--- /dev/null
+from itertools import product
+from litex.gen import *
+from litex.soc.interconnect.csr import *
+class SPIClockGen(Module):
+ def __init__(self, width):
+ self.load = Signal(width)
+ self.bias = Signal() # bias this clock phase to longer times
+ self.edge = Signal()
+ self.clk = Signal(reset=1)
+ cnt = Signal.like(self.load)
+ bias = Signal()
+ zero = Signal()
+ self.comb += [
+ zero.eq(cnt == 0),
+ self.edge.eq(zero & ~bias),
+ ]
+ self.sync += [
+ If(zero,
+ bias.eq(0),
+ ).Else(
+ cnt.eq(cnt - 1),
+ ),
+ If(self.edge,
+ cnt.eq(self.load[1:]),
+ bias.eq(self.load[0] & (self.clk ^ self.bias)),
+ self.clk.eq(~self.clk),
+ )
+ ]
+class SPIRegister(Module):
+ def __init__(self, width):
+ self.data = Signal(width)
+ self.o = Signal()
+ self.i = Signal()
+ self.lsb = Signal()
+ self.shift = Signal()
+ self.sample = Signal()
+ self.comb += [
+ self.o.eq(Mux(self.lsb, self.data[0], self.data[-1])),
+ ]
+ self.sync += [
+ If(self.shift,
+ If(self.lsb,
+ self.data[:-1].eq(self.data[1:]),
+ ).Else(
+ self.data[1:].eq(self.data[:-1]),
+ )
+ ),
+ If(self.sample,
+ If(self.lsb,
+ self.data[-1].eq(self.i),
+ ).Else(
+ self.data[0].eq(self.i),
+ )
+ )
+ ]
+class SPIBitCounter(Module):
+ def __init__(self, width):
+ self.n_read = Signal(width)
+ self.n_write = Signal(width)
+ self.read = Signal()
+ self.write = Signal()
+ self.done = Signal()
+ self.comb += [
+ self.write.eq(self.n_write != 0),
+ self.read.eq(self.n_read != 0),
+ self.done.eq(~(self.write | self.read)),
+ ]
+ self.sync += [
+ If(self.write,
+ self.n_write.eq(self.n_write - 1),
+ ).Elif(self.read,
+ self.n_read.eq(self.n_read - 1),
+ )
+ ]
+class SPIMachine(Module):
+ def __init__(self, data_width, clock_width, bits_width):
+ ce = CEInserter()
+ self.submodules.cg = ce(SPIClockGen(clock_width))
+ self.submodules.reg = ce(SPIRegister(data_width))
+ self.submodules.bits = ce(SPIBitCounter(bits_width))
+ self.div_write = Signal.like(self.cg.load)
+ self.div_read = Signal.like(self.cg.load)
+ self.clk_phase = Signal()
+ self.start = Signal()
+ self.cs = Signal()
+ self.oe = Signal()
+ self.done = Signal()
+ # # #
+ fsm = CEInserter()(FSM("IDLE"))
+ self.submodules += fsm
+ fsm.act("IDLE",
+ If(self.start,
+ If(self.clk_phase,
+ NextState("WAIT"),
+ ).Else(
+ NextState("SETUP"),
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ fsm.act("SETUP",
+ self.reg.sample.eq(1),
+ NextState("HOLD"),
+ )
+ fsm.act("HOLD",
+ If(self.bits.done & ~self.start,
+ If(self.clk_phase,
+ NextState("IDLE"),
+ ).Else(
+ NextState("WAIT"),
+ )
+ ).Else(
+ self.reg.shift.eq(~self.start),
+ NextState("SETUP"),
+ )
+ )
+ fsm.act("WAIT",
+ If(self.bits.done,
+ NextState("IDLE"),
+ ).Else(
+ NextState("SETUP"),
+ )
+ )
+ write0 = Signal()
+ self.sync += [
+ If(self.cg.edge & self.reg.shift,
+ write0.eq(self.bits.write),
+ )
+ ]
+ self.comb += [
+ self.cg.ce.eq(self.start | self.cs | ~self.cg.edge),
+ If(self.bits.write | ~self.bits.read,
+ self.cg.load.eq(self.div_write),
+ ).Else(
+ self.cg.load.eq(self.div_read),
+ ),
+ self.cg.bias.eq(self.clk_phase),
+ fsm.ce.eq(self.cg.edge),
+ self.cs.eq(~fsm.ongoing("IDLE")),
+ self.reg.ce.eq(self.cg.edge),
+ self.bits.ce.eq(self.cg.edge & self.reg.sample),
+ self.done.eq(self.cg.edge & self.bits.done & fsm.ongoing("HOLD")),
+ self.oe.eq(write0 | self.bits.write),
+ ]
+class SPIMasterCore(Module):
+ """SPI Master Core.
+ Notes:
+ * M = 32 is the data width (maximum write bits, maximum read bits)
+ * Every transfer consists of a write_length 0-M bit write followed
+ by a read_length 0-M bit read.
+ * cs_n is asserted at the beginning and deasserted at the end of the
+ transfer if there is no other transfer pending.
+ * cs_n handling is agnostic to whether it is one-hot or decoded
+ somewhere downstream. If it is decoded, "cs_n all deasserted"
+ should be handled accordingly (no slave selected).
+ If it is one-hot, asserting multiple slaves should only be attempted
+ if miso is either not connected between slaves, or open collector,
+ or correctly multiplexed externally.
+ * If config.cs_polarity == 0 (cs active low, the default),
+ "cs_n all deasserted" means "all cs_n bits high".
+ * cs is not mandatory in pads. Framing and chip selection can also
+ be handled independently through other means.
+ * If there is a miso wire in pads, the input and output can be done
+ with two signals (a.k.a. 4-wire SPI), else mosi must be used for
+ both output and input (a.k.a. 3-wire SPI) and config.half_duplex
+ must to be set when reading data is desired.
+ * For 4-wire SPI only the sum of read_length and write_length matters.
+ The behavior is the same no matter how the total transfer length is
+ divided between the two. For 3-wire SPI, the direction of mosi/miso
+ is switched from output to input after write_len cycles, at the
+ "shift_out" clk edge corresponding to bit write_length + 1 of the
+ transfer.
+ * The first bit output on mosi is always the MSB/LSB (depending on
+ config.lsb_first) of the miso_data signal, independent of
+ xfer.write_len. The last bit input from miso always ends up in
+ the LSB/MSB (respectively) of the misoc_data signal, independent of
+ read_len.
+ * Data output on mosi in 4-wire SPI during the read cycles is what
+ is found in the data register at the time.
+ Data in the data register outside the least/most (depending
+ on config.lsb_first) significant read_length bits is what is
+ seen on miso during the write cycles.
+ * The SPI data register is double-buffered: Once a transfer has
+ started, new write data can be written, queuing a new transfer.
+ Transfers submitted this way are chained and executed without
+ deasserting cs. Once a transfer completes, the previous transfer's
+ read data is available in the data register.
+ * Changes to config signal take effect immediately. Changes
+ to xfer_* signals are synchronized to the start of a transfer.
+ Transaction Sequence:
+ * If desired, set the config signal to set up the core.
+ * If designed, set the xfer signal to set up lengths and cs_n.
+ * Set the miso_data signal (not required for zero-length writes),
+ * Set start signal to 1
+ * Wait for active and pending signals to be 0.
+ * If desired, use the misoc_data signal corresponding to the last
+ completed transfer.
+ Core IOs:
+ config signal:
+ 1 offline: all pins high-z (reset=1)
+ 1 active: cs/transfer active (read-only)
+ 1 pending: transfer pending in intermediate buffer (read-only)
+ 1 cs_polarity: active level of chip select (reset=0)
+ 1 clk_polarity: idle level of clk (reset=0)
+ 1 clk_phase: first edge after cs assertion to sample data on (reset=0)
+ (clk_polarity, clk_phase) == (CPOL, CPHA) in Freescale language.
+ (0, 0): idle low, output on falling, input on rising
+ (0, 1): idle low, output on rising, input on falling
+ (1, 0): idle high, output on rising, input on falling
+ (1, 1): idle high, output on falling, input on rising
+ There is never a clk edge during a cs edge.
+ 1 lsb_first: LSB is the first bit on the wire (reset=0)
+ 1 half_duplex: 3-wire SPI, in/out on mosi (reset=0)
+ 8 undefined
+ 8 div_write: counter load value to divide this module's clock
+ to generate the SPI write clk (reset=0)
+ f_clk/f_spi_write == div_write + 2
+ 8 div_read: ditto for the read clock
+ xfer_config signal:
+ 16 cs: active high bit mask of chip selects to assert (reset=0)
+ 6 write_len: 0-M bits (reset=0)
+ 2 undefined
+ 6 read_len: 0-M bits (reset=0)
+ 2 undefined
+ xfer_mosi/miso_data signal:
+ M write/read data (reset=0)
+ """
+ def __init__(self, pads):
+ self.config = Record([
+ ("offline", 1),
+ ("padding0", 2),
+ ("cs_polarity", 1),
+ ("clk_polarity", 1),
+ ("clk_phase", 1),
+ ("lsb_first", 1),
+ ("half_duplex", 1),
+ ("padding1", 8),
+ ("div_write", 8),
+ ("div_read", 8),
+ ])
+ self.config.offline.reset = 1
+ self.xfer = Record([
+ ("cs", 16),
+ ("write_length", 6),
+ ("padding0", 2),
+ ("read_length", 6),
+ ("padding1", 2),
+ ])
+ self.start = Signal()
+ self.active = Signal()
+ self.pending = Signal()
+ self.mosi_data = Signal(32)
+ self.miso_data = Signal(32)
+ # # #
+ self.submodules.machine = machine = SPIMachine(
+ data_width=32,
+ clock_width=len(self.config.div_read),
+ bits_width=len(self.xfer.read_length))
+ pending = Signal()
+ cs = Signal.like(self.xfer.cs)
+ data_read = Signal.like(machine.reg.data)
+ data_write = Signal.like(machine.reg.data)
+ self.comb += [
+ self.miso_data.eq(data_read),
+ machine.start.eq(pending & (~machine.cs | machine.done)),
+ machine.clk_phase.eq(self.config.clk_phase),
+ machine.reg.lsb.eq(self.config.lsb_first),
+ machine.div_write.eq(self.config.div_write),
+ machine.div_read.eq(self.config.div_read),
+ ]
+ self.sync += [
+ If(machine.done,
+ data_read.eq(machine.reg.data),
+ ),
+ If(machine.start,
+ cs.eq(self.xfer.cs),
+ machine.bits.n_write.eq(self.xfer.write_length),
+ machine.bits.n_read.eq(self.xfer.read_length),
+ machine.reg.data.eq(data_write),
+ pending.eq(0),
+ ),
+ If(self.start,
+ data_write.eq(self.mosi_data),
+ pending.eq(1)
+ ),
+ self.active.eq(machine.cs),
+ self.pending.eq(pending),
+ ]
+ # I/O
+ if hasattr(pads, "cs_n"):
+ cs_n_t = TSTriple(len(pads.cs_n))
+ self.specials += cs_n_t.get_tristate(pads.cs_n)
+ self.comb += [
+ cs_n_t.oe.eq(~self.config.offline),
+ cs_n_t.o.eq((cs & Replicate(machine.cs, len(cs))) ^
+ Replicate(~self.config.cs_polarity, len(cs))),
+ ]
+ clk_t = TSTriple()
+ self.specials += clk_t.get_tristate(pads.clk)
+ self.comb += [
+ clk_t.oe.eq(~self.config.offline),
+ clk_t.o.eq((machine.cg.clk & machine.cs) ^ self.config.clk_polarity),
+ ]
+ mosi_t = TSTriple()
+ self.specials += mosi_t.get_tristate(pads.mosi)
+ self.comb += [
+ mosi_t.oe.eq(~self.config.offline & machine.cs &
+ (machine.oe | ~self.config.half_duplex)),
+ mosi_t.o.eq(machine.reg.o),
+ machine.reg.i.eq(Mux(self.config.half_duplex, mosi_t.i,
+ getattr(pads, "miso", mosi_t.i))),
+ ]
+class SPIMaster(Module, AutoCSR):
+ """SPI Master."""
+ def __init__(self, pads, interface="csr"):
+ self.submodules.core = core = SPIMasterCore(pads)
+ # # #
+ if interface == "csr":
+ self.config = CSRStorage(32)
+ self.xfer = CSRStorage(32)
+ self.start = CSR()
+ self.active = CSRStatus()
+ self.pending = CSRStatus()
+ self.mosi_data = CSRStorage(32)
+ self.miso_data = CSRStatus(32)
+ self.comb += [
+ core.config.raw_bits().eq(self.config.storage),
+ core.xfer.raw_bits().eq(self.xfer.storage),
+ core.start.eq(self.start.re & self.start.r),
+ self.active.status.eq(core.active),
+ self.pending.status.eq(core.pending),
+ core.mosi_data.eq(self.mosi_data.storage),
+ self.miso_data.status.eq(core.miso_data)
+ ]
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError