+++ /dev/null
-module forloop_select #(parameter WIDTH=256, SELW=4)
- (input clk ,
- input [9:0] ctrl ,
- input [15:0] din ,
- input en,
- output reg [WIDTH-1:0] dout);
- reg [SELW-1:0] sel;
- localparam SLICE = WIDTH/(SELW**2);
- always @(posedge clk)
- begin
- if (en) begin
- for (sel = 0; sel < 4'hf; sel=sel+1'b1)
- dout[(ctrl*sel)+:SLICE] <= din;
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-#### Original testcase ###
-read_verilog ../common/dynamic_part_select/original.v
-hierarchy -top original
-prep -flatten -top original
-design -save gold
-equiv_opt -run :prove -map +/xilinx/cells_sim.v synth_xilinx -noiopad
-miter -equiv -make_assert -flatten gold gate miter
-sat -verify -prove-asserts -show-public -seq 10 -prove-skip 1 miter
-### Multiple blocking assingments ###
-read_verilog ../common/dynamic_part_select/multiple_blocking.v
-hierarchy -top multiple_blocking
-prep -flatten -top multiple_blocking
-design -save gold
-equiv_opt -run :prove -map +/xilinx/cells_sim.v synth_xilinx -noiopad
-miter -equiv -make_assert -flatten gold gate miter
-sat -verify -prove-asserts -show-public -seq 10 -prove-skip 1 miter
-### Non-blocking to the same output register ###
-read_verilog ../common/dynamic_part_select/nonblocking.v
-hierarchy -top nonblocking
-prep -flatten -top nonblocking
-design -save gold
-equiv_opt -run :prove -map +/xilinx/cells_sim.v synth_xilinx -noiopad
-miter -equiv -make_assert -flatten gold gate miter
-sat -verify -prove-asserts -show-public -seq 10 -prove-skip 1 miter
-### For-loop select, one dynamic input
-read_verilog ../common/dynamic_part_select/forloop_select.v
-hierarchy -top forloop_select
-prep -flatten -top forloop_select
-design -save gold
-equiv_opt -run :prove -map +/xilinx/cells_sim.v synth_xilinx -noiopad
-miter -equiv -make_assert -flatten gold gate miter
-sat -verify -prove-asserts -show-public -seq 5 -prove-skip 1 miter
-### Double loop (part-select, reset) ###
-read_verilog ../common/dynamic_part_select/reset_test.v
-hierarchy -top reset_test
-prep -flatten -top reset_test
-design -save gold
-equiv_opt -run :prove -map +/xilinx/cells_sim.v synth_xilinx -noiopad
-miter -equiv -make_assert -flatten gold gate miter
-sat -verify -prove-asserts -show-public -seq 10 -prove-skip 1 miter
-### Reversed part-select case ###
-read_verilog ../common/dynamic_part_select/reversed.v
-hierarchy -top reversed
-prep -flatten -top reversed
-design -save gold
-equiv_opt -run :prove -map +/xilinx/cells_sim.v synth_xilinx -noiopad
-miter -equiv -make_assert -flatten gold gate miter
-sat -verify -prove-asserts -show-public -seq 20 -prove-skip 1 miter
--- /dev/null
+### Original testcase ###
+read_verilog ./dynamic_part_select/original.v
+hierarchy -top original; proc; opt;
+prep -flatten -top original
+rename -top gold
+design -stash gold
+read_verilog ./dynamic_part_select/original_gate.v
+hierarchy -top original_gate; proc; opt;
+prep -flatten -top original_gate
+rename -top gate
+design -stash gate
+design -copy-from gold -as gold gold
+design -copy-from gate -as gate gate
+miter -equiv -make_assert -make_outcmp -flatten gold gate equiv
+hierarchy -top equiv
+sat -prove-asserts -seq 10 -show-public -verify -set-init-zero -ignore_unknown_cells equiv
+### Multiple blocking assingments ###
+read_verilog ./dynamic_part_select/multiple_blocking.v
+hierarchy -top multiple_blocking; proc; opt;
+prep -flatten -top multiple_blocking
+rename -top gold
+design -stash gold
+read_verilog ./dynamic_part_select/multiple_blocking_gate.v
+hierarchy -top multiple_blocking_gate; proc; opt;
+prep -flatten -top multiple_blocking_gate
+rename -top gate
+design -stash gate
+design -copy-from gold -as gold gold
+design -copy-from gate -as gate gate
+miter -equiv -make_assert -make_outcmp -flatten gold gate equiv
+hierarchy -top equiv
+sat -prove-asserts -seq 10 -show-public -verify -set-init-zero -ignore_unknown_cells equiv
+### Non-blocking to the same output register ###
+read_verilog ./dynamic_part_select/nonblocking.v
+hierarchy -top nonblocking; proc; opt;
+prep -flatten -top nonblocking
+rename -top gold
+design -stash gold
+read_verilog ./dynamic_part_select/nonblocking_gate.v
+hierarchy -top nonblocking_gate; proc; opt;
+prep -flatten -top nonblocking_gate
+rename -top gate
+design -stash gate
+design -copy-from gold -as gold gold
+design -copy-from gate -as gate gate
+miter -equiv -make_assert -make_outcmp -flatten gold gate equiv
+hierarchy -top equiv
+sat -prove-asserts -seq 10 -show-public -verify -set-init-zero -ignore_unknown_cells equiv
+### For-loop select, one dynamic input
+read_verilog ./dynamic_part_select/forloop_select.v
+hierarchy -top forloop_select; proc; opt;
+prep -flatten -top forloop_select
+rename -top gold
+design -stash gold
+read_verilog ./dynamic_part_select/forloop_select_gate.v
+hierarchy -top forloop_select_gate; proc; opt;
+prep -flatten -top forloop_select_gate
+rename -top gate
+design -stash gate
+design -copy-from gold -as gold gold
+design -copy-from gate -as gate gate
+miter -equiv -make_assert -make_outcmp -flatten gold gate equiv
+hierarchy -top equiv
+sat -prove-asserts -seq 10 -show-public -verify -set-init-zero -ignore_unknown_cells equiv
+#### Double loop (part-select, reset) ###
+read_verilog ./dynamic_part_select/reset_test.v
+hierarchy -top reset_test; proc; opt;
+prep -flatten -top reset_test
+rename -top gold
+design -stash gold
+read_verilog ./dynamic_part_select/reset_test_gate.v
+hierarchy -top reset_test_gate; proc; opt;
+prep -flatten -top reset_test_gate
+rename -top gate
+design -stash gate
+design -copy-from gold -as gold gold
+design -copy-from gate -as gate gate
+miter -equiv -make_assert -make_outcmp -flatten gold gate equiv
+hierarchy -top equiv
+sat -prove-asserts -seq 10 -show-public -verify -set-init-zero -ignore_unknown_cells equiv
+### Reversed part-select case ###
+read_verilog ./dynamic_part_select/reversed.v
+hierarchy -top reversed; proc; opt;
+prep -flatten -top reversed
+rename -top gold
+design -stash gold
+read_verilog ./dynamic_part_select/reversed_gate.v
+hierarchy -top reversed_gate; proc; opt;
+prep -flatten -top reversed_gate
+rename -top gate
+design -stash gate
+design -copy-from gold -as gold gold
+design -copy-from gate -as gate gate
+miter -equiv -make_assert -make_outcmp -flatten gold gate equiv
+hierarchy -top equiv
+sat -prove-asserts -seq 10 -show-public -verify -set-init-zero -ignore_unknown_cells equiv
--- /dev/null
+module forloop_select #(parameter WIDTH=16, SELW=4, CTRLW=$clog2(WIDTH), DINW=2**SELW)
+ (input clk,
+ input [CTRLW-1:0] ctrl,
+ input [DINW-1:0] din,
+ input en,
+ output reg [WIDTH-1:0] dout);
+ reg [SELW:0] sel;
+ localparam SLICE = WIDTH/(SELW**2);
+ always @(posedge clk)
+ begin
+ if (en) begin
+ for (sel = 0; sel <= 4'hf; sel=sel+1'b1)
+ dout[(ctrl*sel)+:SLICE] <= din;
+ end
+ end
--- /dev/null
+module forloop_select_gate (clk, ctrl, din, en, dout);
+ input clk;
+ input [3:0] ctrl;
+ input [15:0] din;
+ input en;
+ output reg [15:0] dout;
+ reg [4:0] sel;
+ always @(posedge clk)
+ case (|(en))
+ 1'b 1:
+ begin
+ case (({(ctrl)*(0)})+(0))
+ 0:
+ dout[0:0] <= din;
+ 1:
+ dout[1:1] <= din;
+ 2:
+ dout[2:2] <= din;
+ 3:
+ dout[3:3] <= din;
+ 4:
+ dout[4:4] <= din;
+ 5:
+ dout[5:5] <= din;
+ 6:
+ dout[6:6] <= din;
+ 7:
+ dout[7:7] <= din;
+ 8:
+ dout[8:8] <= din;
+ 9:
+ dout[9:9] <= din;
+ 10:
+ dout[10:10] <= din;
+ 11:
+ dout[11:11] <= din;
+ 12:
+ dout[12:12] <= din;
+ 13:
+ dout[13:13] <= din;
+ 14:
+ dout[14:14] <= din;
+ 15:
+ dout[15:15] <= din;
+ endcase
+ case (({(ctrl)*(5'b 00001)})+(0))
+ 0:
+ dout[0:0] <= din;
+ 1:
+ dout[1:1] <= din;
+ 2:
+ dout[2:2] <= din;
+ 3:
+ dout[3:3] <= din;
+ 4:
+ dout[4:4] <= din;
+ 5:
+ dout[5:5] <= din;
+ 6:
+ dout[6:6] <= din;
+ 7:
+ dout[7:7] <= din;
+ 8:
+ dout[8:8] <= din;
+ 9:
+ dout[9:9] <= din;
+ 10:
+ dout[10:10] <= din;
+ 11:
+ dout[11:11] <= din;
+ 12:
+ dout[12:12] <= din;
+ 13:
+ dout[13:13] <= din;
+ 14:
+ dout[14:14] <= din;
+ 15:
+ dout[15:15] <= din;
+ endcase
+ case (({(ctrl)*(5'b 00010)})+(0))
+ 0:
+ dout[0:0] <= din;
+ 1:
+ dout[1:1] <= din;
+ 2:
+ dout[2:2] <= din;
+ 3:
+ dout[3:3] <= din;
+ 4:
+ dout[4:4] <= din;
+ 5:
+ dout[5:5] <= din;
+ 6:
+ dout[6:6] <= din;
+ 7:
+ dout[7:7] <= din;
+ 8:
+ dout[8:8] <= din;
+ 9:
+ dout[9:9] <= din;
+ 10:
+ dout[10:10] <= din;
+ 11:
+ dout[11:11] <= din;
+ 12:
+ dout[12:12] <= din;
+ 13:
+ dout[13:13] <= din;
+ 14:
+ dout[14:14] <= din;
+ 15:
+ dout[15:15] <= din;
+ endcase
+ case (({(ctrl)*(5'b 00011)})+(0))
+ 0:
+ dout[0:0] <= din;
+ 1:
+ dout[1:1] <= din;
+ 2:
+ dout[2:2] <= din;
+ 3:
+ dout[3:3] <= din;
+ 4:
+ dout[4:4] <= din;
+ 5:
+ dout[5:5] <= din;
+ 6:
+ dout[6:6] <= din;
+ 7:
+ dout[7:7] <= din;
+ 8:
+ dout[8:8] <= din;
+ 9:
+ dout[9:9] <= din;
+ 10:
+ dout[10:10] <= din;
+ 11:
+ dout[11:11] <= din;
+ 12:
+ dout[12:12] <= din;
+ 13:
+ dout[13:13] <= din;
+ 14:
+ dout[14:14] <= din;
+ 15:
+ dout[15:15] <= din;
+ endcase
+ case (({(ctrl)*(5'b 00100)})+(0))
+ 0:
+ dout[0:0] <= din;
+ 1:
+ dout[1:1] <= din;
+ 2:
+ dout[2:2] <= din;
+ 3:
+ dout[3:3] <= din;
+ 4:
+ dout[4:4] <= din;
+ 5:
+ dout[5:5] <= din;
+ 6:
+ dout[6:6] <= din;
+ 7:
+ dout[7:7] <= din;
+ 8:
+ dout[8:8] <= din;
+ 9:
+ dout[9:9] <= din;
+ 10:
+ dout[10:10] <= din;
+ 11:
+ dout[11:11] <= din;
+ 12:
+ dout[12:12] <= din;
+ 13:
+ dout[13:13] <= din;
+ 14:
+ dout[14:14] <= din;
+ 15:
+ dout[15:15] <= din;
+ endcase
+ case (({(ctrl)*(5'b 00101)})+(0))
+ 0:
+ dout[0:0] <= din;
+ 1:
+ dout[1:1] <= din;
+ 2:
+ dout[2:2] <= din;
+ 3:
+ dout[3:3] <= din;
+ 4:
+ dout[4:4] <= din;
+ 5:
+ dout[5:5] <= din;
+ 6:
+ dout[6:6] <= din;
+ 7:
+ dout[7:7] <= din;
+ 8:
+ dout[8:8] <= din;
+ 9:
+ dout[9:9] <= din;
+ 10:
+ dout[10:10] <= din;
+ 11:
+ dout[11:11] <= din;
+ 12:
+ dout[12:12] <= din;
+ 13:
+ dout[13:13] <= din;
+ 14:
+ dout[14:14] <= din;
+ 15:
+ dout[15:15] <= din;
+ endcase
+ case (({(ctrl)*(5'b 00110)})+(0))
+ 0:
+ dout[0:0] <= din;
+ 1:
+ dout[1:1] <= din;
+ 2:
+ dout[2:2] <= din;
+ 3:
+ dout[3:3] <= din;
+ 4:
+ dout[4:4] <= din;
+ 5:
+ dout[5:5] <= din;
+ 6:
+ dout[6:6] <= din;
+ 7:
+ dout[7:7] <= din;
+ 8:
+ dout[8:8] <= din;
+ 9:
+ dout[9:9] <= din;
+ 10:
+ dout[10:10] <= din;
+ 11:
+ dout[11:11] <= din;
+ 12:
+ dout[12:12] <= din;
+ 13:
+ dout[13:13] <= din;
+ 14:
+ dout[14:14] <= din;
+ 15:
+ dout[15:15] <= din;
+ endcase
+ case (({(ctrl)*(5'b 00111)})+(0))
+ 0:
+ dout[0:0] <= din;
+ 1:
+ dout[1:1] <= din;
+ 2:
+ dout[2:2] <= din;
+ 3:
+ dout[3:3] <= din;
+ 4:
+ dout[4:4] <= din;
+ 5:
+ dout[5:5] <= din;
+ 6:
+ dout[6:6] <= din;
+ 7:
+ dout[7:7] <= din;
+ 8:
+ dout[8:8] <= din;
+ 9:
+ dout[9:9] <= din;
+ 10:
+ dout[10:10] <= din;
+ 11:
+ dout[11:11] <= din;
+ 12:
+ dout[12:12] <= din;
+ 13:
+ dout[13:13] <= din;
+ 14:
+ dout[14:14] <= din;
+ 15:
+ dout[15:15] <= din;
+ endcase
+ case (({(ctrl)*(5'b 01000)})+(0))
+ 0:
+ dout[0:0] <= din;
+ 1:
+ dout[1:1] <= din;
+ 2:
+ dout[2:2] <= din;
+ 3:
+ dout[3:3] <= din;
+ 4:
+ dout[4:4] <= din;
+ 5:
+ dout[5:5] <= din;
+ 6:
+ dout[6:6] <= din;
+ 7:
+ dout[7:7] <= din;
+ 8:
+ dout[8:8] <= din;
+ 9:
+ dout[9:9] <= din;
+ 10:
+ dout[10:10] <= din;
+ 11:
+ dout[11:11] <= din;
+ 12:
+ dout[12:12] <= din;
+ 13:
+ dout[13:13] <= din;
+ 14:
+ dout[14:14] <= din;
+ 15:
+ dout[15:15] <= din;
+ endcase
+ case (({(ctrl)*(5'b 01001)})+(0))
+ 0:
+ dout[0:0] <= din;
+ 1:
+ dout[1:1] <= din;
+ 2:
+ dout[2:2] <= din;
+ 3:
+ dout[3:3] <= din;
+ 4:
+ dout[4:4] <= din;
+ 5:
+ dout[5:5] <= din;
+ 6:
+ dout[6:6] <= din;
+ 7:
+ dout[7:7] <= din;
+ 8:
+ dout[8:8] <= din;
+ 9:
+ dout[9:9] <= din;
+ 10:
+ dout[10:10] <= din;
+ 11:
+ dout[11:11] <= din;
+ 12:
+ dout[12:12] <= din;
+ 13:
+ dout[13:13] <= din;
+ 14:
+ dout[14:14] <= din;
+ 15:
+ dout[15:15] <= din;
+ endcase
+ case (({(ctrl)*(5'b 01010)})+(0))
+ 0:
+ dout[0:0] <= din;
+ 1:
+ dout[1:1] <= din;
+ 2:
+ dout[2:2] <= din;
+ 3:
+ dout[3:3] <= din;
+ 4:
+ dout[4:4] <= din;
+ 5:
+ dout[5:5] <= din;
+ 6:
+ dout[6:6] <= din;
+ 7:
+ dout[7:7] <= din;
+ 8:
+ dout[8:8] <= din;
+ 9:
+ dout[9:9] <= din;
+ 10:
+ dout[10:10] <= din;
+ 11:
+ dout[11:11] <= din;
+ 12:
+ dout[12:12] <= din;
+ 13:
+ dout[13:13] <= din;
+ 14:
+ dout[14:14] <= din;
+ 15:
+ dout[15:15] <= din;
+ endcase
+ case (({(ctrl)*(5'b 01011)})+(0))
+ 0:
+ dout[0:0] <= din;
+ 1:
+ dout[1:1] <= din;
+ 2:
+ dout[2:2] <= din;
+ 3:
+ dout[3:3] <= din;
+ 4:
+ dout[4:4] <= din;
+ 5:
+ dout[5:5] <= din;
+ 6:
+ dout[6:6] <= din;
+ 7:
+ dout[7:7] <= din;
+ 8:
+ dout[8:8] <= din;
+ 9:
+ dout[9:9] <= din;
+ 10:
+ dout[10:10] <= din;
+ 11:
+ dout[11:11] <= din;
+ 12:
+ dout[12:12] <= din;
+ 13:
+ dout[13:13] <= din;
+ 14:
+ dout[14:14] <= din;
+ 15:
+ dout[15:15] <= din;
+ endcase
+ case (({(ctrl)*(5'b 01100)})+(0))
+ 0:
+ dout[0:0] <= din;
+ 1:
+ dout[1:1] <= din;
+ 2:
+ dout[2:2] <= din;
+ 3:
+ dout[3:3] <= din;
+ 4:
+ dout[4:4] <= din;
+ 5:
+ dout[5:5] <= din;
+ 6:
+ dout[6:6] <= din;
+ 7:
+ dout[7:7] <= din;
+ 8:
+ dout[8:8] <= din;
+ 9:
+ dout[9:9] <= din;
+ 10:
+ dout[10:10] <= din;
+ 11:
+ dout[11:11] <= din;
+ 12:
+ dout[12:12] <= din;
+ 13:
+ dout[13:13] <= din;
+ 14:
+ dout[14:14] <= din;
+ 15:
+ dout[15:15] <= din;
+ endcase
+ case (({(ctrl)*(5'b 01101)})+(0))
+ 0:
+ dout[0:0] <= din;
+ 1:
+ dout[1:1] <= din;
+ 2:
+ dout[2:2] <= din;
+ 3:
+ dout[3:3] <= din;
+ 4:
+ dout[4:4] <= din;
+ 5:
+ dout[5:5] <= din;
+ 6:
+ dout[6:6] <= din;
+ 7:
+ dout[7:7] <= din;
+ 8:
+ dout[8:8] <= din;
+ 9:
+ dout[9:9] <= din;
+ 10:
+ dout[10:10] <= din;
+ 11:
+ dout[11:11] <= din;
+ 12:
+ dout[12:12] <= din;
+ 13:
+ dout[13:13] <= din;
+ 14:
+ dout[14:14] <= din;
+ 15:
+ dout[15:15] <= din;
+ endcase
+ case (({(ctrl)*(5'b 01110)})+(0))
+ 0:
+ dout[0:0] <= din;
+ 1:
+ dout[1:1] <= din;
+ 2:
+ dout[2:2] <= din;
+ 3:
+ dout[3:3] <= din;
+ 4:
+ dout[4:4] <= din;
+ 5:
+ dout[5:5] <= din;
+ 6:
+ dout[6:6] <= din;
+ 7:
+ dout[7:7] <= din;
+ 8:
+ dout[8:8] <= din;
+ 9:
+ dout[9:9] <= din;
+ 10:
+ dout[10:10] <= din;
+ 11:
+ dout[11:11] <= din;
+ 12:
+ dout[12:12] <= din;
+ 13:
+ dout[13:13] <= din;
+ 14:
+ dout[14:14] <= din;
+ 15:
+ dout[15:15] <= din;
+ endcase
+ case (({(ctrl)*(5'b 01111)})+(0))
+ 0:
+ dout[0:0] <= din;
+ 1:
+ dout[1:1] <= din;
+ 2:
+ dout[2:2] <= din;
+ 3:
+ dout[3:3] <= din;
+ 4:
+ dout[4:4] <= din;
+ 5:
+ dout[5:5] <= din;
+ 6:
+ dout[6:6] <= din;
+ 7:
+ dout[7:7] <= din;
+ 8:
+ dout[8:8] <= din;
+ 9:
+ dout[9:9] <= din;
+ 10:
+ dout[10:10] <= din;
+ 11:
+ dout[11:11] <= din;
+ 12:
+ dout[12:12] <= din;
+ 13:
+ dout[13:13] <= din;
+ 14:
+ dout[14:14] <= din;
+ 15:
+ dout[15:15] <= din;
+ endcase
+ sel = 5'b 10000;
+ end
+ endcase
+ endmodule
--- /dev/null
+module multiple_blocking #(parameter WIDTH=32, SELW=1, CTRLW=$clog2(WIDTH), DINW=2**SELW)
+ (input clk,
+ input [CTRLW-1:0] ctrl,
+ input [DINW-1:0] din,
+ input [SELW-1:0] sel,
+ output reg [WIDTH-1:0] dout);
+ localparam SLICE = WIDTH/(SELW**2);
+ reg [CTRLW:0] a;
+ reg [SELW-1:0] b;
+ reg [DINW:0] c;
+ always @(posedge clk) begin
+ a = ctrl + 1;
+ b = sel - 1;
+ c = ~din;
+ dout = dout + 1;
+ dout[a*b+:SLICE] = c;
+ end
--- /dev/null
+module multiple_blocking_gate (clk, ctrl, din, sel, dout);
+ input clk;
+ input [4:0] ctrl;
+ input [1:0] din;
+ input [0:0] sel;
+ output reg [31:0] dout;
+ reg [5:0] a;
+ reg [0:0] b;
+ reg [2:0] c;
+ always @(posedge clk)
+ begin
+ a = (ctrl)+(1);
+ b = (sel)-(1);
+ c = ~(din);
+ dout = (dout)+(1);
+ case (({(a)*(b)})+(0))
+ 0:
+ dout[31:0] = c;
+ 1:
+ dout[31:1] = c;
+ 2:
+ dout[31:2] = c;
+ 3:
+ dout[31:3] = c;
+ 4:
+ dout[31:4] = c;
+ 5:
+ dout[31:5] = c;
+ 6:
+ dout[31:6] = c;
+ 7:
+ dout[31:7] = c;
+ 8:
+ dout[31:8] = c;
+ 9:
+ dout[31:9] = c;
+ 10:
+ dout[31:10] = c;
+ 11:
+ dout[31:11] = c;
+ 12:
+ dout[31:12] = c;
+ 13:
+ dout[31:13] = c;
+ 14:
+ dout[31:14] = c;
+ 15:
+ dout[31:15] = c;
+ 16:
+ dout[31:16] = c;
+ 17:
+ dout[31:17] = c;
+ 18:
+ dout[31:18] = c;
+ 19:
+ dout[31:19] = c;
+ 20:
+ dout[31:20] = c;
+ 21:
+ dout[31:21] = c;
+ 22:
+ dout[31:22] = c;
+ 23:
+ dout[31:23] = c;
+ 24:
+ dout[31:24] = c;
+ 25:
+ dout[31:25] = c;
+ 26:
+ dout[31:26] = c;
+ 27:
+ dout[31:27] = c;
+ 28:
+ dout[31:28] = c;
+ 29:
+ dout[31:29] = c;
+ 30:
+ dout[31:30] = c;
+ 31:
+ dout[31:31] = c;
+ endcase
+ end
--- /dev/null
+module nonblocking #(parameter WIDTH=32, SELW=1, CTRLW=$clog2(WIDTH), DINW=2**SELW)
+ (input clk,
+ input [CTRLW-1:0] ctrl,
+ input [DINW-1:0] din,
+ input [SELW-1:0] sel,
+ output reg [WIDTH-1:0] dout);
+ localparam SLICE = WIDTH/(SELW**2);
+ always @(posedge clk) begin
+ dout <= dout + 1;
+ dout[ctrl*sel+:SLICE] <= din ;
+ end
--- /dev/null
+module nonblocking_gate (clk, ctrl, din, sel, dout);
+ input clk;
+ input [4:0] ctrl;
+ input [1:0] din;
+ input [0:0] sel;
+ output reg [31:0] dout;
+ always @(posedge clk)
+ begin
+ dout <= (dout)+(1);
+ case (({(ctrl)*(sel)})+(0))
+ 0:
+ dout[31:0] <= din;
+ 1:
+ dout[31:1] <= din;
+ 2:
+ dout[31:2] <= din;
+ 3:
+ dout[31:3] <= din;
+ 4:
+ dout[31:4] <= din;
+ 5:
+ dout[31:5] <= din;
+ 6:
+ dout[31:6] <= din;
+ 7:
+ dout[31:7] <= din;
+ 8:
+ dout[31:8] <= din;
+ 9:
+ dout[31:9] <= din;
+ 10:
+ dout[31:10] <= din;
+ 11:
+ dout[31:11] <= din;
+ 12:
+ dout[31:12] <= din;
+ 13:
+ dout[31:13] <= din;
+ 14:
+ dout[31:14] <= din;
+ 15:
+ dout[31:15] <= din;
+ 16:
+ dout[31:16] <= din;
+ 17:
+ dout[31:17] <= din;
+ 18:
+ dout[31:18] <= din;
+ 19:
+ dout[31:19] <= din;
+ 20:
+ dout[31:20] <= din;
+ 21:
+ dout[31:21] <= din;
+ 22:
+ dout[31:22] <= din;
+ 23:
+ dout[31:23] <= din;
+ 24:
+ dout[31:24] <= din;
+ 25:
+ dout[31:25] <= din;
+ 26:
+ dout[31:26] <= din;
+ 27:
+ dout[31:27] <= din;
+ 28:
+ dout[31:28] <= din;
+ 29:
+ dout[31:29] <= din;
+ 30:
+ dout[31:30] <= din;
+ 31:
+ dout[31:31] <= din;
+ endcase
+ end
--- /dev/null
+module original #(parameter WIDTH=32, SELW=1, CTRLW=$clog2(WIDTH), DINW=2**SELW)
+ (input clk,
+ input [CTRLW-1:0] ctrl,
+ input [DINW-1:0] din,
+ input [SELW-1:0] sel,
+ output reg [WIDTH-1:0] dout);
+ localparam SLICE = WIDTH/(SELW**2);
+ always @(posedge clk)
+ begin
+ dout[ctrl*sel+:SLICE] <= din ;
+ end
--- /dev/null
+module original_gate (clk, ctrl, din, sel, dout);
+ input clk;
+ input [4:0] ctrl;
+ input [1:0] din;
+ input [0:0] sel;
+ output reg [31:0] dout;
+ always @(posedge clk)
+ case (({(ctrl)*(sel)})+(0))
+ 0:
+ dout[31:0] <= din;
+ 1:
+ dout[31:1] <= din;
+ 2:
+ dout[31:2] <= din;
+ 3:
+ dout[31:3] <= din;
+ 4:
+ dout[31:4] <= din;
+ 5:
+ dout[31:5] <= din;
+ 6:
+ dout[31:6] <= din;
+ 7:
+ dout[31:7] <= din;
+ 8:
+ dout[31:8] <= din;
+ 9:
+ dout[31:9] <= din;
+ 10:
+ dout[31:10] <= din;
+ 11:
+ dout[31:11] <= din;
+ 12:
+ dout[31:12] <= din;
+ 13:
+ dout[31:13] <= din;
+ 14:
+ dout[31:14] <= din;
+ 15:
+ dout[31:15] <= din;
+ 16:
+ dout[31:16] <= din;
+ 17:
+ dout[31:17] <= din;
+ 18:
+ dout[31:18] <= din;
+ 19:
+ dout[31:19] <= din;
+ 20:
+ dout[31:20] <= din;
+ 21:
+ dout[31:21] <= din;
+ 22:
+ dout[31:22] <= din;
+ 23:
+ dout[31:23] <= din;
+ 24:
+ dout[31:24] <= din;
+ 25:
+ dout[31:25] <= din;
+ 26:
+ dout[31:26] <= din;
+ 27:
+ dout[31:27] <= din;
+ 28:
+ dout[31:28] <= din;
+ 29:
+ dout[31:29] <= din;
+ 30:
+ dout[31:30] <= din;
+ 31:
+ dout[31:31] <= din;
+ endcase
--- /dev/null
+module reset_test #(parameter WIDTH=32, SELW=1, CTRLW=$clog2(WIDTH), DINW=2**SELW)
+ (input clk,
+ input [CTRLW-1:0] ctrl,
+ input [DINW-1:0] din,
+ input [SELW-1:0] sel,
+ output reg [WIDTH-1:0] dout);
+ reg [SELW:0] i;
+ wire [SELW-1:0] rval = {reset, {SELW-1{1'b0}}};
+ localparam SLICE = WIDTH/(SELW**2);
+ // Doing exotic reset. masking 2 LSB bits to 0, 6 MSB bits to 1 for
+ // whatever reason.
+ always @(posedge clk) begin
+ if (reset) begin: reset_mask
+ for (i = 0; i < {SELW{1'b1}}; i=i+1) begin
+ dout[i*rval+:SLICE] <= 32'hDEAD;
+ end
+ end
+ //else begin
+ dout[ctrl*sel+:SLICE] <= din;
+ //end
+ end
--- /dev/null
+module reset_test_gate (clk, ctrl, din, sel, dout);
+ input clk;
+ input [4:0] ctrl;
+ input [1:0] din;
+ input [0:0] sel;
+ output reg [31:0] dout;
+ reg [1:0] i;
+ wire [0:0] rval;
+ assign rval = {reset, 1'b0 };
+ always @(posedge clk)
+ begin
+ case (|(reset))
+ 1'b 1:
+ begin
+ case (({(0)*(rval)})+(0))
+ 0:
+ dout[31:0] <= 57005;
+ 1:
+ dout[31:1] <= 57005;
+ 2:
+ dout[31:2] <= 57005;
+ 3:
+ dout[31:3] <= 57005;
+ 4:
+ dout[31:4] <= 57005;
+ 5:
+ dout[31:5] <= 57005;
+ 6:
+ dout[31:6] <= 57005;
+ 7:
+ dout[31:7] <= 57005;
+ 8:
+ dout[31:8] <= 57005;
+ 9:
+ dout[31:9] <= 57005;
+ 10:
+ dout[31:10] <= 57005;
+ 11:
+ dout[31:11] <= 57005;
+ 12:
+ dout[31:12] <= 57005;
+ 13:
+ dout[31:13] <= 57005;
+ 14:
+ dout[31:14] <= 57005;
+ 15:
+ dout[31:15] <= 57005;
+ 16:
+ dout[31:16] <= 57005;
+ 17:
+ dout[31:17] <= 57005;
+ 18:
+ dout[31:18] <= 57005;
+ 19:
+ dout[31:19] <= 57005;
+ 20:
+ dout[31:20] <= 57005;
+ 21:
+ dout[31:21] <= 57005;
+ 22:
+ dout[31:22] <= 57005;
+ 23:
+ dout[31:23] <= 57005;
+ 24:
+ dout[31:24] <= 57005;
+ 25:
+ dout[31:25] <= 57005;
+ 26:
+ dout[31:26] <= 57005;
+ 27:
+ dout[31:27] <= 57005;
+ 28:
+ dout[31:28] <= 57005;
+ 29:
+ dout[31:29] <= 57005;
+ 30:
+ dout[31:30] <= 57005;
+ 31:
+ dout[31:31] <= 57005;
+ endcase
+ i = 1;
+ end
+ endcase
+ case (({(ctrl)*(sel)})+(0))
+ 0:
+ dout[31:0] <= din;
+ 1:
+ dout[31:1] <= din;
+ 2:
+ dout[31:2] <= din;
+ 3:
+ dout[31:3] <= din;
+ 4:
+ dout[31:4] <= din;
+ 5:
+ dout[31:5] <= din;
+ 6:
+ dout[31:6] <= din;
+ 7:
+ dout[31:7] <= din;
+ 8:
+ dout[31:8] <= din;
+ 9:
+ dout[31:9] <= din;
+ 10:
+ dout[31:10] <= din;
+ 11:
+ dout[31:11] <= din;
+ 12:
+ dout[31:12] <= din;
+ 13:
+ dout[31:13] <= din;
+ 14:
+ dout[31:14] <= din;
+ 15:
+ dout[31:15] <= din;
+ 16:
+ dout[31:16] <= din;
+ 17:
+ dout[31:17] <= din;
+ 18:
+ dout[31:18] <= din;
+ 19:
+ dout[31:19] <= din;
+ 20:
+ dout[31:20] <= din;
+ 21:
+ dout[31:21] <= din;
+ 22:
+ dout[31:22] <= din;
+ 23:
+ dout[31:23] <= din;
+ 24:
+ dout[31:24] <= din;
+ 25:
+ dout[31:25] <= din;
+ 26:
+ dout[31:26] <= din;
+ 27:
+ dout[31:27] <= din;
+ 28:
+ dout[31:28] <= din;
+ 29:
+ dout[31:29] <= din;
+ 30:
+ dout[31:30] <= din;
+ 31:
+ dout[31:31] <= din;
+ endcase
+ end
--- /dev/null
+module reversed #(parameter WIDTH=32, SELW=4, CTRLW=$clog2(WIDTH), DINW=2**SELW)
+ (input clk,
+ input [CTRLW-1:0] ctrl,
+ input [DINW-1:0] din,
+ input [SELW-1:0] sel,
+ output reg [WIDTH-1:0] dout);
+ localparam SLICE = WIDTH/(SELW**2);
+ always @(posedge clk) begin
+ dout[(WIDTH-ctrl*sel)-:SLICE] <= din;
+ end
--- /dev/null
+module reversed_gate (clk, ctrl, din, sel, dout);
+ input clk;
+ input [4:0] ctrl;
+ input [15:0] din;
+ input [3:0] sel;
+ output reg [31:0] dout;
+ always @(posedge clk)
+ case ((({(32)-((ctrl)*(sel))})+(1))-(2))
+ 0:
+ dout[1:0] <= din;
+ 1:
+ dout[2:1] <= din;
+ 2:
+ dout[3:2] <= din;
+ 3:
+ dout[4:3] <= din;
+ 4:
+ dout[5:4] <= din;
+ 5:
+ dout[6:5] <= din;
+ 6:
+ dout[7:6] <= din;
+ 7:
+ dout[8:7] <= din;
+ 8:
+ dout[9:8] <= din;
+ 9:
+ dout[10:9] <= din;
+ 10:
+ dout[11:10] <= din;
+ 11:
+ dout[12:11] <= din;
+ 12:
+ dout[13:12] <= din;
+ 13:
+ dout[14:13] <= din;
+ 14:
+ dout[15:14] <= din;
+ 15:
+ dout[16:15] <= din;
+ 16:
+ dout[17:16] <= din;
+ 17:
+ dout[18:17] <= din;
+ 18:
+ dout[19:18] <= din;
+ 19:
+ dout[20:19] <= din;
+ 20:
+ dout[21:20] <= din;
+ 21:
+ dout[22:21] <= din;
+ 22:
+ dout[23:22] <= din;
+ 23:
+ dout[24:23] <= din;
+ 24:
+ dout[25:24] <= din;
+ 25:
+ dout[26:25] <= din;
+ 26:
+ dout[27:26] <= din;
+ 27:
+ dout[28:27] <= din;
+ 28:
+ dout[29:28] <= din;
+ 29:
+ dout[30:29] <= din;
+ 30:
+ dout[31:30] <= din;
+ 31:
+ dout[31:31] <= din;
+ endcase