return true;
-void counters_worker(ModIndex& index, Module */*module*/, Cell *cell, unsigned int& total_counters)
+void counters_worker(ModIndex& index, Module *module, Cell *cell, unsigned int& total_counters)
SigMap& sigmap = index.sigmap;
if(!is_full_bus(aluy, index, cell, "\\Y", count_mux, "\\A"))
- //B connection of the mux is our overflow value
- const RTLIL::SigSpec overflow = sigmap(count_mux->getPort("\\B"));
- if(!overflow.is_fully_const())
+ //B connection of the mux is our underflow value
+ const RTLIL::SigSpec underflow = sigmap(count_mux->getPort("\\B"));
+ if(!underflow.is_fully_const())
- int count_value = overflow.as_int();
+ int count_value = underflow.as_int();
//S connection of the mux must come from an inverter (need not be the only load)
const RTLIL::SigSpec muxsel = sigmap(count_mux->getPort("\\S"));
if(!is_full_bus(cnout, index, count_reg, "\\Q", cell, "\\A", true))
+ //Look up the clock from the register
+ const RTLIL::SigSpec clk = sigmap(count_reg->getPort("\\CLK"));
//Register output net must have an INIT attribute equal to the count value
auto rwire = cnout.as_wire();
+ //Wipe all of the old connections to the ALU
+ cell->unsetPort("\\A");
+ cell->unsetPort("\\B");
+ cell->unsetPort("\\BI");
+ cell->unsetPort("\\CI");
+ cell->unsetPort("\\CO");
+ cell->unsetPort("\\X");
+ cell->unsetPort("\\Y");
+ cell->unsetParam("\\A_SIGNED");
+ cell->unsetParam("\\A_WIDTH");
+ cell->unsetParam("\\B_SIGNED");
+ cell->unsetParam("\\B_WIDTH");
+ cell->unsetParam("\\Y_WIDTH");
- /*
- log("Converting %s cell %s.%s to $adff.\n", log_id(cell->type), log_id(module), log_id(cell));
- if (GetSize(setctrl) == 1) {
- cell->setPort("\\ARST", setctrl);
- cell->setParam("\\ARST_POLARITY", setpol);
- } else {
- cell->setPort("\\ARST", clrctrl);
- cell->setParam("\\ARST_POLARITY", clrpol);
- }
- cell->type = "$adff";
- cell->unsetPort("\\SET");
- cell->unsetPort("\\CLR");
- cell->setParam("\\ARST_VALUE", reset_val);
- cell->unsetParam("\\SET_POLARITY");
- cell->unsetParam("\\CLR_POLARITY");
- return;
- */
+ //Change the cell type
+ cell->type = celltype;
+ //Hook it up to everything
+ cell->setParam("\\RESET_MODE", RTLIL::Const("RISING"));
+ cell->setParam("\\CLKIN_DIVIDE", RTLIL::Const(1));
+ cell->setParam("\\COUNT_TO", RTLIL::Const(count_value));
+ cell->setPort("\\CLK", clk);
+ cell->setPort("\\RST", RTLIL::SigSpec(false));
+ cell->setPort("\\OUT", muxsel);
+ //Delete the cells we've replaced (let opt_clean handle deleting the now-redundant wires)
+ module->remove(count_mux);
+ module->remove(count_reg);
+ module->remove(underflow_inv);
struct CountersPass : public Pass {