entity core_dram_tb is
generic (
- MEMORY_SIZE : natural := (384*1024);
+ MEMORY_SIZE : natural := (384*1024);
MAIN_RAM_FILE : string := "main_ram.bin";
DRAM_INIT_FILE : string := "";
DRAM_INIT_SIZE : natural := 16#c000#
soc0: entity work.soc
- generic map(
- SIM => true,
+ generic map(
+ SIM => true,
HAS_DRAM => true,
- DRAM_SIZE => 256 * 1024 * 1024,
+ DRAM_SIZE => 256 * 1024 * 1024,
- CLK_FREQ => 100000000,
+ CLK_FREQ => 100000000,
HAS_SPI_FLASH => true,
- )
- port map(
- rst => soc_rst,
- system_clk => system_clk,
- wb_dram_in => wb_dram_in,
- wb_dram_out => wb_dram_out,
- wb_ext_io_in => wb_ext_io_in,
- wb_ext_io_out => wb_ext_io_out,
+ )
+ port map(
+ rst => soc_rst,
+ system_clk => system_clk,
+ wb_dram_in => wb_dram_in,
+ wb_dram_out => wb_dram_out,
+ wb_ext_io_in => wb_ext_io_in,
+ wb_ext_io_out => wb_ext_io_out,
wb_ext_is_dram_csr => wb_ext_is_dram_csr,
wb_ext_is_dram_init => wb_ext_is_dram_init,
spi_flash_sck => spi_sck,
spi_flash_sdat_o => spi_sdat_o,
spi_flash_sdat_oe => spi_sdat_oe,
spi_flash_sdat_i => spi_sdat_i,
- alt_reset => core_alt_reset
- );
+ alt_reset => core_alt_reset
+ );
flash: entity work.s25fl128s
generic map (
clk_process: process
- clk <= '0';
- wait for clk_period/2;
- clk <= '1';
- wait for clk_period/2;
+ clk <= '0';
+ wait for clk_period/2;
+ clk <= '1';
+ wait for clk_period/2;
end process;
rst_process: process
- rst <= '1';
- wait for 10*clk_period;
- rst <= '0';
- wait;
+ rst <= '1';
+ wait for 10*clk_period;
+ rst <= '0';
+ wait;
end process;
jtag: entity work.sim_jtag;
end core_flash_tb;
architecture behave of core_flash_tb is
- signal clk, rst: std_logic;
+ signal clk, rst: std_logic;
- -- testbench signals
- constant clk_period : time := 10 ns;
+ -- testbench signals
+ constant clk_period : time := 10 ns;
-- SPI
signal spi_sck : std_ulogic;
soc0: entity work.soc
- generic map(
- SIM => true,
- MEMORY_SIZE => (384*1024),
- RAM_INIT_FILE => "main_ram.bin",
- CLK_FREQ => 100000000,
+ generic map(
+ SIM => true,
+ MEMORY_SIZE => (384*1024),
+ RAM_INIT_FILE => "main_ram.bin",
+ CLK_FREQ => 100000000,
HAS_SPI_FLASH => true,
- )
- port map(
- rst => rst,
- system_clk => clk,
+ )
+ port map(
+ rst => rst,
+ system_clk => clk,
spi_flash_sck => spi_sck,
spi_flash_cs_n => spi_cs_n,
spi_flash_sdat_o => spi_sdat_o,
spi_flash_sdat_oe => spi_sdat_oe,
spi_flash_sdat_i => spi_sdat_i
- );
+ );
flash: entity work.s25fl128s
generic map (
clk_process: process
- clk <= '0';
- wait for clk_period/2;
- clk <= '1';
- wait for clk_period/2;
+ clk <= '0';
+ wait for clk_period/2;
+ clk <= '1';
+ wait for clk_period/2;
end process;
rst_process: process
- rst <= '1';
- wait for 10*clk_period;
- rst <= '0';
- wait;
+ rst <= '1';
+ wait for 10*clk_period;
+ rst <= '0';
+ wait;
end process;
jtag: entity work.sim_jtag;
end core_tb;
architecture behave of core_tb is
- signal clk, rst: std_logic;
+ signal clk, rst: std_logic;
- -- testbench signals
- constant clk_period : time := 10 ns;
+ -- testbench signals
+ constant clk_period : time := 10 ns;
soc0: entity work.soc
- generic map(
- SIM => true,
- MEMORY_SIZE => (384*1024),
- RAM_INIT_FILE => "main_ram.bin",
- CLK_FREQ => 100000000
- )
- port map(
- rst => rst,
- system_clk => clk
- );
+ generic map(
+ SIM => true,
+ MEMORY_SIZE => (384*1024),
+ RAM_INIT_FILE => "main_ram.bin",
+ CLK_FREQ => 100000000
+ )
+ port map(
+ rst => rst,
+ system_clk => clk
+ );
clk_process: process
- clk <= '0';
- wait for clk_period/2;
- clk <= '1';
- wait for clk_period/2;
+ clk <= '0';
+ wait for clk_period/2;
+ clk <= '1';
+ wait for clk_period/2;
end process;
rst_process: process
- rst <= '1';
- wait for 10*clk_period;
- rst <= '0';
- wait;
+ rst <= '1';
+ wait for 10*clk_period;
+ rst <= '0';
+ wait;
end process;
jtag: entity work.sim_jtag;
zerocounter_0: entity work.zero_counter
- port map (
+ port map (
clk => clk,
- rs => rs,
- result => result,
- count_right => count_right,
- is_32bit => is_32bit
- );
+ rs => rs,
+ result => result,
+ count_right => count_right,
+ is_32bit => is_32bit
+ );
clk_process: process
end loop;
end loop;
- std.env.finish;
+ std.env.finish;
end process;
end behave;
stim: process
- -- Clear stuff
- d_in.valid <= '0';
- d_in.load <= '0';
- d_in.nc <= '0';
- d_in.addr <= (others => '0');
- d_in.data <= (others => '0');
+ -- Clear stuff
+ d_in.valid <= '0';
+ d_in.load <= '0';
+ d_in.nc <= '0';
+ d_in.addr <= (others => '0');
+ d_in.data <= (others => '0');
m_in.valid <= '0';
m_in.addr <= (others => '0');
m_in.pte <= (others => '0');
wait for 4*clk_period;
- wait until rising_edge(clk);
+ wait until rising_edge(clk);
- -- Cacheable read of address 4
- d_in.load <= '1';
- d_in.nc <= '0';
+ -- Cacheable read of address 4
+ d_in.load <= '1';
+ d_in.nc <= '0';
d_in.addr <= x"0000000000000004";
d_in.valid <= '1';
- wait until rising_edge(clk);
+ wait until rising_edge(clk);
d_in.valid <= '0';
- wait until rising_edge(clk) and d_out.valid = '1';
+ wait until rising_edge(clk) and d_out.valid = '1';
assert d_out.data = x"0000000100000000"
- report "data @" & to_hstring(d_in.addr) &
- "=" & to_hstring(d_out.data) &
- " expected 0000000100000000"
- severity failure;
+ report "data @" & to_hstring(d_in.addr) &
+ "=" & to_hstring(d_out.data) &
+ " expected 0000000100000000"
+ severity failure;
-- wait for clk_period;
- -- Cacheable read of address 30
- d_in.load <= '1';
- d_in.nc <= '0';
+ -- Cacheable read of address 30
+ d_in.load <= '1';
+ d_in.nc <= '0';
d_in.addr <= x"0000000000000030";
d_in.valid <= '1';
- wait until rising_edge(clk);
+ wait until rising_edge(clk);
d_in.valid <= '0';
- wait until rising_edge(clk) and d_out.valid = '1';
+ wait until rising_edge(clk) and d_out.valid = '1';
assert d_out.data = x"0000000D0000000C"
- report "data @" & to_hstring(d_in.addr) &
- "=" & to_hstring(d_out.data) &
- " expected 0000000D0000000C"
- severity failure;
- -- Non-cacheable read of address 100
- d_in.load <= '1';
- d_in.nc <= '1';
+ report "data @" & to_hstring(d_in.addr) &
+ "=" & to_hstring(d_out.data) &
+ " expected 0000000D0000000C"
+ severity failure;
+ -- Non-cacheable read of address 100
+ d_in.load <= '1';
+ d_in.nc <= '1';
d_in.addr <= x"0000000000000100";
d_in.valid <= '1';
- wait until rising_edge(clk);
- d_in.valid <= '0';
- wait until rising_edge(clk) and d_out.valid = '1';
+ wait until rising_edge(clk);
+ d_in.valid <= '0';
+ wait until rising_edge(clk) and d_out.valid = '1';
assert d_out.data = x"0000004100000040"
- report "data @" & to_hstring(d_in.addr) &
- "=" & to_hstring(d_out.data) &
- " expected 0000004100000040"
- severity failure;
+ report "data @" & to_hstring(d_in.addr) &
+ "=" & to_hstring(d_out.data) &
+ " expected 0000004100000040"
+ severity failure;
- wait until rising_edge(clk);
- wait until rising_edge(clk);
- wait until rising_edge(clk);
- wait until rising_edge(clk);
+ wait until rising_edge(clk);
+ wait until rising_edge(clk);
+ wait until rising_edge(clk);
+ wait until rising_edge(clk);
- std.env.finish;
+ std.env.finish;
end process;
constant jclk_period : time := 30 ns;
-- DMI debug bus signals
- signal dmi_addr : std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0);
- signal dmi_din : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
- signal dmi_dout : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
- signal dmi_req : std_ulogic;
- signal dmi_wr : std_ulogic;
- signal dmi_ack : std_ulogic;
+ signal dmi_addr : std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0);
+ signal dmi_din : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
+ signal dmi_dout : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
+ signal dmi_req : std_ulogic;
+ signal dmi_wr : std_ulogic;
+ signal dmi_ack : std_ulogic;
-- Global JTAG signals (used by BSCANE2 inside dmi_dtm
alias j : glob_jtag_t is glob_jtag;
dtm: entity work.dmi_dtm
- generic map(
- ABITS => 8,
- DBITS => 64
- )
- port map(
- sys_clk => clk,
- sys_reset => rst,
- dmi_addr => dmi_addr,
- dmi_din => dmi_din,
- dmi_dout => dmi_dout,
- dmi_req => dmi_req,
- dmi_wr => dmi_wr,
- dmi_ack => dmi_ack
- );
+ generic map(
+ ABITS => 8,
+ DBITS => 64
+ )
+ port map(
+ sys_clk => clk,
+ sys_reset => rst,
+ dmi_addr => dmi_addr,
+ dmi_din => dmi_din,
+ dmi_dout => dmi_dout,
+ dmi_req => dmi_req,
+ dmi_wr => dmi_wr,
+ dmi_ack => dmi_ack
+ );
simple_ram_0: entity work.wishbone_bram_wrapper
- generic map(RAM_INIT_FILE => "main_ram.bin",
- MEMORY_SIZE => 524288)
- port map(clk => clk, rst => rst,
- wishbone_in => wishbone_ram_out,
- wishbone_out => wishbone_ram_in);
+ generic map(RAM_INIT_FILE => "main_ram.bin",
+ MEMORY_SIZE => 524288)
+ port map(clk => clk, rst => rst,
+ wishbone_in => wishbone_ram_out,
+ wishbone_out => wishbone_ram_in);
wishbone_debug_0: entity work.wishbone_debug_master
- port map(clk => clk, rst => rst,
- dmi_addr => dmi_addr(1 downto 0),
- dmi_dout => dmi_din,
- dmi_din => dmi_dout,
- dmi_wr => dmi_wr,
- dmi_ack => dmi_ack,
- dmi_req => dmi_req,
- wb_in => wishbone_ram_in,
- wb_out => wishbone_ram_out);
+ port map(clk => clk, rst => rst,
+ dmi_addr => dmi_addr(1 downto 0),
+ dmi_dout => dmi_din,
+ dmi_din => dmi_dout,
+ dmi_wr => dmi_wr,
+ dmi_ack => dmi_ack,
+ dmi_req => dmi_req,
+ wb_in => wishbone_ram_in,
+ wb_out => wishbone_ram_out);
-- system clock
sys_clk: process
- clk <= '1';
- wait for clk_period / 2;
- clk <= '0';
- wait for clk_period / 2;
+ clk <= '1';
+ wait for clk_period / 2;
+ clk <= '0';
+ wait for clk_period / 2;
end process sys_clk;
-- system sim: just reset and wait
sys_sim: process
- rst <= '1';
- wait for clk_period;
- rst <= '0';
- wait;
+ rst <= '1';
+ wait for clk_period;
+ rst <= '0';
+ wait;
end process;
-- jtag sim process
sim_jtag: process
- procedure clock(count: in INTEGER) is
- begin
- for i in 1 to count loop
- j.tck <= '0';
- wait for jclk_period/2;
- j.tck <= '1';
- wait for jclk_period/2;
- end loop;
- end procedure clock;
- procedure shift_out(val: in std_ulogic_vector) is
- begin
- for i in 0 to val'length-1 loop
- j.tdi <= val(i);
- clock(1);
- end loop;
- end procedure shift_out;
- procedure shift_in(val: out std_ulogic_vector) is
- begin
- for i in val'length-1 downto 0 loop
- val := j.tdo & val(val'length-1 downto 1);
- clock(1);
- end loop;
- end procedure shift_in;
- procedure send_command(
- addr : in std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0);
- data : in std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
- op : in std_ulogic_vector(1 downto 0)) is
- begin
- j.capture <= '1';
- clock(1);
- j.capture <= '0';
- clock(1);
- j.shift <= '1';
- shift_out(op);
- shift_out(data);
- shift_out(addr);
- j.shift <= '0';
- j.update <= '1';
- clock(1);
- j.update <= '0';
- clock(1);
- end procedure send_command;
- procedure read_resp(
- op : out std_ulogic_vector(1 downto 0);
- data : out std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0)) is
- variable addr : std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0);
- begin
- j.capture <= '1';
- clock(1);
- j.capture <= '0';
- clock(1);
- j.shift <= '1';
- shift_in(op);
- shift_in(data);
- shift_in(addr);
- j.shift <= '0';
- j.update <= '1';
- clock(1);
- j.update <= '0';
- clock(1);
- end procedure read_resp;
- procedure dmi_write(addr : in std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0);
- data : in std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0)) is
- variable resp_op : std_ulogic_vector(1 downto 0);
- variable resp_data : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
- variable timeout : integer;
- begin
- send_command(addr, data, "10");
- loop
- read_resp(resp_op, resp_data);
- case resp_op is
- when "00" =>
- return;
- when "11" =>
- timeout := timeout + 1;
- assert timeout < 0
- report "dmi_write timed out !" severity error;
- when others =>
- assert 0 > 1 report "dmi_write got odd status: " &
- to_hstring(resp_op) severity error;
- end case;
- end loop;
- end procedure dmi_write;
- procedure dmi_read(addr : in std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0);
- data : out std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0)) is
- variable resp_op : std_ulogic_vector(1 downto 0);
- variable timeout : integer;
- begin
- send_command(addr, (others => '0'), "01");
- loop
- read_resp(resp_op, data);
- case resp_op is
- when "00" =>
- return;
- when "11" =>
- timeout := timeout + 1;
- assert timeout < 0
- report "dmi_read timed out !" severity error;
- when others =>
- assert 0 > 1 report "dmi_read got odd status: " &
- to_hstring(resp_op) severity error;
- end case;
- end loop;
- end procedure dmi_read;
- variable data : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
+ procedure clock(count: in INTEGER) is
+ begin
+ for i in 1 to count loop
+ j.tck <= '0';
+ wait for jclk_period/2;
+ j.tck <= '1';
+ wait for jclk_period/2;
+ end loop;
+ end procedure clock;
+ procedure shift_out(val: in std_ulogic_vector) is
+ begin
+ for i in 0 to val'length-1 loop
+ j.tdi <= val(i);
+ clock(1);
+ end loop;
+ end procedure shift_out;
+ procedure shift_in(val: out std_ulogic_vector) is
+ begin
+ for i in val'length-1 downto 0 loop
+ val := j.tdo & val(val'length-1 downto 1);
+ clock(1);
+ end loop;
+ end procedure shift_in;
+ procedure send_command(
+ addr : in std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0);
+ data : in std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
+ op : in std_ulogic_vector(1 downto 0)) is
+ begin
+ j.capture <= '1';
+ clock(1);
+ j.capture <= '0';
+ clock(1);
+ j.shift <= '1';
+ shift_out(op);
+ shift_out(data);
+ shift_out(addr);
+ j.shift <= '0';
+ j.update <= '1';
+ clock(1);
+ j.update <= '0';
+ clock(1);
+ end procedure send_command;
+ procedure read_resp(
+ op : out std_ulogic_vector(1 downto 0);
+ data : out std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0)) is
+ variable addr : std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0);
+ begin
+ j.capture <= '1';
+ clock(1);
+ j.capture <= '0';
+ clock(1);
+ j.shift <= '1';
+ shift_in(op);
+ shift_in(data);
+ shift_in(addr);
+ j.shift <= '0';
+ j.update <= '1';
+ clock(1);
+ j.update <= '0';
+ clock(1);
+ end procedure read_resp;
+ procedure dmi_write(addr : in std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0);
+ data : in std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0)) is
+ variable resp_op : std_ulogic_vector(1 downto 0);
+ variable resp_data : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
+ variable timeout : integer;
+ begin
+ send_command(addr, data, "10");
+ loop
+ read_resp(resp_op, resp_data);
+ case resp_op is
+ when "00" =>
+ return;
+ when "11" =>
+ timeout := timeout + 1;
+ assert timeout < 0
+ report "dmi_write timed out !" severity error;
+ when others =>
+ assert 0 > 1 report "dmi_write got odd status: " &
+ to_hstring(resp_op) severity error;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ end procedure dmi_write;
+ procedure dmi_read(addr : in std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0);
+ data : out std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0)) is
+ variable resp_op : std_ulogic_vector(1 downto 0);
+ variable timeout : integer;
+ begin
+ send_command(addr, (others => '0'), "01");
+ loop
+ read_resp(resp_op, data);
+ case resp_op is
+ when "00" =>
+ return;
+ when "11" =>
+ timeout := timeout + 1;
+ assert timeout < 0
+ report "dmi_read timed out !" severity error;
+ when others =>
+ assert 0 > 1 report "dmi_read got odd status: " &
+ to_hstring(resp_op) severity error;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ end procedure dmi_read;
+ variable data : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
- -- init & reset
- j.reset <= '1';
- j.sel <= "0000";
- j.capture <= '0';
- j.update <= '0';
- j.shift <= '0';
- j.tdi <= '0';
- j.tms <= '0';
- j.runtest <= '0';
- clock(5);
- j.reset <= '0';
- clock(5);
- -- select chain 2
- j.sel <= "0010";
- clock(1);
- -- send command
- dmi_read(x"00", data);
- report "Read addr reg:" & to_hstring(data);
- report "Writing addr reg to all 1's";
- dmi_write(x"00", (others => '1'));
- dmi_read(x"00", data);
- report "Read addr reg:" & to_hstring(data);
- report "Writing ctrl reg to all 1's";
- dmi_write(x"02", (others => '1'));
- dmi_read(x"02", data);
- report "Read ctrl reg:" & to_hstring(data);
- report "Read memory at 0...\n";
- dmi_write(x"00", x"0000000000000000");
- dmi_write(x"02", x"00000000000007ff");
- dmi_read(x"01", data);
- report "00:" & to_hstring(data);
- dmi_read(x"01", data);
- report "08:" & to_hstring(data);
- dmi_read(x"01", data);
- report "10:" & to_hstring(data);
- dmi_read(x"01", data);
- report "18:" & to_hstring(data);
- clock(10);
- std.env.finish;
+ -- init & reset
+ j.reset <= '1';
+ j.sel <= "0000";
+ j.capture <= '0';
+ j.update <= '0';
+ j.shift <= '0';
+ j.tdi <= '0';
+ j.tms <= '0';
+ j.runtest <= '0';
+ clock(5);
+ j.reset <= '0';
+ clock(5);
+ -- select chain 2
+ j.sel <= "0010";
+ clock(1);
+ -- send command
+ dmi_read(x"00", data);
+ report "Read addr reg:" & to_hstring(data);
+ report "Writing addr reg to all 1's";
+ dmi_write(x"00", (others => '1'));
+ dmi_read(x"00", data);
+ report "Read addr reg:" & to_hstring(data);
+ report "Writing ctrl reg to all 1's";
+ dmi_write(x"02", (others => '1'));
+ dmi_read(x"02", data);
+ report "Read ctrl reg:" & to_hstring(data);
+ report "Read memory at 0...\n";
+ dmi_write(x"00", x"0000000000000000");
+ dmi_write(x"02", x"00000000000007ff");
+ dmi_read(x"01", data);
+ report "00:" & to_hstring(data);
+ dmi_read(x"01", data);
+ report "08:" & to_hstring(data);
+ dmi_read(x"01", data);
+ report "10:" & to_hstring(data);
+ dmi_read(x"01", data);
+ report "18:" & to_hstring(data);
+ clock(10);
+ std.env.finish;
end process;
end behave;
-- Read data receive queue
data_queue: entity work.sync_fifo
- generic map (
- DEPTH => 16,
- WIDTH => rd_data'length
- )
+ generic map (
+ DEPTH => 16,
+ WIDTH => rd_data'length
+ )
port map (
clk => clk,
reset => soc_rst or reset_acks,
i_out => i_in,
m_in => m_out,
stall_in => '0',
- flush_in => '0',
+ flush_in => '0',
inval_in => '0',
wishbone_out => wb_bram_in,
wishbone_in => wb_bram_out
i_out.req <= '0';
i_out.nia <= (others => '0');
- i_out.stop_mark <= '0';
+ i_out.stop_mark <= '0';
m_out.tlbld <= '0';
m_out.tlbie <= '0';
assert i_in.valid = '1' severity failure;
assert i_in.insn = x"00000001"
- report "insn @" & to_hstring(i_out.nia) &
- "=" & to_hstring(i_in.insn) &
- " expected 00000001"
- severity failure;
+ report "insn @" & to_hstring(i_out.nia) &
+ "=" & to_hstring(i_in.insn) &
+ " expected 00000001"
+ severity failure;
i_out.req <= '0';
wait until rising_edge(clk);
assert i_in.valid = '1' severity failure;
assert i_in.insn = x"00000002"
- report "insn @" & to_hstring(i_out.nia) &
- "=" & to_hstring(i_in.insn) &
- " expected 00000002"
- severity failure;
+ report "insn @" & to_hstring(i_out.nia) &
+ "=" & to_hstring(i_in.insn) &
+ " expected 00000002"
+ severity failure;
wait until rising_edge(clk);
-- another miss
assert i_in.valid = '1' severity failure;
assert i_in.insn = x"00000010"
- report "insn @" & to_hstring(i_out.nia) &
- "=" & to_hstring(i_in.insn) &
- " expected 00000010"
- severity failure;
+ report "insn @" & to_hstring(i_out.nia) &
+ "=" & to_hstring(i_in.insn) &
+ " expected 00000010"
+ severity failure;
-- test something that aliases
i_out.req <= '1';
assert i_in.valid = '1' severity failure;
assert i_in.insn = x"00000040"
- report "insn @" & to_hstring(i_out.nia) &
- "=" & to_hstring(i_in.insn) &
- " expected 00000040"
- severity failure;
+ report "insn @" & to_hstring(i_out.nia) &
+ "=" & to_hstring(i_in.insn) &
+ " expected 00000040"
+ severity failure;
i_out.req <= '0';
clk => clk,
rst => rst,
- acc => acc,
- acc_en => acc_en,
- lru => lru
+ acc => acc,
+ acc_en => acc_en,
+ lru => lru
clk_process: process
stim: process
- wait for 4*clk_period;
- report "accessing 1:";
- acc <= "001";
- acc_en <= '1';
- wait for clk_period;
- report "lru:" & to_hstring(lru);
- report "accessing 2:";
- acc <= "010";
- wait for clk_period;
- report "lru:" & to_hstring(lru);
- report "accessing 7:";
- acc <= "111";
- wait for clk_period;
- report "lru:" & to_hstring(lru);
- report "accessing 4:";
- acc <= "100";
- wait for clk_period;
- report "lru:" & to_hstring(lru);
- report "accessing 3:";
- acc <= "011";
- wait for clk_period;
- report "lru:" & to_hstring(lru);
- report "accessing 5:";
- acc <= "101";
- wait for clk_period;
- report "lru:" & to_hstring(lru);
- report "accessing 3:";
- acc <= "011";
- wait for clk_period;
- report "lru:" & to_hstring(lru);
- report "accessing 5:";
- acc <= "101";
- wait for clk_period;
- report "lru:" & to_hstring(lru);
- report "accessing 6:";
- acc <= "110";
- wait for clk_period;
- report "lru:" & to_hstring(lru);
- report "accessing 0:";
- acc <= "000";
- wait for clk_period;
- report "lru:" & to_hstring(lru);
+ wait for 4*clk_period;
+ report "accessing 1:";
+ acc <= "001";
+ acc_en <= '1';
+ wait for clk_period;
+ report "lru:" & to_hstring(lru);
+ report "accessing 2:";
+ acc <= "010";
+ wait for clk_period;
+ report "lru:" & to_hstring(lru);
+ report "accessing 7:";
+ acc <= "111";
+ wait for clk_period;
+ report "lru:" & to_hstring(lru);
+ report "accessing 4:";
+ acc <= "100";
+ wait for clk_period;
+ report "lru:" & to_hstring(lru);
+ report "accessing 3:";
+ acc <= "011";
+ wait for clk_period;
+ report "lru:" & to_hstring(lru);
+ report "accessing 5:";
+ acc <= "101";
+ wait for clk_period;
+ report "lru:" & to_hstring(lru);
+ report "accessing 3:";
+ acc <= "011";
+ wait for clk_period;
+ report "lru:" & to_hstring(lru);
+ report "accessing 5:";
+ acc <= "101";
+ wait for clk_period;
+ report "lru:" & to_hstring(lru);
+ report "accessing 6:";
+ acc <= "110";
+ wait for clk_period;
+ report "lru:" & to_hstring(lru);
+ report "accessing 0:";
+ acc <= "000";
+ wait for clk_period;
+ report "lru:" & to_hstring(lru);
end process;
rotator_0: entity work.rotator
- port map (
- rs => rs,
- ra => ra,
- shift => shift,
- insn => insn,
- is_32bit => is_32bit,
- right_shift => right_shift,
- arith => arith,
- clear_left => clear_left,
- clear_right => clear_right,
+ port map (
+ rs => rs,
+ ra => ra,
+ shift => shift,
+ insn => insn,
+ is_32bit => is_32bit,
+ right_shift => right_shift,
+ arith => arith,
+ clear_left => clear_left,
+ clear_right => clear_right,
sign_ext_rs => extsw,
- result => result,
- carry_out => carry_out
- );
+ result => result,
+ carry_out => carry_out
+ );
stim_process: process
variable behave_ra: std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
- variable behave_ca_ra: std_ulogic_vector(64 downto 0);
+ variable behave_ca_ra: std_ulogic_vector(64 downto 0);
- -- rlwinm, rlwnm
+ -- rlwinm, rlwnm
report "test rlw[i]nm";
- ra <= (others => '0');
- is_32bit <= '1';
- right_shift <= '0';
- arith <= '0';
- clear_left <= '1';
- clear_right <= '1';
+ ra <= (others => '0');
+ is_32bit <= '1';
+ right_shift <= '0';
+ arith <= '0';
+ clear_left <= '1';
+ clear_right <= '1';
extsw <= '0';
rlwnm_loop : for i in 0 to 1000 loop
- rs <= pseudorand(64);
- shift <= pseudorand(7);
- insn <= x"00000" & '0' & pseudorand(10) & '0';
- wait for clk_period;
- behave_ra := ppc_rlwinm(rs, shift(4 downto 0), insn_mb32(insn), insn_me32(insn));
- assert behave_ra = result
- report "bad rlwnm expected " & to_hstring(behave_ra) & " got " & to_hstring(result);
+ rs <= pseudorand(64);
+ shift <= pseudorand(7);
+ insn <= x"00000" & '0' & pseudorand(10) & '0';
+ wait for clk_period;
+ behave_ra := ppc_rlwinm(rs, shift(4 downto 0), insn_mb32(insn), insn_me32(insn));
+ assert behave_ra = result
+ report "bad rlwnm expected " & to_hstring(behave_ra) & " got " & to_hstring(result);
end loop;
- -- rlwimi
+ -- rlwimi
report "test rlwimi";
- is_32bit <= '1';
- right_shift <= '0';
- arith <= '0';
- clear_left <= '1';
- clear_right <= '1';
+ is_32bit <= '1';
+ right_shift <= '0';
+ arith <= '0';
+ clear_left <= '1';
+ clear_right <= '1';
rlwimi_loop : for i in 0 to 1000 loop
- rs <= pseudorand(64);
- ra <= pseudorand(64);
- shift <= "00" & pseudorand(5);
- insn <= x"00000" & '0' & pseudorand(10) & '0';
- wait for clk_period;
- behave_ra := ppc_rlwimi(ra, rs, shift(4 downto 0), insn_mb32(insn), insn_me32(insn));
- assert behave_ra = result
- report "bad rlwimi expected " & to_hstring(behave_ra) & " got " & to_hstring(result);
+ rs <= pseudorand(64);
+ ra <= pseudorand(64);
+ shift <= "00" & pseudorand(5);
+ insn <= x"00000" & '0' & pseudorand(10) & '0';
+ wait for clk_period;
+ behave_ra := ppc_rlwimi(ra, rs, shift(4 downto 0), insn_mb32(insn), insn_me32(insn));
+ assert behave_ra = result
+ report "bad rlwimi expected " & to_hstring(behave_ra) & " got " & to_hstring(result);
end loop;
- -- rldicl, rldcl
+ -- rldicl, rldcl
report "test rld[i]cl";
- ra <= (others => '0');
- is_32bit <= '0';
- right_shift <= '0';
- arith <= '0';
- clear_left <= '1';
- clear_right <= '0';
+ ra <= (others => '0');
+ is_32bit <= '0';
+ right_shift <= '0';
+ arith <= '0';
+ clear_left <= '1';
+ clear_right <= '0';
rldicl_loop : for i in 0 to 1000 loop
- rs <= pseudorand(64);
- shift <= pseudorand(7);
- insn <= x"00000" & '0' & pseudorand(10) & '0';
- wait for clk_period;
- behave_ra := ppc_rldicl(rs, shift(5 downto 0), insn_mb(insn));
- assert behave_ra = result
- report "bad rldicl expected " & to_hstring(behave_ra) & " got " & to_hstring(result);
+ rs <= pseudorand(64);
+ shift <= pseudorand(7);
+ insn <= x"00000" & '0' & pseudorand(10) & '0';
+ wait for clk_period;
+ behave_ra := ppc_rldicl(rs, shift(5 downto 0), insn_mb(insn));
+ assert behave_ra = result
+ report "bad rldicl expected " & to_hstring(behave_ra) & " got " & to_hstring(result);
end loop;
- -- rldicr, rldcr
+ -- rldicr, rldcr
report "test rld[i]cr";
- ra <= (others => '0');
- is_32bit <= '0';
- right_shift <= '0';
- arith <= '0';
- clear_left <= '0';
- clear_right <= '1';
+ ra <= (others => '0');
+ is_32bit <= '0';
+ right_shift <= '0';
+ arith <= '0';
+ clear_left <= '0';
+ clear_right <= '1';
rldicr_loop : for i in 0 to 1000 loop
- rs <= pseudorand(64);
- shift <= pseudorand(7);
- insn <= x"00000" & '0' & pseudorand(10) & '0';
- wait for clk_period;
- behave_ra := ppc_rldicr(rs, shift(5 downto 0), insn_me(insn));
- --report "rs = " & to_hstring(rs);
- --report "ra = " & to_hstring(ra);
- --report "shift = " & to_hstring(shift);
- --report "insn me = " & to_hstring(insn_me(insn));
- --report "result = " & to_hstring(result);
- assert behave_ra = result
- report "bad rldicr expected " & to_hstring(behave_ra) & " got " & to_hstring(result);
+ rs <= pseudorand(64);
+ shift <= pseudorand(7);
+ insn <= x"00000" & '0' & pseudorand(10) & '0';
+ wait for clk_period;
+ behave_ra := ppc_rldicr(rs, shift(5 downto 0), insn_me(insn));
+ --report "rs = " & to_hstring(rs);
+ --report "ra = " & to_hstring(ra);
+ --report "shift = " & to_hstring(shift);
+ --report "insn me = " & to_hstring(insn_me(insn));
+ --report "result = " & to_hstring(result);
+ assert behave_ra = result
+ report "bad rldicr expected " & to_hstring(behave_ra) & " got " & to_hstring(result);
end loop;
- -- rldic
+ -- rldic
report "test rldic";
- ra <= (others => '0');
- is_32bit <= '0';
- right_shift <= '0';
- arith <= '0';
- clear_left <= '1';
- clear_right <= '1';
+ ra <= (others => '0');
+ is_32bit <= '0';
+ right_shift <= '0';
+ arith <= '0';
+ clear_left <= '1';
+ clear_right <= '1';
rldic_loop : for i in 0 to 1000 loop
- rs <= pseudorand(64);
- shift <= '0' & pseudorand(6);
- insn <= x"00000" & '0' & pseudorand(10) & '0';
- wait for clk_period;
- behave_ra := ppc_rldic(rs, shift(5 downto 0), insn_mb(insn));
- assert behave_ra = result
- report "bad rldic expected " & to_hstring(behave_ra) & " got " & to_hstring(result);
+ rs <= pseudorand(64);
+ shift <= '0' & pseudorand(6);
+ insn <= x"00000" & '0' & pseudorand(10) & '0';
+ wait for clk_period;
+ behave_ra := ppc_rldic(rs, shift(5 downto 0), insn_mb(insn));
+ assert behave_ra = result
+ report "bad rldic expected " & to_hstring(behave_ra) & " got " & to_hstring(result);
end loop;
- -- rldimi
+ -- rldimi
report "test rldimi";
- is_32bit <= '0';
- right_shift <= '0';
- arith <= '0';
- clear_left <= '1';
- clear_right <= '1';
+ is_32bit <= '0';
+ right_shift <= '0';
+ arith <= '0';
+ clear_left <= '1';
+ clear_right <= '1';
rldimi_loop : for i in 0 to 1000 loop
- rs <= pseudorand(64);
- ra <= pseudorand(64);
- shift <= '0' & pseudorand(6);
- insn <= x"00000" & '0' & pseudorand(10) & '0';
- wait for clk_period;
- behave_ra := ppc_rldimi(ra, rs, shift(5 downto 0), insn_mb(insn));
- assert behave_ra = result
- report "bad rldimi expected " & to_hstring(behave_ra) & " got " & to_hstring(result);
+ rs <= pseudorand(64);
+ ra <= pseudorand(64);
+ shift <= '0' & pseudorand(6);
+ insn <= x"00000" & '0' & pseudorand(10) & '0';
+ wait for clk_period;
+ behave_ra := ppc_rldimi(ra, rs, shift(5 downto 0), insn_mb(insn));
+ assert behave_ra = result
+ report "bad rldimi expected " & to_hstring(behave_ra) & " got " & to_hstring(result);
end loop;
- -- slw
+ -- slw
report "test slw";
- ra <= (others => '0');
- is_32bit <= '1';
- right_shift <= '0';
- arith <= '0';
- clear_left <= '0';
- clear_right <= '0';
+ ra <= (others => '0');
+ is_32bit <= '1';
+ right_shift <= '0';
+ arith <= '0';
+ clear_left <= '0';
+ clear_right <= '0';
slw_loop : for i in 0 to 1000 loop
- rs <= pseudorand(64);
- shift <= pseudorand(7);
- wait for clk_period;
- behave_ra := ppc_slw(rs, std_ulogic_vector(resize(unsigned(shift), 64)));
- assert behave_ra = result
- report "bad slw expected " & to_hstring(behave_ra) & " got " & to_hstring(result);
+ rs <= pseudorand(64);
+ shift <= pseudorand(7);
+ wait for clk_period;
+ behave_ra := ppc_slw(rs, std_ulogic_vector(resize(unsigned(shift), 64)));
+ assert behave_ra = result
+ report "bad slw expected " & to_hstring(behave_ra) & " got " & to_hstring(result);
end loop;
- -- sld
+ -- sld
report "test sld";
- ra <= (others => '0');
- is_32bit <= '0';
- right_shift <= '0';
- arith <= '0';
- clear_left <= '0';
- clear_right <= '0';
+ ra <= (others => '0');
+ is_32bit <= '0';
+ right_shift <= '0';
+ arith <= '0';
+ clear_left <= '0';
+ clear_right <= '0';
sld_loop : for i in 0 to 1000 loop
- rs <= pseudorand(64);
- shift <= pseudorand(7);
- wait for clk_period;
- behave_ra := ppc_sld(rs, std_ulogic_vector(resize(unsigned(shift), 64)));
- assert behave_ra = result
- report "bad sld expected " & to_hstring(behave_ra) & " got " & to_hstring(result);
+ rs <= pseudorand(64);
+ shift <= pseudorand(7);
+ wait for clk_period;
+ behave_ra := ppc_sld(rs, std_ulogic_vector(resize(unsigned(shift), 64)));
+ assert behave_ra = result
+ report "bad sld expected " & to_hstring(behave_ra) & " got " & to_hstring(result);
end loop;
- -- srw
+ -- srw
report "test srw";
- ra <= (others => '0');
- is_32bit <= '1';
- right_shift <= '1';
- arith <= '0';
- clear_left <= '0';
- clear_right <= '0';
+ ra <= (others => '0');
+ is_32bit <= '1';
+ right_shift <= '1';
+ arith <= '0';
+ clear_left <= '0';
+ clear_right <= '0';
srw_loop : for i in 0 to 1000 loop
- rs <= pseudorand(64);
- shift <= pseudorand(7);
- wait for clk_period;
- behave_ra := ppc_srw(rs, std_ulogic_vector(resize(unsigned(shift), 64)));
- assert behave_ra = result
- report "bad srw expected " & to_hstring(behave_ra) & " got " & to_hstring(result);
+ rs <= pseudorand(64);
+ shift <= pseudorand(7);
+ wait for clk_period;
+ behave_ra := ppc_srw(rs, std_ulogic_vector(resize(unsigned(shift), 64)));
+ assert behave_ra = result
+ report "bad srw expected " & to_hstring(behave_ra) & " got " & to_hstring(result);
end loop;
- -- srd
+ -- srd
report "test srd";
- ra <= (others => '0');
- is_32bit <= '0';
- right_shift <= '1';
- arith <= '0';
- clear_left <= '0';
- clear_right <= '0';
+ ra <= (others => '0');
+ is_32bit <= '0';
+ right_shift <= '1';
+ arith <= '0';
+ clear_left <= '0';
+ clear_right <= '0';
srd_loop : for i in 0 to 1000 loop
- rs <= pseudorand(64);
- shift <= pseudorand(7);
- wait for clk_period;
- behave_ra := ppc_srd(rs, std_ulogic_vector(resize(unsigned(shift), 64)));
- assert behave_ra = result
- report "bad srd expected " & to_hstring(behave_ra) & " got " & to_hstring(result);
+ rs <= pseudorand(64);
+ shift <= pseudorand(7);
+ wait for clk_period;
+ behave_ra := ppc_srd(rs, std_ulogic_vector(resize(unsigned(shift), 64)));
+ assert behave_ra = result
+ report "bad srd expected " & to_hstring(behave_ra) & " got " & to_hstring(result);
end loop;
- -- sraw[i]
+ -- sraw[i]
report "test sraw[i]";
- ra <= (others => '0');
- is_32bit <= '1';
- right_shift <= '1';
- arith <= '1';
- clear_left <= '0';
- clear_right <= '0';
+ ra <= (others => '0');
+ is_32bit <= '1';
+ right_shift <= '1';
+ arith <= '1';
+ clear_left <= '0';
+ clear_right <= '0';
sraw_loop : for i in 0 to 1000 loop
- rs <= pseudorand(64);
- shift <= '0' & pseudorand(6);
- wait for clk_period;
- behave_ca_ra := ppc_sraw(rs, std_ulogic_vector(resize(unsigned(shift), 64)));
- --report "rs = " & to_hstring(rs);
- --report "ra = " & to_hstring(ra);
- --report "shift = " & to_hstring(shift);
- --report "result = " & to_hstring(carry_out & result);
- assert behave_ca_ra(63 downto 0) = result and behave_ca_ra(64) = carry_out
- report "bad sraw expected " & to_hstring(behave_ca_ra) & " got " & to_hstring(carry_out & result);
+ rs <= pseudorand(64);
+ shift <= '0' & pseudorand(6);
+ wait for clk_period;
+ behave_ca_ra := ppc_sraw(rs, std_ulogic_vector(resize(unsigned(shift), 64)));
+ --report "rs = " & to_hstring(rs);
+ --report "ra = " & to_hstring(ra);
+ --report "shift = " & to_hstring(shift);
+ --report "result = " & to_hstring(carry_out & result);
+ assert behave_ca_ra(63 downto 0) = result and behave_ca_ra(64) = carry_out
+ report "bad sraw expected " & to_hstring(behave_ca_ra) & " got " & to_hstring(carry_out & result);
end loop;
- -- srad[i]
+ -- srad[i]
report "test srad[i]";
- ra <= (others => '0');
- is_32bit <= '0';
- right_shift <= '1';
- arith <= '1';
- clear_left <= '0';
- clear_right <= '0';
+ ra <= (others => '0');
+ is_32bit <= '0';
+ right_shift <= '1';
+ arith <= '1';
+ clear_left <= '0';
+ clear_right <= '0';
srad_loop : for i in 0 to 1000 loop
- rs <= pseudorand(64);
- shift <= pseudorand(7);
- wait for clk_period;
- behave_ca_ra := ppc_srad(rs, std_ulogic_vector(resize(unsigned(shift), 64)));
- --report "rs = " & to_hstring(rs);
- --report "ra = " & to_hstring(ra);
- --report "shift = " & to_hstring(shift);
- --report "result = " & to_hstring(carry_out & result);
- assert behave_ca_ra(63 downto 0) = result and behave_ca_ra(64) = carry_out
- report "bad srad expected " & to_hstring(behave_ca_ra) & " got " & to_hstring(carry_out & result);
+ rs <= pseudorand(64);
+ shift <= pseudorand(7);
+ wait for clk_period;
+ behave_ca_ra := ppc_srad(rs, std_ulogic_vector(resize(unsigned(shift), 64)));
+ --report "rs = " & to_hstring(rs);
+ --report "ra = " & to_hstring(ra);
+ --report "shift = " & to_hstring(shift);
+ --report "result = " & to_hstring(carry_out & result);
+ assert behave_ca_ra(63 downto 0) = result and behave_ca_ra(64) = carry_out
+ report "bad srad expected " & to_hstring(behave_ca_ra) & " got " & to_hstring(carry_out & result);
end loop;
-- extswsli
report "test extswsli";
ra <= (others => '0');
- is_32bit <= '0';
- right_shift <= '0';
- arith <= '0';
- clear_left <= '0';
- clear_right <= '0';
+ is_32bit <= '0';
+ right_shift <= '0';
+ arith <= '0';
+ clear_left <= '0';
+ clear_right <= '0';
extsw <= '1';
extswsli_loop : for i in 0 to 1000 loop
- rs <= pseudorand(64);
- shift <= '0' & pseudorand(6);
- wait for clk_period;
- behave_ra := rs;
+ rs <= pseudorand(64);
+ shift <= '0' & pseudorand(6);
+ wait for clk_period;
+ behave_ra := rs;
behave_ra(63 downto 32) := (others => rs(31));
behave_ra := std_ulogic_vector(shift_left(unsigned(behave_ra),
- --report "rs = " & to_hstring(rs);
- --report "ra = " & to_hstring(ra);
- --report "shift = " & to_hstring(shift);
- --report "result = " & to_hstring(carry_out & result);
- assert behave_ra = result
- report "bad extswsli expected " & to_hstring(behave_ra) & " got " & to_hstring(result);
+ --report "rs = " & to_hstring(rs);
+ --report "ra = " & to_hstring(ra);
+ --report "shift = " & to_hstring(shift);
+ --report "result = " & to_hstring(carry_out & result);
+ assert behave_ra = result
+ report "bad extswsli expected " & to_hstring(behave_ra) & " got " & to_hstring(result);
end loop;
impure function to_adr(a: integer) return std_ulogic_vector is
- return std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(a, w_out.adr'length));
+ return std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(a, w_out.adr'length));
simple_ram_0: entity work.wishbone_bram_wrapper
w_out.cyc <= '1';
- -- Test read 0
+ -- Test read 0
w_out.stb <= '1';
w_out.sel <= "11111111";
w_out.adr <= to_adr(0);
wait until rising_edge(clk);
assert w_in.ack = '0';
- -- Test read 8
+ -- Test read 8
w_out.stb <= '1';
w_out.sel <= "11111111";
w_out.adr <= to_adr(8);
wait until rising_edge(clk);
assert w_in.ack = '0';
- -- Test write byte at 0
+ -- Test write byte at 0
w_out.stb <= '1';
w_out.sel <= "00000001";
w_out.adr <= to_adr(0);
wait until rising_edge(clk);
assert w_in.ack = '0';
- -- Test read back
+ -- Test read back
w_out.stb <= '1';
w_out.sel <= "11111111";
w_out.adr <= to_adr(0);
wait until rising_edge(clk);
assert w_in.ack = '0';
- -- Test write dword at 4
+ -- Test write dword at 4
w_out.stb <= '1';
w_out.sel <= "11110000";
w_out.adr <= to_adr(0);
wait until rising_edge(clk);
assert w_in.ack = '0';
- -- Test read back
+ -- Test read back
w_out.stb <= '1';
w_out.sel <= "11111111";
w_out.adr <= to_adr(0);
wait until rising_edge(clk);
assert w_in.ack = '0';
- -- Test write qword at 8
+ -- Test write qword at 8
w_out.stb <= '1';
w_out.sel <= "11111111";
w_out.adr <= to_adr(8);
wait until rising_edge(clk);
assert w_in.ack = '0';
- -- Test read back
+ -- Test read back
w_out.stb <= '1';
w_out.sel <= "11111111";
w_out.adr <= to_adr(8);