ACK_WAIT, -- waiting for ack from dcache
LD_UPDATE, -- writing rA with computed addr on load
MMU_LOOKUP, -- waiting for MMU to look up translation
- TLBIE_WAIT -- waiting for MMU to finish doing a tlbie
+ TLBIE_WAIT, -- waiting for MMU to finish doing a tlbie
+ SPR_CMPLT -- complete a mf/tspr operation
type reg_stage_t is record
load : std_ulogic;
tlbie : std_ulogic;
dcbz : std_ulogic;
+ mfspr : std_ulogic;
addr : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
store_data : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
load_data : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
dar : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
dsisr : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
instr_fault : std_ulogic;
+ sprval : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
end record;
type byte_sel_t is array(0 to 7) of std_ulogic;
variable use_second : byte_sel_t;
variable trim_ctl : trim_ctl_t;
variable negative : std_ulogic;
- variable mfspr : std_ulogic;
variable sprn : std_ulogic_vector(9 downto 0);
- variable sprval : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
variable exception : std_ulogic;
variable next_addr : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
variable mmureq : std_ulogic;
done := '0';
byte_sel := (others => '0');
addr := lsu_sum;
- mfspr := '0';
+ v.mfspr := '0';
mmu_mtspr := '0';
itlb_fault := '0';
sprn := std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(decode_spr_num(l_in.insn), 10));
- sprval := (others => '0'); -- avoid inferred latches
exception := '0';
dsisr := (others => '0');
mmureq := '0';
v.tlbie := '1';
v.state := TLBIE_WAIT;
when OP_MFSPR =>
- done := '1';
- mfspr := '1';
+ v.mfspr := '1';
-- partial decode on SPR number should be adequate given
-- the restricted set that get sent down this path
if sprn(9) = '0' and sprn(5) = '0' then
if sprn(0) = '0' then
- sprval := x"00000000" & r.dsisr;
+ v.sprval := x"00000000" & r.dsisr;
- sprval := r.dar;
+ v.sprval := r.dar;
end if;
-- reading one of the SPRs in the MMU
- sprval := m_in.sprval;
+ v.sprval := m_in.sprval;
end if;
+ v.state := SPR_CMPLT;
when OP_MTSPR =>
if sprn(9) = '0' and sprn(5) = '0' then
if sprn(0) = '0' then
v.dar :=;
end if;
- done := '1';
+ v.state := SPR_CMPLT;
-- writing one of the SPRs in the MMU
mmu_mtspr := '1';
v.state := IDLE;
done := '1';
+ when SPR_CMPLT =>
+ done := '1';
+ v.state := IDLE;
end case;
-- Update outputs to dcache
-- Multiplex either cache data to the destination GPR or
-- the address for the rA update.
l_out.valid <= done;
- if mfspr = '1' then
+ if r.mfspr = '1' then
l_out.write_enable <= '1';
- l_out.write_reg <= l_in.write_reg;
- l_out.write_data <= sprval;
+ l_out.write_reg <= r.write_reg;
+ l_out.write_data <= r.sprval;
elsif do_update = '1' then
l_out.write_enable <= '1';
l_out.write_reg <= r.update_reg;