sudo bash
apt-get install debootstrap schroot
mkdir /opt/chroot/coriolis
- /usr/sbin/debootstrap stretch !$
+ /usr/sbin/debootstrap buster !$
mount /home/chroot/coriolis/dev
mount /home/chroot/coriolis/dev/pts
mount /home/chroot/coriolis/proc
Create an schroot file section:
- [coriolis]
+ [coriolis]
description=Debian Stable for Coriolis
fact logged in as uid 1000 and did in fact add a user to the chroot
as uid 1000, the prompt should become:
- (coriolis2)lkcl@fizzy:~$
+ (coriolis2)lkcl@fizzy:~$
If however you need to run as root, then from outside the chroot,
as *root*, you run this:
git checkout devel
./bootstrap/ --project=coriolis --make="-j4 install"
-To set up the alliance environment, run this:
+In debian/buster at the moment, this will fail half-way through, due to
+libraries not being found. When that happens run this:
+ ln -s ~/coriolis-2.x/Linux.x86_64/Release.Shared/install/lib64 \
+ ~/coriolis-2.x/Linux.x86_64/Release.Shared/install/lib
+Then carry on with the build.
+To set up the coriolis2 environment, run this:
eval `~/coriolis-2.x/src/coriolis/bootstrap/`
source ~/coriolisenv
+## Testing coriolis2
To run the graphical editor go to the bin directory
cd ~/coriolis-2.x/Linux.MyARCH/Release.Shared/install/bin
Then run the following commands from the menubar
Tutorials / Run Demo (Python Flavour)
If the following window appears you have an error.
[[!img chicken.png ]]
-# Installing python3.7 into debian/stretch chroot
-python 3.6 is a prerequisite for nmigen however something
-weird is going on, and it can't be installed. instead,
-python 3.7 has to be installed instead. we do this by
-adding debian/testing but setting the default release
-as "stretch".
+# Installing python3.7 into debian/buster chroot
-as root, in the
-chroot, add the following to /etc/apt/sources.list
+as root, in the chroot:
- deb testing main
-then, also as root:
- echo 'APT::Default-Release "stretch";' | tee -a /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/00local
- sudo apt-get update
- apt-get -t testing install python3.7 python3-setuptools \
+ apt-get install python3.7 python3-setuptools \
python3-jinja2 python3-pip
At this point it becomes possible to follow the main
# Upgrading to latest yosys and nmigen in the chroot
-yosys in debian/stretch may not be enough to work with nmigen,
-therefore it's probably a good idea to upgrade. if this was
-not a debian/stretch chroot (i.e. was a debian 10), it would be
-a simple matter of "apt-get install yosys" however it's probably best,
-here to install from source.
-**however**.. there is another way: once the instructions
-for installing python3.7 have been carried out. As root,
-in the chroot:
- apt-get -t testing install yosys
-That's all.
-To install instead from source, add the following to
+yosys in debian may not be enough to work with nmigen,
+therefore it's probably a good idea to upgrade.
+To install from source, add the following to
- deb-src stretch main
+ deb-src buster main
then as root, in the chroot, run the following:
apt-get install clang
apt-get remove yosys
-this will remove debian/stretch yosys however getting the build
+this will remove debian/buster yosys however getting the build
dependencies is quick and easy enough.
then, as the ordinary user, the following instructions can be followed