--- /dev/null
+buildsystem: fix for cross-compilation
+Avoid running the openssl binary, since it would break for
+cross-compilation. Buildroot has a supported version, anyway.
+Also, avoid adding hard-coded includes and libraries search
+paths, since they are missing the destdir; Buildroot compilers
+and linkers already know where to search, anyway.
+Signed-off-by: "Yann E. MORIN" <yann.morin.1998@free.fr>
+diff -durN perl-net-ssleay-1.64.orig/inc/Module/Install/PRIVATE/Net/SSLeay.pm perl-net-ssleay-1.64/inc/Module/Install/PRIVATE/Net/SSLeay.pm
+--- perl-net-ssleay-1.64.orig/inc/Module/Install/PRIVATE/Net/SSLeay.pm 2014-04-01 08:08:37.000000000 +0200
++++ perl-net-ssleay-1.64/inc/Module/Install/PRIVATE/Net/SSLeay.pm 2014-07-13 00:38:46.281380282 +0200
+@@ -37,14 +37,18 @@
+ exit 0; # according http://wiki.cpantesters.org/wiki/CPANAuthorNotes this is best-practice when "missing library"
+ }
+- $self->check_openssl_version($prefix, $exec);
++# Does not work for cross-compilation.
++# In Buildroot, we do have a supported version.
++# $self->check_openssl_version($prefix, $exec);
+ my $opts = $self->ssleay_get_build_opts($prefix, $exec);
+ $self->makemaker_args(
+ CCCDLFLAGS => $opts->{cccdlflags},
+ OPTIMIZE => $opts->{optimize},
+- INC => join(' ', map {"-I$_"} @{$opts->{inc_paths}}),
+- LIBS => join(' ', (map {"-L$_"} @{$opts->{lib_paths}}), (map {"-l$_"} @{$opts->{lib_links}})),
++# Buildroot already has the correct include and library search paths.
++# INC => join(' ', map {"-I$_"} @{$opts->{inc_paths}}),
++# LIBS => join(' ', (map {"-L$_"} @{$opts->{lib_paths}}), (map {"-l$_"} @{$opts->{lib_links}})),
++ LIBS => join(' ', (map {"-l$_"} @{$opts->{lib_links}})),
+ );
+ if ( $self->prompt(