Of course, these aren't really useful for anything, but the GLSL language
specification does allow them:
The source character set used for the OpenGL shading languages,
outside of comments, is a subset of UTF-8. It includes the following
White space: the space character, horizontal tab, vertical tab, form
feed, carriage-return, and line- feed.
[GLSL Language Specification 4.30.6, section 3.1]
So treat vertical tab ('\v' or ^K) and form-feed ('\f' or ^L) as horizontal
space characters.
Reviewed-by: Kenneth Graunke <kenneth@whitecape.org>
SPACE [[:space:]]
NONSPACE [^[:space:]]
-HSPACE [ \t]
+HSPACE [ \t\v\f]
NEWLINE (\r\n|\n\r|\r|\n)
IDENTIFIER [_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*