Let the effective address (EA) be register RA.
The byte in storage addressed by EA is loaded into RT[56:63].
RT[0:55] are set to 0.
Let the effective address (EA) be the register RA.
The halfword in storage addressed by EA is loaded into RT[48:63].
RT[0:47] are filled with a copy of bit 0 of the loaded halfword.
Let the effective address (EA) be the register RA.
The halfword in storage addressed by EA is loaded into RT[48:63].
RT[0:47] are filled with a copy of bit 0 of the loaded halfword.
Let the effective address (EA) be the register RA.
The halfword in storage addressed by EA is loaded into RT[48:63].
RT[0:47] are filled with a copy of bit 0 of the loaded halfword.
Let the effective address (EA) be the register RA.
The word in storage addressed by EA is loaded into RT[32:63].
RT[0:31] are filled with a copy of bit 0 of the loaded word.
Let the effective address (EA) be the register RA.
- The doubleword in storage addressed by EA is loaded
- into RT.
+ The doubleword in storage addressed by EA is loaded into RT.
The sum (RA) + (RB) is placed into register RA.