+ parse_error_class,
+ parser_callbacks_class,
+ dump_callbacks_class,
+ parser_class,
+ Output_part::parse_error_class,
+ Output_part::parser_callbacks_class,
+ Output_part::dump_callbacks_class,
+ Output_part::parser_class,
enum_definitions << R"();
+ if(enumeration.is_bitwise)
+ {
+ enum_definitions << R"(
+constexpr )" << enumeration.cpp_name << R"( operator~()"
+ << enumeration.cpp_name << R"( v) noexcept
+ return static_cast<)" << enumeration.cpp_name
+ << R"(>(~static_cast<Word>(v));
+constexpr )" << enumeration.cpp_name << R"( operator&()"
+ << enumeration.cpp_name << R"( a, )" << enumeration.cpp_name
+ << R"( b) noexcept
+ return static_cast<)" << enumeration.cpp_name
+ << R"(>(static_cast<Word>(a) & static_cast<Word>(b));
+constexpr )" << enumeration.cpp_name << R"( operator|()"
+ << enumeration.cpp_name << R"( a, )" << enumeration.cpp_name
+ << R"( b) noexcept
+ return static_cast<)" << enumeration.cpp_name
+ << R"(>(static_cast<Word>(a) | static_cast<Word>(b));
+constexpr )" << enumeration.cpp_name << R"( operator^()"
+ << enumeration.cpp_name << R"( a, )" << enumeration.cpp_name
+ << R"( b) noexcept
+ return static_cast<)" << enumeration.cpp_name
+ << R"(>(static_cast<Word>(a) ^ static_cast<Word>(b));
+constexpr )" << enumeration.cpp_name << R"( &operator&=()"
+ << enumeration.cpp_name << R"( &a, )" << enumeration.cpp_name
+ << R"( b) noexcept
+ a = a & b;
+ return a;
+constexpr )" << enumeration.cpp_name << R"( &operator|=()"
+ << enumeration.cpp_name << R"( &a, )" << enumeration.cpp_name
+ << R"( b) noexcept
+ a = a | b;
+ return a;
+constexpr )" << enumeration.cpp_name << R"( &operator^=()"
+ << enumeration.cpp_name << R"( &a, )" << enumeration.cpp_name
+ << R"( b) noexcept
+ a = a ^ b;
+ return a;
+ }
enum_properties_definitions << R"(@-@_}
return ""_sv;
- auto enumeration_iter = state.get_enumeration(operand_kind.json_name);
+ auto enumeration_iter = state.get_enumeration(operand_kind.operand_kind->kind);
for(auto ¶meter : operand_kind.enum_parameters)
auto parameter_type = state.get_operand_kind(parameter.json_kind);
throw Generate_error("enum parameter can't contain enum with parameters: "
- + operand_kind.json_name);
+ + operand_kind.operand_kind->kind);
parameter_type->cpp_name_with_parameters, parameter.cpp_name, true);
struct Parser_h : public Header_file_base
- explicit Parser_h(const util::filesystem::path &file_path) : Header_file_base(file_path)
- {
+ detail::Generated_output_stream parse_error_class;
+ detail::Generated_output_stream parser_callbacks_class;
+ detail::Generated_output_stream dump_callbacks_class;
+ detail::Generated_output_stream parser_class;
+ explicit Parser_h(const util::filesystem::path &file_path)
+ : Header_file_base(file_path),
+ parse_error_class(file_path),
+ parser_callbacks_class(file_path),
+ dump_callbacks_class(file_path),
+ parser_class(file_path)
+ {
+ register_output_part(Output_part::parse_error_class, &Parser_h::parse_error_class);
+ register_output_part(Output_part::parser_callbacks_class,
+ &Parser_h::parser_callbacks_class);
+ register_output_part(Output_part::dump_callbacks_class,
+ &Parser_h::dump_callbacks_class);
+ register_output_part(Output_part::parser_class, &Parser_h::parser_class);
virtual void fill_output(State &state) override
+ write_local_include_string("util/optional.h"_sv);
+ write_local_include_string("util/string_view.h"_sv);
+ write_local_include_string("json/json.h"_sv);
+ write_system_include("sstream"_sv);
+ write_system_include("vector"_sv);
+ write_system_include("cassert"_sv);
+ write_system_include("type_traits"_sv);
#warning finish
include_guard_start << R"(#error generator not finished being implemented
+ parse_error_class << R"a(struct Parser_error : public std::runtime_error
+ std::size_t error_index;
+ std::size_t instruction_start_index;
+ static std::string make_error_message(std::size_t error_index,
+ ``````````````````````````````````````std::size_t instruction_start_index,
+ ``````````````````````````````````````util::string_view message)
+ {
+ std::ostringstream ss;
+ ss << "parse error at 0x" << std::hex << std::uppercase << error_index;
+ if(instruction_start_index != 0)
+ ss << " (instruction starts at 0x" << instruction_start_index << ")";
+ ss << ": " << message;
+ return ss.str();
+ }
+ Parser_error(std::size_t error_index, std::size_t instruction_start_index, util::string_view message)
+ : runtime_error(make_error_message(error_index, instruction_start_index, message)),
+ ``error_index(error_index),
+ ``instruction_start_index(instruction_start_index)
+ {
+ }
+ parser_callbacks_class << R"(
+struct Parser_callbacks
+ virtual ~Parser_callbacks() = default;
+ virtual void handle_header(unsigned version_number_major,
+ ```````````````````````````unsigned version_number_minor,
+ ```````````````````````````Word generator_magic_number,
+ ```````````````````````````Word id_bound,
+ ```````````````````````````Word instruction_schema) = 0;
+ dump_callbacks_class << R"(
+struct Dump_callbacks final : public Parser_callbacks
+ std::ostringstream ss;
+ Dump_callbacks() : ss()
+ {
+ ss << std::uppercase;
+ }
+ void write_indent(std::size_t indent_count)
+ {
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i < indent_count; i++)
+ ss << " ";
+ }
+ virtual void handle_header(unsigned version_number_major,
+ ```````````````````````````unsigned version_number_minor,
+ ```````````````````````````Word generator_magic_number,
+ ```````````````````````````Word id_bound,
+ ```````````````````````````Word instruction_schema) override
+ {
+ ss << "SPIR-V Version: " << std::dec << version_number_major << '.' << version_number_minor << '\n';
+ ss << "Generator Magic Number: 0x" << std::hex << generator_magic_number << '\n';
+ ss << "Id Bound: " << std::dec << id_bound << '\n';
+ ss << "Instruction Schema (reserved): " << std::dec << instruction_schema << '\n';
+ }
+ parser_class << R"(
+class Parser final
+ Parser(const Parser &) = delete;
+ Parser &operator =(const Parser &) = delete;
+ struct Id_state
+ {
+ util::optional<Extension_instruction_set> instruction_set;
+ util::optional<std::size_t> type_word_count;
+ };
+ Parser_callbacks &parser_callbacks;
+ std::vector<Id_state> id_states;
+ const Word *shader_words;
+ std::size_t shader_size;
+ Parser(Parser_callbacks &parser_callbacks,
+ ```````const Word *shader_words,
+ ```````std::size_t shader_size) noexcept
+ : parser_callbacks(parser_callbacks),
+ ``id_states(),
+ ``shader_words(shader_words),
+ ``shader_size(shader_size)
+ {
+ }
+ Id_state &get_id_state(Id id) noexcept
+ {
+ assert(id > 0 && id <= id_states.size());
+ return id_states[id - 1];
+ }
+ for(auto &operand_kind : state.operand_kind_list)
+ {
+ dump_callbacks_class << "void " << operand_kind.cpp_dump_function_name << "(const "
+ << operand_kind.cpp_name_with_parameters
+ << R"( &operand, std::size_t indent_depth)
+ typedef ast::Operand_kinds::Operand_kind::Category Category;
+ switch(operand_kind.operand_kind->category)
+ {
+ case Category::bit_enum:
+ {
+ dump_callbacks_class << R"(write_indent(indent_depth);
+ss << ")" << operand_kind.operand_kind->kind
+ << R"(:\n";
+ util::string_view zero_enumerant_name = "0"_sv;
+ auto enumeration = util::get<std::list<Enumeration_descriptor>::const_iterator>(
+ operand_kind.value);
+ for(auto &enumerant : enumeration->enumerants)
+ {
+ if(enumerant.value == 0)
+ {
+ zero_enumerant_name = enumerant.json_name;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ dump_callbacks_class << R"(Word bits = static_cast<Word>(operand)"
+ << (operand_kind.enum_parameters.empty() ? "" : ".value")
+ << R"();
+if(bits == 0)
+ write_indent(indent_depth + 1);
+ ss << ")" << zero_enumerant_name << R"(\n";
+ return;
+ for(auto &enumerant : enumeration->enumerants)
+ {
+ if(enumerant.value == 0)
+ {
+ if(!enumerant.parameters.empty())
+ throw Generate_error(
+ "in bitwise enum, zero enumerant can't have parameters: "
+ + enumeration->json_name
+ + "."
+ + enumerant.json_name);
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if(enumerant.value & (enumerant.value - 1))
+ {
+ throw Generate_error(
+ "in bitwise enum, enumerant is not a power of 2 or zero: "
+ + enumeration->json_name
+ + "."
+ + enumerant.json_name);
+ }
+ dump_callbacks_class << R"(if(bits & static_cast<Word>()"
+ << enumeration->cpp_name << "::" << enumerant.cpp_name
+ << R"())
+ write_indent(indent_depth + 1);
+ ss << ")" << enumerant.json_name << (enumerant.parameters.empty() ? "" : ":")
+ << R"(\n";
+ bits &= ~static_cast<Word>()" << enumeration->cpp_name
+ << "::" << enumerant.cpp_name << R"();
+ for(auto ¶meter : enumerant.parameters)
+ {
+ parameter;
+#warning finish
+ }
+ dump_callbacks_class << R"(}
+ }
+#warning finish
+ break;
+ }
+ case Category::value_enum:
+#warning finish
+ break;
+ case Category::id:
+ dump_callbacks_class << R"(write_indent(indent_depth);
+ss << ")" << operand_kind.operand_kind->kind
+ << R"(: " << std::dec << operand << '\n';
+ break;
+ case Category::literal:
+ {
+ typedef ast::Operand_kinds::Operand_kind::Literal_kind Literal_kind;
+ auto literal = util::get<Literal_kind>(operand_kind.value);
+ dump_callbacks_class << R"(write_indent(indent_depth);
+ss << ")" << operand_kind.operand_kind->kind
+ << R"(: ";
+ switch(literal)
+ {
+ case Literal_kind::literal_integer:
+ dump_callbacks_class << R"(ss << "0x" << std::hex << operand << std::dec;
+ss << " u64=" << static_cast<std::uint64_t>(operand);
+ss << " s64=" << static_cast<std::int64_t>(operand);
+ss << " u32=" << static_cast<std::uint32_t>(operand);
+ss << " s32=" << static_cast<std::int32_t>(operand) << '\n';
+ break;
+ case Literal_kind::literal_string:
+ dump_callbacks_class
+ << R"(json::ast::String_value::write(ss, static_cast<std::string>(operand));
+ss << '\n';
+ break;
+ case Literal_kind::literal_context_dependent_number:
+ dump_callbacks_class << R"(ss << "{";
+auto separator = "";
+static_assert(std::is_same<decltype(operand), const std::vector<Word> &>::value, "");
+for(auto word : operand)
+ ss << separator;
+ separator = ", ";
+ ss << "0x" << std::hex << word;
+ss << "}\n";
+ break;
+ case Literal_kind::literal_ext_inst_integer:
+ dump_callbacks_class << R"(ss << std::dec << operand << '\n';
+ break;
+ case Literal_kind::literal_spec_constant_op_integer:
+ dump_callbacks_class << R"(ss << get_enumerant_name(operand) << '\n';
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case Category::composite:
+ {
+#warning finish
+ dump_callbacks_class << R"(write_indent(indent_depth);
+ss << ")" << operand_kind.operand_kind->kind
+ << R"(:\n";
+ auto &composite =
+ util::get<std::list<Composite_type_descriptor>::const_iterator>(
+ operand_kind.value);
+ for(auto &base : composite->bases)
+ {
+ auto base_operand_kind = state.get_operand_kind(base.json_type);
+ dump_callbacks_class << base_operand_kind->cpp_dump_function_name
+ << "(operand." << base.cpp_name
+ << ", indent_depth + 1);\n";
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ dump_callbacks_class << R"(@-}
+ }
+ for(auto &instruction : state.instruction_descriptor_list)
+ {
+ parser_callbacks_class << "virtual void " << instruction.cpp_parse_callback_name
+ << "(" << instruction.cpp_struct_name
+ << " instruction) = 0;\n";
+ dump_callbacks_class << "virtual void " << instruction.cpp_parse_callback_name
+ << "(" << instruction.cpp_struct_name
+ << " instruction) override\n{\n@+";
+#warning finish
+ dump_callbacks_class << "@-}\n";
+ }
+ dump_callbacks_class << R"(@-};
+ parser_callbacks_class << R"(@-};
+ parser_class << R"(@-};
struct Operand_kind_descriptor
- std::string json_name;
+ const ast::Operand_kinds::Operand_kind *operand_kind;
retval = iter->cpp_name;
- util::visit(Visitor{retval, json_name}, value);
+ util::visit(Visitor{retval, operand_kind->kind}, value);
return retval;
std::string make_cpp_name_with_parameters() const
auto *iter = util::get_if<std::list<Enumeration_descriptor>::const_iterator>(&value);
if(iter && !enum_parameters.empty())
- return detail::name_from_words_initial_capital(json_name, "with parameters"_sv)
+ return detail::name_from_words_initial_capital(operand_kind->kind,
+ "with parameters"_sv)
return cpp_name;
+ std::string make_cpp_dump_function_name() const
+ {
+ return detail::name_from_words_all_lowercase("dump_operand"_sv, cpp_name).to_string();
+ }
std::string cpp_name;
std::string cpp_name_with_parameters;
+ std::string cpp_dump_function_name;
bool needs_integer_literal_size = false;
- explicit Operand_kind_descriptor(std::string json_name)
- : Operand_kind_descriptor(std::move(json_name), util::monostate{})
+ explicit Operand_kind_descriptor(const ast::Operand_kinds::Operand_kind *operand_kind)
+ : Operand_kind_descriptor(operand_kind, util::monostate{})
template <typename T>
- Operand_kind_descriptor(std::string json_name,
+ Operand_kind_descriptor(const ast::Operand_kinds::Operand_kind *operand_kind,
T arg,
std::list<Enum_parameter> enum_parameters = {})
- : json_name(std::move(json_name)),
+ : operand_kind(operand_kind),
- cpp_name_with_parameters(make_cpp_name_with_parameters())
+ cpp_name_with_parameters(make_cpp_name_with_parameters()),
+ cpp_dump_function_name(make_cpp_dump_function_name())
std::list<Operand_kind_descriptor>::const_iterator add_operand_kind(
Operand_kind_descriptor &&operand_kind_descriptor)
- auto name = operand_kind_descriptor.json_name;
+ auto name = operand_kind_descriptor.operand_kind->kind;
auto iter =
operand_kind_list.insert(operand_kind_list.end(), std::move(operand_kind_descriptor));
if(!std::get<1>(operand_kind_map.emplace(name, iter)))
enum_parameters.end(), enumerant_iter, parameter.kind, parameter.name));
- add_operand_kind(Operand_kind_descriptor(operand_kind.kind,
+ add_operand_kind(Operand_kind_descriptor(&operand_kind,
case ast::Operand_kinds::Operand_kind::Category::id:
- Operand_kind_descriptor(operand_kind.kind, get_id_type(operand_kind.kind)));
+ Operand_kind_descriptor(&operand_kind, get_id_type(operand_kind.kind)));
case ast::Operand_kinds::Operand_kind::Category::literal:
- add_operand_kind(Operand_kind_descriptor(operand_kind.kind,
- get_literal_kind(operand_kind.kind)));
+ add_operand_kind(
+ Operand_kind_descriptor(&operand_kind, get_literal_kind(operand_kind.kind)));
case ast::Operand_kinds::Operand_kind::Category::composite:
- add_operand_kind(Operand_kind_descriptor(operand_kind.kind,
- get_composite_type(operand_kind.kind)));
+ add_operand_kind(
+ Operand_kind_descriptor(&operand_kind, get_composite_type(operand_kind.kind)));
struct Instruction_descriptor
std::string cpp_struct_name;
+ std::string cpp_parse_callback_name;
std::list<Enumeration_descriptor>::const_iterator enumeration;
std::list<Enumerant_descriptor>::const_iterator enumerant;
const ast::Extension_instruction_set *extension_instruction_set;
return detail::name_from_words_initial_capital(json_name).to_string();
+ static std::string make_cpp_parse_callback_name(util::string_view cpp_struct_name)
+ {
+ return detail::name_from_words_all_lowercase("handle_instruction"_sv, cpp_struct_name)
+ .to_string();
+ }
explicit Instruction_descriptor(
std::list<Enumeration_descriptor>::const_iterator enumeration,
std::list<Enumerant_descriptor>::const_iterator enumerant,
std::list<Operand_descriptor> operands,
const Instruction_properties_descriptor *properties_descriptor)
: cpp_struct_name(make_cpp_struct_name(extension_instruction_set, json_name)),
+ cpp_parse_callback_name(make_cpp_parse_callback_name(cpp_struct_name)),