// simplify() creates a simpler AST by unrolling for-loops, expanding generate blocks, etc.
// it also sets the id2ast pointers so that identifier lookups are fast in genRTLIL()
bool simplify(bool const_fold, bool at_zero, bool in_lvalue, int stage, int width_hint, bool sign_hint, bool in_param);
+ void replace_result_wire_name_in_function(const std::string &from, const std::string &to);
AstNode *readmem(bool is_readmemh, std::string mem_filename, AstNode *memory, int start_addr, int finish_addr, bool unconditional_init);
void expand_genblock(std::string index_var, std::string prefix, std::map<std::string, std::string> &name_map, bool original_scope = true);
void replace_ids(const std::string &prefix, const std::map<std::string, std::string> &rules);
// additional functionality for evaluating constant functions
struct varinfo_t { RTLIL::Const val; int offset; bool is_signed; };
bool has_const_only_constructs(bool &recommend_const_eval);
+ bool has_const_only_constructs(std::set<std::string>& visited, bool &recommend_const_eval);
void replace_variables(std::map<std::string, varinfo_t> &variables, AstNode *fcall);
AstNode *eval_const_function(AstNode *fcall);
bool is_simple_const_expr();
if (all_args_const) {
AstNode *func_workspace = current_scope[str]->clone();
+ func_workspace->str = NEW_ID.str();
+ func_workspace->replace_result_wire_name_in_function(str, func_workspace->str);
newNode = func_workspace->eval_const_function(this);
delete func_workspace;
goto apply_newNode;
return did_something;
-static void replace_result_wire_name_in_function(AstNode *node, std::string &from, std::string &to)
+void AstNode::replace_result_wire_name_in_function(const std::string &from, const std::string &to)
- for (auto &it : node->children)
- replace_result_wire_name_in_function(it, from, to);
- if (node->str == from)
- node->str = to;
+ for (AstNode *child : children)
+ child->replace_result_wire_name_in_function(from, to);
+ if (str == from && type != AST_FCALL && type != AST_TCALL)
+ str = to;
// replace a readmem[bh] TCALL ast node with a block of memory assignments
name_map[child->str] = new_name;
if (child->type == AST_FUNCTION)
- replace_result_wire_name_in_function(child, child->str, new_name);
+ child->replace_result_wire_name_in_function(child->str, new_name);
child->str = new_name;
current_scope[new_name] = child;
bool AstNode::has_const_only_constructs(bool &recommend_const_eval)
+ std::set<std::string> visited;
+ return has_const_only_constructs(visited, recommend_const_eval);
+bool AstNode::has_const_only_constructs(std::set<std::string>& visited, bool &recommend_const_eval)
+ if (type == AST_FUNCTION || type == AST_TASK)
+ {
+ if (visited.count(str))
+ {
+ recommend_const_eval = true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ visited.insert(str);
+ }
if (type == AST_FOR)
recommend_const_eval = true;
if (type == AST_WHILE || type == AST_REPEAT)
return true;
if (type == AST_FCALL && current_scope.count(str))
- if (current_scope[str]->has_const_only_constructs(recommend_const_eval))
+ if (current_scope[str]->has_const_only_constructs(visited, recommend_const_eval))
return true;
for (auto child : children)
- if (child->AstNode::has_const_only_constructs(recommend_const_eval))
+ if (child->AstNode::has_const_only_constructs(visited, recommend_const_eval))
return true;
return false;
--- /dev/null
+module gate(
+ off, fib0, fib1, fib2, fib3, fib4, fib5, fib6, fib7, fib8, fib9
+ input wire signed [31:0] off;
+ function automatic integer fib(
+ input integer k
+ );
+ if (k == 0)
+ fib = 0;
+ else if (k == 1)
+ fib = 1;
+ else
+ fib = fib(k - 1) + fib(k - 2);
+ endfunction
+ function automatic integer fib_wrap(
+ input integer k,
+ output integer o
+ );
+ o = off + fib(k);
+ endfunction
+ output integer fib0;
+ output integer fib1;
+ output integer fib2;
+ output integer fib3;
+ output integer fib4;
+ output integer fib5;
+ output integer fib6;
+ output integer fib7;
+ output integer fib8;
+ output integer fib9;
+ initial begin : blk
+ integer unused;
+ unused = fib_wrap(0, fib0);
+ unused = fib_wrap(1, fib1);
+ unused = fib_wrap(2, fib2);
+ unused = fib_wrap(3, fib3);
+ unused = fib_wrap(4, fib4);
+ unused = fib_wrap(5, fib5);
+ unused = fib_wrap(6, fib6);
+ unused = fib_wrap(7, fib7);
+ unused = fib_wrap(8, fib8);
+ unused = fib_wrap(9, fib9);
+ end
+module gold(
+ off, fib0, fib1, fib2, fib3, fib4, fib5, fib6, fib7, fib8, fib9
+ input wire signed [31:0] off;
+ output integer fib0 = off + 0;
+ output integer fib1 = off + 1;
+ output integer fib2 = off + 1;
+ output integer fib3 = off + 2;
+ output integer fib4 = off + 3;
+ output integer fib5 = off + 5;
+ output integer fib6 = off + 8;
+ output integer fib7 = off + 13;
+ output integer fib8 = off + 21;
+ output integer fib9 = off + 34;
--- /dev/null
+read_verilog fib.v
+equiv_make gold gate equiv
+equiv_status -assert