+ // ======== Trichotomy of the reals
+ // See proof_rule.h for documentation on the ARITH_TRICHOTOMY rule. This
+ // comment uses variable names as introduced there.
+ //
+ // If C = (= x c) or C = (> x c) pre-processing has to transform (>= x c)
+ // into (<= c x)
+ //
+ // ------------------------------------------------------ LA_DISEQUALITY
+ // (VP1: (cl (or (= x c) (not (<= x c)) (not (<= c x)))))
+ // -------------------------------------------------------- OR
+ // (VP2: (cl (= x c) (not (<= x c)) (not (<= c x))))
+ //
+ // If C = (> x c) or C = (< x c) post-processing has to be added. In these
+ // cases resolution on VP2 A B yields (not (<=x c)) or (not (<= c x)) and
+ // comp_simplify is used to transform it into C. Otherwise,
+ //
+ // VP2 A B
+ // ---------------- RESOLUTION
+ // (cl C)*
+ //
+ // * the corresponding proof node is C
+ {
+ bool success = true;
+ Node equal, lesser, greater;
+ Kind k = res.getKind();
+ if (k == kind::EQUAL)
+ {
+ equal = res;
+ if (children[0].getKind() == kind::LEQ)
+ {
+ greater = children[0];
+ lesser = children[1];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ greater = children[1];
+ lesser = children[0];
+ }
+ }
+ // Add case where res is not =
+ else if (res.getKind() == kind::GT)
+ {
+ greater = res;
+ if (children[0].getKind() == kind::NOT)
+ {
+ equal = children[0];
+ lesser = children[1];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ equal = children[1];
+ lesser = children[0];
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ lesser = res;
+ if (children[0].getKind() == kind::NOT)
+ {
+ equal = children[0];
+ greater = children[1];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ equal = children[1];
+ greater = children[0];
+ }
+ }
+ Node x, c;
+ if (equal.getKind() == kind::NOT)
+ {
+ x = equal[0][0];
+ c = equal[0][1];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ x = equal[0];
+ c = equal[1];
+ }
+ Node vp_child1 = children[0], vp_child2 = children[1];
+ // Preprocessing
+ if (res == equal || res == greater)
+ { // C = (= x c) or C = (> x c)
+ // lesser = (>= x c)
+ Node vpc2 = nm->mkNode(
+ kind::SEXPR,
+ d_cl,
+ nm->mkNode(kind::GEQ, x, c).eqNode(nm->mkNode(kind::LEQ, c, x)));
+ // (cl (= (>= x c) (<= c x)))
+ Node vpc1 = nm->mkNode(kind::SEXPR,
+ {d_cl,
+ vpc2[1].notNode(),
+ nm->mkNode(kind::GEQ, x, c).notNode(),
+ nm->mkNode(kind::LEQ, c, x)});
+ // (cl (not(= (>= x c) (<= c x))) (not (>= x c)) (<= c x))
+ vp_child1 = nm->mkNode(
+ kind::SEXPR, d_cl, nm->mkNode(kind::LEQ, c, x)); // (cl (<= c x))
+ success &=
+ addAletheStep(AletheRule::EQUIV_POS2, vpc1, vpc1, {}, {}, *cdp)
+ && addAletheStep(
+ AletheRule::COMP_SIMPLIFY, vpc2, vpc2, {}, {}, *cdp)
+ && addAletheStep(AletheRule::RESOLUTION,
+ vp_child1,
+ vp_child1,
+ {vpc1, vpc2, lesser},
+ {},
+ *cdp);
+ // greater = (<= x c) or greater = (not (= x c)) -> no preprocessing
+ // necessary
+ vp_child2 = res == equal ? greater : equal;
+ }
+ // Process
+ Node vp1 = nm->mkNode(kind::SEXPR,
+ d_cl,
+ nm->mkNode(kind::OR,
+ nm->mkNode(kind::EQUAL, x, c),
+ nm->mkNode(kind::LEQ, x, c).notNode(),
+ nm->mkNode(kind::LEQ, c, x).notNode()));
+ // (cl (or (= x c) (not (<= x c)) (not (<= c x))))
+ Node vp2 = nm->mkNode(kind::SEXPR,
+ {d_cl,
+ nm->mkNode(kind::EQUAL, x, c),
+ nm->mkNode(kind::LEQ, x, c).notNode(),
+ nm->mkNode(kind::LEQ, c, x).notNode()});
+ // (cl (= x c) (not (<= x c)) (not (<= c x)))
+ success &=
+ addAletheStep(AletheRule::LA_DISEQUALITY, vp1, vp1, {}, {}, *cdp)
+ && addAletheStep(AletheRule::OR, vp2, vp2, {vp1}, {}, *cdp);
+ // Postprocessing
+ if (res == equal)
+ { // no postprocessing necessary
+ return success
+ && addAletheStep(AletheRule::RESOLUTION,
+ res,
+ nm->mkNode(kind::SEXPR, d_cl, res),
+ {vp2, vp_child1, vp_child2},
+ {},
+ *cdp);
+ }
+ if (res == greater)
+ { // have (not (<= x c)) but result should be (> x c)
+ Node vp3 = nm->mkNode(
+ kind::SEXPR,
+ d_cl,
+ nm->mkNode(kind::LEQ, x, c).notNode()); // (cl (not (<= x c)))
+ Node vp4 = nm->mkNode(
+ kind::SEXPR,
+ {d_cl,
+ nm->mkNode(kind::EQUAL,
+ nm->mkNode(kind::GT, x, c),
+ nm->mkNode(kind::LEQ, x, c).notNode())
+ .notNode(),
+ nm->mkNode(kind::GT, x, c),
+ nm->mkNode(kind::LEQ, x, c)
+ .notNode()
+ .notNode()}); // (cl (not(= (> x c) (not (<= x c)))) (> x c)
+ // (not (not (<= x c))))
+ Node vp5 =
+ nm->mkNode(kind::SEXPR,
+ d_cl,
+ nm->mkNode(kind::GT, x, c)
+ .eqNode(nm->mkNode(kind::LEQ, x, c).notNode()));
+ // (cl (= (> x c) (not (<= x c))))
+ return success
+ && addAletheStep(AletheRule::RESOLUTION,
+ vp3,
+ vp3,
+ {vp2, vp_child1, vp_child2},
+ {},
+ *cdp)
+ && addAletheStep(AletheRule::EQUIV_POS1, vp4, vp4, {}, {}, *cdp)
+ && addAletheStep(
+ AletheRule::COMP_SIMPLIFY, vp5, vp5, {}, {}, *cdp)
+ && addAletheStep(AletheRule::RESOLUTION,
+ res,
+ nm->mkNode(kind::SEXPR, d_cl, res),
+ {vp3, vp4, vp5},
+ {},
+ *cdp);
+ }
+ // have (not (<= c x)) but result should be (< x c)
+ Node vp3 = nm->mkNode(
+ kind::SEXPR,
+ d_cl,
+ nm->mkNode(kind::LEQ, c, x).notNode()); // (cl (not (<= c x)))
+ Node vp4 =
+ nm->mkNode(kind::SEXPR,
+ {d_cl,
+ nm->mkNode(kind::LT, x, c)
+ .eqNode(nm->mkNode(kind::LEQ, c, x).notNode())
+ .notNode(),
+ nm->mkNode(kind::LT, x, c),
+ nm->mkNode(kind::LEQ, c, x)
+ .notNode()
+ .notNode()}); // (cl (not(= (< x c) (not (<= c x))))
+ // (< x c) (not (not (<= c x))))
+ Node vp5 = nm->mkNode(
+ kind::SEXPR,
+ d_cl,
+ nm->mkNode(kind::LT, x, c)
+ .eqNode(nm->mkNode(kind::LEQ, c, x)
+ .notNode())); // (cl (= (< x c) (not (<= c x))))
+ return success
+ && addAletheStep(AletheRule::RESOLUTION,
+ vp3,
+ vp3,
+ {vp2, vp_child1, vp_child2},
+ {},
+ *cdp)
+ && addAletheStep(AletheRule::EQUIV_POS1, vp4, vp4, {}, {}, *cdp)
+ && addAletheStep(AletheRule::COMP_SIMPLIFY, vp5, vp5, {}, {}, *cdp)
+ && addAletheStep(AletheRule::RESOLUTION,
+ res,
+ nm->mkNode(kind::SEXPR, d_cl, res),
+ {vp3, vp4, vp5},
+ {},
+ *cdp);
+ }
return addAletheStep(AletheRule::UNDEFINED,