system.l2.cpu_side = system.tol2bus.master
system.l2.mem_side = system.membus.slave
+ if options.memchecker:
+ system.memchecker = MemChecker()
for i in xrange(options.num_cpus):
if options.caches:
icache = icache_class(size=options.l1i_size,
dcache = dcache_class(size=options.l1d_size,
+ if options.memchecker:
+ dcache_mon = MemCheckerMonitor(warn_only=True)
+ dcache_real = dcache
+ # Do not pass the memchecker into the constructor of
+ # MemCheckerMonitor, as it would create a copy; we require
+ # exactly one MemChecker instance.
+ dcache_mon.memchecker = system.memchecker
+ # Connect monitor
+ dcache_mon.mem_side = dcache.cpu_side
+ # Let CPU connect to monitors
+ dcache = dcache_mon
# When connecting the caches, the clock is also inherited
# from the CPU in question
if buildEnv['TARGET_ISA'] == 'x86':
system.cpu[i].addPrivateSplitL1Caches(icache, dcache)
+ if options.memchecker:
+ # The mem_side ports of the caches haven't been connected yet.
+ # Make sure connectAllPorts connects the right objects.
+ system.cpu[i].dcache = dcache_real
+ system.cpu[i].dcache_mon = dcache_mon
if options.l2cache:
system.cpu[i].connectAllPorts(system.tol2bus, system.membus)
parser.add_option("-l", "--lpae", action="store_true")
parser.add_option("-V", "--virtualisation", action="store_true")
+ parser.add_option("--memchecker", action="store_true")
# Cache Options
parser.add_option("--caches", action="store_true")
parser.add_option("--l2cache", action="store_true")