CR_index = 7-(BA>>2) # top 3 bits but BE
bit_index = 3-(BA & 0b11) # low 2 bits but BE
- CR_reg = CR[CR_index] # get the CR
+ CR_reg = CR{CR_index} # get the CR
# finally get the bit from the CR.
CR_bit = (CR_reg & (1<<bit_index)) != 0
CR_index = (spec[0:1]<<3) | CR_index
# same as for v3.0/v3.1 from this point onwards
bit_index = 3-(BA & 0b11) # low 2 bits but BE
- CR_reg = CR[CR_index] # get the CR
+ CR_reg = CR{CR_index} # get the CR
# finally get the bit from the CR.
CR_bit = (CR_reg & (1<<bit_index)) != 0
# calculate the vector result of an add
iregs[RT+i] = iregs[RA+i] + iregs[RB+i]
# now calculate CR bits
- CRs[8+i].eq = iregs[RT+i] == 0
- CRs[8+i].gt = iregs[RT+i] > 0
+ CRs{8+i}.eq = iregs[RT+i] == 0
+ CRs{8+i}.gt = iregs[RT+i] > 0
... etc
If a "cumulated" CR based analysis of results is desired (a la VSX CR6)