--- /dev/null
+import argparse
+import collections
+import json
+import os
+import pathlib
+import re
+def collect_sysnums(tree):
+ def parse(path):
+ table = collections.defaultdict(dict)
+ whitespace = re.compile(r"\s+")
+ with open(path, mode="r", encoding="UTF-8") as stream:
+ lines = filter(lambda line: not line.strip().startswith("#"), stream)
+ for line in filter(bool, map(str.strip, lines)):
+ (number, abi, name, *entries) = map(str.strip, whitespace.split(line))
+ entries = tuple(entries)
+ if len(entries) > 2:
+ raise ValueError(line)
+ table[abi][number] = (name, entries)
+ table[abi][name] = number
+ return table
+ tables = (
+ ("alpha", "arch/alpha/kernel/syscalls/syscall.tbl"),
+ ("arm", "arch/arm/tools/syscall.tbl"),
+ ("ia64", "arch/ia64/kernel/syscalls/syscall.tbl"),
+ ("m68k", "arch/m68k/kernel/syscalls/syscall.tbl"),
+ ("microblaze", "arch/microblaze/kernel/syscalls/syscall.tbl"),
+ ("mips-n32", "arch/mips/kernel/syscalls/syscall_n32.tbl"),
+ ("mips-n64", "arch/mips/kernel/syscalls/syscall_n64.tbl"),
+ ("mips-o32", "arch/mips/kernel/syscalls/syscall_o32.tbl"),
+ ("parisc", "arch/parisc/kernel/syscalls/syscall.tbl"),
+ ("ppc", "arch/powerpc/kernel/syscalls/syscall.tbl"),
+ ("s390", "arch/s390/kernel/syscalls/syscall.tbl"),
+ ("sh", "arch/sh/kernel/syscalls/syscall.tbl"),
+ ("sparc", "arch/sparc/kernel/syscalls/syscall.tbl"),
+ ("x86-32", "arch/x86/entry/syscalls/syscall_32.tbl"),
+ ("x86-64", "arch/x86/entry/syscalls/syscall_64.tbl"),
+ ("xtensa", "arch/xtensa/kernel/syscalls/syscall.tbl"),
+ )
+ for (arch, path) in tables:
+ yield (arch, parse(path=(tree / path)))
+def collect_sysargs(tree):
+ pattern = re.compile(r"(COMPAT_)?SYSCALL_DEFINE[0-7]\((.*?)\)", re.S | re.M)
+ compat_arg_u64_pattern = re.compile(r"compat_arg_u64_dual\((.+?)\)")
+ for (root, _, paths) in os.walk(top=tree):
+ root = pathlib.Path(root)
+ paths = map(lambda path: (root / path), paths)
+ for path in filter(lambda path: path.suffix == ".c", paths):
+ with open(path, mode="r", encoding="UTF-8") as stream:
+ code = stream.read()
+ code = compat_arg_u64_pattern.sub(r"u32, \1_a, u32, \1_b", code)
+ for match in pattern.finditer(code):
+ compat = (match.group(1) is not None)
+ match = match.group(2).replace("\t", "").replace("\n", "")
+ (name, *arguments) = map(str.strip, match.split(","))
+ if compat:
+ name = f"compat_{name}"
+ yield (name, dict(zip(arguments[1::2], arguments[0::2])))
+def main():
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("lscmg",
+ description="Linux system calls mapping generator")
+ parser.add_argument("tree",
+ help="path to kernel source tree",
+ type=pathlib.Path)
+ arguments = dict(vars(parser.parse_args()))
+ tree = arguments.pop("tree")
+ tree = tree.expanduser()
+ table = {
+ "sysnums": dict(collect_sysnums(tree=tree)),
+ "sysargs": dict(collect_sysargs(tree=tree)),
+ }
+ print(json.dumps(table, indent=4))
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
+++ /dev/null
-import argparse
-import collections
-import enum
-import functools
-import json
-import os
-import pathlib
-import re
-def collect_sysnums(tree):
- def parse(path):
- table = collections.defaultdict(dict)
- whitespace = re.compile(r"\s+")
- with open(path, mode="r", encoding="UTF-8") as stream:
- lines = filter(lambda line: not line.strip().startswith("#"), stream)
- for line in filter(bool, map(str.strip, lines)):
- (number, abi, name, *entries) = map(str.strip, whitespace.split(line))
- entries = tuple(entries)
- if len(entries) > 2:
- raise ValueError(line)
- table[abi][number] = (name, entries)
- table[abi][name] = number
- return table
- tables = (
- ("alpha", "arch/alpha/kernel/syscalls/syscall.tbl"),
- ("arm", "arch/arm/tools/syscall.tbl"),
- ("ia64", "arch/ia64/kernel/syscalls/syscall.tbl"),
- ("m68k", "arch/m68k/kernel/syscalls/syscall.tbl"),
- ("microblaze", "arch/microblaze/kernel/syscalls/syscall.tbl"),
- ("mips-n32", "arch/mips/kernel/syscalls/syscall_n32.tbl"),
- ("mips-n64", "arch/mips/kernel/syscalls/syscall_n64.tbl"),
- ("mips-o32", "arch/mips/kernel/syscalls/syscall_o32.tbl"),
- ("parisc", "arch/parisc/kernel/syscalls/syscall.tbl"),
- ("ppc", "arch/powerpc/kernel/syscalls/syscall.tbl"),
- ("s390", "arch/s390/kernel/syscalls/syscall.tbl"),
- ("sh", "arch/sh/kernel/syscalls/syscall.tbl"),
- ("sparc", "arch/sparc/kernel/syscalls/syscall.tbl"),
- ("x86-32", "arch/x86/entry/syscalls/syscall_32.tbl"),
- ("x86-64", "arch/x86/entry/syscalls/syscall_64.tbl"),
- ("xtensa", "arch/xtensa/kernel/syscalls/syscall.tbl"),
- )
- for (arch, path) in tables:
- yield (arch, parse(path=(tree / path)))
-def collect_sysargs(tree):
- pattern = re.compile(r"(COMPAT_)?SYSCALL_DEFINE[0-7]\((.*?)\)", re.S | re.M)
- compat_arg_u64_pattern = re.compile(r"compat_arg_u64_dual\((.+?)\)")
- for (root, _, paths) in os.walk(top=tree):
- root = pathlib.Path(root)
- paths = map(lambda path: (root / path), paths)
- for path in filter(lambda path: path.suffix == ".c", paths):
- with open(path, mode="r", encoding="UTF-8") as stream:
- code = stream.read()
- code = compat_arg_u64_pattern.sub(r"u32, \1_a, u32, \1_b", code)
- for match in pattern.finditer(code):
- compat = (match.group(1) is not None)
- match = match.group(2).replace("\t", "").replace("\n", "")
- (name, *arguments) = map(str.strip, match.split(","))
- if compat:
- name = f"compat_{name}"
- yield (name, dict(zip(arguments[1::2], arguments[0::2])))
-def main():
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("lscmg",
- description="Linux system calls mapping generator")
- parser.add_argument("tree",
- help="path to kernel source tree",
- type=pathlib.Path)
- arguments = dict(vars(parser.parse_args()))
- tree = arguments.pop("tree")
- tree = tree.expanduser()
- sysnums = dict(collect_sysnums(tree=tree))
- sysargs = dict(collect_sysargs(tree=tree))
- print("SYSNUMS", "=", json.dumps(sysnums, indent=4))
- print("SYSARGS", "=", json.dumps(sysargs, indent=4))
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()