- * Copyright (c) 2010 ARM Limited
+ * Copyright (c) 2010, 2015 ARM Limited
* All rights reserved
* The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall
* Authors: William Wang
* Ali Saidi
* Chris Emmons
+ * Andreas Sandberg
+#include "base/bitmap.hh"
#include <cassert>
-#include "base/bitmap.hh"
#include "base/misc.hh"
-const size_t Bitmap::sizeofHeaderBuffer = sizeof(Magic) + sizeof(Header) +
- sizeof(Info);
// bitmap class ctor
-Bitmap::Bitmap(VideoConvert::Mode _mode, uint16_t w, uint16_t h, uint8_t *d)
- : mode(_mode), height(h), width(w), data(d),
- vc(mode, VideoConvert::rgb8888, width, height), headerBuffer(0)
+Bitmap::Bitmap(VideoConvert::Mode mode, uint16_t w, uint16_t h, uint8_t *d)
+ : height(h), width(w),
+ header(getCompleteHeader()),
+ data(d),
+ vc(mode, VideoConvert::rgb8888, width, height)
-Bitmap::~Bitmap() {
- if (headerBuffer)
- delete [] headerBuffer;
+const Bitmap::CompleteV1Header
+Bitmap::getCompleteHeader() const
+ const uint32_t pixel_array_size(sizeof(PixelType) * width * height);
+ const uint32_t file_size(sizeof(CompleteV1Header) + pixel_array_size);
+ const CompleteV1Header header = {
+ // File header
+ {
+ {'B','M'}, /* Magic */
+ file_size,
+ 0, 0, /* Reserved */
+ sizeof(CompleteV1Header) /* Offset to pixel array */
+ },
+ // Info/DIB header
+ {
+ sizeof(InfoHeaderV1),
+ width,
+ height,
+ 1, /* Color planes */
+ 32, /* Bits per pixel */
+ 0, /* No compression */
+ pixel_array_size, /* Image size in bytes */
+ 2835, /* x pixels per meter (assume 72 DPI) */
+ 2835, /* y pixels per meter (assume 72 DPI) */
+ 0, /* Colors in color table */
+ 0 /* Important color count (0 == all are important) */
+ }
+ };
+ return header;
- // header is always the same for a bitmap object; compute the info once per
- // bitmap object
- if (!headerBuffer) {
- // For further information see:
- // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BMP_file_format
- Magic magic = {{'B','M'}};
- Header header = {
- static_cast<uint32_t>(sizeof(VideoConvert::Rgb8888)) *
- width * height, 0, 0, 54};
- Info info = {static_cast<uint32_t>(sizeof(Info)), width, height, 1,
- static_cast<uint32_t>(sizeof(VideoConvert::Rgb8888)) * 8,
- 0, static_cast<uint32_t>(sizeof(VideoConvert::Rgb8888)) *
- width * height, 1, 1, 0, 0};
- char *p = headerBuffer = new char[sizeofHeaderBuffer];
- memcpy(p, &magic, sizeof(Magic));
- p += sizeof(Magic);
- memcpy(p, &header, sizeof(Header));
- p += sizeof(Header);
- memcpy(p, &info, sizeof(Info));
- }
// 1. write the header
- bmp->write(headerBuffer, sizeofHeaderBuffer);
+ bmp->write(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&header), sizeof(header));
// 2. write the bitmap data
- uint8_t *tmp = vc.convert(data);
- uint32_t *tmp32 = (uint32_t*)tmp;
+ const uint8_t *pixels(vc.convert(data));
// BMP start store data left to right starting with the bottom row
// so we need to do some creative flipping
- for (int i = height - 1; i >= 0; i--)
- for (int j = 0; j < width; j++)
- bmp->write((char*)&tmp32[i * width + j], sizeof(uint32_t));
+ for (int y = height - 1; y >= 0; y--) {
+ for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
+ bmp->write(
+ (const char *)&pixels[sizeof(PixelType) * (y * width + x)],
+ sizeof(PixelType));
+ }
+ }
- delete [] tmp;
+ delete[] pixels;
- * Copyright (c) 2010 ARM Limited
+ * Copyright (c) 2010, 2015 ARM Limited
* All rights reserved
* The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall
* Authors: William Wang
* Ali Saidi
* Chris Emmons
+ * Andreas Sandberg
#ifndef __BASE_BITMAP_HH__
#define __BASE_BITMAP_HH__
-#include <fstream>
+#include <ostream>
+#include "base/compiler.hh"
#include "base/vnc/convert.hh"
class Bitmap
- /** Create a Bitmap creator that takes data in the given mode & size
- * and outputs to an fstream
+ /**
+ * Create a bitmap that takes data in a given mode & size and
+ * outputs to an ostream.
+ *
* @param mode the type of data that is being provided
* @param h the hight of the image
* @param w the width of the image
Bitmap(VideoConvert::Mode mode, uint16_t w, uint16_t h, uint8_t *d);
- /** Destructor */
- /** Provide the converter with the data that should be output. It will be
- * converted into rgb8888 and write out when write() is called.
+ /**
+ * Provide the converter with the data that should be output. It
+ * will be converted into rgb8888 and written when write() is
+ * called.
+ *
* @param d the data
void rawData(uint8_t* d) { data = d; }
- /** Write the provided data into the fstream provided
+ /**
+ * Write the frame buffer data into the provided ostream
+ *
* @param bmp stream to write to
void write(std::ostream *bmp) const;
- /** Gets a hash over the bitmap for quick comparisons to other bitmaps.
+ /**
+ * Gets a hash over the bitmap for quick comparisons to other bitmaps.
+ *
* @return hash of the bitmap
uint64_t getHash() const { return vc.getHash(data); }
- VideoConvert::Mode mode;
- uint16_t height;
- uint16_t width;
- uint8_t *data;
- VideoConvert vc;
- mutable char *headerBuffer;
- static const size_t sizeofHeaderBuffer;
- struct Magic
- {
+ struct FileHeader {
unsigned char magic_number[2];
- };
- struct Header
- {
uint32_t size;
uint16_t reserved1;
uint16_t reserved2;
uint32_t offset;
- };
- struct Info
- {
+ struct InfoHeaderV1 { /* Aka DIB header */
uint32_t Size;
uint32_t Width;
uint32_t Height;
uint32_t YPelsPerMeter;
uint32_t ClrUsed;
uint32_t ClrImportant;
- };
+ struct CompleteV1Header {
+ FileHeader file;
+ InfoHeaderV1 info;
+ typedef uint32_t PixelType;
+ const CompleteV1Header getCompleteHeader() const;
+ const uint16_t height;
+ const uint16_t width;
+ const CompleteV1Header header;
+ uint8_t *data;
+ VideoConvert vc;
#endif // __BASE_BITMAP_HH__