append_steps = 0
vcdfile = None
cexfile = None
-aigprefix = None
+aimfile = None
+aiwfile = None
aigheader = True
vlogtbfile = None
inconstr = list()
and AIGER witness file. The file names are <prefix>.aim for
the map file and <prefix>.aiw for the witness file.
+ --aig <aim_filename>:<aiw_filename>
+ like above, but for map files and witness files that do not
+ share a filename prefix (or use differen file extensions).
the AIGER witness file does not include the status and
properties lines.
elif o == "--cex":
cexfile = a
elif o == "--aig":
- aigprefix = a
+ if ":" in a:
+ aimfile, aiwfile = a.split(":")
+ else:
+ aimfile = a + ".aim"
+ aiwfile = a + ".aiw"
elif o == "--aig-noheader":
aigheader = False
elif o == "--dump-vcd":
skip_steps = max(skip_steps, step)
num_steps = max(num_steps, step+1)
-if aigprefix is not None:
+if aimfile is not None:
input_map = dict()
init_map = dict()
latch_map = dict()
skip_steps = 0
num_steps = 0
- with open(aigprefix + ".aim", "r") as f:
+ with open(aimfile, "r") as f:
for entry in
entry = entry.split()
assert False
- with open(aigprefix + ".aiw", "r") as f:
+ with open(aiwfile, "r") as f:
got_state = False
got_ffinit = False
step = 0