM_WAYS-1 loop
- if i = r.store_way then
+ if i = replace_way then
tagset := cache_tags(r.store_index);
write_tag(i, tagset, r.store_tag);
cache_tags(r.store_index) <= tagset;
r.wb.cyc <= '0';
-- Cache line is now valid
- cache_valids(r.store_index)(r.store_way) <= r.store_valid and not inval_in;
+ cache_valids(r.store_index)(replace_way) <= r.store_valid and not inval_in;
-- We are done
r.state <= IDLE;
variable wstate: std_ulogic;
if rising_edge(clk) then
- if req_is_hit then
- lway := req_hit_way;
- else
- lway := replace_way;
- end if;
+ lway := req_hit_way;
wstate := '0';
if r.state /= IDLE then
wstate := '1';