--- /dev/null
+! { dg-do run }\r
+! PR34974 null bytes when reverse-tabbing long records\r
+! Test case prpared by Jerry DeLisle <jvdelisle@gcc.gnu.org>\r
+ program test\r
+ character(1) :: a, b, c\r
+ write (10,'(t50000,a,t1,a)') 'b', 'a'\r
+ close (10)\r
+ open (10, access="stream")\r
+ read (10, pos=1) a\r
+ read (10, pos=50000) b\r
+ read (10, pos=25474) c\r
+ close (10, status="delete")\r
+ if (a /= "a") call abort\r
+ if (b /= "b") call abort\r
+ if (c /= " ") call abort\r
+ end\r
--- /dev/null
+! { dg-do run }
+! PR35132 Formatted stream I/O write should truncate.
+! Test case adapted from PR by Jerry DeLisle <jvdelisle@gcc.gnu.org>
+program main
+ implicit none
+ character(len=6) :: c
+ integer :: i
+ open(20,file="foo.txt",form="formatted",access="stream")
+ write(20,'(A)') '123456'
+ write(20,'(A)') 'abcdef'
+ write(20,'(A)') 'qwerty'
+ rewind 20
+ ! Skip over the first line
+ read(20,'(A)') c
+ if (c.ne.'123456') call abort
+ ! Save the position
+ inquire(20,pos=i)
+ if (i.ne.8) call abort
+ ! Read in the complete line...
+ read(20,'(A)') c
+ if (c.ne.'abcdef') call abort
+ ! Write out the first four characters
+ write(20,'(A)',pos=i,advance="no") 'ASDF'
+ ! Fill up the rest of the line. Here, we know the length. If we
+ ! don't, things will be a bit more complicated.
+ write(20,'(A)') c(5:6)
+ ! Copy the file to standard output
+ rewind 20
+ c = ""
+ read(20,'(A)') c
+ if (c.ne.'123456') call abort
+ read(20,'(A)') c
+ if (c.ne.'ASDFef') call abort
+ read(20,'(A)', iostat=i) c
+ if (i /= -1) call abort
+ close (20, status="delete")
+end program main