if master.data_width != self.data_width:
- self.logger.error("{} Bus Master {} from {}-bit to {}-bit.".format(
+"{} Bus Master {} from {}-bit to {}-bit.".format(
colorer("converted", color="yellow"),
self.submodules += wishbone.Converter(master, new_master)
master = new_master
self.masters[name] = master
-"{} {} as Bus Master.".format(colorer(name, color="underline"), colorer("added", color="green")))
+"{} {} as Bus Master.".format(
+ colorer(name, color="underline"),
+ colorer("added", color="green")))
# FIXME: handle IO regions
def add_slave(self, name=None, slave=None, region=None):
self.address_width = address_width
self.alignment = alignment
self.paging = paging
+ self.masters = {}"{}-bit CSR Bus, {}KiB Address Space, {}B Paging (Up to {} Locations).\n".format(
for name, n in reserved_csrs.items():
self.add(name, n)
-"CSR Bus Handler created.", color="cyan"))
+"CSR Handler created.", color="cyan"))
+ # Add Master -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def add_master(self, name=None, master=None):
+ if name is None:
+ name = "master{:d}".format(len(self.masters))
+ if name in self.masters.keys():
+ self.logger.error("{} already declared as CSR Master:".format(colorer(name, color="red")))
+ self.logger.error(self)
+ raise
+ print(master)
+ if master.data_width != self.data_width:
+ self.logger.error("{} Master/Handler data_width {} ({} vs {}).".format(
+ colorer(name),
+ colorer("missmatch"),
+ colorer(master.data_width, color="red"),
+ colorer(self.data_width, color="red")))
+ raise
+ self.masters[name] = master
+"{} {} as CSR Master.".format(
+ colorer(name, color="underline"),
+ colorer("added", color="green")))
+ # FIXME: handle IO regions
+ # Address map ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def address_map(self, name, memory):
+ if memory is not None:
+ name = name + "_" + memory.name_override
+ if self.locs.get(name, None) is None:
+ self.logger.error("Undefined {} CSR.".format(colorer(name, color="red")))
+ raise
+ return self.locs[name]
# Str ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __str__(self):
data_width = self.csr.data_width))
csr_size = 2**(self.csr.address_width + 2)
self.bus.add_slave("csr", self.csr_bridge.wishbone, SoCRegion(origin=origin, size=csr_size))
+ self.csr.add_master(name="bridge", master=self.csr_bridge.csr)
# SoC finalization -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def do_finalize(self):
slaves = bus_slaves,
register = True,
timeout_cycles = self.bus.timeout)
+ if hasattr(self, "ctrl") and self.bus.timeout is not None:
+ self.comb += self.ctrl.bus_error.eq(self.bus_interconnect.timeout.error)
+ # SoC CSR Interconnect ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ self.submodules.csr_bankarray = csr_bus.CSRBankArray(self,
+ address_map = self.csr.address_map,
+ data_width = self.csr.data_width,
+ address_width = self.csr.address_width,
+ alignment = self.csr.alignment
+ )
+ if len(self.csr.masters):
+ self.submodules.csr_interconnect = csr_bus.InterconnectShared(
+ masters = list(self.csr.masters.values()),
+ slaves = self.csr_bankarray.get_buses())
+ # SoC IRQ Interconnect ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if hasattr(self, "cpu"):
+ if hasattr(self.cpu, "interrupt"):
+ for name, loc in sorted(self.irq.locs.items()):
+ if name in self.cpu.interrupts.keys():
+ continue
+ if hasattr(self, name):
+ module = getattr(self, name)
+ if not hasattr(module, "ev"):
+ self.logger.error("No EventManager found on {} SubModule".format(
+ colorer(name, color="red")))
+ self.comb += self.cpu.interrupt[loc].eq(module.ev.irq)
+ self.add_constant(name + "_INTERRUPT", loc)
# Test (FIXME: move to litex/text and improve) -----------------------------------------------------
self.config = {}
self.csr_regions = {}
- # CSR masters list
- self._csr_masters = []
# Parameters managment ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if cpu_type == "None":
cpu_type = None
self.add_config("CSR_ALIGNMENT", csr_alignment)
if with_wishbone:
- self.add_csr_master(self.csr_bridge.csr) # FIXME
# Methods --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
self.bus.add_slave(name=wb_name, slave=interface)
- def add_csr_master(self, csrm):
- # CSR masters are not arbitrated, use this with precaution.
- if self.finalized:
- raise FinalizeError
- self._csr_masters.append(csrm)
def check_io_region(self, name, origin, length):
for region_origin, region_length in self.soc_io_regions.items():
if (origin >= region_origin) & ((origin + length) < (region_origin + region_length)):
- # Add the Wishbone Masters/Slaves interconnect
- if hasattr(self, "ctrl") and (self.wishbone_timeout_cycles is not None):
- self.comb += self.ctrl.bus_error.eq(self.bus_interconnect.timeout.error)
- # Collect and create CSRs
- self.submodules.csrbankarray = csr_bus.CSRBankArray(self,
- self.get_csr_dev_address,
- data_width = self.csr_data_width,
- address_width = self.csr_address_width,
- alignment = self.csr_alignment
- )
- # Add CSRs interconnect
- if len(self._csr_masters) != 0:
- self.submodules.csrcon = csr_bus.InterconnectShared(
- self._csr_masters, self.csrbankarray.get_buses())
# Check and add CSRs regions
- for name, csrs, mapaddr, rmap in self.csrbankarray.banks:
+ for name, csrs, mapaddr, rmap in self.csr_bankarray.banks:
self.add_csr_region(name, (self.soc_mem_map["csr"] + 0x800*mapaddr),
self.csr_data_width, csrs)
# Check and add Memory regions
- for name, memory, mapaddr, mmap in self.csrbankarray.srams:
+ for name, memory, mapaddr, mmap in self.csr_bankarray.srams:
self.add_csr_region(name + "_" + memory.name_override,
(self.soc_mem_map["csr"] + 0x800*mapaddr),
self.csr_data_width, memory)
self.csr_regions = {k: v for k, v in sorted(self.csr_regions.items(), key=lambda item: item[1].origin)}
# Add CSRs / Config items to constants
- for name, constant in self.csrbankarray.constants:
+ for name, constant in self.csr_bankarray.constants:
self.add_constant(name.upper() + "_" +, constant.value.value)
for name, value in self.config.items():
self.add_config(name, value)
- # Connect interrupts
- if hasattr(self.cpu, "interrupt"):
- for _name, _id in sorted(self.irq.locs.items()):
- if _name in self.cpu.interrupts.keys():
- continue
- if hasattr(self, _name):
- module = getattr(self, _name)
- assert hasattr(module, 'ev'), "Submodule %s does not have EventManager (xx.ev) module" % _name
- self.comb += self.cpu.interrupt[_id].eq(module.ev.irq)
- self.constants[_name.upper() + "_INTERRUPT"] = _id
# SoCCore arguments --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def soc_core_args(parser):