Node implication = implied->externalImplication(explain);
Node clause = flattenImplication(implication);
- outputLemma(clause);
+ std::shared_ptr<ProofNode> clausePf{nullptr};
+ if (isProofEnabled())
+ {
+ // We can prove this lemma from Farkas...
+ std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ProofNode>> conflictPfs;
+ // Assume the negated getLiteral version of the implied constaint
+ // then rewrite it into proof normal form.
+ conflictPfs.push_back(
+ d_pnm->mkNode(PfRule::MACRO_SR_PRED_TRANSFORM,
+ {d_pnm->mkAssume(implied->getLiteral().negate())},
+ {implied->getNegation()->getProofLiteral()}));
+ // Add the explaination proofs.
+ for (const auto constraint : explain)
+ {
+ NodeBuilder<> nb;
+ conflictPfs.push_back(constraint->externalExplainByAssertions(nb));
+ }
+ // Collect the farkas coefficients, as nodes.
+ std::vector<Node> farkasCoefficients;
+ farkasCoefficients.reserve(coeffs->size());
+ auto nm = NodeManager::currentNM();
+ std::transform(
+ coeffs->begin(),
+ coeffs->end(),
+ std::back_inserter(farkasCoefficients),
+ [nm](const Rational& r) { return nm->mkConst<Rational>(r); });
+ // Prove bottom.
+ auto sumPf = d_pnm->mkNode(PfRule::ARITH_SCALE_SUM_UPPER_BOUNDS,
+ conflictPfs,
+ farkasCoefficients);
+ auto botPf = d_pnm->mkNode(
+ PfRule::MACRO_SR_PRED_TRANSFORM, {sumPf}, {nm->mkConst(false)});
+ // Prove the conflict
+ std::vector<Node> assumptions;
+ assumptions.reserve(clause.getNumChildren());
+ std::transform(clause.begin(),
+ clause.end(),
+ std::back_inserter(assumptions),
+ [](TNode r) { return r.negate(); });
+ auto notAndNotPf = d_pnm->mkScope(botPf, assumptions);
+ // Convert it to a clause
+ auto orNotNotPf = d_pnm->mkNode(PfRule::NOT_AND, {notAndNotPf}, {});
+ clausePf = d_pnm->mkNode(
+ PfRule::MACRO_SR_PRED_TRANSFORM, {orNotNotPf}, {clause});
+ // Output it
+ TrustNode trustedClause = d_pfGen->mkTrustNode(clause, clausePf);
+ outputTrustedLemma(trustedClause);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ outputLemma(clause);
+ }
implied->impliedByFarkas(explain, coeffs, false);