svp64_rm.extra3[idx] = sv_extra
- # identify if the op is a LD/ST. the "blegh" way. copied
- # from power_enums. TODO, split the list _insns down.
- is_ld = v30b_op in [
- "lbarx", "lbz", "lbzu", "lbzux", "lbzx", # load byte
- "ld", "ldarx", "ldbrx", "ldu", "ldux", "ldx", # load double
- "lfs", "lfsx", "lfsu", "lfsux", # FP load single
- "lfd", "lfdx", "lfdu", "lfdux", "lfiwzx", "lfiwax", # FP load dbl
- "lha", "lharx", "lhau", "lhaux", "lhax", # load half
- "lhbrx", "lhz", "lhzu", "lhzux", "lhzx", # more load half
- "lwa", "lwarx", "lwaux", "lwax", "lwbrx", # load word
- "lwz", "lwzcix", "lwzu", "lwzux", "lwzx", # more load word
- ]
- is_st = v30b_op in [
- "stb", "stbcix", "stbcx", "stbu", "stbux", "stbx",
- "std", "stdbrx", "stdcx", "stdu", "stdux", "stdx",
- "stfs", "stfsx", "stfsu", "stfux", # FP store sgl
- "stfd", "stfdx", "stfdu", "stfdux", "stfiwx", # FP store dbl
- "sth", "sthbrx", "sthcx", "sthu", "sthux", "sthx",
- "stw", "stwbrx", "stwcx", "stwu", "stwux", "stwx",
- ]
- # use this to determine if the SVP64 RM format is different.
+ # identify if the op is a LD/ST.
# see https://libre-soc.org/openpower/sv/ldst/
- is_ldst = is_ld or is_st
+ is_ldst = rm['mode'] in [ 'LDST_IDX', 'LDST_IMM']
+ is_ld = v30b_op.startswith("l") and is_ldst
+ is_st = v30b_op.startswith("s") and is_ldst
# branch-conditional detection
- is_bc = v30b_op in [
- "bc", "bclr",
- ]
+ is_bc = rm['mode'] == 'BRANCH'
# parts of svp64_rm
mmode = 0 # bit 0
'sv.ffmadds. 6.v, 2.v, 4.v, 6.v', # incorrectly inserted 32-bit op
'sv.ffmadds 6.v, 2.v, 4.v, 6.v', # correctly converted to .long
'svshape2 8, 1, 31, 7, 1, 1',
+ 'sv.ld 5.v, 4(1.v)',
+ 'sv.stw 5.v, 4(1.v)',
+ 'sv.bc/all 3,12,192',
isa = SVP64Asm(lst, macros=macros)
log("list:\n", "\n\t".join(list(isa)))