with m.If(sel == STEER_REFRESH):
m.d.sync += phase.cs_n.eq(0)
with m.Else():
- m.d.sync += phase.cs_n.eq(rank_decoder.o)
+ m.d.sync += phase.cs_n.eq(~rank_decoder.o)
- m.d.sync += phase.cs_n.eq(rank_decoder.o)
+ m.d.sync += phase.cs_n.eq(~rank_decoder.o)
m.d.sync += phase.bank.eq(Array(cmd.ba[:-rankbits] for cmd in self.commands)[sel])
m.d.sync += [
def elaborate(self, platform):
m = Module()
+ comb = m.d.comb
cmd = self.native_port.cmd
wdata = self.native_port.wdata
rdata = self.native_port.rdata
+ bus = self.bus
# Write datapath
- m.d.comb += wdata.valid.eq(self.bus.cyc & self.bus.stb & self.bus.we)
+ comb += wdata.valid.eq(bus.cyc & bus.stb & bus.we)
ratio_bitmask = Repl(1, log2_int(self.ratio))
- sel = Signal.like(self.bus.sel)
- with m.If(self.bus.sel == 0):
- m.d.comb += sel.eq(Repl(1, sel.width))
+ # XXX? sel is zero being compensated-for as all 1s does not seem right
+ sel = Signal.like(bus.sel)
+ with m.If(bus.sel == 0):
+ comb += sel.eq(-1) # all 1s
with m.Else():
- m.d.comb += sel.eq(self.bus.sel)
+ comb += sel.eq(bus.sel)
- with m.Switch(self.bus.adr & ratio_bitmask):
+ with m.Switch(bus.adr & ratio_bitmask): # XXX adr changes (WB4-pipe)
for i in range(self.ratio):
with m.Case(i):
- m.d.comb += wdata.we.eq(Repl(sel, self.bus.granularity//8) << (self.ratio*i))
- with m.Switch(self.bus.adr & ratio_bitmask):
- for i in range(self.ratio):
- with m.Case(i):
- m.d.comb += wdata.data.eq(self.bus.dat_w << (self.bus.data_width*i))
+ # write-enable
+ we = Repl(sel, bus.granularity//8) << (self.ratio*i)
+ comb += wdata.we.eq(we)
+ # write-data
+ data = bus.dat_w << (bus.data_width*i)
+ comb += wdata.data.eq(data)
# Read datapath
- m.d.comb += rdata.ready.eq(1)
+ comb += rdata.ready.eq(1)
- with m.Switch(self.bus.adr & ratio_bitmask):
+ with m.Switch(bus.adr & ratio_bitmask): # XXX adr changes (WB4-pipe)
for i in range(self.ratio):
with m.Case(i):
- m.d.comb += self.bus.dat_r.eq(rdata.data >> (self.bus.data_width*i))
+ data = rdata.data >> (bus.data_width*i)
+ comb += bus.dat_r.eq(data)
+ # Command FSM
with m.FSM():
+ # raise a command when WB has a request
with m.State("Send-Cmd"):
- m.d.comb += [
- cmd.valid.eq(self.bus.cyc & self.bus.stb),
- cmd.we.eq(self.bus.we),
- cmd.addr.eq(self.bus.adr >> log2_int(self.bus.data_width//self.bus.granularity)),
+ # XXX this logic is only WB 3.0 classic compatible!
+ comb += [
+ cmd.valid.eq(bus.cyc & bus.stb),
+ cmd.we.eq(bus.we),
+ cmd.addr.eq(bus.adr >> self.dsize),
+ # when cmd is accepted, move to either read or write FSM
with m.If(cmd.valid & cmd.ready):
- with m.If(self.bus.we):
+ with m.If(bus.we):
m.next = "Wait-Write"
with m.Else():
m.next = "Wait-Read"
+ # read-wait: when read valid, ack the WB bus, return idle
with m.State("Wait-Read"):
with m.If(rdata.valid):
- m.d.comb += self.bus.ack.eq(1)
+ comb += bus.ack.eq(1)
m.next = "Send-Cmd"
+ # write-wait: when write valid, ack the WB bus, return idle
with m.State("Wait-Write"):
with m.If(wdata.ready):
- m.d.comb += self.bus.ack.eq(1)
+ comb += bus.ack.eq(1)
m.next = "Send-Cmd"
return m
def elaborate(self, platform):
m = Module()
+ comb, sync = m.d.comb, m.d.sync
m.submodules.bridge = self._bridge
for j in range(8*i, 8*(i+1)):
- dq_o = Signal()
- dq_i = Signal()
- dq_oe_n = Signal()
- dq_i_delayed = Signal()
- dq_i_data = Signal(4)
- dq_o_data = Signal(8)
+ dq_o = Signal(name="dq_o_%d" % j)
+ dq_i = Signal(name="dq_i_%d" % j)
+ dq_oe_n = Signal(name="dq_oe_n_%d" % j)
+ dq_i_delayed = Signal(name="dq_i_delayed_%d" % j)
+ dq_i_data = Signal(4, name="dq_i_data_%d" % j)
+ dq_o_data = Signal(8, name="dq_o_data_%d" % j)
dq_o_data_d = Signal(8, reset_less=True)
dq_o_data_muxed = Signal(4, reset_less=True)
m.d.comb += dq_o_data.eq(Cat(
- with m.If(~datavalid_prev & datavalid):
- m.d.sync += [
- dfi.phases[0].rddata[0*databits+j].eq(dq_i_data[0]),
- dfi.phases[0].rddata[1*databits+j].eq(dq_i_data[1]),
- dfi.phases[0].rddata[2*databits+j].eq(dq_i_data[2]),
- dfi.phases[0].rddata[3*databits+j].eq(dq_i_data[3]),
- ]
- with m.Elif(datavalid):
- m.d.sync += [
- dfi.phases[1].rddata[0*databits+j].eq(dq_i_data[0]),
- dfi.phases[1].rddata[1*databits+j].eq(dq_i_data[1]),
- dfi.phases[1].rddata[2*databits+j].eq(dq_i_data[2]),
- dfi.phases[1].rddata[3*databits+j].eq(dq_i_data[3]),
- ]
+ # shift-register delay on the incoming read data
+ dq_i_bs = BitSlip(4, Const(0), Const(0), cycles=1)
+ m.submodules['dq_i_bitslip_%d' % j] = dq_i_bs
+ dq_i_bs_o = Signal(4, name="dq_i_bs_o_%d" % j)
+ dq_i_bs_o_d = Signal(4, name="dq_i_bs_o_d_%d" % j)
+ comb += dq_i_bs.i.eq(dq_i_data)
+ comb += dq_i_bs_o.eq(dq_i_bs.o)
+ sync += dq_i_bs_o_d.eq(dq_i_bs_o) # delay by 1 clock
+ #with m.If(~datavalid_prev & datavalid):
+ comb += [
+ dfi.phases[0].rddata[0*databits+j].eq(dq_i_bs_o_d[0]),
+ dfi.phases[0].rddata[1*databits+j].eq(dq_i_bs_o_d[1]),
+ dfi.phases[0].rddata[2*databits+j].eq(dq_i_bs_o_d[2]),
+ dfi.phases[0].rddata[3*databits+j].eq(dq_i_bs_o_d[3]),
+ ]
+ #with m.Elif(datavalid):
+ comb += [
+ dfi.phases[1].rddata[0*databits+j].eq(dq_i_bs_o[0]),
+ dfi.phases[1].rddata[1*databits+j].eq(dq_i_bs_o[1]),
+ dfi.phases[1].rddata[2*databits+j].eq(dq_i_bs_o[2]),
+ dfi.phases[1].rddata[3*databits+j].eq(dq_i_bs_o[3]),
+ ]
# Read Control Path ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Creates a shift register of read commands coming from the DFI interface. This shift register
rddata_en_last = Signal.like(rddata_en)
m.d.comb += rddata_en.eq(Cat(dfi.phases[self.settings.rdphase].rddata_en, rddata_en_last))
m.d.sync += rddata_en_last.eq(rddata_en)
+ for phase in dfi.phases:
+ m.d.sync += phase.rddata_valid.eq(rddata_en[-1])
m.d.comb += dqs_re.eq(rddata_en[cl_sys_latency + 1] | rddata_en[cl_sys_latency + 2])
- rddata_valid = Signal()
- m.d.sync += rddata_valid.eq(datavalid_prev & ~datavalid)
- for phase in dfi.phases:
- m.d.comb += phase.rddata_valid.eq(rddata_valid)
# Write Control Path -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Creates a shift register of write commands coming from the DFI interface. This shift register
Resource("ddr3", 0,
- Subsignal("rst", Pins("fake", dir="o")), # for sim
+ Subsignal("rst", PinsN("fake", dir="o")), # for sim
#Subsignal("clk", Pins("H3", dir="o")),
Subsignal("clk", DiffPairs("H3", "J3", dir="o"), Attrs(IO_TYPE="SSTL135D_I")),
Subsignal("clk_en", Pins("P1", dir="o")),
wire [1:0] dram_tdqs_n;
wire dram_rst;
+ // anything here with "_n" has to be inverted. nmigen platforms
+ // sort that out by inverting (with PinsN)
ddr3 #(
) ram_chip (
- .rst_n(dram_rst),
+ .rst_n(~dram_rst),
- .ddr3_0__clk__io(dram_ck),
+ .ddr3_0__clk__p(dram_ck),