Signed-off-by: Vincent Stehlé <>
Acked-by: "Yann E. MORIN" <>
Signed-off-by: Thomas Petazzoni <>
echo "but your build machine uses the x86-64 architecture without the 32 bits compatibility"
echo "library."
echo "If you're running a Debian/Ubuntu distribution, install the libc6-386,"
- echo "lib32stcd++6, and lib32z1 packages (or alternatively libc6:i386,"
+ echo "lib32stdc++6, and lib32z1 packages (or alternatively libc6:i386,"
echo "libstdc++6:i386, and zlib1g:i386)."
echo "For other distributions, refer to the documentation on how to install the 32 bits"
echo "compatibility libraries."