{ echo .; find backends frontends kernel libs passes -type f \( -name '*.h' -o -name '*.hh' \) -printf '%h\n' | sort -u; } > qtcreator.includes
touch qtcreator.config qtcreator.creator
+mklibyosys: $(OBJS) $(GENFILES) $(EXTRA_TARGETS)
+ rm -rf libyosys
+ mkdir -p libyosys/include libyosys/objs
+ set -e; for f in $(wildcard $(filter %.cc %.cpp,$(GENFILES)) $(addsuffix .cc,$(basename $(OBJS))) $(addsuffix .cpp,$(basename $(OBJS))) 2>/dev/null); do \
+ echo "Analyse: $$f" >&2; cpp -std=gnu++0x -MM -I. -D_YOSYS_ $$f; done | sed 's,.*:,,; s,//*,/,g; s,/[^/]*/\.\./,/,g; y, \\,\n\n,;' | \
+ grep '^[^/]' | sort -u | grep -v kernel/version_ | grep '\.\(h\|hh\)$$' | xargs cp -t libyosys/include/
+ sed -i 's/^\(# *include *"\)[^"]*\//\1/' libyosys/include/*
+ { echo "#ifndef YOSYS_CONFIG_H"; echo "#define YOSYS_CONFIG_H"; for opt in $(CXXFLAGS); do [[ "$$opt" == -D* ]] || continue; V="$${opt#-D}"; N="$${V%=*}"; \
+ V="$${V#*=}"; [ "$$V" = "$$N" ] && echo "#define $$N" || echo "#define $$N $$V"; done; echo "#endif"; } > libyosys/include/config.h
+ sed -i '/^#define YOSYS_H/ { p; s/.*/#include "config.h"/; };' libyosys/include/yosys.h
+ cp $(filter-out kernel/driver.o,$(OBJS)) libyosys/objs/
+ cp tests/simple/fiedler-cooley.v libyosys/example.v
+ cp misc/example.cc libyosys/example.cc
rm -rf yosys-win32-vcxsrc-$(YOSYS_VER){,.zip}
set -e; for f in $(wildcard $(filter %.cc %.cpp,$(GENFILES)) $(addsuffix .cc,$(basename $(OBJS))) $(addsuffix .cpp,$(basename $(OBJS))) 2>/dev/null); do \
while (optind < argc)
- run_frontend(argv[optind++], frontend_command, yosys_design, output_filename == "-" ? &backend_command : NULL, NULL);
+ run_frontend(argv[optind++], frontend_command, output_filename == "-" ? &backend_command : NULL);
if (!scriptfile.empty()) {
if (scriptfile_tcl) {
log_error("Can't exectue TCL script: this version of yosys is not built with TCL support enabled.\n");
} else
- run_frontend(scriptfile, "script", yosys_design, output_filename == "-" ? &backend_command : NULL, NULL);
+ run_frontend(scriptfile, "script", output_filename == "-" ? &backend_command : NULL);
for (auto it = passes_commands.begin(); it != passes_commands.end(); it++)
- run_pass(*it, yosys_design);
+ run_pass(*it);
if (!backend_command.empty())
- run_backend(output_filename, backend_command, yosys_design);
+ run_backend(output_filename, backend_command);
if (print_stats)
-void run_frontend(std::string filename, std::string command, RTLIL::Design *design, std::string *backend_command, std::string *from_to_label)
+void run_frontend(std::string filename, std::string command, std::string *backend_command, std::string *from_to_label, RTLIL::Design *design)
+ if (design == nullptr)
+ design = yosys_design;
if (command == "auto") {
if (filename.size() > 2 && filename.substr(filename.size()-2) == ".v")
command = "verilog";
Frontend::frontend_call(design, NULL, filename, command);
+void run_frontend(std::string filename, std::string command, RTLIL::Design *design)
+ run_frontend(filename, command, nullptr, nullptr, design);
void run_pass(std::string command, RTLIL::Design *design)
+ if (design == nullptr)
+ design = yosys_design;
log("\n-- Running command `%s' --\n", command.c_str());
Pass::call(design, command);
void run_backend(std::string filename, std::string command, RTLIL::Design *design)
+ if (design == nullptr)
+ design = yosys_design;
if (command == "auto") {
if (filename.size() > 2 && filename.substr(filename.size()-2) == ".v")
command = "verilog";
if (args.size() < 2)
log_cmd_error("Missing script file.\n");
else if (args.size() == 2)
- run_frontend(args[1], "script", design, NULL, NULL);
+ run_frontend(args[1], "script", design);
else if (args.size() == 3)
- run_frontend(args[1], "script", design, NULL, &args[2]);
+ run_frontend(args[1], "script", NULL, &args[2], design);
extra_args(args, 2, design, false);
std::string proc_share_dirname();
const char *create_prompt(RTLIL::Design *design, int recursion_counter);
-void run_frontend(std::string filename, std::string command, RTLIL::Design *design, std::string *backend_command, std::string *from_to_label);
-void run_pass(std::string command, RTLIL::Design *design);
-void run_backend(std::string filename, std::string command, RTLIL::Design *design);
+void run_pass(std::string command, RTLIL::Design *design = nullptr);
+void run_frontend(std::string filename, std::string command, std::string *backend_command, std::string *from_to_label = nullptr, RTLIL::Design *design = nullptr);
+void run_frontend(std::string filename, std::string command, RTLIL::Design *design = nullptr);
+void run_backend(std::string filename, std::string command, RTLIL::Design *design = nullptr);
void shell(RTLIL::Design *design);
// from kernel/version_*.o (cc source generated from Makefile)
--- /dev/null
+// clang -o example -std=c++11 -I/usr/include/tcl8.5 -I include/ example.cc objs/*.o -lstdc++ -lm -lrt -lreadline -lffi -ldl -ltcl8.5
+#include <yosys.h>
+int main()
+ Yosys::log_streams.push_back(&std::cout);
+ Yosys::log_error_stderr = true;
+ Yosys::yosys_setup();
+ Yosys::yosys_banner();
+ Yosys::run_pass("read_verilog example.v");
+ Yosys::run_pass("synth -noabc");
+ Yosys::run_pass("clean -purge");
+ Yosys::run_pass("write_blif example.blif");
+ Yosys::yosys_shutdown();
+ return 0;
log(" -encfile <file>\n");
log(" passed to 'fsm_recode' via 'fsm'\n");
+ log(" -noabc\n");
+ log(" do not run abc (as if yosys was compiled without ABC support)\n");
+ log("\n");
log(" -run <from_label>[:<to_label>]\n");
log(" only run the commands between the labels (see below). an empty\n");
log(" from label is synonymous to 'begin', and empty to label is\n");
std::string top_module, fsm_opts;
std::string run_from, run_to;
+ bool noabc = false;
size_t argidx;
for (argidx = 1; argidx < args.size(); argidx++)
+ if (args[argidx] == "-noabc") {
+ noabc = true;
+ continue;
+ }
extra_args(args, argidx, design);
- if (check_label(active, run_from, run_to, "abc"))
+ if (check_label(active, run_from, run_to, "abc") && !noabc)
Pass::call(design, "abc -fast");
Pass::call(design, "opt -fast");