It meant that LUMALPHA was being marked as *many* miplevels, and
unsurprisingly wouldn't validate. On the other hand, some miplevel counts
wouldn't get the small mips validated at all.
uint32_t p1 = *(uint32_t *)(uniform_data_u + sample->p_offset[1]);
uint32_t *validated_p0 = exec->uniforms_v + sample->p_offset[0];
uint32_t offset = p0 & ~0xfff;
- uint32_t miplevels = (p0 & 0x15);
+ uint32_t miplevels = (p0 & 15);
uint32_t width = (p1 >> 8) & 2047;
uint32_t height = (p1 >> 20) & 2047;
uint32_t cpp, tiling_format;