variable _resize_count
proc _log { what } {
- verbose -log "+++ $what"
+ verbose "+++ $what"
# Call BODY, then log WHAT along with the original and new cursor position.
# Check for a box at the given coordinates.
proc check_box {test_name x y width height} {
+ dump_box $x $y $width $height
set why [_check_box $x $y $width $height]
if {$why == ""} {
pass $test_name
} else {
- dump_screen
fail "$test_name ($why)"
# Check whether the text contents of the terminal match the
# regular expression. Note that text styling is not considered.
proc check_contents {test_name regexp} {
+ dump_screen
set contents [get_all_lines]
- if {![gdb_assert {[regexp -- $regexp $contents]} $test_name]} {
- dump_screen
- }
+ gdb_assert {[regexp -- $regexp $contents]} $test_name
# Get the region of the screen described by X, Y, WIDTH,
# choice for boxes with a border).
proc check_region_contents { test_name x y width height regexp } {
variable _chars
+ dump_box $x $y $width $height
# Now grab the contents of the box, join each line together
# with a '\r\n' sequence and match against REGEXP.
set result [get_region $x $y $width $height "\r\n"]
- if {![gdb_assert {[regexp -- $regexp $result]} $test_name]} {
- dump_screen
- }
+ gdb_assert {[regexp -- $regexp $result]} $test_name
# Check the contents of a box on the screen. This is a little
proc check_box_contents {test_name x y width height regexp} {
variable _chars
+ dump_box $x $y $width $height
set why [_check_box $x $y $width $height]
if {$why != ""} {
- dump_screen
fail "$test_name (box check: $why)"