, conflict_budget (-1)
, propagation_budget (-1)
, asynch_interrupt (false)
proxy->theoryCheck(effort, clause);
int clause_size = clause.size();
if(clause_size > 0) {
- // Do some normalization
- sort(clause);
- // Find the max level of the conflict and normalize the clause
+ // Find the max level of the conflict
int max_level = 0;
int max_intro_level = 0;
- int i, j = 0;
- Lit p = lit_Undef;
- for (i = 0; i < clause_size; ++i) {
- if (clause[i] == p) continue;
+ for (int i = 0; i < clause_size; ++i) {
Var v = var(clause[i]);
int current_level = level(v);
int current_intro_level = intro_level(v);
Debug("minisat") << "Literal: " << clause[i] << " with reason " << reason(v) << " at level " << current_level << std::endl;
- Assert(value(clause[i]) == l_False, "Got an non-true literal in conflict!");
+ Assert(value(clause[i]) != l_Undef, "Got an unassigned literal in conflict!");
if (current_level > max_level) max_level = current_level;
if (current_intro_level > max_intro_level) max_intro_level = current_intro_level;
- p = clause[j ++] = clause[i];
- clause.shrink(i - j);
- // If there is only one literal add an extra false literal
- if (clause.size() == 1) {
- Debug("unit-conflicts") << "Unit conflict!" << proxy->getNode(clause[0]) << std::endl;
- clause.push(false_literal);
+ // Unit conflict, we just duplicate the first literal
+ if (clause_size == 1) {
+ clause.push(clause[0]);
+ Debug("unit-conflict") << "Unit conflict" << proxy->getNode(clause[0]) << std::endl;
// If smaller than the decision level then pop back so we can analyse
Debug("minisat") << "Max-level is " << max_level << " in decision level " << decisionLevel() << std::endl;
ca.extra_clause_field = true; // NOTE: must happen before allocating the dummy clause below.
bwdsub_tmpunit = ca.alloc(0, dummy);
remove_satisfied = false;
- // Add the true literal immediately
- Var true_variable = newVar(false, false, false);
- setFrozen(true_variable, true);
- false_literal = mkLit(true_variable, true);
- uncheckedEnqueue(~false_literal, CRef_Undef);