--- /dev/null
+%% v2.15
+%% This file has been developed as a common template for papers
+%% destined for electronic production for Accelerator Conferences
+%% See the JACoW website for more information
+%% http://jacow.org/
+%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
+%% version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later
+%% version. This version of this license is in
+%% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/lppl-1-3c.txt
+%% and the latest version of this license is in
+%% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
+%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of
+%% LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later.
+%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained".
+%% This Current Maintainer of this work is Volker RW Schaa.
+%% This work consists of the following files
+%% jacow.cls this class file
+%% JACoW_LaTeX_A4.tex A4/letter templates to demonstrate the
+%% JACoW_LaTeX_Letter.tex .. use and explain the various parameters
+%% .. and settings for a submission to
+%% .. a JACoW conference proceedings
+%% JACoW_LaTeX_A4.pdf template in format A4 and European
+%% settings (citation and hyphenation)
+%% JACoW_LaTeX_Letter.pdf template in format letter and American
+%% setting (citation and hyphenation)
+%% annexes-A4.tex Annexes A-C which are included in "JACoW_LaTeX_A4.tex"
+%% annexes-Letter.tex Annexes A-C which are included in "JACoW_LaTeX_Letter.tex"
+%% JACpic_mc.pdf a graphic showing the JACoW page format
+%% JACpic2.jpg a graphic for a full width figure and
+%% multiline caption
+%% jacow-collaboration.tex an example title page showing the
+%% jacow-collaboration.pdf JACoW Colloaboration, the responsible
+%% editors for the various platform
+%% dependent templates (LaTeX, Word on PC and
+%% Mac, ODF). The PDF is included in the template
+% v0.1 to 1.3 : JAC2000.cls
+% Special thanks to John Jowett and Michel Goossens from CERN and
+% Martin Comyn at TRIUMF for their significant contributions to
+% this class file over the period 1996 to 2000.
+% John Poole
+% March 2000
+% v1.4 : JAC2001.cls
+% JAC2001.cls is a modified version of JAC2000.cls to produce indented
+% first paragraphs after section, subsection and subsubsection headings.
+% Martin Comyn April 2001
+% v1.5 : JAC2003.cls
+% This is a modified version of JAC2003.cls to adjust space around
+% section and subsection headers to be more consistent with JACoW Word
+% templates. Todd Satogata March 2011
+% v 1.6 : jacow.cls
+% This is a complectly rewritten version of JAC2003.cls which needs a current
+% TeX-System to run.
+% Ulrike Fischer, November 2013
+% v 1.7
+% - small change to correct the text block inside JACoW's magic red borders for
+% a4paper (aca4); top has been set 18.5mm (19mm is defined in the template but
+% leaves descenders outside the lower y margin).
+% - duplicate {boxit} removed
+% Volker RW Schaa, 14 April 2014
+% v1.8
+% - added setup for \micro sign which disappears when using XeTeX or LuaTeX
+% with unicode-math. Ulrike Fischer, 21 April 2014
+% v1.9
+% - fixed the pdfLaTeX warnings for the text/math-micro hack
+% Ulrike Fischer, 22 April 2014
+% v1.91
+% - Ligatures=TeX switch introduced to accommodate
+% Ulrike Fischer, 22 April 2014
+% v1.92
+% - settings for top margin have to be different in A4 and letter to accommodate
+% JACoW's PitStop Action List. This was found after receiving Plamen Hopchev's
+% email about margins and testing the workflow with cropping the bounding box
+% which starts at the lower left edge and not at the top (see graphic JACpic_mc
+% in the template for measures).
+% Volker RW Schaa, 29 April 2014
+% v1.93
+% - setting the bottom margin (19mm) without top solves the problem for different
+% A4/Letter settings. This was already the default in v1.6. Pointed out by
+% Plamen Hopchev. To accommodate the descenders the bottom margin has been set
+% to 56pt now.
+% Volker RW Schaa, 01 May 2014
+% v1.94
+% - the micro sign in UTF-8 prevents ASCII format of the cls file. Ulrike pointed
+% out a hack in http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/172968/hide-notation-from-pdftex
+% which is now introduced.
+% Volker RW Schaa, 02 May 2014
+% v1.95
+% - only change to the version 1.94 are the extended documentation and license
+% statement (lppl1.3c) as preparation for publication on CTAN.
+% Volker RW Schaa, 02 May 2014
+% v1.96
+% - modification of bibatex style information. Since the JACoW template Feb-2016
+% the bibliography requires the IEEEtran style. Heine provided an adapted
+% version using the required values of the template:
+% + ieee biblatex style instead of numeric-compv
+% + doi field is cleared for all entries
+% + et al. is used when there are > 6 authors (maxnames=6). In that case,
+% only the first author is mentioned (minnames=1)
+% + url field is cleared for articles and inproceedings
+% + giveninits=true reduces all given names to initials
+% Heine Dølrath Thomsen, 30 June 2016
+% v2.00
+% - after using v1.96 during conferences where DOIs/URLs were present in biblio-
+% graphic records, the following changes to Heine's version have been made:
+% + doi field allowed
+% + url field allowed
+% Volker RW Schaa, 02 May 2014
+% v2.1 new options introduced
+% flushend: new: keeplastbox
+% siunitx: new: binary-units=true
+% BibLaTeX: changed: style=ieee => bibstyle=ieee, citestyle=numeric-comp
+% new: dashed=false
+% removed: doi=false
+% Volker RW Schaa, 02 May 2014
+% v2.2
+% - adapted to the changes of template version 2018-02
+% - made this one official
+% Volker RW Schaa, 23 Feb 2018
+% v2.3
+% - font for tt switched to newtxtt with option zerostyle=d (dotted 0)
+% Volker RW Schaa, 15 Jan 2019
+% v2.4
+% - version 2.3 did not work for XeTeX/LuaTeX, therefore font change using
+% \def\UrlFont and switching the fontencoding to T1 (suggested by Ulrike Fischer)
+% - package amsmath included to provide
+% Volker RW Schaa, 01 Apr 2019
+%% v2.5
+% - flushend dropped the option keeplastbox, therefore removed from jacow package
+% option list
+% - Option "binary-units" has been removed from siunitx release.
+% - Option "detect-mode" has been deprecated in this (siunitx) release: v3.0.32
+% Use "mode=match" as a replacement.
+% - Option "detect-weight" has been deprecated in this (siunitx) release: v3.0.32
+% Use "reset-text-series=false, text-series-to-math=true" as a replacement.
+% - fixltx2e is not required with releases after 2015
+% Volker RW Schaa, 14 Oct 2021
+%% v2.6
+% - ifluatex/ifxetex dropped for iftex
+% Volker RW Schaa, 11 Nov 2021
+%% v2.7
+% - added some biblatex macros to achieve closer JACoW reference formatting
+% than standard ieeetran
+% Volker RW Schaa, 02 Feb 2022
+%% v2.8
+% - removes the (non)stretchability \bibitemsep{0pt} from tests (oversight in v2.7)
+% - introduced the page setting by geometry to JACoW paper size which wasn't
+% working in earlier version of jacow.cls due to the necessary offset using "pt".
+% With Zhichu Chen's suggestion of using "bp" instead of "pt", Ivan's JACoW utils
+% does not complain anymore, and the /Mediabox is correctly shown in Acrobat and
+% PitStop.
+% paperheight 792.0 bp ≅ 794.97 pt [794.96208 pt]
+% paperwidth 595.0 bp ≅ 597.23 pt [597.22530 pt]
+% Currently I have not found where in a PDF it's defined
+% whether (media/crop box) values are "pt" or "bp".
+% Zhichu Chen, Volker RW Schaa, 10 Jun 2022
+%% v2.9
+% - remove the math-micro option from siunitx as it was deprecated.
+% Volker RW Schaa, 12 Jun 2022
+%% v2.10
+% - added Zhichu's switch between version of siunitx (older than 2021-05-17}.
+% Zhichu Chen, Volker RW Schaa, 15 Jun 2022
+%% v2.11
+% - remove the (empty) package textcase and substituted it by
+% \let\MakeTextUppercase\MakeUppercase
+% Volker RW Schaa, 17 Jul 2022
+%% v2.12
+% - the new changes to LaTeX3 (2022-06-01) break the old "\@nonchangecase" command
+% \AddToNoCaseChangeList{command} added
+% Ulrike Fischer, Volker RW Schaa, 04 Aug 2022
+%% v2.13
+% - placement of DOI changed: if it fits on the line OK, otherwise use a new line
+% - period/fullstop placed in front of DOI
+% Zhichu Chen, 05 Aug 2022
+%% v2.14
+% - `lineno` with "minted" are not supported
+% - place a "\\" rather than \par for linebreak in the definition of \placedoi to
+% ǵet the vertical spacing right
+% Zhichu Chen, 06 Aug 2022
+%% v2.15
+% - all intermediate changes combined in this version
+% - check for \AddToNoCaseChangeList instead of \IfFormatAtLeastTF{2022/06/01}
+% Zhichu Chen, Volker RW Schaa, 09 Aug 2022
+\def\docdate {2022/08/09}
+\ProvidesClass{jacow}[\filedate\space v\fileversion]
+\typeout{LaTeX2e Class file for Accelerator Conference publication for LaTeX2e users}
+\typeout{ }
+\typeout{Use the boxit option to draw a box on page showing the correct margins}
+\typeout{ }
+\typeout{Itemize, Enumerate and Description environments are compact versions}
+\typeout{ }
+ \PassOptionsToPackage{paper=letterpaper}{geometry}
+ \typeout{Setup for US LETTER PAPER}}
+ \PassOptionsToPackage{paper=letterpaper}{geometry}
+ \typeout{Setup for US LETTER PAPER}}
+ \PassOptionsToPackage{paper=a4paper}{geometry}
+ \typeout{Setup for A4 PAPER}}
+ \PassOptionsToPackage{paper=a4paper}{geometry}
+ \typeout{Setup for A4 PAPER}}
+\RequirePackage[]{flushend} %% modified 2.5
+% a lot of authors love to use `minted` to typeset codes which also loads `lineno`
+% `flushend` does not balance when `lineno` is also loaded,
+% let's pretend it's already loaded
+% this will break linebreaks (not as serious as it sounds) for `minted` but we don't care
+% Tools:
+% Ulrike's suggestion to the UPPERCASING problem after LaTeX update 2022-06-01
+% or is it even 2022-06-30 ?? => check of 2022-06-01 changed to definition of
+% \AddToNoCaseChangeList which came obviously later
+% old
+ %Add thanks to the list of "\@nonchangecase"-commands from textcase:
+ \RequirePackage{textcase}
+ \def\@uclcnotmath#1#2#3#4{\begingroup
+ #1%
+ \def\({$}\let\)\(%
+ \def\NoCaseChange##1{\noexpand\NoCaseChange{\noexpand##1}}%
+ \@nonchangecase\label
+ \@nonchangecase\ref
+ \@nonchangecase\ensuremath
+ \@nonchangecase\thanks %new
+ \@nonchangecase\si %new
+ \def\SI##1##2{\NoCaseChange{\SI{##1}{##2}}} % ugly patch
+ \def\cite##1##{\toks@{\noexpand\cite##1}\@citex}%
+ \def\@citex##1{\NoCaseChange{\the\toks@{##1}}}%
+ \def\reserved@a##1##2{\let#2\reserved@a}%
+ \expandafter\reserved@a\@uclclist\reserved@b{\reserved@b\@gobble}%
+ \protected@edef\reserved@a{\endgroup
+ \noexpand\@skipmath#3#4$\valign$}%
+ \reserved@a}
+ \let\MakeTextUppercase\MakeUppercase
+ \AddToNoCaseChangeList{\thanks}
+ \AddToNoCaseChangeList{\label}
+ \AddToNoCaseChangeList{\ref}
+ \AddToNoCaseChangeList{\ensuremath}
+ \AddToNoCaseChangeList{\si}
+ \AddToNoCaseChangeList{\SI}
+ \AddToNoCaseChangeList{\qty}
+ \AddToNoCaseChangeList{\unit}
+% Option "binary-units" has been removed from (siunitx)
+% Option "detect-mode" has been deprecated in this (siunitx) release: v3.0.32
+% Use "mode=match" as a replacement.
+% Option "detect-weight" has been deprecated in this (siunitx) release: v3.0.32
+% Use "reset-text-series=false, text-series-to-math=true" as a replacement.
+%\RequirePackage[mode=match, reset-text-series=false, text-series-to-math=true]{siunitx}
+ {\PackageInfo{siunitx}{%
+ Package newer than 2021-05-17,\MessageBreak
+ loading current settings.}%
+ \sisetup{mode=match, reset-text-series=false, text-series-to-math=true}}% copied from jacow.cls version 2.7
+ {\PackageInfo{siunitx}{%
+ Package older than 2021-05-17,\MessageBreak
+ loading old settings.}%
+ \sisetup{detect-mode,detect-weight, binary-units=true}}% % copied from jacow.cls version 2.4
+% Page layout:
+% Zhichu's suggestion of using "bp instead of "pt"
+ twocolumn,
+ columnsep = 5mm,
+ left = 20mm,
+ bottom = 56pt,
+ paperwidth = 595bp, %% paperwidth 597.23 pt = 595.0 bp {597.22530 pt]
+ textwidth = 170mm,
+ paperheight = 792bp, %% paperheight 794.97 pt ≅ 792.0 bp [794.96208 pt]
+ textheight = 9.5in,
+ nomarginpar,
+ heightrounded,
+ noheadfoot,
+ centering]
+ {geometry}
+\columnseprule 0pt
+% redefine the default Typewriter Font to newtxtt with dotted zeros (v2.3)
+\ifboolexpr{bool{xetex} or bool{luatex}}
+ {}
+ { \catcode`\^^^=9
+ }
+\ifboolexpr{bool{xetex} or bool{luatex}}
+ { \let\ori@vdots\vdots
+ \RequirePackage{unicode-math}
+ \AtBeginDocument{\let\vdots\ori@vdots}
+ \setmainfont[Ligatures=TeX]{TeX Gyre Termes}
+ \setmathfont{TeX Gyre Termes Math}
+% \sisetup{
+% math-micro = \text{^^^^03bc},
+% text-micro = ^^^^03bc
+% }
+ }
+ {
+ % Fonts: Times clones
+ \RequirePackage{textcomp}
+ \RequirePackage[T1]{fontenc}
+ \RequirePackage{lmodern}
+ \RequirePackage{tgtermes}
+ \RequirePackage{newtxmath}
+ \input{glyphtounicode}
+ \pdfgentounicode=1
+% \RequirePackage{cmap}
+ }
+% section: Uppercase only for text
+ {%
+ \@startsection{section}{1}{0mm}
+ {2.0ex plus 0.8ex minus .1ex}{1.0ex plus .2ex}
+ {\normalfont\large\bfseries\mathversion{bold}\centering\MakeTextUppercase}%
+ }%
+ {%
+ \@startsection{subsection}{2}{\z@}
+ {1.4ex plus .8ex minus .17ex}{0.8ex plus .17ex}
+ {\normalfont\large\itshape}%
+ }
+ {%
+ \@startsection{subsubsection}{3}{\parindent}
+ {2.5ex plus .7ex minus .17ex}{-1em}
+ {\normalfont\normalsize\bfseries}%
+ }
+ {%
+ \@startsection{paragraph}{4}{\z@}
+ {2.5ex plus .7ex minus .17ex}{-1em}
+ {\normalfont\normalsize\itshape}%
+ }
+ {%
+ \@startsection{subparagraph}{4}{\parindent}
+ {2.25ex plus .7ex minus .17ex}{-1em}
+ {\normalfont\normalsize\bfseries}%
+ }
+% This definition of \maketitle taken from article.sty, and has been
+% somewhat modified.
+ \begingroup
+ \def\thefootnote{\fnsymbol{footnote}}
+ \def\@makefnmark{\hbox
+ to 5pt{$^{\@thefnmark}$\hss}}
+ \twocolumn[\@maketitle]
+ \@thanks
+ \endgroup
+ \enlargethispage{\jac@copyrightspace}%
+ \setcounter{footnote}{0}
+ \let\maketitle\relax
+ \let\@maketitle\relax
+ \gdef\@thanks{}\gdef\@author{}\gdef\@title{}\let\thanks\relax}
+\newlength{\titleblockheight} % so user can change it if need be
+ \vskip \titleblockstartskip \centering
+ {\Large\bfseries \MakeTextUppercase{\@title} \par}
+ \vskip \titleblockmiddleskip % Vertical space after title.
+ {\large\begin{tabular}[t]{@{}c@{}}\@author \end{tabular}\par}
+ \vskip \titleblockendskip}
+% The \copyrightspace command is used to produce a blank space in the first
+% column where a copyright notice may go. It works by producing
+% with \enlargethispage and is inserted by \maketitle.
+% The command should be issued in the preamble.
+ {\list{}{%
+ \setlength{\leftmargin}{\dimexpr\textwidth/2-0.75\columnwidth}%
+ \setlength{\rightmargin}{\dimexpr-0.75\columnwidth-\columnsep}%
+ \setlength{\listparindent}{\parindent}%
+ \setlength{\itemsep}{\parskip}%
+ \setlength{\itemindent}{\z@}%
+ \setlength{\topsep}{\z@}%
+ \setlength{\parsep}{\parskip}%
+ \setlength{\partopsep}{\z@}%
+ \let\makelabel\@gobble
+ \setlength{\labelwidth}{\z@}%
+ \advance\@listdepth\m@ne }%
+ \item\relax\subsection*{Abstract}}
+ {\endlist\clearpage}
+ \renewenvironment{abstract}
+ {\subsection*{Abstract}}
+ {\par}
+\newcount \saveprevgraf
+ \predisplaypenalty10000\relax \postdisplaypenalty10000\relax
+ \abovedisplayskip-\baselineskip
+ \belowdisplayskip-\baselineskip
+ \abovedisplayshortskip\abovedisplayskip
+ \belowdisplayshortskip\belowdisplayskip
+ $$
+ \global \lastlinewidth=\dimexpr \predisplaysize -2em \relax
+ $$
+\advance\saveprevgraf by -3
+\advance\saveprevgraf by -1
+\noindent\kern\dimexpr\lastlinewidth -\leftmargin\relax
+\doiavailablewidth=\dimexpr \hsize-\lastlinewidth \relax
+%2.00 {\RequirePackage[style=ieee,sorting=none,giveninits=true,doi=false,maxnames=6,minnames=1]{biblatex}
+%2.1 {\RequirePackage[style=ieee,sorting=none,giveninits=true,maxnames=6,minnames=1]{biblatex}
+ {\RequirePackage[bibstyle=ieee,citestyle=numeric-comp,dashed=false,sorting=none,giveninits=true,maxnames=6,minnames=1]{biblatex}
+ \renewbibmacro*{url+urldate}{%
+ \iffieldundef{url}
+ {}
+ {\printfield{url}%
+ \nopunct}}%
+ \DeclareFieldFormat{url}{\url{#1}}
+ \DeclareFieldFormat{eprint}{#1}
+%% when to activate this? Paper format acus/letter
+% \DefineBibliographyExtras{american}{\stdpunctuation} % mod
+ % Drop urls for article and inproceedings entries
+% check https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/6743/biblatex-changing-the-order-of-entries
+% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/12806/guidelines-for-customizing-biblatex-styles/13076#13076
+% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/10203/biblatex-putting-thin-spaces-between-initials
+% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/560346/how-to-suppress-annotation-field-from-bbl-file-in-biblatex
+% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/496995/advanced-introduction-to-biblatex-coding-guidelines-for-database
+% if BibLaTeX is used
+% modify macros so the formatted output corresponds to JACoW's idea of IEEEtran
+ % set vertical distance between items
+ \setlength\bibitemsep{3pt plus 1.5pt minus 0.5pt}
+ % remove stretchability from biblatex URLs/DOIs
+ \toks0\expandafter{\biburlsetup}\edef\biburlsetup{\the\toks0 \Urlmuskip =0mu\relax}
+ % Removing period after DOI
+ \renewcommand*{\finentrypunct}{\ifboolexpr{togl {bbx:doi} and not test {\iffieldundef{doi}}}{}{\addperiod}}
+ % format doi: as part of the link using the same font
+ \DeclareFieldFormat{doi}{%
+ \ifhyperref
+ {\href{https://doi.org/#1}{\nolinkurl{#1}}}
+ {\placedoi{\nolinkurl{doi:#1}}}%
+ }
+ %
+ % make sure that there is no break between initial and lastname
+ % and thinspaces between muliple initials
+ %
+ \renewcommand*\bibnamedelimd{~}
+ \renewcommand\bibinitdelim{\addnbthinspace}
+ %
+ % format venue, event, date without round brackets
+ % https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/446732/biblatex-field-venueeventdate-without-round-brackets
+ \renewbibmacro*{event+venue+date}{%
+ \printfield{eventtitle}%
+ \newunit
+ \printfield{eventtitleaddon}%
+ \newunit
+ \printfield{venue}%
+ \setunit*{\addcomma\space}%
+ \printeventdate%
+ \newunit%
+ }
+ \DeclareFieldFormat{eid}{%
+ {paper #1}%
+ }
+ %
+ \renewbibmacro*{volume+number+eid}{%
+ \printfield{volume}%
+ \newunit
+ \printfield{number}%
+ \newunit
+ \printfield{eid}%
+ }
+ %
+ % Clean up the bibtex rather than editing it for extensive JACoW BibTeX records
+ %
+ \AtEveryBibitem{%
+ \clearlist{address}
+ \clearfield{date}
+ \clearfield{eprint}
+ \clearfield{isbn}
+ \clearfield{issn}
+ %
+ % use/print "note" if "booktitle" is not given: example "data for this conference"
+ %
+ \iffieldundef{booktitle}{}{\clearfield{note}}
+ \clearlist{location}
+ \clearfield{month}
+ \clearfield{series}
+ \ifentrytype{book}{}{% Remove publisher and editor except for books
+ \clearlist{publisher}
+ \clearname{editor}
+ }
+ }
+ %
+ % print url if no doi
+ %
+ \renewbibmacro*{doi+eprint+url}{%
+ \addperiod\printfield{doi}%
+ \newunit\newblock%
+ \iftoggle{bbx:eprint}{%
+ \usebibmacro{eprint}%
+ }{}%
+ \newunit\newblock%
+ \iffieldundef{doi}{%
+ \usebibmacro{url+urldate}}%
+ {}%
+ }
+ % format ISSN like URLs
+ \DeclareFieldFormat{issn}{%
+ {\texttt{ISSN:#1}}%
+ }
+ % format ISSN like URLs
+ \DeclareFieldFormat{issn}{%
+ {\texttt{ISSN:#1}}%
+ }
+ %
+% \setlength\bibitemsep{0pt}
+ \setlength\bibparsep{0pt}
+ \setlength\biblabelsep{5pt}
+ \ifjacowrefpage\preto\blx@bibliography{\clearpage}\fi
+ \AtBeginBibliography{\small\clubpenalty4000\widowpenalty4000}%
+ } % end if biblatex
+ %
+ {\RequirePackage{cite}
+ % Redefine to use smaller fonts
+ \def\thebibliography#1{\setlength{\itemsep}{0pt}\setlength{\parsep}{0pt}%
+ \ifjacowrefpage\clearpage\fi
+ \section*{REFERENCES\@mkboth
+ {[\arabic{enumi}]}{\settowidth\labelwidth{[#1]}\leftmargin\labelwidth
+ \advance\leftmargin\labelsep
+ \usecounter{enumi}}
+ \def\newblock{\hskip .11em plus .33em minus .07em}
+ \sloppy\clubpenalty4000\widowpenalty4000
+ \sfcode`\.=1000\relax}
+ \let\endthebibliography=\endlist
+ }
+%avoid bug of fixltx2e:
+ \if@firstcolumn
+ \global\@firstcolumnfalse
+ \global\setbox\@leftcolumn\copy\@outputbox
+ \splitmaxdepth\maxdimen
+ \vbadness\maxdimen
+ \setbox\@outputbox\vbox{\unvbox\@outputbox\unskip}%new
+ \setbox\@outputbox\vsplit\@outputbox to\maxdimen
+ \toks@\expandafter{\topmark}%
+ \xdef\@firstcoltopmark{\the\toks@}%
+ \toks@\expandafter{\splitfirstmark}%
+ \xdef\@firstcolfirstmark{\the\toks@}%
+ \ifx\@firstcolfirstmark\@empty
+ \global\let\@setmarks\relax
+ \else
+ \gdef\@setmarks{%
+ \let\firstmark\@firstcolfirstmark
+ \let\topmark\@firstcoltopmark}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \global\@firstcolumntrue
+ \setbox\@outputbox\vbox{%
+ \hb@xt@\textwidth{%
+ \hb@xt@\columnwidth{\box\@leftcolumn \hss}%
+ \hfil
+ \vrule \@width\columnseprule
+ \hfil
+ \hb@xt@\columnwidth{\box\@outputbox \hss}}}%
+ \@combinedblfloats
+ \@setmarks
+ \@outputpage
+ \begingroup
+ \@dblfloatplacement
+ \@startdblcolumn
+ \@whilesw\if@fcolmade \fi{\@outputpage\@startdblcolumn}%
+ \endgroup
+ \fi}
--- /dev/null
+% !TeX spellcheck = en_GB
+% !TeX program = lualatex
+% v 2.3 Feb 2019 Volker RW Schaa
+% # changes in the collaboration therefore updated file "jacow-collaboration.tex"
+% # all References with DOIs have their period/full stop before the DOI (after pp. or year)
+% # in the author/affiliation block all ZIP codes in square brackets removed as it was not % understood as optional parameter and ZIP codes had bin put in brackets
+% # References to the current IPAC are changed to "IPAC'19, Melbourne, Australia"
+% # font for ‘url’ style changed to ‘newtxtt’ as it is easier to distinguish "O" and "0"
+ %boxit, % check whether paper is inside correct margins
+ %titlepage, % separate title page
+ %refpage % separate references
+ %biblatex, % biblatex is used
+ keeplastbox, % flushend option: not to un-indent last line in References
+ %nospread, % flushend option: do not fill with whitespace to balance columns
+ %hyphens, % allow \url to hyphenate at "-" (hyphens)
+ %xetex, % use XeLaTeX to process the file
+ %luatex, % use LuaLaTeX to process the file
+ ]{jacow}
+% ONLY FOR \footnote in table/tabular
+\usepackage{pdfpages,multirow,ragged2e} %
+% ----------------------------------------------------
+% test for XeTeX where the sequence is by default eps-> pdf, jpg, png, pdf, ...
+% and the JACoW template provides JACpic2v3.eps and JACpic2v3.jpg which
+% might generates errors, therefore PNG and JPG first
+ \ifboolexpr{bool{xetex}}
+ {\renewcommand{\Gin@extensions}{.pdf,%
+ .png,.jpg,.bmp,.pict,.tif,.psd,.mac,.sga,.tga,.gif,%
+ .eps,.ps,%
+ }}{}
+% --------------------------------------------------------
+% utf8 is default for XeTeX/LuaTeX
+% utf8 in LaTeX only realises a small portion of codes
+\ifboolexpr{bool{xetex} or bool{luatex}} % test for XeTeX/LuaTeX
+ {} % input encoding is utf8 by default
+ {\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}} % switch to utf8
+% if BibLaTeX is used
+ {%
+ \addbibresource{jacow-test.bib}
+ \addbibresource{biblatex-examples.bib}
+ }{}
+%% Lengths for the spaces in the title
+%% \setlength\titleblockstartskip{..} %before title, default 3pt
+%% \setlength\titleblockmiddleskip{..} %between title + author, default 1em
+%% \setlength\titleblockendskip{..} %afterauthor, default 1em
+\title{preparation OF papers for \NoCaseChange{JACoW} conferences\thanks{Work supported by ...}}
+\author{A. N. Author\thanks{email address}, H. Coauthor, Name of Institute or Affiliation, City, Country \\
+ P. Contributor\textsuperscript{1}, Name of Institute or Affiliation, City, Country \\
+ \textsuperscript{1}also at Name of Secondary Institute or Affiliation, City, Country}
+ Many conference series have adopted the same standards
+ for electronic publication and have joined the Joint
+ Accelerator Conferences Website (JACoW) collaboration
+ for the publication of their proceedings. This document
+ describes the common requirements for the submission of
+ papers to these conferences. Please consult individual
+ conference information for page limits, method of electronic
+ submission, etc. It is not intended that this should
+ be a tutorial in word processing; the aim is to explain the
+ particular requirements for electronic publication at
+ www.JACoW.org. The abstract itself is to act as a stand-alone
+ entity and, as such, should not include citations. Any acronyms
+ should be expanded on their first occurrence, both in the
+ abstract and in the rest of the paper.
+ The abstract itself is to act as a stand-alone entity and,
+ as such, should not include citations. Any acronyms should
+ be expanded on their first occurrence, both in the abstract
+ and in the rest of the paper.
+Each author should submit the PDF file and all source
+files (text and figures) to enable the paper to be
+reconstructed if there are processing difficulties.
+Templates are provided for recommended software and
+authors are advised to use them. Please consult the
+individual conference help pages if questions arise.
+\subsection{General Layout}
+These instructions are a typical implementation of the
+requirements. Manuscripts should have:
+ \item Either A4 (\SI{21.0}{cm}~$\times$~\SI{29.7}{cm}; \SI{8.27}{in}~$\times$~\SI{11.69}{in}) or US
+ letter size (\SI{21.6}{cm}~$\times$~\SI{27.9}{cm}; \SI{8.5}{in}~$\times$~\SI{11.0}{in}) paper.
+ \item Single-spaced text in two columns of \SI{82.5}{mm} (\SI{3.25}{in}) with \SI{5.3}{mm}
+ (\SI{0.2}{in}) separation. More recent versions of Microsoft Word have a default spacing of 1.5 lines;
+ authors must change this to 1 line.
+ \item The text located within the margins specified in Table~\ref{l2ea4-t1}.
+ \centering
+ \caption{Margin Specifications}
+ \begin{tabular}{lcc}
+ \toprule
+ \textbf{Margin} & \textbf{A4 Paper} & \textbf{US Letter Paper} \\
+ \midrule
+ Top & \SI{37}{mm} (\SI{1.46}{in}) & \SI{0.75}{in} (\SI{19}{mm}) \\ %[3pt]
+ Bottom & \SI{19}{mm} (\SI{0.75}{in}) & \SI{0.75}{in} (\SI{19}{mm}) \\ %[3pt]
+ Left & \SI{20}{mm} (\SI{0.79}{in}) & \SI{0.79}{in} (\SI{20}{mm}) \\ %[3pt]
+ Right & \SI{20}{mm} (\SI{0.79}{in}) & \SI{1.02}{in} (\SI{26}{mm}) \\
+ \bottomrule
+ \end{tabular}
+ \label{tab:margins}
+In order to produce good Adobe Acrobat PDF files, authors
+using the `jacow' \LaTeX{} template are asked to use only the fonts
+defined in the ‘jacow’ class file (v2.3 of 2019/01/15) in standard,
+bold (i.\,e., \verb|\textbf|) or italic (i.\,e., \verb|\textit|) form and
+symbols from the standard set of fonts. In Word use only
+Symbol and, depending on your platform, Times or Times New Roman
+fonts in standard, bold or italic form.
+The layout of the text on the page is illustrated in
+Fig.~\ref{fig:paper_layout}. Note that the paper’s title and the author list should
+be the width of the full page. Tables and figures may span
+the whole \SI{170}{mm} page width, if desired (see Fig.~\ref{fig:jacow_team}), but
+if they span both columns, they should be placed at either
+the top or bottom of a page to ensure proper flow of the
+text (which should flow from top to bottom in each column).
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics*[width=.7\columnwidth]{JACpic_mc}
+ \caption{Layout of papers.}
+ \label{fig:paper_layout}
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics*[width=\textwidth]{JACpic2}
+ \caption{Example of a full-width figure showing the JACoW Team at their annual
+ meeting in December 2018. This figure has a multi-line caption that has to be
+ justified rather than centred.}
+ \label{fig:jacow_team}
+\subsection{Title and Author List}
+The title should use \SI{14}{pt} bold uppercase letters and be centred on the page.
+Individual letters may be lowercased to avoid misinterpretation (e.\,g., mW, GeV,
+SPring-8, SwissFEL).
+To include a funding support statement, put an asterisk after the title and
+the support text at the bottom of the first column on page~1---in Word,
+use a text box; in \LaTeX, use $\backslash$\texttt{thanks}. See also the
+subsection on footnotes.
+The names of authors, their organizations/affiliations and
+postal addresses should be grouped by affiliation and
+listed in \SI{12}{pt} upper- and lowercase letters. The name of
+the submitting or primary author should be first, followed
+by the coauthors, alphabetically by affiliation. Where
+authors have multiple affiliations, the secondary affiliation
+may be indicated with a superscript, as shown in the
+author listing of this paper. See \textbf{ANNEX~A} for further examples.
+\subsection{Section Headings}
+Section headings should not be numbered. They should
+use \SI{12}{pt} bold uppercase letters and be centred in the
+column. All section headings should appear directly above
+the text---there should never be a column break between a heading and the
+following paragraph.
+\subsection{Subsection Headings}
+Subsection headings should not be numbered.
+They should use \SI{12}{pt} italic letters and be left aligned in the column.
+Subsection headings use Title Case (or Initial Caps)
+and should appear directly above the text---there should never be a column break
+between a subheading and the following paragraph.
+\subsubsection{Third-level Headings} These should use \SI{10}{pt} bold
+letters and be run into the paragraph text. In \LaTeX{} these headings are
+created with \LaTeX's \verb|\subsubsection| command.
+In the Word templates authors must bold the heading text themselves.
+This heading should be used sparingly. See Table~\ref{tab:styles}
+for its style details.
+\subsection{Paragraph Text}
+Paragraphs should use \SI{10}{pt} font and be justified (touch each side) in
+the column. The beginning of each paragraph should be indented
+approximately \SI{0.33}{cm} (\SI{0.13}{in}). The last line of a paragraph should not be
+printed by itself at the beginning of a column nor should the first line of
+a paragraph be printed by itself at the end of a column.
+\subsection{Figures, Tables and Equations}
+Place figures and tables as close to their place of mention as
+possible. Lettering in figures and tables should be large enough to
+reproduce clearly. Use of non-approved fonts in figures can lead to
+problems when the files are processed. \LaTeX{} users should be sure to use
+non-bitmapped versions of Computer Modern fonts in equations (Type\,1 PostScript
+or OpenType fonts are required. Their use is described in the help
+pages of the JACoW website\cite{jacow-help}).
+Each figure and table must be numbered in ascending
+order (1, 2, 3, etc.) throughout the paper.
+Figure captions are placed below figures, and table
+captions are placed above tables.
+Figure captions are formatted as shown in Figs.~\ref{fig:paper_layout} and \ref{fig:jacow_team},
+while table captions take the form of a heading,
+with initial letters of principle words, capitalized, and
+without a period at the end (see Tables~\ref{tab:margins} and~\ref{tab:styles}).
+Any reference to the contents of the table should be made from
+the body of the paper rather than from within the table
+caption itself.
+Single-line captions are centred in the column, while captions
+that span more than one line should be justified.
+The \LaTeX{} template uses the ‘booktabs’ package to
+format tables.
+When referring to a figure from within the text, the
+convention is to use the abbreviated form [e.\,g., Fig.~1]
+\emph{unless} the reference is at the start of the sentence, in
+which case “Figure” is written in full. Reference to a
+table, however, is never abbreviated [e.\,g., Table~1].
+If a displayed equation needs a number (i.\,e., it will be
+referenced), place it in parentheses, and flush with the
+right margin of the column. The equation itself should be
+indented and centred, as far as is possible:
+ C_B=\frac{q^3}{3\epsilon_{0} mc}=\SI{3.54}{\micro eV/T}
+When referencing a numbered equation, use the word
+“Equation” at the start of a sentence, and the abbreviated
+form, “Eq.”, if in the text. The equation number is placed
+in parentheses [e.\,g., Eq.~\eqref{eq:label}], which can be
+achieved in \LaTeX{} using \verb|\eqref{eq:label}|.
+Units should be written using the standard, roman font,
+not the italic font, as shown in Eq.~\eqref{eq:label}.
+An unbreakable space should precede a unit (in \LaTeX{} use a “\verb|\,|”,
+the template uses the ‘siunitx’ package to format units).
+Some examples are: \SI{3}{keV},
+\SI{100}{kW}, \SI{7}{µm}. When a unit appears in a hyphenated,
+compound adjective that precedes a noun, it takes on the
+singular form, e.\,g., the 3.8-metre long undulator.
+% References examples given here are not formatted using \cite as there
+% are only reference numbers [1] and [2] in the template
+All bibliographical and web references should be numbered and listed at the
+end of the paper in a section called \textbf{REFERENCES}. When citing a
+reference in the text, place the corresponding reference number in square
+brackets~[1]. The reference citations in the text should be numbered
+in ascending order. Multiple citations should appear in
+the same bracket~[3, 4] and
+with ranges where appropriate~[1--4, 10].
+A URL or DOI may be included as part of a reference, but its
+hyperlink should NOT be added. The usual practice is to
+use a monospaced font for the URL so as to help distinguish
+it from normal text. In \LaTeX{} the ‘url’ package is used with its
+default font now being switched to ``newtxtt'' which offers
+a better distinction between ``\texttt{O}'' and ``\texttt{0}''.
+For authors to properly cite the resources used when researching
+their papers is an obligation. In the interest of
+promoting uniformity and complete citations, the IEEE
+Editorial Style for Transactions and Journals, which itself
+adheres to the Chicago Manual of Style, has been adopted~\cite{IEEE}.
+When citing a periodical, the official abbreviation of the journal
+should be used\cite{journal-abbreviations}.
+Please consult the appended material, \textbf{ANNEX~B},
+for details. The onus is on authors to pay attention to
+the details of the said style to ensure complete, accurate
+and properly formatted references.
+ \begin{table}[h!b]
+ \setlength\tabcolsep{3.5pt}
+ \centering
+ \caption{Summary of Styles}
+ \label{tab:styles}
+ \begin{tabular}{llcc}
+ \toprule
+ \textbf{Style} & \textbf{Font} & \textbf{Space} & \textbf{Space} \\
+ & & \textbf{Before} & \textbf{After} \\
+ \midrule
+ \textbf{PAPER} & \SI{14}{pt} & \SI{0}{pt} & \SI{3}{pt} \\
+ \textbf{TITLE} & \textbf{UPPERCASE} & & \\
+ & \textbf{EXCEPT FOR} & & \\
+ & \textbf{REQUIRED lowercase} & & \\
+ & \textbf{letters} & & \\
+ & \textbf{Bold} & & \\[5pt]
+ %\midrule
+ Author list & \SI{12}{pt} & \SI{9}{pt} & \SI{12}{pt} \\
+ & UPPER- and lowercase & & \\[5pt]
+ %\midrule
+ \textit{Abstract} & \SI{12}{pt} & \SI{0}{pt} & \SI{3}{pt} \\
+ \textit{Title} & \textit{Initial Caps} & & \\
+ & \textit{Italic} & & \\[5pt]
+ %\midrule
+ \textbf{Section} & \SI{12}{pt} & \SI{9}{pt} & \SI{3}{pt} \\
+ \textbf{Heading} & \textbf{UPPERCASE} & & \\
+ & \textbf{bold} & & \\[5pt]
+ %\midrule
+ \textit{Subsection} & \SI{12}{pt} & \SI{6}{pt} & \SI{3}{pt} \\
+ \textit{Heading}
+ & \textit{Initial Caps} & & \\
+ & \textit{Italic} & & \\[5pt]
+ %\midrule
+ \textbf{Third-level} & \SI{10}{pt} & \SI{6}{pt} & \SI{0}{pt} \\
+ \textbf{Heading}
+ & \textbf{Initial Caps} & & \\
+ & \textbf{Bold} & & \\[5pt]
+ %\midrule
+ Figure & \SI{10}{pt} & \SI{3}{pt} & $\ge$\SI{3}{pt} \\
+ Captions & & & \\[5pt]
+ %\midrule
+ Table & \SI{10}{pt} & $\ge$\SI{3}{pt} & \SI{3}{pt} \\
+ Captions & & & \\[5pt]
+ %\midrule
+ Equations & \SI{10}{pt} base font & $\ge$\SI{6}{pt} & $\ge$\SI{6}{pt} \\[5pt]
+ %\midrule
+ References & \SI{9}{pt} & \SI{0}{pt} & \SI{3}{pt} \\
+ when $\le9$ & \verb|\bibliography{9}| & & \\[5pt]
+ Refs. $\ge10$ & \SI{9}{pt} & \SI{0}{pt} & \SI{3}{pt} \\
+ & \verb|\bibliography{99}| & & \\
+ \bottomrule %\SI{0.25}{in}
+ \end{tabular}
+Footnotes on the title and author lines may be used for acknowledgements
+and e-mail addresses. A non-numeric sequence of characters (*, \#,
+\dag, \ddag, \P) should be used to indicate the footnote.
+These “pseudo footnotes” should only
+appear at the bottom of the first column on the first page.
+Any other footnote in the body of the paper should
+use the normal numeric sequencing (i.\,e., 1, 2, 3)
+and appear at the bottom of the same column in which
+it is used. All footnotes are of 8pt font size.
+Acronyms should be defined the first time they appear,
+both in the abstract and in the rest of the paper.
+Table~\ref{tab:styles} summarizes the fonts and spacing used in the styles of
+a JACoW template. In \LaTeX, these
+are implemented in the ‘jacow’ class file.
+\section{PAGE NUMBERS}
+\textbf{DO NOT include any page numbers}. They will be added
+when the final proceedings are produced.
+Template documents for the recommended word processing
+software are available from the JACoW website~\cite{jacow-help}
+and exist for \LaTeX, Microsoft Word (Mac and PC)
+and LibreOffice/Apache OpenOffice for US letter and A4
+paper sizes. Use the correct template for your paper size and
+Fonts are embedded by default with pdf\LaTeX. Using \LaTeX{} with `dvips',
+make sure that `ps2pdf' has the option \texttt{-dEmbedAllFonts=true}'.
+Fonts of included figure graphics in PDF or EPS are often not embedded.
+So make sure that this done when generating them or reprocess them
+in `Ghostscript' with the switch \texttt{-dEmbedAllFonts=true}' set.
+Authors are requested to go over the following checklist for electronic publication:
+ \item Use only Times or Times New Roman (standard, bold or italic) and Symbol
+ fonts for text, \SI{10}{pt} except references, which should be \SI{9}{pt}.
+ \item Figures should use Times or Times New Roman (standard, bold or italic) and
+ Symbol fonts when possible---\SI{6}{pt} minimum, with fonts embedded.
+ \item Check that citations to references appear in sequential order and
+ that all references are cited.
+ \item Check that the PDF file prints correctly.
+ \item Check that there are no page numbers.
+ \item Check that the margins on the printed version are within \SI{\pm1}{mm}
+ of the specifications.
+ \item \LaTeX{} users can check their margins by invoking the
+ \texttt{boxit} option.
+Please also check the list of common oversights which can be found in \textbf{ANNEX C}.
+Any conclusions should be in a separate section directly preceding
+the \textbf{ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS}, \textbf{APPENDIX}, or \textbf{REFERENCES} sections, in that
+Any acknowledgement should be in a separate section directly preceding
+the \textbf{REFERENCES} or \textbf{APPENDIX} section.
+Any appendix should be in a separate section directly preceding
+the \textbf{REFERENCES} section. If there is no \textbf{REFERENCES} section,
+this should be the last section of the paper.
+% only for "biblatex"
+ {\printbibliography}%
+ {%
+ % "biblatex" is not used, go the "manual" way
+ %\begin{thebibliography}{99} % Use for 10-99 references
+ \begin{thebibliography}{9} % Use for 1-9 references
+ \bibitem{jacow-help}
+ JACoW,
+ \url{http://www.jacow.org}
+ \bibitem{IEEE}
+ \textit{IEEE Editorial Style Manual},
+ IEEE Periodicals, Piscataway,
+ NJ, USA, Oct. 2014, pp. 34--52.
+ \bibitem{journal-abbreviations}
+ \url{https://woodward.library.ubc.ca/researchhelp/journal-abbreviations/}
+ \end{thebibliography}
+} % end \ifboolexpr
+% for use as JACoW template the inclusion of the ANNEX parts have been commented out
+% to generate the complete documentation please remove the "%" of the next two commands