class NetPort < LibRubyObject
# number of transitions a SLICC state machine can transition per
# cycle
# SLICC Controllers. When 0, infinite buffering is used.
default_param :buffer_size, Integer, 32
- # added by SS for TBE
default_param :number_of_TBEs, Integer, 256
default_param :recycle_latency, Integer, 10
default_param :protocol_trace, Boolean, false
# a string for filtering debugging output (for all g_debug vars see Debug.h)
- default_param :filter_string, String, ""
+ default_param :filter_string, String, "none"
- # filters debugging messages based on priority (low, med, high)
- default_param :verbosity_string, String, ""
+ # filters debugging messages based on priority (none, low, med, high)
+ default_param :verbosity_string, String, "none"
# filters debugging messages based on a ruby time
default_param :start_time, Integer, 1
# indicates whether the topology config will be displayed in the
# stats file
- default_param :print_config, Boolean, true
+ default_param :print_config, Boolean, false
class Network < LibRubyObject
default_param :using_network_testing, Boolean, false
-#added by SS
class Tracer < LibRubyObject
default_param :warmup_length, Integer, 1000000
-#added by SS
class Profiler < LibRubyObject
default_param :hot_lines, Boolean, false
default_param :all_instructions, Boolean, false
-#added by SS
class MemoryControl < LibRubyObject
default_param :mem_bus_cycle_multiplier, Integer, 10
default_param :profiler, Profiler, Profiler.new("profiler0")
-#added by SS