Thus we can see that Vector Indexed may be covered, and, as demonstrated
with the pseudocode below, the immediate can be set to the element width
-in order to give unit stride.
-At the minimum however it is possible to provide unit stride and vector
-mode, as follows:
+in order to give unit or element stride. With there being no way to tell which from the Scalar opcode, the choice is provided instead by the SV Context.
# LD not VLD!
# op_width: lb=1, lh=2, lw=4, ld=8
# compute EA
EA = srcbase + offs
# update RA? load from memory
- if update: ireg[rsv+i] = EA;
+ if update: ireg[RAupdate+i] = EA;
ireg[RT+j] <= MEM[EA];
if (!RT.isvec)
break # destination scalar, end now
Indexed LD is:
function op_ldx(RT, RA, RB, update=False) # LD not VLD!
- rdv = map_dest_extra(RT);
- rsv = map_src_extra(RA);
- rso = map_src_extra(RB);
ps = get_pred_val(FALSE, RA); # predication on src
pd = get_pred_val(FALSE, RT); # ... AND on dest
for (i=0, j=0, k=0; i < VL && j < VL && k < VL):
if (RA.isvec) while (!(ps & 1<<i)) i++;
if (RB.isvec) while (!(ps & 1<<k)) k++;
if (RT.isvec) while (!(pd & 1<<j)) j++;
- EA = ireg[rsv+i] + ireg[rso+k] # indexed address
- if update: ireg[rsv+i] = EA
- ireg[rdv+j] <= MEM[EA];
+ EA = ireg[RA+i] + ireg[RB+k] # indexed address
+ if update: ireg[RAupdate+i] = EA
+ ireg[RT+j] <= MEM[EA];
if (!RT.isvec)
break # destination scalar, end immediately
if (!RA.isvec && !RB.isvec)