--- /dev/null
+# pipeline library
+## `pipeline/pipeline.h`
+### `pipeline::Api_object_deleter`
+helper type trait for `pipeline::Api_object_handle`
+### `pipeline::Api_object_handle`
+pointer-wrapper type that implements conversion to/from Vulkan handles.
+### `pipeline::Pipeline_cache`
+Implementation for `VkPipelineCache`
+### `pipeline::Render_pass`
+Implementation for `VkRenderPass`
+### `pipeline::Shader_module`
+Implementation for `VkShaderModule`
+- `bytes`: pointer to shader source.
+- `byte_count`: number of bytes the shader source takes.
+- `words`: get the shader source as a `spirv::Word` pointer.
+- `word_count`: get the number of `spirv::Word`s the shader takes.
+### `pipeline::Pipeline`
+Generic `VkPipeline`.
+- `optimize_module`: function that optimizes the passed-in LLVM IR module.
+### `pipeline::Graphics_pipeline`
+`VkPipeline` for graphics pipelines.
+- `Vertex_shader_function`: type for JIT compiled vertex shaders.
+- `Fragment_shader_function`: type for JIT compiled fragment shaders.
+- `run_vertex_shader`: run the vertex shader.
+- `get_vertex_shader_output_struct_size`: return the size used by each invocation of the vertex shader.
+- `dump_vertex_shader_output_struct`: decodes and dumps the values in the vertex shader output struct.
+- `run_fragment_shader`: runs the fragment shader.
+- `run`: run the pipeline for a single draw command.
+- `make`: create a new `Graphics_pipeline`.
+## `pipeline/pipeline.cpp`
+### `pipeline::Pipeline::optimize_module`
+function that runs LLVM optimizations on the passed-in LLVM IR module.
+### `pipeline::Graphics_pipeline::Implementation`
+implementation for Graphics_pipeline.
+- `llvm_context`: the LLVM context for the JIT compiled code in this pipeline.
+- `jit_symbol_resolver`: the `Jit_symbol_resolver` for the JIT compiled code in this pipeline.
+- `jit_stack`: the JIT compiler stack for this pipeline.
+- `data_layout`: the LLVM data layout for this pipeline.
+- `compiled_shaders`: the list of compiled shaders in this pipeline.
+- `vertex_shader_output_struct`: the type of the vertex shader's output struct.
+- `append_value_to_string`: decodes the value of the passed-in type from the passed-in memory buffer, returning the string representation of it. Used only for debugging.
+### `pipeline::Graphics_pipeline::run`
+Function that runs the graphics pipeline for a single draw call. This function's implementation will be replaced when the original rasterizer plan is implemented.
+Member types and lambdas:
+- `Vec4`: type for glsl's `vec4` type
+- `Ivec4`: type for glsl's `ivec4` type
+- `interpolate_float`: interpolate a `float` value, returns `v0` when `t == 0` and `v1` when `t == 1`.
+- `interpolate_vec4`: interpolate a `Vec4` value, returns `v0` when `t == 0` and `v1` when `t == 1`.
+- `Triangle`: type for a triangle.
+- `solve_for_t`: solves the formula `interpolate_float(t, v0, v1) == 0` for `t`.
+- `clip_edge`: processes a single edge of a triangle to be clipped.
+- `clip_triangles`: clips a list of triangles
+- `Edge_equation`: equation for the line at one of the edges of the triangle currently being rasterized.
+ - `inside`: checks if the passed-in pixel coordinate is inside the triangle, according to `this`.
+### `pipeline::Graphics_pipeline::make`
+Creates a new `Graphics_pipeline` by compiling all the passed-in shaders. Throws `std::runtime_error` or a child class on error.