--- /dev/null
+import os
+import re
+import textwrap
+import jinja2
+from nmigen import tracer
+from nmigen_soc.memory import MemoryMap
+from nmigen.build.run import *
+from .. import __version__, software
+from ..periph import Peripheral
+__all__ = ["socproperty", "SoC", "ConfigBuilder"]
+def socproperty(cls, src_loc_at=0):
+ name = tracer.get_var_name(depth=2 + src_loc_at)
+ __name = "__{}".format(name)
+ def getter(self):
+ assert isinstance(self, SoC)
+ attr = getattr(self, __name, None)
+ if attr is None:
+ raise NotImplementedError("SoC {!r} does not have a {}"
+ .format(self, name))
+ return attr
+ def setter(self, value):
+ assert isinstance(self, SoC)
+ if not isinstance(value, cls):
+ raise TypeError("{} must be an instance of {}, not {!r}"
+ .format(name, cls.__name__, value))
+ setattr(self, __name, value)
+ return property(getter, setter)
+class SoC:
+ memory_map = socproperty(MemoryMap)
+ def build(self, build_dir="build/soc", do_build=True):
+ plan = ConfigBuilder.prepare(self)
+ if not do_build:
+ return plan
+ products = plan.execute_local(build_dir)
+ return products
+class ConfigBuilder:
+ file_templates = {
+ "build_{{name}}.sh": r"""
+ # {{autogenerated}}
+ set -e
+ {{emit_commands()}}
+ """,
+ "{{name}}_resources.csv": r"""
+ # {{autogenerated}}
+ # <resource name>, <start address>, <end address>, <access width>
+ {% for resource, (start, end, width) in soc.memory_map.all_resources() -%}
+ {{resource.name}}, {{hex(start)}}, {{hex(end)}}, {{width}}
+ {% endfor %}
+ """,
+ }
+ command_templates = []
+ def prepare(self, soc, build_dir, name):
+ name = name or type(soc).__name__.lower()
+ autogenerated = "Automatically generated by LambdaSoC {}. Do not edit.".format(__version__)
+ def periph_addr(periph):
+ assert isinstance(periph, Peripheral)
+ periph_map = periph.bus.memory_map
+ for window, (start, end, ratio) in soc.memory_map.windows():
+ if periph_map is window:
+ return start
+ raise KeyError(periph)
+ def periph_csrs(periph):
+ assert isinstance(periph, Peripheral)
+ periph_map = periph.bus.memory_map
+ for resource, (start, end, width) in periph_map.all_resources():
+ if isinstance(resource, csr.Element):
+ yield resource, (start, end, width)
+ def emit_commands():
+ commands = []
+ for index, command_tpl in enumerate(self.command_templates):
+ command = render(command_tpl, origin="<command#{}>".format(index + 1))
+ command = re.sub(r"\s+", " ", command)
+ commands.append(command)
+ return "\n".join(commands)
+ def render(source, origin):
+ try:
+ source = textwrap.dedent(source).strip()
+ compiled = jinja2.Template(source, trim_blocks=True, lstrip_blocks=True)
+ except jinja2.TemplateSyntaxError as e:
+ e.args = ("{} (at {}:{})".format(e.message, origin, e.lineno),)
+ raise
+ return compiled.render({
+ "autogenerated": autogenerated,
+ "build_dir": os.path.abspath(build_dir),
+ "emit_commands": emit_commands,
+ "hex": hex,
+ "name": name,
+ "periph_addr": periph_addr,
+ "periph_csrs": periph_csrs,
+ "soc": soc,
+ "software_dir": os.path.dirname(software.__file__),
+ })
+ plan = BuildPlan(script="build_{}".format(name))
+ for filename_tpl, content_tpl in self.file_templates.items():
+ plan.add_file(render(filename_tpl, origin=filename_tpl),
+ render(content_tpl, origin=content_tpl))
+ return plan