--- /dev/null
+from nmigen import Module, Signal, Elaboratable, Cat
+from nmigen.asserts import Assert, AnyConst, Assume
+from nmutil.formaltest import FHDLTestCase
+from soc.decoder.power_decoder import create_pdecode, PowerOp
+from soc.decoder.power_enums import (In1Sel, In2Sel, In3Sel,
+ OutSel, RC, Form, Function,
+ LdstLen, CryIn,
+ MicrOp, SPR, get_csv)
+from soc.decoder.power_decoder2 import (PowerDecode2,
+ Decode2ToExecute1Type)
+import unittest
+import pdb
+class Driver(Elaboratable):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.instruction = Signal(32, reset_less=True)
+ self.m = None
+ self.comb = None
+ def elaborate(self, platform):
+ self.m = Module()
+ self.comb = self.m.d.comb
+ self.instruction = Signal(32)
+ self.comb += self.instruction.eq(AnyConst(32))
+ pdecode = create_pdecode()
+ self.m.submodules.pdecode2 = pdecode2 = PowerDecode2(pdecode)
+ dec1 = pdecode2.dec
+ self.comb += pdecode2.dec.bigendian.eq(1) # TODO: bigendian=0
+ self.comb += pdecode2.dec.raw_opcode_in.eq(self.instruction)
+ # ignore special decoding of nop
+ self.comb += Assume(self.instruction != 0x60000000)
+ #self.assert_dec1_decode(dec1, dec1.dec)
+ self.assert_form(dec1, pdecode2)
+ return self.m
+ def assert_dec1_decode(self, dec1, decoders):
+ if not isinstance(decoders, list):
+ decoders = [decoders]
+ for d in decoders:
+ print(d.pattern)
+ opcode_switch = Signal(d.bitsel[1] - d.bitsel[0])
+ self.comb += opcode_switch.eq(
+ self.instruction[d.bitsel[0]:d.bitsel[1]])
+ with self.m.Switch(opcode_switch):
+ self.handle_subdecoders(dec1, d)
+ for row in d.opcodes:
+ opcode = row['opcode']
+ if d.opint and '-' not in opcode:
+ opcode = int(opcode, 0)
+ if not row['unit']:
+ continue
+ with self.m.Case(opcode):
+ self.comb += self.assert_dec1_signals(dec1, row)
+ with self.m.Default():
+ self.comb += Assert(dec.op.internal_op ==
+ def handle_subdecoders(self, dec1, decoders):
+ for dec in decoders.subdecoders:
+ if isinstance(dec, list):
+ pattern = dec[0].pattern
+ else:
+ pattern = dec.pattern
+ with self.m.Case(pattern):
+ self.assert_dec1_decode(dec1, dec)
+ def assert_dec1_signals(self, dec, row):
+ op = dec.op
+ return [Assert(op.function_unit == Function[row['unit']]),
+ Assert(op.internal_op == MicrOp[row['internal op']]),
+ Assert(op.in1_sel == In1Sel[row['in1']]),
+ Assert(op.in2_sel == In2Sel[row['in2']]),
+ Assert(op.in3_sel == In3Sel[row['in3']]),
+ Assert(op.out_sel == OutSel[row['out']]),
+ Assert(op.ldst_len == LdstLen[row['ldst len']]),
+ Assert(op.rc_sel == RC[row['rc']]),
+ Assert(op.cry_in == CryIn[row['cry in']]),
+ Assert(op.form == Form[row['form']]),
+ ]
+ # This is to assert that the decoder conforms to the table listed
+ # in PowerISA public spec v3.0B, Section 1.6, page 12
+ def assert_form(self, dec, dec2):
+ with self.m.Switch(dec.op.form):
+ with self.m.Case(Form.A):
+ self.comb += Assert(dec.op.in1_sel.matches(
+ In1Sel.NONE, In1Sel.RA, In1Sel.RA_OR_ZERO))
+ self.comb += Assert(dec.op.in2_sel.matches(
+ In2Sel.RB, In2Sel.NONE))
+ self.comb += Assert(dec.op.in3_sel.matches(
+ In3Sel.RS, In3Sel.NONE))
+ self.comb += Assert(dec.op.out_sel.matches(
+ OutSel.NONE, OutSel.RT))
+ # The table has fields for XO and Rc, but idk what they correspond to
+ with self.m.Case(Form.B):
+ pass
+ with self.m.Case(Form.D):
+ self.comb += Assert(dec.op.in1_sel.matches(
+ In1Sel.NONE, In1Sel.RA, In1Sel.RA_OR_ZERO))
+ self.comb += Assert(dec.op.in2_sel.matches(
+ In2Sel.CONST_SI_HI))
+ self.comb += Assert(dec.op.out_sel.matches(
+ OutSel.NONE, OutSel.RT, OutSel.RA))
+ with self.m.Case(Form.I):
+ self.comb += Assert(dec.op.in2_sel.matches(
+ In2Sel.CONST_LI))
+ def instr_bits(self, start, end=None):
+ if not end:
+ end = start
+ return self.instruction[::-1][start:end+1]
+class DecoderTestCase(FHDLTestCase):
+ def test_decoder(self):
+ module = Driver()
+ self.assertFormal(module, mode="bmc", depth=4)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
--- /dev/null
+from nmigen import Module, Signal, Elaboratable, Cat, Repl
+from nmigen.asserts import Assert, AnyConst
+from nmutil.formaltest import FHDLTestCase
+from soc.decoder.power_decoder import create_pdecode, PowerOp
+from soc.decoder.power_enums import (In1Sel, In2Sel, In3Sel,
+ OutSel, RC, Form,
+ MicrOp, SPR)
+from soc.decoder.power_decoder2 import (PowerDecode2,
+ Decode2ToExecute1Type)
+import unittest
+class Driver(Elaboratable):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.m = None
+ self.comb = None
+ self.instruction = None
+ def elaborate(self, platform):
+ self.m = Module()
+ self.comb = self.m.d.comb
+ self.instruction = Signal(32)
+ self.comb += self.instruction.eq(AnyConst(32))
+ pdecode = create_pdecode()
+ self.m.submodules.pdecode2 = pdecode2 = PowerDecode2(pdecode)
+ self.comb += pdecode2.dec.bigendian.eq(1) # XXX TODO: bigendian=0
+ self.comb += pdecode2.dec.raw_opcode_in.eq(self.instruction)
+ self.test_in1(pdecode2, pdecode)
+ self.test_in2()
+ self.test_in2_fields()
+ self.test_in3()
+ self.test_out()
+ self.test_rc()
+ self.test_single_bits()
+ return self.m
+ def test_in1(self, pdecode2, pdecode):
+ m = self.m
+ comb = self.comb
+ ra = self.instr_bits(11, 15)
+ with m.If(pdecode.op.in1_sel == In1Sel.RA):
+ comb += Assert(pdecode2.e.read_reg1.data == ra)
+ comb += Assert(pdecode2.e.read_reg1.ok == 1)
+ with m.If(pdecode.op.in1_sel == In1Sel.RA_OR_ZERO):
+ with m.If(ra == 0):
+ comb += Assert(pdecode2.e.read_reg1.ok == 0)
+ with m.Else():
+ comb += Assert(pdecode2.e.read_reg1.data == ra)
+ comb += Assert(pdecode2.e.read_reg1.ok == 1)
+ op = pdecode.op.internal_op
+ with m.If((op == MicrOp.OP_BC) |
+ (op == MicrOp.OP_BCREG)):
+ with m.If(~self.instr_bits(8)):
+ comb += Assert(pdecode2.e.read_spr1.data == SPR.CTR)
+ comb += Assert(pdecode2.e.read_spr1.ok == 1)
+ with m.If((op == MicrOp.OP_MFSPR) |
+ (op == MicrOp.OP_MTSPR)):
+ comb += Assert(pdecode2.e.read_spr1.data == self.instr_bits(11, 20))
+ comb += Assert(pdecode2.e.read_spr1.ok == 1)
+ def test_in2(self):
+ m = self.m
+ comb = self.comb
+ pdecode2 = m.submodules.pdecode2
+ dec = pdecode2.dec
+ with m.If(dec.op.in2_sel == In2Sel.RB):
+ comb += Assert(pdecode2.e.read_reg2.ok == 1)
+ comb += Assert(pdecode2.e.read_reg2.data == dec.RB)
+ with m.Elif(dec.op.in2_sel == In2Sel.NONE):
+ comb += Assert(pdecode2.e.imm_data.ok == 0)
+ comb += Assert(pdecode2.e.read_reg2.ok == 0)
+ with m.Elif(dec.op.in2_sel == In2Sel.SPR):
+ comb += Assert(pdecode2.e.imm_data.ok == 0)
+ comb += Assert(pdecode2.e.read_reg2.ok == 0)
+ comb += Assert(pdecode2.e.read_spr2.ok == 1)
+ with m.If(dec.fields.FormXL.XO[9]):
+ comb += Assert(pdecode2.e.read_spr2.data == SPR.CTR)
+ with m.Else():
+ comb += Assert(pdecode2.e.read_spr2.data == SPR.LR)
+ with m.Else():
+ comb += Assert(pdecode2.e.imm_data.ok == 1)
+ with m.Switch(dec.op.in2_sel):
+ with m.Case(In2Sel.CONST_UI):
+ comb += Assert(pdecode2.e.imm_data.data == dec.UI)
+ with m.Case(In2Sel.CONST_SI):
+ comb += Assert(pdecode2.e.imm_data.data ==
+ self.exts(dec.SI, 16, 64))
+ with m.Case(In2Sel.CONST_UI_HI):
+ comb += Assert(pdecode2.e.imm_data.data == (dec.UI << 16))
+ with m.Case(In2Sel.CONST_SI_HI):
+ comb += Assert(pdecode2.e.imm_data.data ==
+ self.exts(dec.SI << 16, 32, 64))
+ with m.Case(In2Sel.CONST_LI):
+ comb += Assert(pdecode2.e.imm_data.data == (dec.LI << 2))
+ with m.Case(In2Sel.CONST_BD):
+ comb += Assert(pdecode2.e.imm_data.data == (dec.BD << 2))
+ with m.Case(In2Sel.CONST_DS):
+ comb += Assert(pdecode2.e.imm_data.data == (dec.DS << 2))
+ with m.Case(In2Sel.CONST_M1):
+ comb += Assert(pdecode2.e.imm_data.data == ~0)
+ with m.Case(In2Sel.CONST_SH):
+ comb += Assert(pdecode2.e.imm_data.data == dec.sh)
+ with m.Case(In2Sel.CONST_SH32):
+ comb += Assert(pdecode2.e.imm_data.data == dec.SH32)
+ with m.Default():
+ comb += Assert(0)
+ def exts(self, exts_data, width, fullwidth):
+ exts_data = exts_data[0:width]
+ topbit = exts_data[-1]
+ signbits = Repl(topbit, fullwidth-width)
+ return Cat(exts_data, signbits)
+ def test_in2_fields(self):
+ m = self.m
+ comb = self.comb
+ dec = m.submodules.pdecode2.dec
+ comb += Assert(dec.RB == self.instr_bits(16, 20))
+ comb += Assert(dec.UI == self.instr_bits(16, 31))
+ comb += Assert(dec.SI == self.instr_bits(16, 31))
+ comb += Assert(dec.LI == self.instr_bits(6, 29))
+ comb += Assert(dec.BD == self.instr_bits(16, 29))
+ comb += Assert(dec.DS == self.instr_bits(16, 29))
+ comb += Assert(dec.sh == Cat(self.instr_bits(16, 20),
+ self.instr_bits(30)))
+ comb += Assert(dec.SH32 == self.instr_bits(16, 20))
+ def test_in3(self):
+ m = self.m
+ comb = self.comb
+ pdecode2 = m.submodules.pdecode2
+ with m.If(pdecode2.dec.op.in3_sel == In3Sel.RS):
+ comb += Assert(pdecode2.e.read_reg3.ok == 1)
+ comb += Assert(pdecode2.e.read_reg3.data == self.instr_bits(6,10))
+ def test_out(self):
+ m = self.m
+ comb = self.comb
+ pdecode2 = m.submodules.pdecode2
+ sel = pdecode2.dec.op.out_sel
+ dec = pdecode2.dec
+ with m.If(sel == OutSel.SPR):
+ comb += Assert(pdecode2.e.write_spr.ok == 1)
+ comb += Assert(pdecode2.e.write_reg.ok == 0)
+ with m.Elif(sel == OutSel.NONE):
+ comb += Assert(pdecode2.e.write_spr.ok == 0)
+ comb += Assert(pdecode2.e.write_reg.ok == 0)
+ with m.Else():
+ comb += Assert(pdecode2.e.write_spr.ok == 0)
+ comb += Assert(pdecode2.e.write_reg.ok == 1)
+ data = pdecode2.e.write_reg.data
+ with m.If(sel == OutSel.RT):
+ comb += Assert(data == self.instr_bits(6, 10))
+ with m.If(sel == OutSel.RA):
+ comb += Assert(data == self.instr_bits(11, 15))
+ def test_rc(self):
+ m = self.m
+ comb = self.comb
+ pdecode2 = m.submodules.pdecode2
+ sel = pdecode2.dec.op.rc_sel
+ dec = pdecode2.dec
+ comb += Assert(pdecode2.e.rc.ok == 1)
+ with m.If(sel == RC.NONE):
+ comb += Assert(pdecode2.e.rc.data == 0)
+ with m.If(sel == RC.ONE):
+ comb += Assert(pdecode2.e.rc.data == 1)
+ with m.If(sel == RC.RC):
+ comb += Assert(pdecode2.e.rc.data == dec.Rc)
+ comb += Assert(pdecode2.e.oe.ok == 1)
+ comb += Assert(pdecode2.e.oe.data == dec.OE)
+ def test_single_bits(self):
+ m = self.m
+ comb = self.comb
+ pdecode2 = m.submodules.pdecode2
+ dec = pdecode2.dec
+ e = pdecode2.e
+ comb += Assert(e.invert_in == dec.op.inv_a)
+ comb += Assert(e.invert_out == dec.op.inv_out)
+ comb += Assert(e.input_carry == dec.op.cry_in)
+ comb += Assert(e.output_carry == dec.op.cry_out)
+ comb += Assert(e.is_32bit == dec.op.is_32b)
+ comb += Assert(e.is_signed == dec.op.sgn)
+ with m.If(dec.op.lk):
+ comb += Assert(e.lk == self.instr_bits(31))
+ comb += Assert(e.byte_reverse == dec.op.br)
+ comb += Assert(e.sign_extend == dec.op.sgn_ext)
+ comb += Assert(e.update == dec.op.upd)
+ comb += Assert(e.input_cr == dec.op.cr_in)
+ comb += Assert(e.output_cr == dec.op.cr_out)
+ def instr_bits(self, start, end=None):
+ if not end:
+ end = start
+ return self.instruction[::-1][start:end+1][::-1]
+class Decoder2TestCase(FHDLTestCase):
+ def test_decoder2(self):
+ module = Driver()
+ self.assertFormal(module, mode="bmc", depth=4)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()