std::set<RTLIL::Cell*> exported_cells, hiercells, hiercells_queue;
pool<Cell*> recursive_cells, registers;
+ pool<SigBit> clock_posedge, clock_negedge;
std::map<RTLIL::SigBit, std::pair<int, int>> fcache;
std::map<Cell*, int> memarrays;
std::map<int, int> bvsizes;
decls.push_back(decl_str + "\n");
- Smt2Worker(RTLIL::Module *module, bool bvmode, bool memmode, bool wiresmode, bool verbose, bool statebv, bool statedt, dict<IdString, int> &mod_stbv_width) :
+ Smt2Worker(RTLIL::Module *module, bool bvmode, bool memmode, bool wiresmode, bool verbose, bool statebv, bool statedt,
+ dict<IdString, int> &mod_stbv_width, dict<IdString, dict<IdString, pair<bool, bool>>> &mod_clk_cache) :
ct(module->design), sigmap(module), module(module), bvmode(bvmode), memmode(memmode), wiresmode(wiresmode),
verbose(verbose), statebv(statebv), statedt(statedt), mod_stbv_width(mod_stbv_width), idcounter(0), statebv_width(0)
+ pool<SigBit> noclock;
makebits(stringf("%s_is", get_id(module)));
for (auto cell : module->cells())
- for (auto &conn : cell->connections()) {
+ for (auto &conn : cell->connections())
+ {
if (GetSize(conn.second) == 0)
bool is_input = ct.cell_input(cell->type, conn.first);
bool is_output = ct.cell_output(cell->type, conn.first);
if (is_output && !is_input)
for (auto bit : sigmap(conn.second)) {
if (bit_driver.count(bit))
else if (is_output || !is_input)
log_error("Unsupported or unknown directionality on port %s of cell %s.%s (%s).\n",
log_id(conn.first), log_id(module), log_id(cell), log_id(cell->type));
+ if (cell->"$dff", "$_DFF_P_", "$_DFF_N_") &&"\\CLK", "\\C"))
+ {
+ bool posedge = (cell->type == "$_DFF_N_") || (cell->type == "$dff" && cell->getParam("\\CLK_POLARITY").as_bool());
+ for (auto bit : sigmap(conn.second)) {
+ if (posedge)
+ clock_posedge.insert(bit);
+ else
+ clock_negedge.insert(bit);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ if (mod_clk_cache.count(cell->type) &&>type).count(conn.first))
+ {
+ for (auto bit : sigmap(conn.second)) {
+ if (>type).at(conn.first).first)
+ clock_posedge.insert(bit);
+ if (>type).at(conn.first).second)
+ clock_negedge.insert(bit);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (auto bit : sigmap(conn.second))
+ noclock.insert(bit);
+ }
+ }
+ for (auto bit : noclock) {
+ clock_posedge.erase(bit);
+ clock_negedge.erase(bit);
+ }
+ for (auto wire : module->wires())
+ {
+ if (!wire->port_input || GetSize(wire) != 1)
+ continue;
+ SigBit bit = sigmap(wire);
+ if (clock_posedge.count(bit))
+ mod_clk_cache[module->name][wire->name].first = true;
+ if (clock_negedge.count(bit))
+ mod_clk_cache[module->name][wire->name].second = true;
decls.push_back(stringf("; yosys-smt2-register %s %d\n", get_id(wire), wire->width));
if (wire->get_bool_attribute("\\keep") || (wiresmode && wire->name[0] == '\\'))
decls.push_back(stringf("; yosys-smt2-wire %s %d\n", get_id(wire), wire->width));
+ if (GetSize(wire) == 1 && (clock_posedge.count(sig) || clock_negedge.count(sig)))
+ decls.push_back(stringf("; yosys-smt2-clock %s%s%s\n", get_id(wire),
+ clock_posedge.count(sig) ? " posedge" : "", clock_negedge.count(sig) ? " negedge" : ""));
if (bvmode && GetSize(sig) > 1) {
decls.push_back(stringf("(define-fun |%s_n %s| ((state |%s_s|)) (_ BitVec %d) %s)\n",
get_id(module), get_id(wire), get_id(module), GetSize(sig), get_bv(sig).c_str()));
dict<IdString, int> mod_stbv_width;
+ dict<IdString, dict<IdString, pair<bool, bool>>> mod_clk_cache;
Module *topmod = design->top_module();
std::string topmod_id;
log("Creating SMT-LIBv2 representation of module %s.\n", log_id(module));
- Smt2Worker worker(module, bvmode, memmode, wiresmode, verbose, statebv, statedt, mod_stbv_width);
+ Smt2Worker worker(module, bvmode, memmode, wiresmode, verbose, statebv, statedt, mod_stbv_width, mod_clk_cache);;
self.memories = dict()
self.wires = set()
self.wsize = dict()
+ self.clocks = dict()
self.cells = dict()
self.asserts = dict()
self.covers = dict()
self.modinfo[self.curmod].wsize[fields[2]] = int(fields[3])
+ if fields[1] == "yosys-smt2-clock":
+ for edge in fields[3:]:
+ if fields[2] not in self.modinfo[self.curmod].clocks:
+ self.modinfo[self.curmod].clocks[fields[2]] = edge
+ elif self.modinfo[self.curmod].clocks[fields[2]] != edge:
+ self.modinfo[self.curmod].clocks[fields[2]] = "event"
if fields[1] == "yosys-smt2-assert":
self.modinfo[self.curmod].asserts["%s_a %s" % (self.curmod, fields[2])] = fields[3]
assert net_path[-1] in self.modinfo[mod].wsize
return self.modinfo[mod].wsize[net_path[-1]]
+ def net_clock(self, mod, net_path):
+ for i in range(len(net_path)-1):
+ assert mod in self.modinfo
+ assert net_path[i] in self.modinfo[mod].cells
+ mod = self.modinfo[mod].cells[net_path[i]]
+ assert mod in self.modinfo
+ if net_path[-1] not in self.modinfo[mod].clocks:
+ return None
+ return self.modinfo[mod].clocks[net_path[-1]]
def net_exists(self, mod, net_path):
for i in range(len(net_path)-1):
if mod not in self.modinfo: return False
self.f = f
self.t = -1
self.nets = dict()
+ self.clocks = dict()
def add_net(self, path, width):
path = tuple(path)
key = "n%d" % len(self.nets)
self.nets[path] = (key, width)
+ def add_clock(self, path, edge):
+ path = tuple(path)
+ assert self.t == -1
+ key = "n%d" % len(self.nets)
+ self.nets[path] = (key, 1)
+ self.clocks[path] = (key, edge)
def set_net(self, path, bits):
path = tuple(path)
assert self.t >= 0
assert path in self.nets
- print("b%s %s" % (bits, self.nets[path][0]), file=self.f)
+ if path not in self.clocks:
+ print("b%s %s" % (bits, self.nets[path][0]), file=self.f)
def set_time(self, t):
assert t >= self.t
print("$scope module %s $end" % path[len(scope)], file=self.f)
key, width = self.nets[path]
- print("$var wire %d %s %s $end" % (width, key, path[-1]), file=self.f)
+ if path in self.clocks and self.clocks[path][1] == "event":
+ print("$var event 1 %s %s $end" % (key, path[-1]), file=self.f)
+ else:
+ print("$var wire %d %s %s $end" % (width, key, path[-1]), file=self.f)
for i in range(len(scope)):
print("$upscope $end", file=self.f)
print("$enddefinitions $end", file=self.f)
self.t = t
assert self.t >= 0
+ if self.t > 0:
+ print("#%d" % (10 * self.t - 5), file=self.f)
+ for path in sorted(self.clocks.keys()):
+ if self.clocks[path][1] == "posedge":
+ print("b0 %s" % self.nets[path][0], file=self.f)
+ elif self.clocks[path][1] == "negedge":
+ print("b1 %s" % self.nets[path][0], file=self.f)
print("#%d" % (10 * self.t), file=self.f)
print("1!", file=self.f)
print("b%s t" % format(self.t, "032b"), file=self.f)
+ for path in sorted(self.clocks.keys()):
+ if self.clocks[path][1] == "negedge":
+ print("b0 %s" % self.nets[path][0], file=self.f)
+ else:
+ print("b1 %s" % self.nets[path][0], file=self.f)