+gdb_test $cmd "Starting program.*Breakpoint \[0-9\]+,.*main .*argc.*argv.* at .*$srcfile:56.*56\[\t \]+if .argc.*" \
+ "run until function breakpoint"
# run until the breakpoint at a line number
# test temporary breakpoint at function
-send "tbreak main\n"
-expect {
- -re "Breakpoint.*at.* file .*$srcfile, line.*$prompt $" {
- pass "Temporary breakpoint function"
- }
- -re ".*$prompt $" {
- pass "Temporary breakpoint function"
- }
- timeout {
- fail "(timeout) breakpoint function"
- }
+gdb_test "tbreak main" "Breakpoint.*at.* file .*$srcfile, line.*" "Temporary breakpoint function"
# test break at function in file
-send "tbreak $srcfile:factorial\n"
-expect {
- -re "Breakpoint.*at.* file .*$srcfile, line.*$prompt $" {
- pass "Temporary breakpoint function in file"
- }
- -re ".*$prompt $" {
- pass "Temporary breakpoint function in file"
- }
- timeout {
- fail "(timeout) breakpoint function in file"
- }
+gdb_test "tbreak $srcfile:factorial" "Breakpoint.*at.* file .*$srcfile, line.*" \
+ "Temporary breakpoint function in file"
# test break at line number
timeout { fail "(timeout) breakpoint line number" }
+gdb_test "tbreak 60" "Breakpoint.*at.* file .*$srcfile, line 60.*" "Temporary breakpoint line number"
# test break at line number in file
timeout { fail "(timeout) breakpoint line number in file" }
+gdb_test "tbreak $srcfile:66" "Breakpoint.*at.* file .*$srcfile, line 66.*" "Temporary breakpoint line number in file"
# check to see what breakpoints are set (temporary this time)
timeout { fail "(timeout) Temporary breakpoint info" }
proc test_clear_command {} {
gdb_test "break main" "Breakpoint.*at.*"
gdb_test "break main" "Breakpoint.*at.*"
- send "break factorial\n"
- expect {
- -re "Breakpoint $decimal at .*$prompt" {}
- timeout { fail "break at factorial" ; return }
- }
+ gdb_test "break factorial" "Breakpoint $decimal at .*" "break at factorial"
# Run until we call factorial with 6
- send "next\n"
- expect {
- -re "return .value.;.*$prompt $" {
- # Note that the correct behavior is for GDB to *not* print the
- # frame.
- pass "next over recursive call"
- }
- -re ".*$prompt $" {
- fail "next over recursive call" ; return
- }
- timeout { fail "next over recursive call (timeout)" ; return }
- }
+ gdb_test next "75\[\t \]+return \\(value\\);.*" "next over recursive call"
# OK, we should be back in the same stack frame we started from.
# Do a backtrace just to confirm.