Meeting notes:
-* fosdem videos mostly done (check?) yes done, thank you cesar
* Outstanding Cryptorouter tasks:
- Poly1305, [bug #1157](
[bug #1158](,
[bug #1151](,
[bug #1166](,
[bug #1167](
-* sadoon has fosdem slides partly done?
# Cesar
# Luke
-dealing with 2 new grants, and ongoing. [bug #961](
+dealing with 2 new grants, ongoing MoU signed. [bug #961](
[bug #1211](
[bug #1212](
# Dmitry
+(luke suggested look up assigned tasks)
# Rita
-would love to do interviews, luke would like tyo do public on youtube
+would love to do interviews, luke would like to do public on youtube
[[!tag meeting2024]]
[[!tag meeting_sync_up]]