TEST_ST_SRC21_BYPASS( 22, 1, 1, lh, sh, 0x0011, 8, tdat );
TEST_ST_SRC21_BYPASS( 23, 2, 0, lh, sh, 0x3001, 10, tdat );
+ #---------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Side effect tests
+ #---------------------------------------------------------------
+ # sh to a word aligned address should only affect the 2 lower bytes
+ # and should leave the 2 upper bytes unmodified.
+ #
+ # In this test we write 2 bytes to the lower 2 bytes of the word
+ # tdat11 and then ensure that the both the upper 2 bytes and
+ # lower 2 bytes are as expected.
+ TEST_CASE( 24, x3, 0x12343098, \
+ la x1, tdat11; \
+ li x2, 0x00003098; \
+ sh x2, 0(x1); \
+ lw x3, 0(x1); \
+ )
li a0, 0xbeef
la a1, tdat
sh a0, 6(a1)
tdat8: .half 0xbeef
tdat9: .half 0xbeef
tdat10: .half 0xbeef
+tdat11: .word 0x12345678