This unlocks wide port recognition by default.
// |---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|
- log(" memory [-nomap] [-nordff] [-memx] [-bram <bram_rules>] [selection]\n");
+ log(" memory [-nomap] [-nordff] [-nowiden] [-nosat] [-memx] [-bram <bram_rules>] [selection]\n");
log("This pass calls all the other memory_* passes in a useful order:\n");
log(" opt_mem_feedback\n");
log(" memory_dff (skipped if called with -nordff or -memx)\n");
log(" opt_clean\n");
- log(" memory_share\n");
+ log(" memory_share [-nowiden] [-nosat]\n");
log(" memory_memx (when called with -memx)\n");
log(" opt_clean\n");
log(" memory_collect\n");
bool flag_nordff = false;
bool flag_memx = false;
string memory_bram_opts;
+ string memory_share_opts;
log_header(design, "Executing MEMORY pass.\n");
flag_memx = true;
+ if (args[argidx] == "-nowiden") {
+ memory_share_opts += " -nowiden";
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (args[argidx] == "-nosat") {
+ memory_share_opts += " -nosat";
+ continue;
+ }
if (argidx+1 < args.size() && args[argidx] == "-bram") {
memory_bram_opts += " -rules " + args[++argidx];
if (!flag_nordff)
Pass::call(design, "memory_dff");
Pass::call(design, "opt_clean");
- Pass::call(design, "memory_share");
+ Pass::call(design, "memory_share" + memory_share_opts);
if (flag_memx)
Pass::call(design, "memory_memx");
Pass::call(design, "opt_clean");
ModWalker modwalker;
FfInitVals initvals;
bool flag_widen;
+ bool flag_sat;
// --------------------------------------------------
// Consolidate read ports that read the same address
// Setup and run
// -------------
- MemoryShareWorker(RTLIL::Design *design, bool flag_widen) : design(design), modwalker(design), flag_widen(flag_widen) {}
+ MemoryShareWorker(RTLIL::Design *design, bool flag_widen, bool flag_sat) : design(design), modwalker(design), flag_widen(flag_widen), flag_sat(flag_sat) {}
void operator()(RTLIL::Module* module)
while (consolidate_wr_by_addr(mem));
+ if (!flag_sat)
+ return;
for (auto &mem : memories)
// |---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|
- log(" memory_share [selection]\n");
+ log(" memory_share [-nosat] [-nowiden] [selection]\n");
log("This pass merges share-able memory ports into single memory ports.\n");
log(" - When multiple write ports access the same address then this is converted\n");
log(" to a single write port with a more complex data and/or enable logic path.\n");
+ log(" - When multiple read or write ports access adjacent aligned addresses, they are\n");
+ log(" merged to a single wide read or write port. This transformation can be\n");
+ log(" disabled with the \"-nowiden\" option.\n");
+ log("\n");
log(" - When multiple write ports are never accessed at the same time (a SAT\n");
log(" solver is used to determine this), then the ports are merged into a single\n");
- log(" write port.\n");
+ log(" write port. This transformation can be disabled with the \"-nosat\" option.\n");
log("Note that in addition to the algorithms implemented in this pass, the $memrd\n");
log("and $memwr cells are also subject to generic resource sharing passes (and other\n");
void execute(std::vector<std::string> args, RTLIL::Design *design) override {
+ bool flag_widen = true;
+ bool flag_sat = true;
log_header(design, "Executing MEMORY_SHARE pass (consolidating $memrd/$memwr cells).\n");
- // TODO: expose when wide ports are actually supported.
- bool flag_widen = false;
+ size_t argidx;
+ for (argidx = 1; argidx < args.size(); argidx++)
+ {
+ if (args[argidx] == "-nosat")
+ {
+ flag_sat = false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (args[argidx] == "-nowiden")
+ {
+ flag_widen = false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
extra_args(args, 1, design);
- MemoryShareWorker msw(design, flag_widen);
+ MemoryShareWorker msw(design, flag_widen, flag_sat);
for (auto module : design->selected_modules())
grep -q "parameter \\\\WR_PORTS $(gawk '/expect-wr-ports/ { print $3; }' $f)\$" ${f%.v}.dmp ||
{ echo " ERROR: Unexpected number of write ports."; false; }
+ if grep -q expect-wr-wide-continuation $f; then
+ grep -q "parameter \\\\WR_WIDE_CONTINUATION $(gawk '/expect-wr-wide-continuation/ { print $3; }' $f)\$" ${f%.v}.dmp ||
+ { echo " ERROR: Unexpected write wide continuation."; false; }
+ fi
if grep -q expect-rd-ports $f; then
grep -q "parameter \\\\RD_PORTS $(gawk '/expect-rd-ports/ { print $3; }' $f)\$" ${f%.v}.dmp ||
{ echo " ERROR: Unexpected number of read ports."; false; }
grep -q "parameter \\\\RD_INIT_VALUE $(gawk '/expect-rd-init-val/ { print $3; }' $f)\$" ${f%.v}.dmp ||
{ echo " ERROR: Unexpected read init value."; false; }
+ if grep -q expect-rd-wide-continuation $f; then
+ grep -q "parameter \\\\RD_WIDE_CONTINUATION $(gawk '/expect-rd-wide-continuation/ { print $3; }' $f)\$" ${f%.v}.dmp ||
+ { echo " ERROR: Unexpected read wide continuation."; false; }
+ fi
if grep -q expect-no-rd-clk $f; then
grep -q "connect \\\\RD_CLK 1'x\$" ${f%.v}.dmp ||
{ echo " ERROR: Expected no read clock."; false; }
--- /dev/null
+// expect-wr-ports 1
+// expect-rd-ports 4
+// expect-rd-wide-continuation 4'1110
+module test(
+ input clk,
+ input we,
+ input [5:0] ra,
+ input [7:0] wa,
+ input [7:0] wd,
+ output [31:0] rd
+reg [7:0] mem[0:255];
+assign rd[7:0] = mem[{ra, 2'b00}];
+assign rd[15:8] = mem[{ra, 2'b01}];
+assign rd[23:16] = mem[{ra, 2'b10}];
+assign rd[31:24] = mem[{ra, 2'b11}];
+always @(posedge clk) begin
+ if (we)
+ mem[wa] <= wd;
--- /dev/null
+// expect-wr-ports 1
+// expect-rd-ports 4
+// expect-rd-wide-continuation 4'1110
+// expect-rd-srst-val 32'10000111011001010100001100100001
+// expect-rd-init-val 32'10101011110011011110111110101011
+// In this testcase, the byte-wide read ports are merged into a single
+// word-wide port despite mismatched transparency, with soft transparency
+// logic inserted on half the port to preserve the semantics.
+module test(
+ input clk,
+ input re, rr,
+ input we,
+ input [5:0] ra,
+ input [7:0] wa,
+ input [7:0] wd,
+ output reg [31:0] rd
+reg [7:0] mem[0:255];
+initial rd = 32'habcdefab;
+always @(posedge clk) begin
+ if (rr) begin
+ rd <= 32'h87654321;
+ end else if (re) begin
+ rd[7:0] <= mem[{ra, 2'b00}];
+ rd[15:8] <= mem[{ra, 2'b01}];
+ rd[23:16] <= mem[{ra, 2'b10}];
+ rd[31:24] <= mem[{ra, 2'b11}];
+ if (we && wa == {ra, 2'b00})
+ rd [7:0] <= wd;
+ if (we && wa == {ra, 2'b01})
+ rd [15:8] <= wd;
+ end
+always @(posedge clk) begin
+ if (we)
+ mem[wa] <= wd;
--- /dev/null
+// expect-wr-ports 1
+// expect-rd-ports 4
+// expect-rd-wide-continuation 4'1110
+module test(
+ input clk,
+ input re,
+ input we,
+ input [5:0] ra,
+ input [7:0] wa,
+ input [7:0] wd,
+ output reg [31:0] rd
+reg [7:0] mem[0:255];
+always @(posedge clk) begin
+ if (re) begin
+ rd[7:0] <= mem[{ra, 2'b00}];
+ rd[15:8] <= mem[{ra, 2'b01}];
+ rd[23:16] <= mem[{ra, 2'b10}];
+ rd[31:24] <= mem[{ra, 2'b11}];
+ end
+always @(posedge clk) begin
+ if (we)
+ mem[wa] <= wd;
--- /dev/null
+// expect-wr-ports 1
+// expect-rd-ports 4
+// expect-rd-wide-continuation 4'1110
+module test(
+ input clk,
+ input re,
+ input we,
+ input [5:0] ra,
+ input [7:0] wa,
+ input [7:0] wd,
+ output reg [31:0] rd
+reg [7:0] mem[0:255];
+always @(posedge clk) begin
+ if (re) begin
+ rd[7:0] <= mem[{ra, 2'b00}];
+ rd[15:8] <= mem[{ra, 2'b01}];
+ rd[23:16] <= mem[{ra, 2'b10}];
+ rd[31:24] <= mem[{ra, 2'b11}];
+ if (we && wa == {ra, 2'b00})
+ rd [7:0] <= wd;
+ if (we && wa == {ra, 2'b01})
+ rd [15:8] <= wd;
+ if (we && wa == {ra, 2'b10})
+ rd [23:16] <= wd;
+ if (we && wa == {ra, 2'b11})
+ rd [31:24] <= wd;
+ end
+always @(posedge clk) begin
+ if (we)
+ mem[wa] <= wd;
--- /dev/null
+// expect-wr-ports 3
+// expect-rd-ports 1
+// expect-wr-wide-continuation 3'010
+module test(
+ input clk,
+ input we1, we2,
+ input [5:0] ra,
+ input [4:0] wa1,
+ input [5:0] wa2,
+ input [15:0] wd1,
+ input [7:0] wd2,
+ output [7:0] rd
+reg [7:0] mem[0:63];
+assign rd = mem[ra];
+always @(posedge clk) begin
+ if (we1)
+ mem[{wa1, 1'b0}] <= wd1[7:0];
+ if (we2)
+ mem[wa2] <= wd2;
+ if (we1)
+ mem[{wa1, 1'b1}] <= wd1[15:8];
--- /dev/null
+// expect-wr-ports 4
+// expect-rd-ports 1
+// expect-wr-wide-continuation 4'1110
+module test(
+ input clk,
+ input [3:0] we,
+ input [7:0] ra,
+ input [5:0] wa,
+ input [31:0] wd,
+ output [7:0] rd
+reg [7:0] mem[0:255];
+assign rd = mem[ra];
+always @(posedge clk) begin
+ if (we[0])
+ mem[{wa, 2'b00}] <= wd[7:0];
+ if (we[1])
+ mem[{wa, 2'b01}] <= wd[15:8];
+ if (we[2])
+ mem[{wa, 2'b10}] <= wd[23:16];
+ if (we[3])
+ mem[{wa, 2'b11}] <= wd[31:24];
select -assert-count 1 t:$mem_v2
select -assert-count 1 t:$mem_v2 r:RD_TRANSPARENCY_MASK=4'b1111 r:RD_COLLISION_X_MASK=4'b0000 %i %i
+select -assert-count 1 t:$mem_v2
+select -assert-count 1 t:$mem_v2 r:RD_TRANSPARENCY_MASK=4'b1111 r:RD_COLLISION_X_MASK=4'b0000 %i %i
+select -assert-count 1 t:$mem_v2 r:RD_WIDE_CONTINUATION=4'b1110 %i
design -reset
select -assert-count 1 t:$mem_v2
select -assert-count 1 t:$mem_v2 r:RD_TRANSPARENCY_MASK=4'b1111 r:RD_COLLISION_X_MASK=4'b0000 %i %i
+select -assert-count 1 t:$mem_v2
+select -assert-count 1 t:$mem_v2 r:RD_TRANSPARENCY_MASK=4'b1111 r:RD_COLLISION_X_MASK=4'b0000 %i %i
+select -assert-count 1 t:$mem_v2 r:WR_WIDE_CONTINUATION=4'b1110 %i
design -reset
select -assert-count 1 t:$memrd_v2 r:TRANSPARENCY_MASK=4'b0010 r:COLLISION_X_MASK=4'b1101 %i %i
select -assert-count 1 t:$memrd_v2 r:TRANSPARENCY_MASK=4'b0100 r:COLLISION_X_MASK=4'b1011 %i %i
select -assert-count 1 t:$memrd_v2 r:TRANSPARENCY_MASK=4'b1000 r:COLLISION_X_MASK=4'b0111 %i %i
+select -assert-count 1 t:$memrd_v2
+select -assert-count 1 t:$memwr_v2
+select -assert-count 1 t:$memrd_v2 r:TRANSPARENCY_MASK=1'b1 r:COLLISION_X_MASK=1'b0 %i %i
design -reset
hierarchy -auto-top
-memory -nomap
select -assert-count 1 t:$mem_v2
select -assert-count 1 t:$mem_v2 r:WR_PRIORITY_MASK=64'h0804020100000000 %i
+select -assert-count 1 t:$mem_v2 r:WR_PRIORITY_MASK=64'h0f0f0f0f00000000 %i
+select -assert-count 1 t:$mem_v2 r:WR_WIDE_CONTINUATION=8'hee %i