program_name, args.c_str());
+ // The GNU linker ignores version scripts when generating
+ // relocatable output. If we are not compatible, then we break the
+ // Linux kernel build, which uses a linker script with -r which must
+ // not force symbols to be local. It would actually be useful to
+ // permit symbols to be forced local with -r, though, as it would
+ // permit some linker optimizations. Perhaps we need yet another
+ // option to control this. FIXME.
+ if (parameters->output_is_object())
+ command_line.script_options()->version_script_info()->clear();
// The work queue.
Workqueue workqueue(command_line.options());
+ this->clear();
for (size_t k = 0; k < dependency_lists_.size(); ++k)
delete dependency_lists_[k];
+ this->dependency_lists_.clear();
for (size_t k = 0; k < version_trees_.size(); ++k)
delete version_trees_[k];
+ this->version_trees_.clear();
for (size_t k = 0; k < expression_lists_.size(); ++k)
delete expression_lists_[k];
+ this->expression_lists_.clear();