--- /dev/null
+all: build/soc.map
+# We need to change to the build directory because the Quartus tools
+# tend to dump a mess of various files in the current directory.
+ $(PYTHON) build.py
+build/soc.map: build/soc.qsf
+ cp soc.qpf build/soc.qpf
+ cd build && quartus_map soc.qpf
+ rm -rf build/*
+.PHONY: load clean
--- /dev/null
+import os
+import top
+# list Verilog sources before changing directory
+verilog_sources = []
+def add_core_dir(d):
+ root = os.path.join("verilog", d, "rtl")
+ files = os.listdir(root)
+ for f in files:
+ if f[-2:] == ".v":
+ verilog_sources.append(os.path.join(root, f))
+def add_core_files(d, files):
+ for f in files:
+ verilog_sources.append(os.path.join("verilog", d, f))
+def get_qsf_prj():
+ r = ""
+ for s in verilog_sources:
+ r += "set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE " + s + "\n"
+ return r
+def str2file(filename, contents):
+ f = open(filename, "w")
+ f.write(contents)
+ f.close()
+# generate top
+(src_verilog, qsf_cst) = top.get()
+str2file("soc.v", src_verilog)
+# generate Quartus project file
+qsf_prj = get_qsf_prj()
+str2file("soc.qsf", qsf_prj + qsf_cst)
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+class Constraints:
+ def __init__(self, uart0, rc50, gpio0, led0, sw0, spi_master0, hpdmc0):
+ self.constraints = []
+ def add(signal, pin, vec=-1, iostandard="3.3-V LVTTL", extra="", sch=""):
+ self.constraints.append((signal, vec, pin, iostandard, extra,sch))
+ def add_vec(signal, pins, iostandard="3.3-V LVTTL", extra="", sch=""):
+ assert(signal.bv.width == len(pins)), "%s size : %d / qsf size : %d" %(signal,signal.bv.width,len(pins))
+ i = 0
+ for p in pins:
+ add(signal, p, i, iostandard, extra)
+ i += 1
+ # uart0
+ #add(uart0.tx, "TBD")
+ #add(uart0.rx, "TBD")
+ # rc50
+ #add(rc50.rx, "TBD")
+ # gpio0
+ #add_vec(gpio0.inputs, ["TBD","TBD","TBD","TBD",
+ # "TBD","TBD","TBD","TBD"])
+ #add_vec(gpio0.outputs, ["TBD","TBD","TBD","TBD",
+ # "TBD","TBD","TBD","TBD"])
+ # led0
+ add_vec(led0.outputs, ["A15", "A13", "B13", "A11",
+ "D1" , "F3" , "B1" , "L3"])
+ # sw0
+ add_vec(sw0.inputs, ["M1", "T8", "B9", "M15"])
+ # spi_master0
+ add(spi_master0.cs, "TBD")
+ add(spi_master0.sck, "TBD")
+ add(spi_master0.mosi, "TBD")
+ add(spi_master0.miso, "TBD")
+ # hpdmc0
+ add(hpdmc0.sdram_clk, "R4")
+ add(hpdmc0.sdram_cke, "L7")
+ add(hpdmc0.sdram_cs_n, "P6")
+ add(hpdmc0.sdram_we_n, "C2")
+ add(hpdmc0.sdram_cas_n, "L1")
+ add(hpdmc0.sdram_ras_n, "L2")
+ add_vec(hpdmc0.sdram_addr, ["P2","N5","N6","M8",
+ "P8","T7","N8","T6",
+ "R1","P1","N2","N1",
+ "L4",])
+ add_vec(hpdmc0.sdram_ba, ["M7","M6"])
+ add_vec(hpdmc0.sdram_dqm, ["R6","T5"])
+ add_vec(hpdmc0.sdram_dq, ["G2", "G1", "L8", "K5",
+ "K2", "J2", "J1", "R7",
+ "T4", "T2", "T3", "R3",
+ "R5", "P3", "N3", "K1"])
+ def get_ios(self):
+ return set([c[0] for c in self.constraints])
+ def get_qsf(self, ns):
+ r = ""
+ for c in self.constraints:
+ r += "set_location_assignment PIN_"+str(c[2])
+ r += " -to " + ns.get_name(c[0])
+ if c[1] >= 0:
+ r += "[" + str(c[1]) + "]"
+ r += "\n"
+ r += "set_instance_assignment -name IO_STANDARD "
+ r += "\"" + c[3] + "\""
+ r += " -to " + ns.get_name(c[0])
+ if c[1] >= 0:
+ r += "[" + str(c[1]) + "]"
+ r += "\n"
+ r += """
+set_global_assignment -name FAMILY "Cyclone IV E"
+set_global_assignment -name DEVICE EP4CE22F17C6
+set_global_assignment -name TOP_LEVEL_ENTITY "soc"
+set_global_assignment -name DEVICE_FILTER_PACKAGE FPGA
+set_global_assignment -name DEVICE_FILTER_PIN_COUNT 256
+set_global_assignment -name DEVICE_FILTER_SPEED_GRADE 6
+ """
+ return r
--- /dev/null
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+# Copyright (C) 1991-2009 Altera Corporation
+# Your use of Altera Corporation's design tools, logic functions
+# and other software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic
+# functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing
+# (including device programming or simulation files), and any
+# associated documentation or information are expressly subject
+# to the terms and conditions of the Altera Program License
+# Subscription Agreement, Altera MegaCore Function License
+# Agreement, or other applicable license agreement, including,
+# without limitation, that your use is for the sole purpose of
+# programming logic devices manufactured by Altera and sold by
+# Altera or its authorized distributors. Please refer to the
+# applicable agreement for further details.
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+# Quartus II
+# Version 9.0 Build 132 02/25/2009 SJ Full Version
+# Date created = 11:09:38 March 18, 2009
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+DATE = "11:09:38 March 18, 2009"
+# Revisions
--- /dev/null
+from math import ceil
+Hz = 1
+KHz = 10**3
+MHz = 10**6
+GHz = 10**9
+s = 1
+ms = 1/KHz
+us = 1/MHz
+ns = 1/GHz
+class t2n:
+ def __init__(self, clk_period_ns):
+ self.clk_period_ns = clk_period_ns
+ self.clk_period_us = clk_period_ns*(GHz/MHz)
+ self.clk_period_ms = clk_period_ns*(GHz/KHz)
+ def ns(self,t,margin=True):
+ if margin:
+ t += self.clk_period_ns/2
+ return ceil(t/self.clk_period_ns)
+ def us(self,t,margin=True):
+ if margin:
+ t += self.clk_period_us/2
+ return ceil(t/self.clk_period_us)
+ def ms(self,t,margin=True):
+ if margin:
+ t += self.clk_period_ms/2
+ return ceil(t/self.clk_period_ms)
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+# De0Nano-System On Chip / Generic Base for a Custom SOC
+# - Lm32 SoftCore
+# - 32MB Sdram
+# - 2KB Eeprom (TBD)
+# - G Sensor & AD Converter (TBD)
+# - Up to 72 GPIO (8 in/ 8 out)
+# - Uart
+# - Spi Slave & Master (Only Master)
+# I M P O R T
+from fractions import Fraction
+from math import ceil
+from migen.fhdl.structure import *
+from migen.fhdl import verilog, autofragment
+from migen.bus import wishbone, csr, wishbone2csr, fml
+from soc import lm32, uart, rc5, gpio, spi_master, identifier, fmlbrg, hpdmc_sdr16
+from cmacros import get_macros
+from timings import *
+from constraints import Constraints
+# P A R A M E T E R S
+#Timings Param
+clk_freq = 50*MHz
+clk_period_ns = clk_freq*ns
+n = t2n(clk_period_ns)
+# S O C
+# Configuration
+# Csr
+csr_macros = get_macros("common/csrbase.h")
+def csr_offset(name):
+ base = int(csr_macros[name + "_BASE"], 0)
+ assert((base >= 0xe0000000) and (base <= 0xe0010000))
+ return (base - 0xe0000000)//0x800
+# Interrupt
+interrupt_macros = get_macros("common/interrupt.h")
+def interrupt_n(name):
+ return int(interrupt_macros[name + "_INTERRUPT"], 0)
+# Version
+version = get_macros("common/version.h")["VERSION"][1:-1]
+def get():
+ #
+ # Wishbone
+ #===============================================================================
+ cpu0 = lm32.LM32()
+ wishbone2csr0 = wishbone2csr.WB2CSR()
+ fmlbrg0 = fmlbrg.FMLBRG(16)
+ hpdmc0 = hpdmc_sdr16.HPDMC_SDR16(13)
+ # CSR 0x00000000 (shadow @0x80000000)
+ # FML bridge 0x10000000 (shadow @0x90000000)
+ wishbonecon = wishbone.InterconnectShared(
+ [
+ cpu0.ibus,
+ cpu0.dbus
+ ], [
+ (binc("000") , wishbone2csr0.wishbone),
+ (binc("001") , fmlbrg0.wishbone)
+ ],
+ register=True,
+ offset=1)
+ #
+ # Fml
+ #===============================================================================
+ fmlcon0 = fml.Interconnect(fmlbrg0.fml,hpdmc0.fml)
+ #
+ # Csr
+ #===============================================================================
+ uart0 = uart.UART(csr_offset("UART"), clk_freq, baud=115200)
+ identifier0 = identifier.Identifier(csr_offset("ID"), 0x1234, version, int(clk_freq))
+ rc50 = rc5.RC5(csr_offset("RC5"),clk_freq)
+ gpio0 = gpio.GPIO(csr_offset("GPIO"))
+ led0 = gpio.GPIO(csr_offset("LED"))
+ sw0 = gpio.GPIO(csr_offset("SW"),4)
+ spi_master0 = spi_master.SPI_MASTER(csr_offset("SPI_MASTER"))
+ csrcon0 = csr.Interconnect(wishbone2csr0.csr, [
+ uart0.csr,
+ identifier0.bank.interface,
+ rc50.csr,
+ gpio0.csr,
+ led0.csr,
+ sw0.csr,
+ spi_master0.csr,
+ hpdmc0.csr
+ ])
+ #
+ # Interrupts
+ #===============================================================================
+ interrupts = Fragment([
+ cpu0.interrupt[interrupt_n("UART")].eq(uart0.irq),
+ cpu0.interrupt[interrupt_n("RC5")].eq(rc50.irq),
+ cpu0.interrupt[interrupt_n("GPIO")].eq(gpio0.irq)
+ ])
+ #
+ # HouseKeeping
+ #===============================================================================
+ frag = autofragment.from_local() + interrupts
+ cst = Constraints(uart0, rc50, gpio0, led0, sw0, spi_master0, hpdmc0)
+ src_verilog, vns = verilog.convert(frag,
+ cst.get_ios(),
+ name="soc",
+ return_ns=True)
+ src_qsf = cst.get_qsf(vns)
+ return (src_verilog, src_qsf)
\ No newline at end of file