print(f'</properties>', file=f)
if solver_gives_line:
for check in checks:
- print(f'<testcase classname="{junit_tc_name}" name="" time="{task.total_time}">', file=f) # name required
+ print(f'<testcase classname="{junit_tc_name}" name="Property {check.type} in {check.hierarchy} at {check.location}" time="{task.total_time}">', file=f) # name required
if check.status == "UNKNOWN":
print(f'<skipped />', file=f)
elif check.status == "FAIL":
self.reusedir = reusedir
self.status = "UNKNOWN"
self.total_time = 0
- self.expect = []
+ self.expect = list()
self.design_hierarchy = None
+ self.precise_prop_status = False
yosys_program_prefix = "" ##yosys-program-prefix##
self.exe_paths = {
print(f"# running in {self.workdir}/src/", file=f)
for cmd in self.script:
print(cmd, file=f)
+ # assumptions at this point: hierarchy has been run and a top module has been designated
+ print("hierarchy -simcheck", file=f)
+ print(f"""write_json ../model/design.json""", file=f)
if model_name == "base":
print("memory_nordff", file=f)
print("opt -keepdc -fast", file=f)
print("check", file=f)
print("hierarchy -simcheck", file=f)
- # FIXME: can using design and design_nomem in the same task happen?
- print(f"""write_json ../model/design{"" if model_name == "base" else "_nomem"}.json""", file=f)
print(f"""write_ilang ../model/design{"" if model_name == "base" else "_nomem"}.il""", file=f)
proc = SbyProc(
def instance_hierarchy_callback(retcode):
assert retcode == 0
- assert self.design_hierarchy == None # verify this assumption
- with open(f"""{self.workdir}/model/design{"" if model_name == "base" else "_nomem"}.json""") as f:
- self.design_hierarchy = design_hierarchy(f)
+ if self.design_hierarchy == None:
+ with open(f"""{self.workdir}/model/design{"" if model_name == "base" else "_nomem"}.json""") as f:
+ self.design_hierarchy = design_hierarchy(f)
proc.exit_callback = instance_hierarchy_callback
COVER = auto()
LIVE = auto()
- def __repr__(self):
+ def __str__(self):
status: str = field(default="UNKNOWN")
tracefile: str = field(default="")
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return f"SbyProperty<{self.type} {} at {self.location}: status={self.status}, tracefile=\"{self.tracefile}\""
class SbyModule:
name: str
submodules: dict = field(default_factory=dict)
properties: list = field(default_factory=list)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return f"SbyModule<{} : {self.type}, submodules={self.submodules}, properties={}>"
def get_property_list(self):
l = list()
- for submod in self.submodules:
+ for submod in self.submodules.values():
return l
+ def find_property(self, hierarchy, location):
+ # FIXME: use that RE that works with escaped paths from
+ path = hierarchy.split('.')
+ mod = path.pop(0)
+ if != mod:
+ raise ValueError(f"{} is not the first module in hierarchical path {hierarchy}.")
+ try:
+ mod_hier = self
+ while path:
+ mod = path.pop(0)
+ mod_hier = mod_hier.submodules[mod]
+ except KeyError:
+ raise KeyError(f"Could not find {hierarchy} in design hierarchy!")
+ try:
+ prop = next(p for p in if location in p.location)
+ except StopIteration:
+ raise KeyError(f"Could not find assert at {location} in properties list!")
+ return prop
def design_hierarchy(filename):
design_json = json.load(filename)
def make_mod_hier(instance_name, module_name, hierarchy=""):
basecase_only = False
induction_only = False
random_seed = None
+ task.precise_prop_status = True
opts, args = getopt.getopt(engine[1:], "", ["nomem", "syn", "stbv", "stdt", "presat",
"nopresat", "unroll", "nounroll", "dumpsmt2", "progress", "basecase", "induction", "seed="])
proc_status = None
+ last_prop = None
def output_callback(line):
nonlocal proc_status
+ nonlocal last_prop
match = re.match(r"^## [0-9: ]+ Status: FAILED", line)
if match:
proc_status = "ERROR"
return line
+ match = re.match(r"^## [0-9: ]+ Assert failed in (([a-z_][a-z0-9$_]*|\\\S*|\.)+): (\S*).*", line)
+ if match:
+ module_path = match[1]
+ location = match[3]
+ try:
+ prop = task.design_hierarchy.find_property(module_path, location)
+ except KeyError as e:
+ task.precise_prop_status = False
+ return line + f" (Warning: {str(e)})"
+ prop.status = "FAIL"
+ last_prop = prop
+ return line
+ match = re.match(r"^## [0-9: ]+ Reached cover statement at (\S+) in step \d+.", line)
+ if match:
+ location = match[1]
+ match = re.match(r"^## [0-9: ]+ Writing trace to VCD file: (\S+)", line)
+ if match and last_prop:
+ last_prop.tracefile = match[1]
+ last_prop = None
return line
def exit_callback(retcode):
--- /dev/null
+bmc: mode bmc
+cover: mode cover
+expect fail
+smtbmc boolector
+read_verilog -sv
+prep -top top
+module test(input foo);
+always @* assert(foo);
+always @* assert(!foo);
+always @* cover(foo);
+always @* cover(!foo);
+module top();
+test test_i ('b1)