import enum as _enum
-# just... don't ask. MSB0 is a massive pain in the neck.
-# this module, aside from creating various field constants,
-# helps out by creating alternative (identical) classes with
-# a "b" name to indicate "MSB0 big-endian".
-# sigh create little-ended versions of bitfield flags
-def botchify(bekls, lekls, msb=63):
- for attr in dir(bekls):
- if attr[0] == '_':
- continue
- setattr(lekls, attr, msb-getattr(bekls, attr))
# Can't think of a better place to put these functions.
# Return an arbitrary subfield of a larger field.
def field_slice(msb0_start, msb0_end, field_width=64):
return r[field_slice(msb0_start, msb0_end, field_width)]
+# just... don't ask. MSB0 is a massive pain in the neck.
+# this module, aside from creating various field constants,
+# helps out by creating alternative (identical) classes with
+# a "b" name to indicate "MSB0 big-endian".
class _Const(_enum.IntEnum):
+class _ConstLEMeta(_enum.EnumMeta):
+ def __call__(metacls, *args, **kwargs):
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ names = args[1]
+ else:
+ names = kwargs.pop("names")
+ if isinstance(names, type) and issubclass(names, _enum.Enum):
+ names = dict(names.__members__)
+ if isinstance(names, dict):
+ names = tuple(names.items())
+ msb = kwargs.pop("msb")
+ names = {key:(msb - value) for (key, value) in names}
+ return super().__call__(*args, names=names, **kwargs)
+class _ConstLE(_Const, metaclass=_ConstLEMeta):
+ pass
# Listed in V3.0B Book III Chap 4.2.1
# MSR bit numbers, *bigendian* order (PowerISA format)
# use this in the simulator
LE = 63 # Little Endian
# use this inside the HDL (where everything is little-endian)
-class MSR:
- pass
+MSR = _ConstLE("MSR", names=MSRb, msb=63)
-botchify(MSRb, MSR)
# Listed in V3.0B Book III 7.5.9 "Program Interrupt"
ADR = 47 # 0 if SRR0 = address of instruction causing exception
# and use this in the HDL
-class PI:
- pass
+PI = _ConstLE("PI", names=PIb, msb=63)
-botchify(PIb, PI)
# see traptype (and trap
# IMPORTANT: when adding extra bits here it is CRITICALLY IMPORTANT
SPEC_AUG_SIZE = 2 # augmented subfield size (MSB+LSB above)
-class SPEC:
- pass
-botchify(SPECb, SPEC, SPEC_SIZE-1)
+SPEC = _ConstLE("SPEC", names=SPECb, msb=SPEC_SIZE-1)
# EXTRA field, with EXTRA2 subfield encoding
-class EXTRA2:
- pass
-botchify(EXTRA2b, EXTRA2, EXTRA2_SIZE-1)
+EXTRA2 = _ConstLE("EXTRA2", names=EXTRA2b, msb=EXTRA2_SIZE-1)
# EXTRA field, with EXTRA3 subfield encoding
-class SVP64MODE:
- pass
+SVP64MODE = _ConstLE("SVP64MODE", names=SVP64MODEb, msb=SVP64MODE_SIZE-1)
-botchify(SVP64MODEb, SVP64MODE, SVP64MODE_SIZE-1)
# add subfields to use with nmutil.sel
SVP64MODE.MOD2 = [0, 1]
-class CR:
- pass
-botchify(CRb, CR, CR_SIZE-1)
+CR = _ConstLE("CR", names=CRb, msb=CR_SIZE-1)
# POWER9 Register Files